How long does it take to get traffic from the search engines? Ive done my SEO now and i have submitted my sites to several high ranking do follow bookmark sites, but im not seeing anything meaningful from the search engines yet. I thought if you bookmarked your sites it gets crawled almost immediately, but i have waited a while now. Why am not seeing any organic traffic yet? Even at squidoo where my lenses werent search engine optimized, i saw some organic traffic. Cant remember how long it took though...Thanks.
This I do not know. But the more often you add a hub, and the more often you post in forum, answer hubbers questions, the more weight you carry in the search. That I do know. The only trouble is How many people will search for
Ruanz3 or Faybe Bay? This is why I guess, people try to use common titles for names around here, like theirishobserver, and such.
I think you are referring to hub traffic, which is not organic traffic. Im talking about google.
No I was talking about this, Your Google Search results: … gle+Search
I get search engine traffic in the first day at times. Search engines are about 80% of my traffic.
Some hubs never get traction. Those that do, get an increasing amount of traffic as time goes on. More hubs helps. The more hubs I publish, the more search engine traffic I get.
Yeah ive also gotten SE traffic in the first day, but overall i havnt gotten much at all. Ive tried to optimize my hubs for organic traffic, but i dont get much. Its kind of discouraging
You might want to pick less competitive subjects. No offense - but there is an awful lot of money to be milked from religion and weight loss and you are not easily going to attract traffic to those subjects.
I only took a quick look at your hubs, but that is what jumped out at me. Some subjects are harder than others to attract organic traffic to and you have picked two that are extremely hard.
Well i do keyword research and i pick keywords that are not too competitive. For instance i dont make a hub on 'meditation', i make one on 'how to meditate' because that is much less competitive. From what i have heard keywords that get 5 figures a month is almost ideal. I never go into six figures and i sometimes go below 5 figures as well. I would never make 'religion' my main keyword, that is way too competitive.
How to meditate is still very competitive, and unfortunately there are not many keyword variations, which makes it hard to find a meditation niche!
Well - yes and no. Whatever research you have done is not going to apply. You can do all the research, find the competition, blah, blah blah.
You are not going to find this in any advice out there, but - some subjects are just harder to attract traffic to than you would think after doing the research. This includes religion, gambling, weight loss and a few others. I guess because of the amount of spammers and scams involved in those subjects. You just go in the sand box for much, much, much longer.
And some subjects do not work as well here as your own site. But some work better here than your own site. You want a recipe indexed and highly ranked? Post it at hubpages.
Ok so you mean i could eventually get organic traffic to my sites i used competitive topics on?
If by "organic" you mean "heavily promoted" - sure.
No, thats not what i mean by organic lol. Organic is natural, which means you dont do anything heavily
well it depends on lot of some of my today's post get me visits from google in spite of lot of competition.. keywords , title , page rank ...all matter...
I found I get indexed very quickly if I post the hub to twitter or digg. I recommend using twitter.
This generally means that there are people out there who have done MORE SEO than you. Remember though that backlinking is only part of SEO!
Actually, listen to this. The tennis babe hubs that i made get organic traffic all the time, but they are not SE optimized and their keywords dont pay much. The sites that are SE optimized and have keywords that pay, dont get any traffic from the SE and they dont get clicks! Im starting to wonder if SEO is not way overrated...
Thats because it is incredibly easy to get traffic in any kind of celebrity niche. The problem is that the traffic is very poor quality and rarely converts in to any kind of click/sale.
Mark is spot on when it comes to some subjects you have chosen, they are profitable, but because they are profitable everyone is competing for them.
Yeah but not all keywords within a certain niche is overly competitive. That why you do keyword research right?
Keyword research is where you find your keywords, one thing you need to look at is who you are competing with for that keyword. use a free tool like traffic travis to view the top 20 search results for a keyword, which is where you need to be, and see how many backlinks they have, check out their on[age optimization, and figure out if and how you can beat it.
It doesn't matter how many people are searching, it matters who is competing with you.
Check out what I mean in this quick report I did on your keywords
for the fullsized one.
what cant you see?
The image or your hubpage?
You hubpage is not in the first 20 so it would not appear, the image is a jpeg so it should appear now problem!
You used the wrong keyword though. Its 'learn to mediate'.
I have just checked the keyword learn to meditate and it is even more competitive. It doesn't reall matter anyway, if you look at that picture can you honestly say that your hub can measure up against what your competition is doing?
I dont know, the only thing i noticed was the difficulty rating really. Most of the rest i dont understand or know how to interpret.
PR = Page Rank
Age = Site Age
BL = Backlinks to Page
BLS = Backlinks to Site
TBL = backlinks from .gov or .edu
DMOZ = Googles DMOZ Directory
YAHD = Yahoo Directory
Title/Desc/H1 = Phrase appears in those
GCA = Google cache age in days
CEXT = Same Country Backlinks.
