I'd like feedback on my article: Tips on Dealing with Job Dissatisfaction

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  1. Maria Cecilia profile image79
    Maria Ceciliaposted 6 years ago

    Hi Hubbers,

    I'd like some help with passing the Quality Assessment Process. Will you please give feedback on my article Tips on Dealing with Job Dissatisfaction. What can I do to improve? Thanks!  I tried to follow most if not all comments, still it can't pass the quality standard.. I haven't tried grammarly yet though cause I am still downloading it.... This will the lat time that ai will ask your help regarding this hub. Thanks so much

  2. Rupert Taylor profile image95
    Rupert Taylorposted 6 years ago

    It might be the quality of English that's holding you back

    Some examples:

    "Initial reaction to job dissatisfactions (singular - dissatisfaction) is to resign , (no space in front of punctuation marks) it can be a relief but still it is a drastic move."

    "If you can finish numbers of projects in a particular time frame last year, you must do better this year."

    If you finished projects in a particular time frame last year, you must do better this year. Is better

    "If you have several tardiness in your record last year, you must aim for no lates this year."

    If you were late several times last year, you must be on time this year. Is better.

    Also, the origin of some images may be in doubt. Do you have permission to use them?

    1. Maria Cecilia profile image79
      Maria Ceciliaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks so much for the enlightenment, this is another learning process for me. About the photos yes I have permission, they are my friends'  photos.

  3. Gregory DeVictor profile image100
    Gregory DeVictorposted 6 years ago

    First, I suggest that you focus on reading and rereading “HubPages Style Guide and Helpful Writing Tips.” Here is the link:

    https://hubpageshelp.com/standards/Lear … iting-Tips

    You need to do considerable work with sentence structure as well as grammar. Because I have tagged many of your sentences below as run-on, here is a definition of a run-on sentence:

    “A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses (also known as complete sentences) are connected improperly.”

    I have also tagged some of your sentences as short and choppy. Short and choppy sentences in succession can always be combined into fewer sentences, thus making easier on the reader.

    Here are some short, choppy sentences that can be combined into fewer units:

    I went grocery shopping today. I also bought a new calculator at Target. I also withdrew money from the ATM machine. I also picked up the shirt laundry.

    These sentences can be combined and modified into one sentence:

    I went grocery shopping today, bought a new calculator at Target, withdrew money from the ATM, and picked up the shirt laundry.

    I may be repeating certain items on Rupert’s list, but the following sentences need attention:

    “There are several reasons why there are dissatisfactions in a workplace, although some can be just a phase in a worker's life, there are some that can cause a major impact to the individual.” - This is a run-on sentence.

    “Your goal should be about working hard. Anything or anyone that gets in the way or distract your concentration must be ignored. Don't ever leave your job without a sure replacement.” - These sentences are short and choppy.

    “Initial reaction to job dissatisfactions is to resign , it can be a relief but still it is a drastic move.” - This is another run-on sentence.

    “Start picking up your "scattered brain". Take a minute or two to enjoy yourself. Too much concentration on your job sometimes is not helpful.” - These sentences are also short and choppy. In addition, the period comes before the quotation mark after the word brain.

    “Don't wait for the water to boil and burst... meaning, don't allow yourself to explode, and throw your anger to the center of your fury.” - This is another example of a run-on sentence.

    “If one office mate is truly annoying, instead of scolding him or her that may cause crowd attention, try to leave your office, go to a rest room, canteen or anywhere away.” - Once again, this is a run-on sentence. In addition, restroom is one word and not two.

    “In reality, we don't always like the project assigned to us, and the worst we never like the people assigned to work with us, but we don't have a choice.” - Run-on sentence

    "Our dislike for one project must not affect our output, and personal grudge for office mates or team mates must be set aside because it is not necessary for the concern of the company." - This is another run-on sentence. In addition, teammates is one word and not two.

    “Or listen to your favorite music while working, in that case you don't notice how time flies and yet you are productive” - This is another run-on sentence. In addition, you did not insert a period after the sentence above.

    1. Maria Cecilia profile image79
      Maria Ceciliaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much,  and also for directly pointing out the mistakes.  Honestly not so familiar with run on sentence, s this is additional learning for me.   I guess this will take time on my part. Thank you so much for this big help

      1. Gregory DeVictor profile image100
        Gregory DeVictorposted 6 years agoin reply to this
        1. Maria Cecilia profile image79
          Maria Ceciliaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Again thank you so much I might unpublished the article  for a while and study or read


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