URGENT!! You must fix this!!!!!

Jump to Last Post 1-50 of 52 discussions (85 posts)
  1. Christopher Dapo profile image76
    Christopher Dapoposted 14 years ago

    I'm here updating one of my hubs with some good stuff and everything is turning out nice.  I save it and start reviewing my additions when I notice something I need to fix.

    Now, I'm stuck using a mouse that has a slight hair-trigger to it and it occasionally adds a click here and now...

    I click on the little edit button and, just as the box pops open for me to edit it, the hair-trigger accidentally goes off - guess where - right on the delete changes button - and like that everything in the box is gone!!!

    You need to add a confirmation to this and also a notice that this will not undo changes but entirely delete everything in the box!

    Another suggestion would be to turn it into 2 buttons - one that does undo your changes and another that deletes everything in the box.

    Thank god I was able to go back in my browser and copy what I had before I made the changes and then lost everything!  Yes I have to go re-edit the thing, but at least I didn't have to totally redo it all over again!

    Fix this!  Fix this now!!!  I can't stress how important this is to be fixed!!

    My apologies if I come off a little perturbed about this incident, but I hope you understand how dreadful it is to realize how easily you could lose everything you just painstakingly worked so hard on! yikes

    Thanks for reading and I hope you can address this soon enough to prevent anyone from actually going ballistic over a similar problem.

    1. relache profile image68
      relacheposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      It seems really clear that this is an issue which YOU need to fix, not HubPages.

    2. profile image0
      cosetteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      i have had this happen to me sometimes, usually when i am commenting someone, and even if i click back, my stuff will be gone. yes it is rather disconcerting because you have to type it in all over again. this is why i always enter all of my hub content in Notepad. HubPages has a lot of really great features, including saving drafts all the time as you are building your hubs. when this happens to me i shrug it off and keep going, being mindful to take measures of my own to avoid content loss in the future.

      i don't think anyone is 'flaming' you...KCC is extremely helpful and positive, as are many of the other people on this thread. when i read your initial post, and subsequent ones, all i could think was that they made you appear demanding, hot-tempered and hostile, even. i'm sure you don't want to come off that way.


  2. KCC Big Country profile image81
    KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

    Relax....this is a "suggest a new feature" forum, not a "Demand a new feature" forum.

    If you're good, maybe Santa can bring you a new mouse for Christmas.

  3. Christopher Dapo profile image76
    Christopher Dapoposted 14 years ago

    Actually, this is a "Report a Problem or Suggest a New Feature" forum... tongue

    This just so happens to address both! big_smile

    I hope you don't get visited by the "Oops..Oh no, it's gone!!" -fairy!

  4. KCC Big Country profile image81
    KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

    If I do, I'll suck it up and move on.

  5. KCC Big Country profile image81
    KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

    I hope they fix it for you, but you might want to work on your approach next time you have a problem.

  6. Christopher Dapo profile image76
    Christopher Dapoposted 14 years ago

    Is there a reason why you're badgering me relentlessly?!

    I hope the staff here take notice of this harassment!!

    Now I'm getting angry!

    1. KCC Big Country profile image81
      KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

      LMAO.....truly....relax.  I'm trying to help you by suggesting that you're more likely to get the help you want by not demanding they make a change for you.  Report me if you feel you need to.  I stand by what I've said.

    2. Christopher Dapo profile image76
      Christopher Dapoposted 14 years ago

      Yes, I have reported you for your discriminating remarks.  I will not respond to you any further, the staff can deal with you.

      I'm not a bad guy but I won't be walked all over, either.  My only suggestion is you take care as to which remarks you make and how you address the situation yourself.

    3. EYEAM4ANARCHY profile image60
      EYEAM4ANARCHYposted 14 years ago

      Having a confirmation would be a good thing for that sort of situation. However, I've had new text disappear because I lost my wireless connection while saving and other times for no discernible reason at all. I've gotten into the habit of copy and pasting everything into a text file prior to saving it as a back up. Another option is to use a text editor to write out the hub content beforehand and then copy it into the hub editor.

      1. profile image0
        EmpressFelicityposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Couldn't agree more!

    4. Len Cannon profile image88
      Len Cannonposted 14 years ago

      It is a risk you run when writing in any open text field online.  If you are worried about retaining your work, write it out ahead of time in a text editor like Word.

