Earning statistics anybody? What is your ROI on time?

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  1. getitall profile image59
    getitallposted 14 years ago

    Hey guys (and gals  LOL),
    I don't mean to lurk into your bank accounts, but may be you can help me to get my head around things?

    I have a day job, which i love, surprisingly  LOL, but signed up with Hubpages to create some residual income...

    But I don't have too much time on my hands and want to estimate potential ROI on my invested time...

    So, here comes the question:

    I wonder if anybody on here makes more than $5K/month as anything less than that would probably not make a cut...

    Also if you are fully supporting yourself from pages alone (and affiliate income):

    - how much time do you spend a day on promoting your hubs? (writing is not an issue as long as i convince myself that it makes sense...)
    - would you say that my plan minimum is enough to make some decent dollar? 

    Here is my plan minimum:

    1) I will write 5 hubs a day - original content, but not landing pages for the product (some reference information, reviews, tips etc.) My keywords will be long tail and with payout from google over $1.

    2) I submitted my hub today (even though there is nothing there yet, just placeholders) to approximately 20 RSS sites and will do the same tomorrow till i cover entire list I have.

    3) I will make cross references in my articles to each other

    4) I will signup for Amazon and Ebay hoping for some random sale

    and I am afraid that would be it timewise...

    So, let's say at the end of the year I will have about 300+ hubs.

    What would be your average estimate on:
    - traffic that i may get (if keywords are selected correctly)
    - can anybody through any ROUGH estimate of potential earning considering some similar precedents?  (yes, i definitely under understand tstand that it all varies depending on many factors, but I would like to know if you have your own examples to share).

    And what did it take you to get where you are?

    Boy, that's a lot of questions  :-) 

    Thank to all that had patience to read this far.

    1. Mark Knowles profile image59
      Mark Knowlesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You are wasting your time if you are planning on adding Amazon and Ebay in the hope of a random sale.

      You can make a living online - I do - but I suggest hubpages as one aspect and not the only one.

      http://hubpages.com/hub/Making-Money-On … t-hubpages

      I also suggest you take a look at this person's hubs:


      I do better with Amazon than Nelle - but she seems to have cracked the Ebay code.

      Don't bother applying to the ebay program unless you have your own good quality website - you will be rejected.

    2. prettydarkhorse profile image62
      prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I have 126 USD on my account google, I dont put amazon in my hubs at the moment.  I sold 11 items already, I only put amazon in just 30 hubs out of all my hubs,

      after six month, my views is 65,000 plus, I earned only ranging from .90 to 5.60 Us d a day, this month

      I havent thought about earning money
      before, but I know it is possible. I didn't put much time studying about keywords, SEO, etc, but I always try my best with my hubs,

    3. livewithrichard profile image72
      livewithrichardposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I can tell you just by looking at your hubs that you have your work and learning curve cut out for you. I'm not saying anything about the info you provide, it's how you provide it. Your Titles are too long as well as your URL's and the keywords you target are lost inside them. You're writing as if this were a blog and HP is not a blogging site.  If you want to earn a significant income then you have to learn how to write as an internet marketer. And, as others have said, HP should only be PART of your online presence. Most heavy earners here have their own websites and multiple blogs.  5k/year is attainable but not your first year unless you're a seasoned and skilled internet marketer.

      1. getitall profile image59
        getitallposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        So, you suggest that keywords (phrase) and a title should be not a part of anchor text in the link, but the link itself (meaning no extra words?).  Yes, just learning all that stuff now.

        1. livewithrichard profile image72
          livewithrichardposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, when you do your keyword research for the longtails that are getting search traffic, you want to claim the url here on HP that is exactly, if not close, to that exact phrase. Also use it in your title. IMHO the best SEO "real estate" on our hubs is:

          a) The URL
          b) The Title of the HUB
          c) Headings and sub-headings of the modules
          d) Descriptions of the photos you use.

