The Hubdictionary--Add your hubwords and meanings to the dictionary !

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  1. NGRIA Bassett profile image59
    NGRIA Bassettposted 14 years ago

    hub nob-- A stolen hub
    hubnobber-- A hub thief
    holyhubber -A hubber about holy topics
    hubcat-- One who checks mouse movement
    hubsnob-- Shuns hubbers
    hubrun --- A winning hub
    hubplaya--A guy who picks up female hubbers
    hubmom-- Stay at home hubber
    huberlicios--A tasty hub
    hubtastic-- Afantastic idea
    hubbiction==Addiction to hubbing
    hubble-- Checks out the space
    hubitis--An irritating hub
    hubhun-- A hub romance
    hubsting--- A crackdown on illegal hubs
    hubrum-- Hub Forum
    hubsomnia--Loss of sleep due to hubbing
    Hubsomniac-One who loses sleep due to hubbing
    Hubset--- Being upet,angry
    hubrich--Wealth from hubbing

    1. profile image0
      cosetteposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      hub bub - one of your bestest HubPages buddies...

    2. Deborah-Lynn profile image61
      Deborah-Lynnposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Your a genius!

  2. lrohner profile image67
    lrohnerposted 14 years ago

    hubstrophobia - a fear of getting lost in HP with no way out

    1. ~Stacey~ profile image59
      ~Stacey~posted 14 years agoin reply to this


  3. NGRIA Bassett profile image59
    NGRIA Bassettposted 14 years ago

    Excellent! Thanks
    Oh, I meant hubscellent!

  4. Mighty Mom profile image76
    Mighty Momposted 14 years ago

    hubphoric -- the amazingly happy feeling you get when you get your first adsense payout. woo hoo!

  5. profile image0
    ralwusposted 14 years ago

    hubjacking-hijacking a hub by many hubbers

  6. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
    Ryan Hupferposted 14 years ago

    haha...this is pretty awesome -- great forum topic!

    How about Hubarrhea, which would be a really spammy or overly promotional Hub that is so bad it makes your stomach hurt after looking at it.

  7. sunforged profile image75
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    You all seem to be stuck in the convention of including "hub" in your word.

    Let me break the convention.

    We have frequently used the word

    "Fammer" or "Famming" - a hubber who attempts to game the system by fanning at an absurd rate

    and how about "hummer" a slang word for a...oh wait, wrong forum

    1. Deborah-Lynn profile image61
      Deborah-Lynnposted 14 years agoin reply to this
      1. Deborah-Lynn profile image61
        Deborah-Lynnposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Slang words are more appreciated in the Sandpit I have learned, really "cute" though, you seem to be "Hubellious" ...meaning a rebellious hubber who likes to break convention, LOL! smile

  8. profile image0
    \Brenda Scullyposted 14 years ago

    hubliscious..... a tasty little hub

  9. Zsuzsy Bee profile image84
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 14 years ago

    This thread should be in the hubbers hangout.

    Lets not forget:
    hubnuggets---articles written by new hubbers---check them out weekly in the forums
    hubnuggeteers---new hubbers whose hubs are the weekly chosen ones
    hubnugget team---team that read, choose and feature the new hubs weekly---check them out in the hubbers hangout

    1. Zsuzsy Bee profile image84
      Zsuzsy Beeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      How mean I sound... I meant it in a way that if this thread was in the hubbers hangout more people would see it and have fun with it.

      1. Deborah-Lynn profile image61
        Deborah-Lynnposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        It's ok zsuzsy!  We understood

      2. ParadiseForever profile image59
        ParadiseForeverposted 14 years agoin reply to this
        1. ParadiseForever profile image59
          ParadiseForeverposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          How about hubholic means always working on hubpages?

    2. Deborah-Lynn profile image61
      Deborah-Lynnposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Oh yes please do, I am so excited to have been nominated for Hubbnuggets Wannabe award...please read and vote for your fav of the ten selected???
      We are located in the HubNugget forum...Go! Go! Go!lol...  and thanks to those who have so sweetly read and voted already cuz I notice these things!

  10. waynet profile image67
    waynetposted 14 years ago

    How about hubbly jubbly for a most excellent hubpage!