Why do you think its competitive then? Look at nr 8 on the list for instance...
Number 8 has bought in to the Yahoo directory, a pretty cushy way of getting ranked if you have the money to spend. (may only be one backlink, but it is worth thousands of PR1 links that you get off free do follow websites!
Take it from me - avoid religion, weigh loss and gambling. Every keyphrase you can possible think of is too competitive.
Well - except a few and I ain't sharing.
we all have to start learning somewhere!
seriously though find yourself a free SEO tool so that you can see information like this, it could help you quite a lot when you get used to it!
Seriously though, just gimme a broad topic that is not too competitive. More than one even better. Just not recipies. Then i will stop bothering you for a while
anal fissures
cardboard furniture
Computer accessories, musical instruments and Asian jewelry.
Good luck.
Its so much easier to write about things you are interested in isnt it? Thanks for the topics though.
I gave that up long ago. You need to leave the writer's ego at the door if you want to make any money I'm afraid. Unless you are very lucky that is.
My writers ego scoffs in your general direction
I will go see if I can find mine. It crawled off in disgust the moment I started writing about real estate deals and I haven't seen it for about three years.
I am hoping it comes back when it is time to dust off The Unsold Novel and see about editing that.
I know you guys are doing better than me so far, but i cant agree with that completely. I think its important to enjoy what you do, at least a bit. Or else youre gonna write crap hubs or not at all. Im not gonna be very inspired writing about cardboard furniture, so i will probably do a crappy job, and i wont be enjoying what im doing. And if you dont enjoy what you do then what is the point? Id rather depend on luck then. Well not exactly luck, lets just call it induced luck
How do you know if a topic is viable though? Maybe if you can tell me it would be easier to find things to write about that i enjoy.
You need to start writing about things you yourself actually enjoy and know about. You can't expect to ask someone else what you enjoy, and if you think that's how it's done, well... you're just going to have to accept that you are going to be cranking out a lot of Hub that aren't that strong and don't do that well.
It's obvious from the topics that you are writing about that you aren't writing organically. When I read your Hubs, I can tell you're looking for "hot topics" and not writing about things to which you bring personal experience and expertise, you're just regurgitating stuff you read on the web. And search engines can tell that too.
Lol,,,actually thats not true. I do write about stuff im interested in have personal experience with. Most of it anyway. But even the stuff i know about i sometimes have to consult other sources. Why do you think i ask others what to write about anyway? I don think you read the whole conversation. Up to now ive been writing about things i have personal expertise on and that i enjoy, but according to these guys these topics dont do well in the search engines cos of too much competition. Thats the only reason i asked them, not because i dont know what i enjoy writing about! And i dont think your read my hubs properly either...
Nobody but you knows what you enjoy. Pointless asking us what is best subject to write about. Start with your own interests, skills, knowledge, dreams and passions and then do the keyword research. There are all sorts of angles to writing about a topic and not just the outcome. Look at the why, what, where, when, etc., and go from there. Always more than one way to skin a cat so I've been told, lol.
hope that gives you some ideas.
I know nobody but me knows what i enjoy writing about and its not pointless asking cos i dont know which subjects is too competitive in the search engines. I thought i did but apparently i dont
Why don't you run an experiment. Write 10 different hubs - 800 words each on different subjects that you have an interest in. Add one link back to each one and see which one does best?
Of course - traffic volume is not necessarily the way to measure that.
Mark, in your opinion, what's the best thing I can read to learn about producing incoming traffic? … u-are-not/
That is a start and I have some other articles there that will probably help. Specifically for hubpages: … t-hubpages
Ok, i will try that. I will also check out the links you posted. Thanks.
These backlinking sites are all paying sites. No way im paying, not even if i had the money.
Fair enough. Even if you had the money.?
Seriously - if you don't have the money and cannot write quality content - you are SOOL.
I never said i cant write quality content mate. As for the SOOL, dont you worry about my luck. Luck is nothing more than LOA
One this is you on Google, hence the reason I mentioned no one searching for your name. … gle+Search
Two, you have very few tags, you can add them, no one else can, and
Three it isn't nice to ask for help and then speak to them rudely as Mark Knowles, he was trying to help you.
Four, check Google hot trends for subjects
Five, your cool hub, you could have done a separate hub on each individual. Title your hub what it is about and stay in your subject. If it's about hot celebrities say so. All topics, Entertainment cool, cooler... supercool? Google search on that. no one else will.
Six Keywords, and Key phrases, some stuff them I do not recommend it but here is someone who knows. … -Hub-Pages
When you talk about tags i assume you talk about getting traffic from hubpages, which is not organic, although it can lead to organic traffic ive heard.
About Mark, im sorry if i offended him. I just get frustrated when people try to sell things and make it seem you have to spend money to make money, because frankly i dont have money. And yeah i do appreciate it when people try to help me.