          There are different ways of writing that is to be utilized when engaging in internet marketing. If you're just looking to earn from adsense here then don't give away the house. Keep it short though informative but leave the reader wanting more, hopefully through an adsense ad.  If you're looking to earn affiliate commissions from Amazon then you have to write for those that are ready to make a purchase. They come in 2 forms, those that are just looking for that little extra assurance that all their previous research has led them to the right decision; and those that need a little push in the right direction with some persuasive writing. Don't waste your time with ebay here unless you have an established website somewhere else that gets decent traffic (more than a 1000 visits a month).

          1. getitall profile image59
            getitallposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you, that's helpful.

            So, can you help me with this exercise...from SEO stand point...
            For example I want some on the side we development gig  (just for the sake of conversation).

            So, let's say "web design" is highly competitive phrase and I choose "web 2.0 portal web design"  (of whatever it would be.

            So, from all I knew my items could be like this:

            Thank you, that's helpful.

            So, can you help me with this exercise...from SEO stand point...
            For example I want some on the side we development gig  (just for the sake of conversation).

            So, let's say "web design" is highly competitive phrase and I choose "web 2.0 portal web design cost"  (of whatever it would be).

            So, from all I knew my items could be like this (i could also use some 2nd key phrase, in this case it's  "acquire web users"):

            But, as I hear, you are saying that is should look closer to this:

            a) The URL
            How-to-design-web-20-portal at fraction of cost and acquire 100,000 user per month?
            b) The Title of the HUB
            How to design web 2.0 portal at fraction of cost and acquire 100,000 user per month?
            c) Headings and sub-headings of the modules
            Design web 2.0 portal. Cost analysis & how to acquire 100,000 user per month?
            d) Descriptions of the photos you use.
            design web 2.0 portal, learn about cost and how to acquire user user. acquisition, design & pricing

            But, as I hear, you are saying that is should look closer to this:

            a) The URL
            web 2.0 portal web design cost
            b) The Title of the HUB
            Compare web 2.0 portal web design cost
            c) Headings and sub-headings of the modules
            web 2.0 portal web design cost comparison chart
            d) Descriptions of the photos you use.
            web 2.0 portal web design cost

            Is it correct?  But why?  could anybody elaborate?

      2. Marisa Wright profile image86
        Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        What Richard said.

    4. Springboard profile image82
      Springboardposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I'm going to probably get into some trouble here, but I simply think too many people put too much emphasis on SEO, keywords, and all this other stuff, and not enough focus on content and the writing itself. All of this, Adsense, HP, Squidoo, etc., and perhaps even Google itself, are all fads. Things that are relevant today. All have something or another to do with technology, algorithms, programming, that sort of thing. All of those things change vastly and dramatically and do so quite quickly. Google's got the behemoth idea right now, but there will be others, and the parameters and fuctionality will all alter and change.

      Good writing is something that will prevail and outlast all of this stuff. And the opportunities, the real opportunities, come as a result of putting forth thoughful, though-provoking work, that captures the attentions of the masses through the quality of the content.

      As in anything in life, there is no such thing as get rich quick. There is no such thing as easy money. And at the end of the day, talent and perseverence will be the biggest set of factors that contribute to any real, lasting income if one is there to be had.

      1. sunforged profile image77
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        you couldnt find shakespeare in a library without the dewey decimal system.

        machines and algorithms will never be able to gauge talent or quality.

        factors are created to attempt to gauge quality and relevance..seo is merely adapting content to the current mysterious measuring factors

        sure they will change ...but 'how" to write to be found will always be a focus.

        its not quality or technique..its quality AND technique.

        The technique factor isnt going anywhere

    5. profile image0
      shazwellynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      OMG... give up the day job!  If you plan on doing 300 hubs a year, market them and EXPECT to get a payout you have to do a lot more than what you are proposing.  You wont have the time WORKING AS WELL.  Successful and hugely talented hubbers like Nelle Hoxie have to keep the momentum high - she does it full time and has a degree in marketing (or something like that) and even she would say that you have to be better than the best.  5K a month!  I will be watching YOU with interest!  PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG! LOL

    6. darkside profile image59
      darksideposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You sound like a man who likes plans, but this makes no sense.