    Or hubvomit for ridiculous puke worthy dribble of a hubpage!!!

  11. steffer profile image61
    stefferposted 14 years ago


    mary poppins on hubpages

  12. ~Stacey~ profile image59
    ~Stacey~posted 14 years ago

    Hubsessed~ obsessive Hubbing

  13. steffer profile image61
    stefferposted 14 years ago

    hubdonalds-a smart hamburger

  14. ~Stacey~ profile image59
    ~Stacey~posted 14 years ago

    Hubensive~ offensive hubbing

  15. lrohner profile image67
    lrohnerposted 14 years ago

    Hubnoxious -- Arrogant hubbers.

    Hubtians -- A Christian hubber.

    Hubvents -- Events like HubMob and 30DC.

    Hunned -- The art of being banned from the forums.

    Hubtacular -- 10,000 views per day from one hub!

    1. Deborah-Lynn profile image61
      Deborah-Lynnposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      OMG "Hubtacular"! can that really be happening in here???

      1. lrohner profile image67
        lrohnerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I don't know. But if it did happen, it would be worth a word of its own, don't you think? smile

        1. Deborah-Lynn profile image61
          Deborah-Lynnposted 14 years agoin reply to this


          Yes! I vote's a great one,  and so are the others, this is the best fun!  Don't you agree Irohner?

  16. Zsuzsy Bee profile image84
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 14 years ago

    hub-versary   a yearly occurance
    hub-a-tite    a hunger for reading more hubs

  17. livewithrichard profile image72
    livewithrichardposted 14 years ago

    Hubandon - Hubbers that write one or two hubs then disappear for good.

    Hubologist - Hubbers that know everything there is to know about Hubpages.

    Hubsquatter - Hubbers that write a couple hubs then spend the next couple years in the forums.

    Hubominable - Hubs that need serious work.

    1. Haunty profile image72
      Hauntyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I thought Hubandon was wild, uncontrolled hubbing with little care whatsoever about what others might think.

  18. Deborah-Lynn profile image61
    Deborah-Lynnposted 14 years ago

    Hubblocked - those Hubbers who really need Forums to heal their temporary writers' block.
    Hubiliciusviscious - Hubbers that are just a teeny bit jealous of other Hubbers!
    Hubboacheivers - Hubbers who write four Hubs per day 24/7/365!
    Hubessence- Hubbers who write so fine their fragrant essence is contagious!

    1. Deborah-Lynn profile image61
      Deborah-Lynnposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hubbatastic! - Great ideas for Hubs

  19. ODDJOBSMOM profile image60
    ODDJOBSMOMposted 14 years ago

    *hubbalubba-someone who loves hubbing, reading hubs, thinking of hubs, dreaming of hubs, haunted by hubs-or lack their of
    *hubbamomm-a stay-at-home mom who needs the hub communtity as a way "to get out"
    *hubhangover-what happens when I stay up until four a.m. learning and writing then get up at 7:30 to get my daughter off to school
    *hubheroes-those whom you look up to for the quality and proliferation of their hubs
    *and my own( just to explain not to promote)
    *Fuunniky Chichen- an extrememly embarrassing moment in your life can be expanded such as
    *fuunnikyhubchichen-how embarrassed I am when comparing my own hubs to those of my hubheroes
    *NOTTO'S (LIKE TATTO) a scar on your ego from a fuuniky chichen
    *hubNOTTO- a scar on your ego from a substandard hub

  20. profile image0
    fierycjposted 14 years ago

    Fieryhubber - a term used to describe blazing hubbers, such as fierycj...

  21. Beth100 profile image69
    Beth100posted 14 years ago

    Hubalation - to be elated
    Hubvation - hubbing vacation or ovation
    Hubsense - hub knowledge
    Hubknobbing - gathering of friends for fun
    Hubonference - hubbing conference
    Hubberific - self explanatory
    Hubstatic - fantastic hub

  22. Christopher Dapo profile image76
    Christopher Dapoposted 14 years ago

    You didn't seem too hubsurd or hubnoxious wink

  23. Christopher Dapo profile image76
    Christopher Dapoposted 14 years ago

    What about giant, smelly hubs?


    Or a tiny hub?

    A hublit!

    Hubbing while washing...

    In your bathhub!

    Gotta good hub, dude?


