Hello everyone, ready for another week of HubMobbing? After a successful week with 35 hubs so far for our Small Business HubMob, this week we are going to go to a very fun topic. You already know that this year on February 14th most people around the world will be celebrating Valentine's Day, but did you know that February 14th is also the start of the Chinese New Year? In some parts of the world, the celebrations last for 15 days, the time that takes the new moon to become a full moon. Let's join in the festivities and write about The Chinese New Year.
Some ideas for a HubMob hub on the Chinese New Year are:
The origin of the Chinese New Year
Regional customs and traditions for the Chinese new year
The year of the tiger
The dates for Chinese New Year, why do they vary every year.
The Chinese New Year in your country
Symbolism and superstitions
Overseas parades
To join this week's HubMob please follow the steps below:
1. YOU MUST START YOUR HUB CLICKING THIS LINK. Choose the Answer the Request green button. Choose the MAKE A HUB ABOUT IT option.
2. Choose a relevant title for your Hub to get a good ranking in the search engines, AVOID starting your title with "Weekly HubMob"
3. If necessary change the category on your hub to best suit your topic.
4. Include the HubMob RSS Feed in your hub: http://hubpages.com/question/37556/hubm … ew&rss For more information on how to add the RSS feed to your hub you can click here
5. Add the HubMob graphic below to your hub so that everyone who reads it will know that it is part of the official HubMob topic of the week.
6. After you publish your HubMob Hub, come back to the forum and post a link to your hub with a brief description of what you wrote about and why. Take advantage of the free publicity!
If you are still not sure about what is a HubMob and the benefits of taking part in one I created this guide http://hubpages.com/hub/What-is-a-HubMo … o-join-one please feel free to come up with any questions if you have any doubts left.
Kung Hei Fat Choy
Dear Princessa and other HubMob hubbers ,
expand your general knowledge reading interesting things about the Chinese calendar, Chinese New Year and Chinese zodiac. Find out who are famous tiger people and what are the predictions for the emerging Year of the Tiger!
wow! This will give me an opportunity to learn some chinese culture. Lets see what i will be able to come up with.
Let's celebrate Valentine's and Chinese New Year with a feast!!! You can wine and dine your loved one and ring in a new year with this small collection of traditional recipes. This is the first for me for this week's HubMob:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Chinese-New-Yea … Collection
I shall have to put my thinking cap on for this one! I always like to do something different... ummmmm... x
What a fun topic! I look forward to reading all the great Hubs about it.
Let's make it a fun week: there is plenty of choice for interesting fun hubs, let's really mob the web with our hubs this week!!!
O.k. this should be a great and interesting topic, let me see what I can come up with.
here's my contribution to the hubmob, as i decided to make mine about the zodiac calendar.
Thank you for this week topic, I love it, and here is my contribution :
Happy Chinese New Year
This is like the hub I did not the New Year in India not starting in Jan but constantly arriving all through the year in different religions and regions.
The year of the tiger...here I come.
Am done with mine
Did one about Chinese astrology just before the hubmob was announced. Almost my first hobmob. Damn.
I will be giving this topic a miss, while I love and respect the Chinese people I would simply be copying and pasting from somewhere else as I know nothing about the Chinese new year.......I will however read all the hubs that are created about it so that I can inform myself...
http://hubpages.com/hub/Dragon-and-Lion … ation?done
nice Chinese traditions -- the lion and the dragon dance
This is the most important Chinese holiday of the year and almost everyone goes home for it. This means that the trains and long distance buses are packed to bursting, and invariably they stay happy, even for 20 hour + journeys. The students generally go first around the end of January then everyone else over the first week of February. They should mostly be home by yesterday which is the official start of the New Year with a minor banquet for family. Firecrackers are the most obvious sign that it is a special day, is customary to set them off before each meal. Here in the city there are enough, in the village everyone does it and the noise around dinner time is constant. The crackers are wrapped with red tissue paper that is blown apart and covers the roads and house fronts. Yesterday marks the start of the 7 day period up to THE day on the 14th. It is normal to spring clean before the 7th and then traditionally you don't put out the rubbish for 7 days, it is bad luck for anything to be put out of the house in this time. The markets close after tomorrow (the 10th) for one week, so I have been out stocking up and have another trip tomorrow to get some booze in as she has gone home for it and I am left to fend for myself! But then I am a foreigner - so I don't count.