      Throw the plan out.

      Stop asking questions and read recommended hubs. Educate yourself about how the site works so you'll know the right questions to ask.

      Write some original hubs and publish them. See how they go.

      Then try making a plan again based on the things you've learned.

  2. Marisa Wright profile image86
    Marisa Wrightposted 14 years ago

    Getitall, I know people who are making a living online - but they all seem to have taken a couple of years of hard, low-paid slog to get there. 

    My impression is that most internet entrepreneurs are people who loath their day jobs so much, they're prepared to do the hard yards at the beginning, in the hope they'll earn enough to pay the rent eventually.

    Whereas if I was going to sacrifice two years of my free time, I'd want to recoup that lost income, over and above making enough to live on. And I can't say I've met anyone who claims to be doing that.

    I'm like you - I quite enjoy my day job, and if I work for another two years I can probably earn as much as I'd make in five years online.  That's why this is just a hobby for me now.

    1. embitca profile image82
      embitcaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That pretty much describes me to a T. I hated my day job. Absolutely loathed it to the point that I was getting in trouble for taking too many sick days because I was SICK of going to work LOL

      While it took me quite awhile to get to where I am making the same (actually more now) as what I was making before I left my day job ,I don't worry about the "lost income" in the intervening period. The peace of mind and the ability to leave that job behind and not take another one more than makes up for it.

      But I am lucky as my folks basically subsidized me -- allowing me to live with them rent-free -- while I got my business up and running.

  3. DanPowers profile image47
    DanPowersposted 14 years ago

    I'm not making much on hubpages. I've only made $0.60 on Amazon to date. I don't think writing here full time would pay off unless you had your own range of products or services to market.

    It is possible to make a living from internet marketing, but it's *very* hard work. That rich jerk guy really earnt that red ferrari and yatch!

    1. profile image0
      shazwellynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      He got that red ferrari from going on the internet and blogging 'easy money... get rich quick from blogging!' and charging them $40 a month for them to 'learn the secret!' - pay conventiently in installments from a wire transfer near you! lol

  4. calicoaster profile image74
    calicoasterposted 14 years ago

    Lol..I've stopped checking my Amazon earnings. Don't want to waste my time looking at it and then more time in getting disappointed. My adsense got approved last friday and since then I've got some 9 cents from hubpages!! neutral..Still, I am happy for getting something better than $0.00..lol..

    Anyways, I love to read the hubs here..They are really very very good. And, I love to write too.

    I don't know, how much money are people making here!! hmm tongue

    1. The-Coach profile image57
      The-Coachposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Its really a charming start,but please describe me in detail that what difficulties did you face from the first step to till your $0.01earning.

  5. thisisoli profile image77
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    I usually earn a fair bit on Hubpages, however I could not give you an ROI on time, since the income is residula.

    For instance say one of my Hubs earns $50 a month of Google and $100 a month off Amazon, each month it exponentially increases teh profit vs time invested ROI.

    1. calicoaster profile image74
      calicoasterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Wow..I am awed!! yikes..Seriously!

  6. getitall profile image59
    getitallposted 14 years ago

    What a great way to start the morning = 6 responses!  Thank you guys!

    Thisisoli, so much do you spend a day for $50/month? Residual or not, you still keep writing, right?
    And what products doe you "sell"?

  7. thisisoli profile image77
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    I earn way more than $50 a month, it was jsut an example as to how you cannot estimate the lifetime of a piece of work, nor how much it will earn you!

    I sell all kinds of things, but it is no use asking other people what tehy sell, because tehy already have their niches sewn up, instead you need to find ways to sell things which are under-marketed!