    Let's top it off...

    With a hubcap? wink

    1. profile image0
      zampanoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      lol you must be a hubaholic

  24. Christopher Dapo profile image76
    Christopher Dapoposted 14 years ago

    Okay, this Hubrum has gotten pretty Hubxotic, now! big_smile

    (notice the Hubly (that's a hub smiley!))

    Now, let's all hub, hubbily ever after!

  25. profile image0
    zampanoposted 14 years ago

    hubligion - hubber's methaphysics
    hublegion - an army of hubbers

  26. Christopher Dapo profile image76
    Christopher Dapoposted 14 years ago

    I just enjoy some good hubversation hubtimes! big_smile

    (now my nose is stuffed! tongue )

    I guess I'm feeling a little hubgestion!

  27. Christopher Dapo profile image76
    Christopher Dapoposted 14 years ago

    Okay, let's face it, I'm hubsessed!

  28. Deborah-Lynn profile image61
    Deborah-Lynnposted 14 years ago


    So I have been nominated to be a

    Hubnugget Wannabe....deffinition: one of 10 finalist selected from 3,000 Hubs this week, if my felliow hubbers choose to vote for my Hub most often, I will get the HubNugget Award...

    I am hoping that when you all take a break from this spot, you'll head over to the HubNugget Forum and read and vote, it's just that simple.

    I will be Hubbappreciative:  meaning so greatful to my fellow Hubbers.

  29. Christopher Dapo profile image76
    Christopher Dapoposted 14 years ago

    Glad I visited, you guys, too!

    Shows we all had a good hubservation!

    Hublater! smile

  30. mjt122649 profile image59
    mjt122649posted 14 years ago

    Here is my Hubsionaries     
    Hubacious - an anxious hubber     Hubayalian - italian hubber
    Hubberia - a married female hubber Hubaiate -loveto write hubber
    Hubblara - a married male hubber  Hubayeed-love to read hubber
    Hubwena  - a halloween hubber    Hubay" o - i don"t know hubber
    Hubbost  - a ghost hubber       Hubayahee - an agree hubber
    Hubbaaugal - a google hubber    Hubayaik - atry to make hubber
    Habajaheo - a yahoo hubber     
    Hubayandi - a sunday hubber
    Hubbou - a coughing hubber
    Hubaiatae - a make my day hubber
    Hubaewstic - a music hubber
    Hubbauine - a caffein free hubber
    Hubashier - a french hubber
    Hubahors - a hors d" oeuvre hubber
    Hubashain - a champagne hubber

  31. viryabo profile image94
    viryaboposted 14 years ago

    Hubnoxious! When hubbers get nasty and insulting

  32. JulietduPreez profile image67
    JulietduPreezposted 14 years ago

    hubalong - join in the hubbing activities

  33. earner profile image84
    earnerposted 14 years ago

    hubosphere---where your online income goes once you've got some good hubs under your belt and they've aged a bit

  34. profile image0
    wordscribe41posted 14 years ago

    This one's Eaglekiwi's (I warned her I was putting it here if she didn't).  Hubgrub- when you spend too much time on HP and inadventently burn/ruin your food.  I've done it numerous times.  CURSES!

  35. Deborah-Lynn profile image61
    Deborah-Lynnposted 14 years ago

    Hub-Tricks - leaving a photo or emoticon on someones Hub or dedicating it to someone in the Hub-Trick or Treaters Forum

    Hub-Treats - reading a Hub and leaving the author a comment, with a Halloween twist + punching the up button to rate them up!

    Let's keep this going it's fun!

  36. yoshi97 profile image55
    yoshi97posted 14 years ago

    stickies - those little nodules of food that get stuck in your keyboard ... typically afflict those who eat while they write hubs

    hubneck - a condition caused by hours of holding your head straight and staring at a screen as you continuously write hubs

    avatar metamorph syndrome - a condition whereas a hubber must change his avatar to meet his/her daily mood or whim

    hormonal seepage - occurs when a thread is posted on a forum regarding one sex and it's taken over by members of the other sex

    ear stuffing - a unique way that allows hubbers to hear what they want to hear and ignore that which they don't

    da rulez - the help section on hub pages that explain how everything works and is nearly ignored by all

    fanadicts - those who fan every hubber in the hope of achieving 1000 fans back overnight

    bah hubbugs - little insects that crawl around the forums looking to spread their own misery like an infection

    hubba hubbas - hubbers who use glamorous avatars in the hope of garnering more page views

