How Do Hubbers Feel About Other Hubbers Sharing Their Work On Sites That Pay For

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  1. Rock_nj profile image83
    Rock_njposted 12 years ago

    How Do Hubbers Feel About Other Hubbers Sharing Their Work On Sites That Pay For Clicks?

    Just wondering because a couple of times when I shared things on RedGage, I got nastygrams from other Hubbers about profiting off their work.  I thought it was kind of odd since they were profiting a whole lot more than I was from any traffic to their Hubs from RedGage.  They were mad that I was making them money and taking a small cut?  Anyway, how do people feel about sharing Hubs on sites that pay people for clicks?  I am fine with people sharing my work on these sites, because I can see the forest through the trees, and that forest has Hub views and earnings on it.

  2. Winterfate profile image69
    Winterfateposted 12 years ago

    That is...bizarre, to say the least. If someone took all of my hubs and posted links of them to websites and I got the traffic, I would assume that I'm winning more than the person doing me the immense favor. That is, assuming of course, that the person is mindful of the concept of SEO and good backlinking. You don't put a sports-related hub on a blog that talks about dogs, for example.

    Now, if you're copying other people's articles...then there's an issue. I've had that done to me, and it's not pleasant at all.

    (I've heard that RedGage is a poor site for doing that nowadays, according to people who know more about Google than me. Apparently, Google doesn't like RedGage at all and views backlinks from there to anywhere in a particularly negative light. Might be the nature of how the site works, or something.)

    1. Rock_nj profile image83
      Rock_njposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks.  That may have been the problem, that the links were on RedGage.  But it does drive traffic to Hub, instead of just hoping for Google searches.  Also, some of the links to my own Hubs posted on Redgage show up high in Google search resutls.

  3. freecampingaussie profile image58
    freecampingaussieposted 12 years ago

    Say you love my hub on "Camping with Crocodiles" so much you wanted to share it with others . I suddenly get a load of viewers - maybe make a few cents - you make a few cents from sharing it - I don't have a problem as they would know I wrote it .
    I would be happy you liked it enough to share it and say Thank You !

    1. Don Bobbitt profile image77
      Don Bobbittposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Great Pic, freecampingaussie. But .... What the &^#* is it?

    2. Rock_nj profile image83
      Rock_njposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks.  I will share this one!  :-)

    3. freecampingaussie profile image58
      freecampingaussieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Rodney a crocodile lol!

  4. mattforte profile image85
    mattforteposted 12 years ago

    I discovered some of my hubs on RedGage.
    Took me a while to figure out why somebody would do that, then I figured out what RG was.

    That said,
    Feel free to post my hubs there whenever you'd like.

  5. sleepylog profile image59
    sleepylogposted 12 years ago

    Feel free to share my hubs any day if it's going to get me views!

  6. Alphadogg16 profile image81
    Alphadogg16posted 12 years ago

    I thought it was against HP policy to submit hubs to PTC sites.....

    1. mattforte profile image85
      mattforteposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      HubPages has no authority over the general internet. If some schmuck from wherever submits my pages on a site, I can't be punished for it, and neither can they.

    2. Gina145 profile image68
      Gina145posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The wording of the question is a bit misleading. RedGage pay their contributors for views of what they submit - in this case it is a link with a short description of the page the link leads to.  Nobody is paid to click the link to a Hub.

  7. Abbasangel profile image67
    Abbasangelposted 12 years ago

    I wouldn't say to no to some back links. I would be mad if you posted the content not the link.

    1. Rock_nj profile image83
      Rock_njposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I would never post someone else's content.  It was simply a link back to their Hub, which does drive traffic to the Hub.

  8. HoneyBB profile image61
    HoneyBBposted 12 years ago

    I didn't realize that some hubbers get mad.  As long as you're sharing the link to their article and you're not copying and pasting their actually article, I don't see why anyone would get mad. I have been sharing the link to other hubbers articles on my facebook fan page and I have never had a negative response because of it. I felt like I was doing them a favor by getting their article more exposure while at the time giving them the potential to earn a few extra pennies.

    1. Rock_nj profile image83
      Rock_njposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It happend around the time when people's page views were dropping due to Google Penguin updates.  I think they thought it hurt their Google ranking, but everyone was being affected.  In fact, these Google updates make backling more important.

  9. Blond Logic profile image87
    Blond Logicposted 12 years ago

    I use Redgage as well. As stated by others I too welcome sharing. Perhaps Hubpages needs to put an opt out of sharing button for Hubbers to use if they don't want others to share their work.
    I am pleased you brought this to the forefront, as the most views I have had on Redgage are from hubs I have linked to.

    1. profile image0
      GoldenThreadPressposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      When someone from RedGage clicks on your Hub's link, does this view show up on HP? I have had over 270 views on RG but only 9 registered views.  And, have you sensed that Google doesn't like RG? I'm on it and not quite sure what to make of it. Thanks

  10. agvulpes profile image84
    agvulpesposted 12 years ago

    I thought Redgage was a pay per view site?
    I also agree with all others that you can back link to my Hubs any time you like smile

  11. Greensleeves Hubs profile image90
    Greensleeves Hubsposted 12 years ago

    I can only agree with what seems like the common sense approach here. As long as there is a link is to the original hub page, then it seems like a win-win situation without a downside. Everyone benefits. If you benefit, then fine, as long as the original writer of the page also benefits from increased viewings and increased awareness of his / her work. Feel free to share my pages if anybody wishes to - sharing in this way sounds like a good idea on the face of it.