    I spend a lot of time writing every day, but that is to increase my residual income, rarely to maintain it!

  8. getitall profile image59
    getitallposted 14 years ago

    makes sense, bud...

  9. Mike Rogers profile image61
    Mike Rogersposted 14 years ago


    It's tough to keep your eye on both the details and the big picture when it comes to earning passive income online, particularly when just starting out.

    Income derives from two basic elements:
    1. Traffic
    2. Effective Monetization

    One without the other is fruitless. I would recommend focusing on the monetization model first. AdSense, Amazon, eBay, and Kontera are all available as "built in" streams. You could potentially add affiliate links fo your own, but that takes me off my main point.

    Google will give you the largest gross traffic, usually targeted. You'll want hubs that can rank in the SERPs, and rank well. By well I mean first page of Google in the top 3 or 4 results.

    To do that, you'll need hubs that either optimize for or contain enough references to keyword phrases that combine decent traffic without extremely strong competition. There are many ways to determine that and most affiliate marketers and passive income advocates have a system of their own developed over time. I know I do, and I am always reviewing and tweaking it.

    Think like a search engine and create properties or hubs that serve the needs of your visitors. In doing so, you'll gain favor with Google and naturally attract visitors and clicks.

    Decent published traffic + competitive keyword phrases + good content...you almost cannot have some level of success, particularly with Hubpages.

    Mike smile

  10. Dorsi profile image82
    Dorsiposted 14 years ago

    I get a check from Google every month now, and I have not seriously dedicated part of every day to writing (yet) My plan is to make a full time living from writing hopefully within the next year, still working at my day job (which I love)
    I just wrote a hub about my hubpages "journey" here.
    http://hubpages.com/hub/How-can-i-make- … n-hubpages
    Hope it helps.

  11. thisisoli profile image77
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    The guy who owned the Rich Jerk apparently got hit with a massive fine for fraudulent advertising when it appeared that he was claiming earnings in the hundreds of thousands, when he was actually earning less than a hundred dollars a month.

    He only started earning big when people bought in to his propaganda and tried to get rich through  'his methods' which involve getting the user to register with a web host through his affiliate link, and set up a website with some basic SEO tips behind it.

    Scamming people in to get rich quick schemes online is definitely a popular, and profitable, area of business though!

    I only heard about the rich jerk fine through hearsay, not sure if it's just internet rumor or not!

    1. DanPowers profile image47
      DanPowersposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe the Rich Jerk started the rumor himself - all publicity is good!

      I do love his website though.

      I think a common trick is to save up your adsense earnings for a whole year then take a photo of the check.

  12. DanPowers profile image47
    DanPowersposted 14 years ago

    Well I've now been here 2 months and my Adsense income here is reasonable, but Amazon is rubbish. I think the key with Adsense is to take your best hubs and write more of the same.

    I only write about evergreen topics. Some of my other websites have content that is 11 years old, yet it's still fresh.

    I've tried keyword research but I'm not sure how useful it is. I've scored really well for keywords I never thought I'd have a hope in hell of ranking for.

    The best thing I've done is to put yieldbuild on my other sites - my adsense income has tripled in a month and I should get a check every month from now on.

    1. thisisoli profile image77
      thisisoliposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      For the record my Amazon income is usually several multiples of my Adsense income, been one hell of a slow month this month though, too much time spent on that health competition and not enough on my niches I think sad

      1. DanPowers profile image47
        DanPowersposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I need to have a go at building more Amazon orientated pages. Adsense is going OK, but I need to find some Amazon niches where people will just buy the items straight away.

        1. The-Coach profile image57
          The-Coachposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          That's cool,can you please describe me that in which manner you are working with Adsense.

  13. TKAstar profile image58
    TKAstarposted 14 years ago

    I don't really spend that much time writing Hubs and have around 110 Hubs total (on various other accounts).  I earned $668 in March from Adsense earnings.


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