    5. profile image0
      Crazdwriterposted 14 years ago

      oooo Chris I'm sorry that has happened to you! Hope the problem gets fixed for ya.

      Thankfully I have yet to have this issue...And I hope it stays that way too lol.

    6. KCC Big Country profile image81
      KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

      I look forward to HubPages' assessment of the situation.

      1. profile image0
        Justine76posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        what is going on up there? was that all a sarcastic joke or is htere soemthing wrong with tha guy?...
        I delete stuff all the time. I click on the edit button on my browser and then click undo. usally works out. But just to be safe, I usally write everything in a word document before and save it on my hard drive..then I can copy and paste as needed.
        Hope everything works out here. smile  <--- (see, Im being nice)

        1. profile image0
          poetlorraineposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          bless you my child

    7. Christopher Dapo profile image76
      Christopher Dapoposted 14 years ago

      To address my main post, I'm not demanding anything for myself, just addressing the fact that without a failsafe to catch mistakes, you could end up with some very upset users.

      This is why our computers have a recycling bin, because mistakes happen.

      1. Marisa Wright profile image84
        Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        As others have said, there are lots of reasons why you could lose your work, even if HubPages instituted "fail-safe" procedures.  It's always a good idea to write your Hub in a word-processor first, then copy and paste it.  That way you have a backup copy, too.

        Having said that, I prefer writing my Hubs on the site - I can't explain why!  I just remain conscious that it's a risk I run.  If I were working with dodgy hardware, I'd probably use Word to be on the safe side.

        Final note - please read posts twice before you fly off the handle at people.  KCC made a facetious remark, which you may not have found funny but your reaction was decidedly OTT.  Bear in mind that by commenting on your post, he bumped the thread up to the head of the forum.

    8. Christopher Dapo profile image76
      Christopher Dapoposted 14 years ago

      I agree with using the notepad edit method and usually do so when I can.  In this instance, I was simply going to address the spacing issues associated with how hubs are displayed when the contents of the section just up and disappeared!

      It's obvious that when a section is saved using the button that it has been recorded on file somewhere.  I have no idea why discarding changes isn't directly reverting to that save instead of saving over it with a blank save.

      Hence why it should be addressed so urgently - it's not discarding those changes, it's discarding everything!

    9. sunforged profile image75
      sunforgedposted 14 years ago

      I think you will find this to be very very helpful for you..of course the problem lies in your hypersensitive mouse which can be easily fixed by going to mouse or pointer settings BUT if you want a longer solution


      This add-on saved me, many times when my firefox liked to die after a recent update ..it autosaves all your text fields, read the article for a better description

    10. Christopher Dapo profile image76
      Christopher Dapoposted 14 years ago

      Again, I have to state that my hypersensitive mouse is not the issue to be addressed.  The "Discard Changes" button which does not discard changes and instead discards everything is what needs to be addressed.

      As for the mouse, it's a mechanical malfunction with the left-click button being previously overused causing the hair-trigger effect - no settings can address this.

      I appreciate the "honesty" in your suggestion, sunforged, but I'm not going to wonder how well that program saves data in text fields that you don't want it too...

      I would just like this addressed to prevent future problems from causing others stress.  Not everyone knows how to regain their loss like I did and I know from experience just how frustrating this is.

      1. sunforged profile image75
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        sure, i had the same problem in a mouse ..my quick fix was to change single click to double click - or even at one point switch the the left and right click functions...i had to do this on order to access my online banking...the hypersensitivity made it impossible to log into hsbc online which forces a onscreen keyboard input..so of course there is a setting to address this just not an obvious one..

        as for the text field save- it merely creates a notepad file in conjunction with each new text field ..the function can be disabled with a hotkey when writing private or secure communications and the saves can be viewed via the scripts setting menu

        If the feature you request ever is created ..there will be quite a lag between now and then..so a personal solution is highly suggested

        your brain learns the right/left switch pretty quickly and its fun when guests use your PC and cant figure out why it wont work for them

        of course, when I explained, they would wonder why I hadnt just replaced the under 10usd item

    11. Misha profile image65
      Mishaposted 14 years ago

      Not interested.

    12. bgpappa profile image78
      bgpappaposted 14 years ago

      A properly asked question on these forums usually gets the input from many of the experienced hubbers here who have had many of the same problems newbies run in too.