  37. NGRIA Bassett profile image59
    NGRIA Bassettposted 14 years ago

    Hubangelist--- A Hubpages preacher
    Hubxistence----- Life span on Hubpages
    Hubitite ------- An appetite for reading and writing Hubs and Forums
    Hubucator-------- A teacher whose students are Hubbers

    1. Deborah-Lynn profile image61
      Deborah-Lynnposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile

  38. Deborah-Lynn profile image61
    Deborah-Lynnposted 14 years ago

    Hubable - thoughts that are worthy of a Hub!

  39. KCC Big Country profile image81
    KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

    I have two hubs that a bunch of us spent hours one Friday night in January coming up with song titles and movie titles with Hub as the replacement for words in the title.  It started out with chaging "love" to hub in most song titles, but it evolved.  I still have those hubs published, but they've practically withered and died from inactivity.  It was fun though. 

    It was hubberfun.

    1. Deborah-Lynn profile image61
      Deborah-Lynnposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Bring them out again, it would be great to see!smile

      1. KCC Big Country profile image81
        KCC Big Countryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I just bumped both hubs by posting a link to this forum.  They should show up in your hubtivity. smile

        1. Deborah-Lynn profile image61
          Deborah-Lynnposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          WOW KCC  your not just a teaser after all..I apologize for doubting you;  I'm on my way!

  40. manlypoetryman profile image81
    manlypoetrymanposted 14 years ago

    Hub Bub- when you created a "ruckus" or great commotion on a Hub
    Hub Blub- When you are being a Nerd on a Hub
    Hub Flub- a definite error that you alone are responsible for  on a Hub
    Hub Stud- Needs no explanation.
    Hub Dud- Also...needs no explanation.
    Hub Crud- When someone leaves a bad comment on a Hub
    Hub Snub- a vile and contemptuous act done with malice intent smile
    Hub Slug - When your "camping" out to long on someone's Hub
    Hub Nudge- What you do to "campers" on your Hub.
    Hub Sludge - Pretty much like Hub Crud...only with a "Filthy-type of OOZE"
    Hub Newb- Newbies
    Hub Lob- When you "set-up" a perfectly good response up for a Hub
    Hub Snob-Been done by another Hubber earlier already-no explanation needed.
    Hub Stages- The various stages you go through on Hub Pages
    Hub Suds- If you drink a beer while reading and posting on Hubs.
    Hub-a-thon- the event we are going to have to have for those addicted to Hubs
    Hub-a-long- When you can't seem to get your Hub going!
    Hub Nub- When you wear down your fingers typing Hubs...

    More Later... lol !

  41. Deborah-Lynn profile image61
    Deborah-Lynnposted 14 years ago

    Hubitizers - hubbers who tempt someone with ideas for great Hubs but don't bring them back....hint hint;)

  42. wannabwestern profile image92
    wannabwesternposted 14 years ago

    Hubby My supportive spouse. cool
    HubOrphans My children.
    Hubsanity Did someone say this already? The act of getting a Hubhangover.
    Hubby Hour When HubPages activity is the busiest, as opposed to the personal time and attention my spouse receives from me.
    Glorious Hubberlution When HubPages writers take over page one.
    Hubblubber Gratuitously personal hubs

    1. prettydarkhorse profile image61
      prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hubddicted  - addicted to HP

  43. profile image0
    tequilarosemama4posted 14 years ago

    hubeaters- people who cheat off of other peoples hubs
    hubonly- lonely hubbers with no fans
    hubacisum- racist hubbers
    hubniter- hubbers who stay up all night to write hubs
    hubellows- fellow hubbers
    hubollowers- hub followers

  44. Deborah-Lynn profile image61
    Deborah-Lynnposted 14 years ago

    hubbaticle...when someone has been ill and has to take time off from hubbing....
    hubbassist...when fellow hubbers reach out to a hubber not doing too well
    hubbabaloooouuuuu! ...when a lost hubber rejoins the family's hubbanter on Hub Forums!!!!


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