HubMob Weekly topic: New Year around the World

Jump to Last Post 1-50 of 52 discussions (76 posts)
  1. Princessa profile image78
    Princessaposted 14 years ago

    Hello everyone, we have had a wonderful mood uplifting week with 43 published Hubs on men , ready to celebrate this week's International Men's Day on November 19.  We hope that with last week's hubs we have contributed to improve gender relations, promoting gender equality and highlighting positive male role models. 

    A special mention to last week's most prolific HubMobster, our Lynne Chandler an aspiring novelist who contributed to the HubMob with 4 hubs celebrating men:
    It's Raining Men
    Male Expressions of Love
    Men Have Body Image Issues too
    Show Your Man Some Love to get What You Need

    This week, we move on to an entirely different topic: New Year around the world.   For some of us, New Year is less than 2 months away, while for others New Year is a bit farther away.  This is the week to write about New Year celebrations in your culture.  Let us know all about your traditions, history, foods, celebrations, greetings and all the things related to a New Year. 

    Some ideas for a New Year around the world HubMob are:

    New Year traditions
    New Year celebrations
    Customs of New Year's Day
    History of New Year celebration
    New Year food: Traditional foods in your culture and foods to bring good luck.
    How do you celebrate New Year
    When do you celebrate New Year and how
    New Year decorations
    New Year cards and greetings
    Best places to spend New Year
    New Year's parades and fireworks
    New Year around the world: The Islamic New Year, the Chinese New Year, the Iranian New Year, the Water Festival, etc.
    Clothes to wear for new year to bring good luck
    New Year Songs

    To join this week's HubMob please follow the steps below:

    1. YOU MUST START YOUR HUB CLICKING THIS LINK.  Choose the Answer the Request green button.  Choose the MAKE A HUB ABOUT IT option. 

    2. Choose a relevant title for your Hub to get a good ranking in the search engines, AVOID starting your title with "Weekly HubMob"

    3.  If necessary, change the category of your hub to a category that describes best the subject you are writing about.

    4. Include the HubMob RSS Feed in your hub: … w/&rss

    5. Add the HubMob graphic to your hub so that everyone who reads it will know that it is part of the official HubMob topic of the week.

    6. After you publish your HubMob Hub, come back to the forum and post a link to your hub with a brief description of what you wrote about and why.  Take advantage of the free publicity!

    If you are still not sure about what is a HubMob and the benefits of taking part in one I created this guide What is a hubmob and how to join one, please feel free to come up with any questions if you have any doubts left.

  2. emievil profile image66
    emievilposted 14 years ago

    Very nice topic! I missed the last Hubmob but I definitely won't miss this one. Thanks Princessa!

  3. profile image0
    lynnechandlerposted 14 years ago

    Thanks for the mention Princessa. I really enjoyed last week and I may have a few I can pull out for this weeks topic. Have to go look thru my files.

    1. Money Glitch profile image60
      Money Glitchposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Just wanted to say lynnechandler, that I enjoyed your articles last week.  I've been grinning and smiling and singing "It's raining men" all week... lol

      1. profile image0
        lynnechandlerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Money its been stuck in my head since I made that post.

        emievil: man that was fast I'm still researching a topic then got to put it all together Woot way to go!

    2. Princessa profile image78
      Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You are welcome Lynne, you worked hard last week, you deserve the mention.  On top of that I enjoyed reading your hubs and like Money Glitch I've been singing It's rainning man all week long smile

      I wonder... if I go out in the garden and sing that around my tree... Could I be really calling the rain?  of men of course wink

  4. Laura du Toit profile image68
    Laura du Toitposted 14 years ago

    Great topic for this week. Look forward to contributing! smile

  5. Princessa profile image78
    Princessaposted 14 years ago

    You are welcome girls, let's see who posts the first hubmob hub of the week...

  6. emievil profile image66
    emievilposted 14 years ago

    Here's my first hubmob for this week. … pines?done

    1. Princessa profile image78
      Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You are the first one this week... well done!

      1. Money Glitch profile image60
        Money Glitchposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        WOW, One day when I grow up, I'm going to be able to produce a hub that fast....That's simply awesome emievil...big_smile

  7. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 14 years ago


    I had nothing to say last week, lamentably smile lol
    But I'm back!

    Happy Native American New Year! … Year-Meals

  8. cashmere profile image75
    cashmereposted 14 years ago

    Moving in to the season aren't we...