      Blowing one up like you did will not get you answers you seek or any help whatsoever.

      I usually don't pipe up on the board flare ups that do occur, which is why I ignore the religion forum altogether, but I found the OP extremely rude for really no reason.

      As for avoiding problems, writing them out first is the best advice for both saving your work and a better product.

    13. Christopher Dapo profile image76
      Christopher Dapoposted 14 years ago


      First off, bgpappa, I wasn't being rude, I was upset.  If you worked hard on something to see it just disappear, you'd be a little upset, too.

      As for responses to problems, you are yet another individual posting to this subject, not with intentions of helping, but to focus on attacking a person who's under stress and is trying to get the source of a problem addressed at it's root, not for the sake of themselves, but for the sake of others.

      If you actually read the "OP", I apologized for being upset to the staff because I didn't want to come off as being rude - just upset over the ordeal.  I felt it was better that I include how upsetting it is to have this happen in order to convey the urgency of the situation being addressed to prevent others from sharing such a bad experience, thus saving face for both Hubpages and hubbers alike and preventing someone who truly is ignorant, sadistic, and selfish from causing chaos that could harm, collectively, the site.

      Right now, I'm again upset because I'm being forced to defend the Hubpages Community, this post, and myself from yet another ignorant, sadistic, and selfish attacker who may very well get this issue ignored due to their ignorance and the constant "negativity" being harnessed in this thread!


      Thank you to those who have commented on the situation or have offered advise on it, it is very appreciated and I hope others can take your advice to prevent them from experiencing this issue - unfortunately, I'm afraid they might be stuck experiencing this issue to get here in order to see that advice so (again, unfortunately) it's not doing much good for them here.

      EYEAM4ANARCHY and Len Cannon - Good advise, thank you, but nobody should have to do that and, like Marisa Wright stated, it's natural to just work on the post the way you are meant to.  I need to also add that using an outside text program can very well be more disastrous as the formatting between the two mediums may conflict with each other, not to mention the formatting in the editor windows here on Hubpages are also a little more unique to the way hubs are displayed.

      Crazdwriter - I appreciate the concern and hope things continue to go smooth for you! smile
      Unfortunately, it happens!

      Marisa Wright - Again, thank you for the similar advice previously stated, please understand my statement above about not using outside editors to do your work.  Thank you also for admitting to what we all will naturally do when we go to post a hub and please understand it's not bad and that it shouldn't be a risk.
      Also, on your note, I did re-read the reply and, though it is fortunate to have had this post plugged, the response was intended as an insult and the poster had no intentions of helping the situation, even so much to suggest it be left alone to cause others distress further on down the road.  They insinuated I was making demands instead of stressing the urgency of this issue being resolved, and due to that alone I now have this post responding to another individual intent on causing harm (who's response is clearly in support of the previous troublemaker and not directly in response to the "OP" as they've falsely stated).

      sunforged - I have to apologize for assuming the worst about a program that stems from a site with hacker in its name, but just to be on the safe side, I have a hacker technician that I will forward that to in order to check it for legitimacy and I'll get back to you on wither it's honest or it's stealing your passwords and other private information.
      In any case, thank you for the best advice on the situation thus far.

      Misha - To be honest, neither was I!  But since it happened, and it's a problem, and since I don't like to just leave problems hanging around, I decided to try and act on it...boy did I open a can of worms!  Now this is even more of a reason to get this fixed, don't you agree? big_smile

      bgpappa - To be honest, I really wasn't expecting much input from experienced hubbers other than having the same misfortune I'm trying to address (and I'm very thankful there hasn't been many).  The issue was addressed to the staff here on Hubpages seeing as this has to do with a simple coding fix that even I could do that would prevent this problem (confirmations on deletes are usually mandatory, btw).

      As for "blowing up" it was just to induce the seriousness of the problem and reflect on how others may get infuriated with losing a big post on here and quit Hubpages altogether over such a bad error.

      As for not finding much of a reason to pipe up on the boards about flare ups that occur, you singling me out like that shows your association with the cause of the flames to begin with.

      Last, problems shouldn't have to be avoided, they should be addressed and eliminated so that there are no problems.  I accept responsibility for my error with my mouse malfunction, but the fact that there is as much a hair-trigger with their button and that it is misleading is an error on Hubpages part that I'm doing my best point out so that they may correct it.