When i made the cool hub i was targeting 'super cool' as my main keyword, because according to the keyword tool cool was too competitive, but now it seems the celebrities have overtaken my hub. And i dont understand that since i optimized the hub for 'super cool' using it in my url, title, first heading, other headings, and text. Yet i get ads on my site about celebs. See thats why i find SEO confusing.
Also, 'super cool' is probably too competitive a keyword as well, even though the keyword tool say its not.
Thanks for the help.
Oh and btw can i change my username? Aside from people not searching for it i dont like when people keep calling me Ruanz.
My understanding is that tags also help with search engines, because it creates interlinking through the site - so it means links to your Hub are appearing in different places on HP, which gives you juice. Someone can shoot me down if I'm wrong.
Also - take a good look at the "suggested tags" on your Hubs. Don't use them all, because the algorithm isn't that smart. But if you can't see meaningful words in the tags, it means you haven't used your keywords enough in the Hub for the tag engine to know what the Hub is about - which means Google won't either.
Oh, and you can't change your user name,but if you start signing off your forum posts with another name, people will get used to using it.
Ah well - if you had taken the trouble to look around my site you would have found lots of free things. Sorry you get frustrated when people try and sell you things, but that attitude is not going to solve your problem, and you can take it from me that I never ever sell anything I have not tried and tested myself.
Probably better to keep your trap shut next time, because you have had all the free advice I am prepared to give you.
Good luck.
Well im sure you have gotten frustrated in the past and said things you didnt really mean either. My experience with things you buy one the internet is that they are either scams, you can find them free elsewhere, or you dont need them to be successful. Im sorry you arent willing to give me any more free advice, but its not like you are the only source of free advice on the internet
Quite right. There is no shortage of free advice out there.
People will give you plenty of free advice, but they won't tell you exactly where they make their money, otherwise it will just increase competition
I give out a fair whack of advice but nearly all of it is advice which will help people, but not put htem on teh same earning path as me when it come to niche, some traffic generation tactics, etc.
Super Cool is a 'nuffy' word. Before you go relying on keyword research you need to stop and think, who is looking for 'Super Cool'?
Super Cool What?
As a broad term 165,000 a month are using Super Cool as part of their search. But only 18,100 are searching for the exact term super cool.
Still before asking why these people are searching for super cool I need to know, why are you targeting that phrase? Why is it important to you?
Actually, that's the question I was going to ask. What do you think people are looking for, when they type in the word "super cool"?
For instance, I have a Hub about swords in belly dancing. Looking on the keyword tool, there are lots of sword-related words with high searches and low competition, but there's no point me using them in my Hub. Why? Because the people looking for those words aren't going to be interested in a sword for belly dancing, so they're not going to buy anything I'm selling.
I think it's typed in by people who are super bored.
It's not a word worth targeting.
Lol. I didnt think of it like that. so are you saying teh people who type 'super cool' are shitty traffic? I only used super cool cos 'cool' had too much competition.
always try to think of who is earching for your keyword, why they visit your site, and how you can get them to buy something
There are many reasons why people search for specific terms, but this term strikes me as being completely useless.
Imagine for a moment that a person is sitting at their work desk after having eaten their lunch, they've got 15 minutes to kill and they've got nothing to do. I wonder how many of those type i am bored into Google?
201,000 searches a month are done at Google for i am bored.
Not all of those people will have done so in the scenario that I have speculated, but it's easy to imagine that plenty do.
I'd not try and make a hub targeting such a term. There's too many variables. You need to know who your market is. Don't go grabbing for straws. Don't try and dominate fluffy search phrases that can't be understood.
What is the title of your hub that you were trying to get super cool traffic to?
I think you're missing the point of SEO. You've got the idea that you want a keyword (or words) that lots of people are searching for.
I've told you it also needs to be one that doesn't have too much competition. That's because Google respects age, so established websites on that topic have a headstart on yours. If there are too many of those, you'll never break through.
But finally, it has to be a keyword you can make money from. If you can't think of a related product or service that people will want, it's a useless keyword, because Adsense won't be able to display ads visitors are attracted to, and you won't be able to find relevant products on Amazon or eBay.
Super Cool doesn't strike me as that kind of keyword.
One simple tip I can offer that I have read multiple times here and just yesterday in an email.
Pick a topic and turn it into a "How To" type hub. Seems "How To"'s do well on hub pages and in the search engines. People are always looking to learn how to accomplish a certain task. Maybe this will help you some.
MyWeb, if a person is going to write a how-to, what is your opinion on eHow? Choosing which site to post original content to is a bit confusing. Like, (as you know), I just discovered Xomba which takes original content, like HP. Most Hubbers use it for the bookmark, though. But what about submitting orginal content to it (and other similar sites)? Do we "know" that HP works better for our original content?
