by Morgan Anthony 8 years ago
Why does everyone want to stay young?I, for one, am looking forward to aging. It will come in due time, and I wlil be able to experience life and nature's laws in their truest form, instead of fighting them. Why this war against aging? It's another way of saying aging is a bad's really...
by A Thousand Words 11 years ago
I was just laying here on my mother's bedroom floor. She turned to one of the TV preachers, and he was talking about how much Jesus loves us, and the sacrifices that He made for us, and how every human is expected to consciously make a decision to follow Him.And I thought about the girls stuck...
by Ttocs L 11 years ago
Hey everyone, sorry if I'm coming across as ignorant or whatever but why do so many people even write here? From everything I've read, for most people on this site, people are going for quantities of hubs and raising their cents per day to more cents per day. Especially with all the...
by Greg Schweizer 7 years ago
Why does everyone expect an apology for something said?When somewhat outrageous things are said, why do people expect an apology? once something is said it is out there and an apology isn't going to change the way that person felt at the time. Especially the media will harp on those words even if...
by Ronnie wrenchBiscuit 7 years ago
Love Is All That Matters-So Why Does Everyone Spend More Time Making Money Instead of Making Love?A utopian society cannot be realized within the constraints of Capitalism , warmongering Imperialist regimes, and punitive measures implemented by the city,state, and federal government to extort...
by wesleyacarter 14 years ago
There is a strain of hubbers that seem to be out to argue instead of debate. To call one an idiot for having a different point of view. To defend against real questions with semantics. To speak as fools disguised by verbal acrobatics and mental gymnastics.Why do people need so much to be offended?...