      I myself am a coder and techie, so I know that something like this could have easily been overlooked just as easily as it can be fixed, hence this post.

      Now...can we please get some official concern on this, please??

      1. darkside profile image57
        darksideposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Christopher, you won't like my response, but here it is.

        From your very first post you came across as demanding. Even the title of thread "URGENT!! You must fix this!!!!!"

        You come across as abusive. Yes, you.

        I've been using this site for over three years and am yet to come across a "button hair-trigger". So when you say "Fix this!  Fix this now!!!  I can't stress how important this is to be fixed!!" I wonder why the panic.

        I can see you like to hammer your point across and no doubt any response to me will be in the same vein as your previous posts so I won't come back in here. Nor will I enter any other thread you make asking for help.

        PS: To make it easier for you here is the report link to notify HubPages HQ about my discriminating remarks.

      2. Misha profile image65
        Mishaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Nope. Unlike nice Froggy above, I hope your problem with the site is never addressed, so you get a lesson and next time you have a problem you think not only on what to say, but on HOW to say it, and if it has to be said at all.

        Let me just get it straight - you want site programmers to spend at least several hours of their time, likely more, to add a feature to the site that will create an inconvenience of an extra click for all of its users without any benefit to them - all because you don't want to replace your mouse? And you scream it is urgent, and rudely demand everybody should drop all what they are doing and complete your request? And after this you proceed to bash people who came for your rescue, ignoring your initial rudeness?

        Why are you surprised to get flamed for this? You more than deserve it. Frankly, if you would have done such a thing on one of my sites, I would probably terminated your account and banned your IP for life. smile

        1. Helen Cater profile image60
          Helen Caterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Well said Misha, we all do these things, but don't bang on.

    14. Christopher Dapo profile image76
      Christopher Dapoposted 14 years ago

      And still I'm getting flamed...

      1. profile image48
        HealthTipposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Reading this thread back you didn't get flamed, you got good advice but you overreacted. Read this, now that is something that needs urgently fixed !!!


        1. Christopher Dapo profile image76
          Christopher Dapoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          The sad truth is, I care more about those people than you could even fathom and I'd be willing to sell my soul to save them all, you on the other hand would gladly like to help poke fun at my misfortune and the misunderstandings conveyed by others onto me while plugging your page to make an extra buck off of their misfortune.

          I was flamed, period.

      2. profile image0
        poetlorraineposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        is everyone giving you a hard time then

    15. bgpappa profile image78
      bgpappaposted 14 years ago

      For the record, I came onto this thread originally to see if I could offer any advice and tips, like so many did for me when I first started.

    16. Len Cannon profile image88
      Len Cannonposted 14 years ago

      You wrote way too many words about this.

    17. sunforged profile image75
      sunforgedposted 14 years ago


      i didnt get it the first time, Christopher.

      you are concerned about lifeHACKER !

      You really have never seen that site? it aggregates all the best tech and lifestyle content on the web...its very,very popular

      The plug-in I was suggesting is a "greasemonkey script" which is a plug-in for firefox

      all of the links on lifehacker lead directly to mozilla's own plug-in directory

      You really check out lifehacker...IMO one of the best sites on the web...just happened to come up first when I searched in google for that plug-in for you

      best of luck

      edit...I dont think HealthTip wrote the hub he linked to...as you may have seen they have two different author profiles(In healthtips case its entirely possible - but the writing style doesnt seem to match)

    18. sunforged profile image75
      sunforgedposted 14 years ago

      one of my current projects (your a techie..u should like this)

      http://lifehacker.com/5391308/build-a-s … -the-cheap

    19. profile image48
      HealthTipposted 14 years ago

      I was linking to a hub by Myownworld to show that your plight is nothing compared to theirs. What has happened to you has happened to me twice, it's no big deal and as someone else said you just move on.

      For you to write "you on the other hand would gladly like to help poke fun at my misfortune and the misunderstandings conveyed by others onto me while plugging your page to make an extra buck off of their misfortune." is a personal insult to myself so before complaining about others take a good look in. !

