i see you wrote your topic title in all caps.
wow you must really hate those threads.
i could be wrong, but if you really hate something to the point of becoming physically ill (or "sick" as so many of you have said), you could stay away from them.
i scrolled through the topics list and saw two, count 'em, two religious topic threads and all the rest were not.
page 2, the same thing.
i began one religious thread on sunday and people actually wandered into the thread to say how sick they were of it, and how boring it was, so i emailed the HubTeam last night to lock the thread to spare anyone else any more distress. the thread had over 400 comments, so someone somewhere found the topic worth discussing.
HubPages belongs to every member of the community and people should feel comfortable posting in whatever forum they want to without being labeled argumentative or having their motives questioned.
i see plenty of topics i find boring or silly and guess what? i stay out of them. i don't go into them to tell my fellow hubbers how awful they are, and i don't start threads to do the same. and if you feel that bad about it, there's always the report button.