My family and I are planning our Chinese New Year trip into LA Chinatown as we speak! Mostly I'm making a huge list of all the food I'm going to buy! Plus I gotta try out some of your recipes, Beth100. Hope everyone enjoys my hub:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Ancestors-in-Ch … elebration
Princessa! HubPages Elite! You look good with your "e". You should get something for being a 3 year hubber too. I love the new HubPages elite program. But I got overlooked
Not any more RM, you've got recognition too.
You are doing a great job every week with the HubMob round up hubs. They can be very time consuming and you kindly give your time to promote the HubMob not every Hubber would be as dedicated as you are!
Congratulations on your "e" !!
Thanks Princessa. It is wonderful to be appreciated!
RM, what are you doing up? Now I thought I was the only one up in the wee hours of the morning
Well, goodnight if you are still around....
I was on a decent sleep schedule until tonight. I have delayed sleep phase syndrome, therefore have a 26 hr clock, therefore I have to take [natural] supplements to try to have a normal sleep schedule. I had a caffeinated soda early this afternoon, and 2 small pieces of chocolate tonight. When will I ever learn!?
oh have you tried tea Rmcrayne, they are good for you,
here is another hub from me, I am fasciated with Chinese numerology
http://hubpages.com/hub/Lucky-and-Unluc … se-Culture
Maita, I have tried lots of things. Unfortunately nothing seems to work long term, so I am constantly changing strategies. My naturopath gave me lemon balm drops which did not work. Skullcap has worked well, until suddenly it doesn't I have at least a half dozen diffent herbal tea varieties, and it didn't cross my mind to try them last night!
I like the green tea and it is available at Asian stores here,It will make you sleep and dream of good times hehe,
Thank you for your new update on HUBMOB, KUNG HEI FAT CHOI -- Happy New Year!!
Finally I got mine done.
HubMobsters, here is your Chinese New Year HubMob roundup hub:
Chinese New Year-- Learn About Celebration and Tradition from our HubMobsters
http://hubpages.com/hub/Chinese-New-Yea … ion-HubMob
The Chinese New Year celebration is observed beginning the first day of the first moon of the lunar calendar. It is the most important of the Chinese holidays and is celebrated in many countries. The Chinese New Year celebration is a time for food, family, fellowship and pageantry.
I actually wrote my valentines day hub with the chinese new year as a special twist. I maybe could like to two if I can get a hub in in time! Time is so short just now but maybe I can get in on this one, might be a late comer tho .
Late is no problem! I continue to monitor the most recent HubMob (previous week along with current week) daily. I'll usually go back 2 to 4 weeks and look at the RSS a couple times a week. If in doubt, you can always email me. I do lots of late submissions myself!
Hi..I decided to give another try :
http://hubpages.com/hub/The-Traditional … e-New-Year
Top Food Traditions To Celebrate The Chinese New Year
http://hubpages.com/hub/Top-Food-Tradit … e-New-Year
I have published my Chinese New Years HubMob post. I hope everyone enjoys it.
The Link is:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Chinese-Calenda … -the-Tiger
This website was a good overview of Chinese New Year. Maybe it will give you some ideas:
http://www.c-c-c.org/chineseculture/fes … wyear.html
Wikipedia has a pretty thorough list of countries other than China that celebrate Chinese New Year:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Colors-and-Thei … se-Culture
http://hubpages.com/hub/Chinese-New-yea … i-Fat-Choi
These are my contributions for the HUBMOB
Thank you Ms Princessa and Rmcrayne
How do you celebrate the fifteen days of Chinese New Year?
http://hubpages.com/hub/How-do-you-cele … e-New-Year
Congrats Princessa and Rose Mary on your "e"s!! They suit you well!
Your Chinese New Year HubMob roundup hub has been updated:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Chinese-New-Yea … ion-HubMob
The Rich Customs and Traditions of Chinese New Year
http://hubpages.com/hub/-The-Rich-Custo … e-New-Year
The Two Korean New Years
Chinese New year is not unique in the world. There are many similarities between Indian New year and Chinese New Year. Both follow lunar calendar.
Large numbers of customs and traditions are similar to that of India.
What are the traditions and significance of Chinese New year? How Chinese celebrate it in China and outside China? What are the similarities with India? And lot more.....
