by Lionrhod 9 years ago
There are a lot of us who haven't been feeling safe on the forums. They've felt stalked, harassed and browbeaten.Sadly, some folks go with the letter of the law, but not the spirit of it in their posts.For an excellent post on why we need Forum Moderators, check out what Makingamark says here...
by poeticlove_jones 14 years ago
poet, these threads are more like hubs. no self promotion in the the box on the left. if you want people to read your hubs, come to the forums and start commenting or comment on others hubs.
by x 5 years ago
Why do I say that? Because I'm guessing something happened that motivated HP to include this in the HubPages Weekly:*Start*What Are the HubPages Forums for? Are There Any Rules?The Forums allow the community to complement each individual Hubber’s talents and interests. We hope they provide a living...
by Nell Rose 14 years ago
I have read quite a few hubs recently where people have been upset by disgusting or just plain rude comments directed at their work, mainly by anonymous hubbers with no content, and also stealing other peoples hubs. My question is, do you think they should be allowed to join and stay...
by Steve 11 years ago thread has been around as long as I can remember. And every day a new thread pops up about one group hating on another. These aren't friendly debates, they are nasty, hateful people hating on other people's cultures and beliefs. It is harmful, and nothing...
by mythbuster 12 years ago
Hello all,I was just checking around in my activities to see where I spent too much time (reading in forum threads I am shocked that people write in) on HP or not enough time lately (minding my own business, I guess). Naturally, this means I am, again, into the biggest time-killer space for me on...