    20. Christopher Dapo profile image76
      Christopher Dapoposted 14 years ago

      Sorry sunforged, but I'm overprotective because I have to deal with AHs all the time.  At first I was just upset because I almost lost a project, now I'm being targeted by people just because I'm looking to get what could be a very serious issue resolved and I've wasted all this time when I could have just finished working on my hub.

      Yes, I come from a very poor family and I've been dragged through the tish for far too long...

      Sorry for not checking that place out sooner, I tend to stick to places online that are safe enough to be involved in that I know.

      Considering the ratio of AHs to good people (about 100 to 2), it's about the only way I can retain my sanity without exploding and taking every one of them out in my wake.

      Again, I'm not a bad person, but I've been trampled over way too much to just sit and take it.

    21. profile image0
      mdawson17posted 14 years ago

      This thread makes me laugh a little! Not at the hubber who posted it however the laugauge used! I remeber when I first came over to H/P and I could not understand any of the tools!

      My friend if I could suggest some good advice for you to always follow:

      Write your hub in a microsoft document and save it onto your computer so if a glitch were to ever happen you have it to reffer back too!

      Further more as I have learned H/P staff as well as the community will always be happy to help you in any way that they/we can; however do not stress out so badly! We are a community and will gladly help!

      Remember what seems to be a boulder in the way; is most of the time just a small pebble you can step over!!

    22. Helen Cater profile image60
      Helen Caterposted 14 years ago

      I think the issue here is more to do with the WAY you asked for the problem to be fixed now. As a new member myself I would not dream of making such demands to Hubpages, but would have asked for help in a softerr manner. The site has been going for years and I have lost work on many occasions due to certain malfunctions. I did not think of opening a thread, because I know I should have written it in a file first to ensure it's safety. It was my choice not to, and so my problem to solve the missing text. If you had used the forums more in your 2 months here you would realise the workings of Hubpages. People are only too willing to help, but it's a case of New kid on the block making demands. Do you really think this is the first time in all the years HP has been going, that this problem has arisen? OK you can report me too if you like, but these forums are for people to remark on, and this is my opinion which I am allowed.

    23. Pearldiver profile image68
      Pearldiverposted 14 years ago

      Amazing... You get one chance to make a first impression in life and you have made your's!  From reading this thread; clearly you need more than your mouse fixed mate! hmm

      With a posting entity that is less than 2 months old; You're a newbie with a spammy attitude that will inflame many!  You post an SOS call and then become abusive towards those that came to your aid. Are you on medication or just have a personality disorder?

      How dare you intimate that there is a high percentage of AHs here! Look at yourself. 

      As far as your post 'problem' is concerned: It's been answered.
      As far as your personna problem is concerned: Get a Life! hmm

    24. Uninvited Writer profile image79
      Uninvited Writerposted 14 years ago

      I'm sorry you had this problem, personally I have never had that happen to me. And, like others, I do write my hubs in a word processor first.

      Oh, and if you think you have been abused in this thread you should check out real abuse in the religion forum or the politics forum.

    25. Paradise7 profile image68
      Paradise7posted 14 years ago

      You know, Chris Depo, you DID kinda overreact, especially to KCC who really wasn't dissing you and only wanted to suggest you change your approach to something a little more moderate, which works better when dealing with other people.

      Don't panic, is always a good piece of advice when dealing with a computer problem.  It sounded to me like you had the good sense to figure out how to save your work, and you did call attention to something that could be improved.

      It's just the manner of your doing so struck quite a few people as overly demanding, or, overly sensitive to the advice to calm down and change your approach.

      I hope it's ok now and you've had some time to re-gain a cool head.  I really don't think KCC did anything wrong, or meant to get you even more upset; nor did anyone else truly mean to attack you in any way.  Sometimes the forums get a little nuts with personalities, but I think this time it was your reaction that put the bonnet over the windmill rather than anything anyone said to you.

      I hope time has given you a little perspective to see that, and not seethe with fury anymore; it's ok in the long run.

    26. Whitney05 profile image83
      Whitney05posted 14 years ago

      There is a popup that asks if you really want to delete the hub. Or are you talking about deleting the capsule? If that's the case, type everything up in word and you won't lose it. Don't think this is a problem needed an urgent or demanded fix.