I submit my answer:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Chinese-New-Yea … -Indonesia
Here is my Hub for this topic
http://hubpages.com/hub/Honoring-Dogs-D … r-Festival
Wheeeeew, finally finished one...
Favorite Rituals on Chinese New Year's Eve
http://hubpages.com/hub/Favorite-Ritual … -Years-Eve
Your Chinese New Year HubMob roundup hub has been updated. We have 23 hubs.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Chinese-New-Yea … ion-HubMob
Have we missed out at all? Do we have a dead line? x
Absolutely no deadline! Princessa never closes the question. Sometimes I don't get a firm HubMob hub idea until Friday or Saturday. I can be slow I frequently submit hubs to HubMobs from 1, 2, even 4 weeks back. I submitted 3 Toys hubs 4 weeks after the Toys HubMob launched. You miss some of the visibility and publicity of the HubMob week, but you can always continue to submit. And you can always email me to get it in the roundup hub.
Phew... Im the slow one not you! I value what you do for us!
Thanks xx
I'm on Chinese food overload, and the kids are on a mini-break from school, so it's getting silly around here...
Here's my first contribution to HubMob. Thanks for the great topic!
http://hubpages.com/hub/Tet-Nguyen-Dan- … -the-Tiger
Well... just in the nick of time, again! My contribution...
Start The Chinese New Year with the I Ching – Be Guided by Ancient Wisdom!
It happens on the new moon. It is the first lunar month of the year. Spring is only around the corner – between four and eight weeks after this event. What is it? This is the Chinese new year – year to commemorate the beginning of something new! A re-birth! Now is the time to make a future. People’s beliefs in China, look at this time as a time to consult the Chinese book of divination to tell them what to do.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Start-The-Chine … ent-Wisdom
Thanks shaz. I'm thrilled with my "e".
I slept from 03:00 to 13:00 today! Now if I can "back my clock up" a tad. I should start a little "tea party" for myself at midnight!
I've really enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year customs. Happy New Year!
Glad you got some much deserved rest RM.
I was born at 11:00 p.m. so it's hard for me to go to sleep prior to midnight. Chamomile or sleepy time tea usually works for me (without any sweetener of course).
I got an idea for another article and that is the fact that there may not be any wild tigers left on Earth when the Year of the Tiger comes around again in 2022. So here is a Hub about the tiger's plight and some things we can do to save them.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Will-the-Curren … -the-Tiger
Here is my contribution to this weeks hubmob,
Your Chinese New Year HubMob roundup hub has been updated. We have 28 hubs.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Chinese-New-Yea … ion-HubMob
Is there some way to find out what the other topics are going to be in advance?
Thank you to all the HubMobsters who submitted their Chinese New Year Hubs last week. You did a fantastic job! and thanks RM for gathering all those hubs in one big roundup Hub
I've just posted this week's new topic: http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/36057 have a look, and most important of all have fun writing!
thank ypu, Good MONDAY morning to everyone
With this hub, it technically becomes 29 Chinese New Year hub topics.
Mine cover the last day of festivities for the Chinese New Year - The Lantern Festival - http://hubpages.com/hub/Chinese-Lantern-Festival
by Wendy Iturrizaga 13 years ago
Hi everyone, ready to start a new week? First of all, a big thank you to all the HubMobsters who took part in last week's HubMob of Summer Sport's. The special mention for being the most prolific HubMobsters of the week goes to:Simple Tim with 7 hubs, followed closely by...
by Wendy Iturrizaga 13 years ago
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by Ryan Hupfer 16 years ago
First of all, I have officially made it to the Las Vegas airport to head back to good ol' HubPages HQ after a crazy week in Las Vegas. I haven't really gotten any sleep today, so I apologize for any bad grammar, misspellings and what not. That's my disclaimer for the day. So, after last week's...
by Ryan Hupfer 16 years ago
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by Leandraluv 14 years ago
I read about the HubMob weekly topic? Please point me in the right direction.
by Simone Haruko Smith 11 years ago
With icy roads, high volumes of holiday travel, and end-of-year rushes, driving can get pretty dangerous this time of year. In light of our presently risky roads, I am making this week's Weekly Topic Inspiration challenge all about car safety and safe driving.Please share your advice on driving...
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