  12. DDE profile image45
    DDEposted 12 years ago

    If I am in for gaining more views it shouldn't be a problem but some hubbers may not like the idea.

  13. Seeker7 profile image77
    Seeker7posted 12 years ago

    I agree with most folks that if both parties are winning through this then what's the harm?

  14. Rosie writes profile image88
    Rosie writesposted 12 years ago

    I always have seen sharing links as a positive.  Maybe there is some lack of understanding of how this is a benefit, from the users that were angry with you.  I write hubs hoping they are deemed worthy of reading and sharing, and I think most of us do.

  15. AlexK2009 profile image75
    AlexK2009posted 12 years ago

    Well I have no problem with people linking to my hubs from another site. It gives me more time to link theirs smile 

    Seriously, where's the harm done? And they are not losing money,  what you get comes from HP's share.

  16. Gina145 profile image68
    Gina145posted 12 years ago

    I would be delighted if I got extra views because someone thought my Hubs were worth sharing.
    As long as Hubs are shared in an appropriate manner and on an appropriate site, I really don't see what the problem is. Nobody is going to get rich sharing my Hubs on RedGage, so why should I begrudge them  a little extra income?

  17. CyclingFitness profile image85
    CyclingFitnessposted 12 years ago

    Yes a backlink is good. But do we always gain from the backlink as a hubber?

    The problem arises if the post on Redgage or other site outranks the Hubpages content (Rare but I've seen cases on my work where it has done so, albeit temporarily) whereby the person on Redgage might gain and it does not guarantee the hubber any further clickthrough and gain.

    Link buzz is always going to be a positive to a hubber

    The SEO people I know see Redgage in particular not as a negative site but that there are sites that give a lot more status to links. Plus it pays a very tiny sum so you're going to have to post serious numbers of links to make any money.

    1. profile image0
      GoldenThreadPressposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      So if someone from RedGage clicks on your Hub's link, does this view show up also on HP? I have had over 270 views on RG but only 9 registered HP views.  I'm on RG and not quite sure what to make of it.

    2. Gina145 profile image68
      Gina145posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      GoldenThreadPress I think a lot of people just don't bother to click the links.  It's something I mentioned in my Hub about RedGage because it doesn't make sense to me either.

    3. CyclingFitness profile image85
      CyclingFitnessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I believe redgage scrambles the links (i think i read that somewhere) but I find that clickthrough from redgage is minimal. I think i've had about 150 page views as a result of clickthroughs from redgage over the last 18 months

  18. moonlake profile image85
    moonlakeposted 12 years ago

    I don't know why anyone would get mad. I have seen some of my hubs around he internet and as long as they have a link to my hub I'm fine with it. I did find some with the exact words to one of my hubs and when I clicked, it would go to a place selling insurance or something like that. That I didn't like and I filed DMCA complaint. Google took him down.

  19. xanzacow profile image61
    xanzacowposted 12 years ago

    I wish someone, anyone, WOULD share my hubs!!!!!!!!!!

    1. joanveronica profile image72
      joanveronicaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Don't we all! I often wonder about why some people are so reticent about sharing! I find it so easy to do, provided the Hub is more than average good.

  20. Don Bobbitt profile image77
    Don Bobbittposted 12 years ago

    I LOVE IT!
    Share My Stuff ..... Please!
    Like you said, wehn you share my Hub, I get credit for a "read" and to some degree, I will probably get a penny or two from the other reader. That is what the whole Sharing program is about.
    Not to mention the fact that your works are getting a wider audience.
    I do not understand a Hubber that would not understand the Share system, or be upset.

    1. joanveronica profile image72
      joanveronicaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Echo¨share my stuff, please!

  21. safiq ali patel profile image66
    safiq ali patelposted 12 years ago

    Strictly speaking my friend you are in breach of copyright if you take the material someone publishes here and post in onto another website. If you then make money out of this it is consider criminal even.

    However you can use someones work if you have their permission and you stick to any terms the person puts down.

    1. Blond Logic profile image87
      Blond Logicposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      As I said earlier, at the end of each hub, there is a "link to this page". Surely HP can disable this if a Hubber wishes their Hub not to be shared. I think calling the rest of us criminals is out of order.

    2. Rock_nj profile image83
      Rock_njposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It's just a link back to material someone else publishes.  Not the original material or even a paraphrase of it.  Just a link.  No copyright issue there.

  22. kwade tweeling profile image73
    kwade tweelingposted 12 years ago

    I would think the only reason to be upset about this is if you didn't understand what was going on. If posting on RedGage looks like you have posted someone else's article there, I can see how someone would be confused.

    That said, I welcome anyone else to link my work wherever they like and am happy to do the same.


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