    1. Princessa profile image78
      Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      yes we are, having New Year's hubs published in November will give them time to climb up the search engines and give you a good amount of views at the end of December.

      1. cashmere profile image75
        cashmereposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Great idea, you sure know how to pick good topics to get the max exposure and traffic

  9. profile image0
    lynnechandlerposted 14 years ago

    Um Princessa I don't know if that would work, I might need to try it too, lol.

  10. travelespresso profile image68
    travelespressoposted 14 years ago

    Great topic.  I enjoyed doing last weeks hub very much so I will be back for more this week.

  11. prettydarkhorse profile image63
    prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago

    I will contribute this week again!

  12. Laura du Toit profile image68
    Laura du Toitposted 14 years ago

    My contribution - I really enjoyed doing this one - A South African flavored New Year smile

  13. Frieda Babbley profile image82
    Frieda Babbleyposted 14 years ago

    Not something I expected to write, but here's my first one: bringing in the new year - superstitions, resolutions, aftermath, new beginnings … e-new-year

  14. profile image0
    lyricsingrayposted 14 years ago

    I'm in! free champagne? hmm:

    1. Princessa profile image78
      Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      1. profile image0
        lyricsingrayposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Princessa big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile

    2. cashmere profile image75
      cashmereposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      In India you would get "Mithai"

  15. emievil profile image66
    emievilposted 14 years ago

    Thanks Princessa, Money Glitch and Lynnechandler. Just got back two hours ago from a short trip, I didn't see your posts. smile

  16. chenmikehk profile image37
    chenmikehkposted 14 years ago

    Peculiarities of the Lunar Chinese New Year!

    A taste and a glimpse of how the Chinese Celebrate it!

  17. RedElf profile image90
    RedElfposted 14 years ago

    Thought I'd try another "Top Ten" just for fun wink

    1. cashmere profile image75
      cashmereposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Great hub ...wish I had been quicker

  18. cindyvine profile image80
    cindyvineposted 14 years ago

    Oh dash, I thought it was men this week and was just here to get the link to do common mistakes men make during sex!

    1. RedElf profile image90
      RedElfposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That sounds like such a great idea - too great to pass up. smile Maybe it could be included in that week's HubMob anyway, after the fact? Too bad to miss the publicity, but the HubMob's are often searched well after their week is done, wink

      1. cashmere profile image75
        cashmereposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Just tell Shirley after you publish it, I'm sure she'll include it in the hubmob hub

    2. prettydarkhorse profile image63
      prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      hi cindyvine!, you can still post it? I am excited to read about it, thanks,

      I submitted this article for New Years hobmob … -eve-party

    3. Princessa profile image78
      Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Come on Cindy... you know we all want to read that, just go back to last week's hubmob thread and post it there, and make sure we find it smile

  19. Princessa profile image78
    Princessaposted 14 years ago

    I am making sure that I am not late this week: … -the-world here is my hub for this week.

  20. hublim profile image67
    hublimposted 14 years ago

    Happy New Year From Scotland

  21. profile image59
    pinoyconnectionposted 14 years ago

    Hi everybody!

    Here's my first hub for hubmob: … hilippines

  22. ethel smith profile image83
    ethel smithposted 14 years ago
    Thought I would write about Hogmanay in Scotland

  23. profile image0
    lyricsingrayposted 14 years ago

    I'm almost done but I forgot to add the title of my Hub "A Sober New Years"  confused if I should or not, but no harm done I say, cheerio, happy hubbing mobsters!



  24. Specialk3749 profile image59
    Specialk3749posted 14 years ago

    After having the flu in my home for 2 weeks, I am glad to be back!  Here is a short but sweet hub to help along my recovering. :-)

  25. cashmere profile image75
    cashmereposted 14 years ago
  26. febriedethan profile image80
    febriedethanposted 14 years ago

    Hello everyone, just post my contribution : … -Indonesia

    Enjoy smile

  27. Money Glitch profile image60
    Money Glitchposted 14 years ago

    Here's my one for this week...
    Favorite Rituals on New Year's Eve … -Years-Eve

  28. profile image0
    Stevennix2001posted 14 years ago

    hooray to men like me lol  j/k

  29. Shirley Anderson profile image73
    Shirley Andersonposted 14 years ago

    Happy New Year, everyone!  smile

    New Year Around the World HubMob

  30. Kevin Peter profile image61
    Kevin Peterposted 14 years ago

    How and Why do we celebrate New Year ? -
    Traditions and Celebrations Around the World … Traditions

    Give your comments .....