    27. SweetiePie profile image79
      SweetiePieposted 14 years ago

      A couple of times I inadvertently deleted one of my hubs.  This was overly annoying, and I did have to start over again, but I never got upset.  The Hubpages editor is actually very easy to use in comparison to many of the others out there.  With ehow I often got bumped from the system and had to start again.  The examiner.com used to log you out after a half hour, and you had to rush to type and save.  I never got mad at the editor or the software, and just realize things happen.  Yes it is stressful when you lose your work, but the icing on the cake is that the new writing will actually usually turn out better than the original because you have time to reflect, and change things you may not have changed in the first place.

    28. Pearldiver profile image68
      Pearldiverposted 14 years ago

      KCC did absolutely nothing wrong here; other than stopping to help an emotionally disturbed entity that has all the hallmarks of an abusive personality, well practiced at self justification and manipulation.

      I've meet alot of autocratic personalities who conduct themselves in such manner; most of them were parties to domestic violence and very much in denial of any wrong doing or need for anger management!

      I like to call a spade a spade and make no apology for that. In regards to my opinion on this thread and OP.... I find it repugnant to watch people that I have a lot of respect for in this community referred to as AHs and ignorant; by any new member with a small member problem!

      I really think that Darkside made the point in regard to trying to help such individuals; It is a waste of time and not worthy of the effort. sad

      1. blue dog profile image60
        blue dogposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        well said, pearldiver.
        christopher, where's your fan base when you need it?

    29. profile image48
      HealthTipposted 14 years ago

      " Considering the ratio of AHs to good people (about 100 to 2), it's about the only way I can retain my sanity without exploding and taking every one of them out in my wake.

      Again, I'm not a bad person"

      Personally I found that bit both contradicting and disturbing, what did he mean by exploding and taking everyone out ??

    30. Pearldiver profile image68
      Pearldiverposted 14 years ago

      Ummmmmmmm... Well Artimis.. His ratio wasn't that bad hmm (If you wish to join me as the 2 lol)

      As a man with 'Magic' hubs and a 'Creative' opinion of himself... I find it very interesting that he couldn't solve his problem himself! hmm
      Perhaps the power was out on his trailer smile

      @ Blue Dog.... Thank you smile

    31. frogdropping profile image77
      frogdroppingposted 14 years ago

      To the OP - I hope your problems have been addressed. Don't know if Hubpages can sort out much beyond a software glitch though.

      I know the team are pretty darn responsive as well as polite when you have a software type issue.

      Similar has happened to me before. It taught me a lesson, one I learned from.

      What is an AH? And am I 1 in 98 or 1 in 2? I feel that this is an important thing to be aware of.

      Hello PD. Do you know what an AH is?

      1. Pearldiver profile image68
        Pearldiverposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hi there FD...
        Yes I Do yikes
        It is something that flinches when threatened! yikes
        Generally, strategically placed so that you don't get your flippers in any departing matter smile
        However; occassionally they are worn by some; in the position where a mouth should be lol

        1. frogdropping profile image77
          frogdroppingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Flipper in mouth? Or some other orifice. Cooooo. I have big flippers you know.

          I suppose the wearer (or bearer) has the orifice(s) to match smile

          1. Pearldiver profile image68
            Pearldiverposted 14 years agoin reply to this


    32. profile image48
      HealthTipposted 14 years ago

      AH = Ass Hole

      1. frogdropping profile image77
        frogdroppingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Oh hmm

        Well. I guess it takes one to know one then. Not very nice. To call 98% (ish) of the folks on Hubpages assholes. More so when there's lots of complaining about being insulted.

        That's a 98% direct insult right there, at all in general.

        But I'd imagine the 98% wouldn't whine about it.

      2. Paradise7 profile image68
        Paradise7posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I didn't know that.  He called us all, except for the undefined 2%, assholes?  What is with this guy...He's a banger.  A guy who bangs his own drum, geddit?  Often.  Repeatedly.  With special effects.

        Having said that, I think I shall retire to the garden...

        It was so nice to see Frogdropping checking in again.  Hey Froggy, you're HERE!

        Watch me get slapped for the banger business.  Ah, well...

    33. Whitney05 profile image83
      Whitney05posted 14 years ago

      Personally, this has gotten overboard. I think this thread needs to be closed. *shrugs*

      1. Jane@CM profile image60
        Jane@CMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        With Whitney!

    34. sunforged profile image75
      sunforgedposted 14 years ago

      Its funny but I thought AH was amateur hacker,because he was quite paranoid about the lifehacker site.

