Check Out These Nuggets!

Jump to Last Post 1-17 of 17 discussions (23 posts)
  1. B.T. Evilpants profile image59
    B.T. Evilpantsposted 15 years ago

    I'd like to thank the academy for making this night possible! I invite you all to the red carpet to meet the nominees, and place your vote! … ld-Premier

  2. Shirley Anderson profile image70
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago


  3. Ryan Hupfer profile image61
    Ryan Hupferposted 15 years ago

    *sniff* *sniff*...does anyone else smell something?

    1. ripplemaker profile image80
      ripplemakerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Eeeewwww! lollollol

  4. Dame Scribe profile image54
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    Geezz...a SPAMMER hmm remove that from our forum tongue

    HubNuggets big_smile yayyyy! off to read, fight with myself and vote

    1. ripplemaker profile image80
      ripplemakerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Dame Scribe, more fighting with the self many good hubs to choose from! lol Have fun! smile

  5. rmcrayne profile image94
    rmcrayneposted 15 years ago

    I have dutifully read all of the nominees.  I have decided to sleep on it a night or two, instead of voting right away as I usually do.  See which ones made a lasting impression.

    1. ripplemaker profile image80
      ripplemakerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you rmcrayne for taking time to read the Hubnuggets. We truly appreciate it.  Good idea for taking time to think about it and vote after smile I already voted but it was a tough choice.

  6. Zsuzsy Bee profile image85
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 15 years ago

    In honor of "talk like a pirate day" Aaaaargh, ye bilge rats, that be enuff of yer sass ya Hubnugget-team, ye landlubbers, quit makin the choices so hard or else yer soon to be acquainted with Davy Jones in his there locker his-self! Congrats to all ya hubnuggeteers. Did ma readin and ma votin.

    1. B.T. Evilpants profile image59
      B.T. Evilpantsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Avast ye scurvy dog! Belay that talk afore ye get yerself keelhauled! If yer gonna be throwin' blame around, I suggest ye be hurlin' it in the proper direction. I do b'lieve the wannabes is the ones responsible fer yer torture. As fer Davey Jones, he be a close personal friend o' mine. So I happen to know that the only thing in his locker is a right nasty old pair o' pantaloons!

  7. Zsuzsy Bee profile image85
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 15 years ago

    good one BT I'm all out of arrrrrrgh.....

    1. B.T. Evilpants profile image59
      B.T. Evilpantsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Aye! Too much pillagin' can do that to a soul. Have some grog, and ye'll be right as rain, Zsuzsy.

  8. RedElf profile image88
    RedElfposted 15 years ago

    Done - and thanks. Some great Hubs there.

  9. B.T. Evilpants profile image59
    B.T. Evilpantsposted 15 years ago

    Woohoo! 133 votes! Keep 'em coming, guys!

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image61
      Ryan Hupferposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, looking good this week!

  10. Herald Daily profile image58
    Herald Dailyposted 15 years ago

    It's late now but I'll be back to do my civic hub duty tomorrow.

    That pic that Ryan posted is flippin' a gross way.

  11. Patty Inglish, MS profile image89
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 15 years ago

    I've voted too!

  12. Simple Tim profile image57
    Simple Timposted 15 years ago

    Thanks for the nomination and for the votes loyal beatles fans! "yeah! yeah! yeah!"...

  13. profile image0
    wordscribe41posted 15 years ago

    Congratulations all nominees!  Great reading, happy voting.  I just voted...  Good luck.  smile

  14. Leslie L. Sanders profile image67
    Leslie L. Sandersposted 15 years ago

    Thanks you for all the comments and the votes. I really appreciate the acknowledgment. Thanks for the nom and thanks for reading my hub.

    I put a lot of hard work and research into my writing and I really appreciate the acknowledgment!

  15. B.T. Evilpants profile image59
    B.T. Evilpantsposted 15 years ago

    Every week I wish there was room for ten HubNuggets in the newsletter. But alas, there can only be five. I think I speak for the whole HubNugget team when I say all of the Wannabes are winners. The newsletter has landed, and the top 5 have been announced. And here they are!

    HubNugget 1: Beatles RockBand see the Beatles come to life in your living room (31%)

    HubNugget 2: How to Earn Recognition as a Writer (30%)

    HubNugget 3: Guinness Shepherd's Pie (17%)

    HubNugget 4: I'm With Stupid: The Educated Idiot (7%)

    HubNugget 5: 10 Spooky Places in Delaware (6%)

    Congrats to all! See you soon with the next batch of Wannabes!

  16. Simple Tim profile image57
    Simple Timposted 15 years ago

    Thanks for putting it all together B.T. Evilpants! and  Team Hubnugget!

    Thanks hubbers for voting! It looks like the Beatles live on with Beatles Rockband! ...still as popular with fans today as they were 40 years ago! yeah! yeah! yeah!

  17. Shirley Anderson profile image70
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    I am the world's oldest living Beatlemaniac.  The 'old' part explains why I don't have this new-fangled thing.  smile  Think they'll ever come out with the Atari equivalent for seniors?  smile

    Tomorrow night and again next weekend, I'm going to see the Caverners.  They're the local Beatles cover band.  That'll make 3 times that I've seen them in 2 months - yeah! yeah! yeah!


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