by Kate Swanson 12 years ago
This has been perplexing me for a while - has something changed or have I just gone ga-ga?Being in a different time zone from most Hubbers, I rely on being able to click the "Your" button to catch up with who's posted on threads since I commented.Recently I've been missing comments...
by Christy Birmingham 12 years ago
Is there a way to tell where on Facebook a hub has been posted?I have over 500 likes to one of my hubs and that is not from my own FB profile. Is there a way to tell where on Facebook the hub is posted?
by Lisa HW 14 years ago
It's not my place to "hope" what I wish would happen is anything anyone pays attention to; but every once in awhile there will be some really, really, ugly thread that it's posted by some nut-case or else posted to stir things up.I'm not talking about some of the silliness and wackiness...
by Tony 12 years ago
Went to a forum topic to post a new comment which I did; comment is accepted, but does not show in the main feed for topics, nor is the date updated within the specific feed for the subject (did that make sense?)My comment - 8 minutes after submission!Feed...
by Brenda Durham 14 years ago
Unless I read it wrong, A Texan just got banned from the forums.What the heck????
by ASHWINSPGA 16 years ago
It is a holiday weekend in the US. But if you put a photo on the internet - expect it to be copied and used.That is how your hubs are produced - Stolen pictures of hot sexy Indian girls?Maybe Shinu will use that photo in a "Hot sexy Indian fiancees," hub.And why not?