      But if its asshole, than im quite surprised at his statement.

    35. profile image48
      HealthTipposted 14 years ago

      "Considering the ratio of AHs to good people (about 100 to 2), it's about the only way I can retain my sanity without exploding and taking every one of them out in my wake."

      It was the above statement that me think AHs was that because I really can't see one having 100 Amateur Hackers to 2 Good People, if I have misunderstood the polite gentleman then I am sincerly sorry to have  blackened his good name.

      You actually might be correct Sunforged.

    36. Flightkeeper profile image66
      Flightkeeperposted 14 years ago

      I though AH stood for Agnostic Herbivores, but if it means something else then I learned something today.

    37. profile image0
      cosetteposted 14 years ago

      omg haha big_smile  "Agnostic Herbivores"...

      that was cute! smile

      well some unknown person just left three hate mails on my walmart hub...they all said "f**K U b***h"....their IP is from gulf port schools in mississippi. i rpeorted them to the hubteam.

      oh boy another manic monday. lot of crazies out there... neutral

      1. profile image0
        Justine76posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        uh, what? someone hates you for your views on WALMART??? wierd..

    38. profile image48
      HealthTipposted 14 years ago

      All I know is next time someone calls me an A-Hole I am either an Agnostic one or an Amateur one smile

    39. profile image0
      ryankettposted 14 years ago

      And you lot thought that I was a drama queen! Whatever next? We will have the 'Help I broke a finger nail' category.

      1. profile image0
        Justine76posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        OH!!! You broke a finger nail? That stinks. smile

      2. profile image0
        poetlorraineposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        yeah i just broke my fingernail what do i do?

        1. myownworld profile image70
          myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          the obvious: start a thread about it, what else! URGENTLY!!! wink

    40. myownworld profile image70
      myownworldposted 14 years ago

      ((((don't meant to interrupt, but thanks HT for that post earlier...!)))

      please continue people...wink

      1. profile image49
        CabinGirl.posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Unfortunately his last post, guess who get's a permanent ban for saying asshole. Some people can get away with stuff and some can't. Just when I was actually beginning to enjoy writing serious, oh well such is life. !

        1. profile image0
          Crazdwriterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Hey CG!! He got banned for saying that? how dumb! I've seen worse than that on here and even those aren't worse, attacking ppl and don't get banned. what is up with that bull?

        2. myownworld profile image70
          myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          noooooo way!!!  u've GOT to be kidding me!!!! yikes

        3. profile image0
          ryankettposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I doubt its a permanent ban CG, are you sure that he just hasn't had an email and assumes that the normal 3 days doesn't apply? Because several people have taken that as a permanent, when it is indeed the normal stretch.

          1. profile image49
            CabinGirl.posted 14 years agoin reply to this

            No I was warned the last time the next one would be permanent, a red card job. Still twas my own fault. Anyways was fun while it lasted, I am also sure it was related to abuse at Darkside over the weekend, rules are rules. Ya don't wanna be banned you obey them.

            Later my friend !

            1. myownworld profile image70
              myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              But HT was doing sooo great....and all the posts I read so far were always witty and interesting! this has to be one big joke!
              I'm just mad now. mad

    41. profile image0
      poetlorraineposted 14 years ago

      tell me it is not true please

    42. profile image0
      poetlorraineposted 14 years ago

      these forums are just not meant to be for some people some how are they, i am sure it is 3 days...

    43. profile image0
      poetlorraineposted 14 years ago

      oh my god..... cabin girl can stay though

      1. profile image49
        CabinGirl.posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        They said in my warning before all my accounts would be banned from the forums so I am sure it will be only a matter of time before this one gets closed. Its no big deal to be honest, I can still write hubs, I really am a twat lol. Anyways I gotta go, places to be.

        1. profile image0
          poetlorraineposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          wherever you go tonight take care.  I am missing you already

        2. profile image0
          cosetteposted 14 years agoin reply to this


          i'm sorry Captain. you were doing pretty good there too...writing a lot and all.


    44. profile image0
      Crazdwriterposted 14 years ago

      I'm sorry but that is just stupid! I have seen worse things than what you have said CG and those ppl never get banned! How lame and stupid!

    Closed to reply

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