  31. Princessa profile image78
    Princessaposted 14 years ago

    An update on the Category page for common holidays: New Year … idays/5959

    Well done Patty Inglish, RedElf, emievil, prettydarkhorse, Cheeky Chick, Frieda Babbley!!!

    1. emievil profile image66
      emievilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Princessa

    2. Cheeky Chick profile image61
      Cheeky Chickposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks so much, Princessa!



  32. Craftsmith profile image60
    Craftsmithposted 14 years ago

    Parties are a great way to have fun and enter into a new year. And for throwing parties home decorations are a highlight.  I have made a hubpage on different lighting used around the world to decorate their homes on New Year. … lavor-2010

  33. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 14 years ago

    The Lucky Foods of Texas and other Lesser Known Traditions --

    This HubMob topic is great!

  34. Anath profile image65
    Anathposted 14 years ago
  35. Anath profile image65
    Anathposted 14 years ago

    My second one for this week, I hope it is accepted within the topic smile

  36. Shirley Anderson profile image73
    Shirley Andersonposted 14 years ago

    The hub has been updated:  New Year Around the World HubMob

  37. spease profile image47
    speaseposted 14 years ago
  38. Cheeky Chick profile image61
    Cheeky Chickposted 14 years ago

    Oops, I had forgotten to post my link.  Here's my contribution to this week's HubMob.  Enjoy! … eving-Them



  39. Chuck profile image83
    Chuckposted 14 years ago

    Here's my link for this week's topic: … bservances

  40. emievil profile image66
    emievilposted 14 years ago

    My second hub, all about my New Year's Resolution -

    Hey RedElf, hope you don't mind. I put a link to your own hub  because that's were I got the inspiration for my topic. smile

    1. RedElf profile image90
      RedElfposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Not at all, emievil! I'm happy to reciprocate, as a matter of fact!

      ...and thanks so much, Princessa.

  41. RedElf profile image90
    RedElfposted 14 years ago

    Has anyone seen a link to the new topic yet?

    1. Money Glitch profile image60
      Money Glitchposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I was looking for one also, and can not find one! Are we off this week for the Holiday?

  42. Laura du Toit profile image68
    Laura du Toitposted 14 years ago

    No I am also waiting anxiously smile

  43. Laura du Toit profile image68
    Laura du Toitposted 14 years ago

    Hope not - not all of us celebrate Thanksgiving nor do we have a "Black Friday". For us it is business as usual! smile

  44. Princessa profile image78
    Princessaposted 14 years ago

    Coming in a few minutes...

    I had a hard

  45. Princessa profile image78
    Princessaposted 14 years ago

    Ok. HubMobsters the new topic is out:

    Lets get it rolling...

  46. Laura du Toit profile image68
    Laura du Toitposted 14 years ago

    No pressure Princessa smile

    Just started worrying that there was no Hubmob this week. smile

    1. Princessa profile image78
      Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      No worries about that Laura, we are here... a bit late but here ready to start a new week smile

  47. Shirley Anderson profile image73
    Shirley Andersonposted 14 years ago

    All the hubs have been added, now.

    New Year Around the World HubMob

  48. janiek13 profile image77
    janiek13posted 14 years ago

    Although I am years late, here is my first hobmob!

    I hope you all like it. I am still working on getting the rss feed right, so bear with me.
    Thanks! … y-New-Year

    1. Princessa profile image78
      Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Better late than never smile
      Welcome to the HubMob!

      1. janiek13 profile image77
        janiek13posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you! Pleased to be here.

  49. Laura du Toit profile image68
    Laura du Toitposted 14 years ago

    Can we add to previous hubmob topics?

    1. Princessa profile image78
      Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, you can.
      If you follow the rules it would be added automatically to the RSS feed.  But to add it to the Hub Shirley creates everyweek with all the Hubs you need to email her directly with a link to your hub.

      Obviously doing it outside the time limit your hub gets less promotion sad but at least it gets included in the RSS feed smile

  50. Laura du Toit profile image68
    Laura du Toitposted 14 years ago

    Was just wondering how it worked - thanks Princessa smile

    1. Princessa profile image78
      Princessaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      No problem.  Have a nice weekend smile


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