And, Ruanz -- I feel for ya, man. Truly, I do. This is like doing a Rubik's cube while blind folded.
I know nothing about these other writing web sites. Hubpages is the first one I have ever wrote for. I like it here so much here I don't plan to mess with other ones for a while, if ever. I'm not productive enough for all that I don't think.
I used to love the Rubiks cube, I could do that in 1 minute flat. Now I would probably be lost its been so long.
I've heard of people doing well on eHow. It's only open to US residents though. Several Hubbers also write at Squidoo, though I've never been able to work out how to get any traffic there.
When writing for article sites, I always like to check the terms first. Some take the copyright on your articles, or you can't delete them once they're posted.
Organic SEO takes time. Be patient but optimize on all of the different strategies. Google has online resources that explain the fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization. Of course they are not going to give you their algorithms because for one reason they are constantly changing. Quality content is very important with your organic marketing. It is important to really evaluate your website that you want to gain traffic to? Google will take in the development such as meta-tags, page titles, URL structure and titles, navigation, and content. Organic marketing is made possible if your website is developed to be SEO friendly. Is your website w3c compliant? Directories take time to see results. Bookmarking links are no follow so they take time as well. Comments and anchor tags are useful. Think about how to build your identity rather than how to build fast traffic. What is your conversion rate? What is your bounce rate? There is a lot to take into consideration with organic marketing. Hope I could help a little. Good luck but remember it takes time and dedication and a little bit of patience.
Yeah thanks for the reply. I just feel a bit bummed out right now. Kind of like the things i have learned and employed hasnt make any difference at all. But like you said it takes time, i guess.
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First thing I do is drop my new URL's in these.
Don't feel like you have wasted your time, success will come if you keep at it, and who knows, as your pages live tehy may gain organic links, and gain in Google search rankings, it's not uncommon for a site to rise in Googles ranks out of the blue on occasions!
Organic traffic will result from using tags that somebody will or may use to reach your site. Just answer the question, if somebody wants to find this information, what will they be wondering?
just some thoughts.
Posting your links on social networking sites and bookmarking sites will help, you just need to wait for 2-3 weeks and you will start to gain organic, don't feel down yet, be patient!
eHow looks good, and it is heavily optimized already for the words How To, helping your articles reach the top. Dont know that much about it just yet though, might join it when I reach america!
Your pages seem pretty good to me Ruanz but if you could find someone to do some editing they would be better. Alternatively, do what I do and go back after a couple of weeks and look at them again. My errors leap out at me, errors I can't see when I am writing a page.
I find it varies on the topics I write about. Some get lots of traffic, some little.. I should make the effort to do the key word searchs, which I was going to put a day aside to do this week and its already friday.
Well apparently it is not enough to do keyword research, you have to do it in a particular way. So dont worry too much. i think im just gonna start writing about different subjects and see what works. That seems to be the only way to know.
It's not a bad way to get started, seriosly don't feel downhearted though. Like anything, it's hard to jump in to something when you are competing against people who have had years of experience!
You are right, keyword research is not enough. I don't care what research tool you use, none of them are 100% accurate. The best thing you can do is use these tools to make an educated guess and then start collecting your own data.
Setup Google Analytics and start seeing what keywords bring people to your site or Hubs and go from there.
It could be used as a links hub to more specific hubs though.
For instance, super cool youtube, super cool tshirts, super cool cars. The main hub 'super cool' could provide a little kick of link juice to all of them.
[super cool] gets 18,100 searches a month globally and 390 in the US.
The next most popular is [super cool games] which gets 1,900 searches a month globally. And only 320 in the US.
After that it drops off significantly.
It would be a super cool waste of time to incorporate them into any worthwhile article.
Well i get what you are saying now, its too meaningless a term, but like i said i was going to do a hub on cool, but then saw it was too competitive. The hubs name was 'Cool, Cooler...Super Cool.'
The same question applies - what would people be looking for when they type in "cool"?
Cool? Maybe they wana know the meaning cool, or are just looking for cool stuff. Who knows lol.
So if you're targeting the word "cool",how do you work out what the Hub should be about? How are you going to show ads your visitors want to see?
IMO you have two choices.
One - just forget all this keyword stuff and write what you enjoy writing. If you're lucky, you'll hit on a subject people want to read about - once you start getting traffic and making Adsense income, you'll know you're on the right track and can write more Hubs on that topic. That's what I did.
Two - if you want to keep targeting keywords, remember that a keyword is no good unless it's specific. Vague keywords like cool, good fortune etc. are useless. You need really targeted keywords if you want to get anywhere.
In that case, if you're going for a magazine style attention getting title, just go for it. But don't fret or fuss over traffic for the term.
Hi Oli, when you use traffic travis, is the difficulty rating accurate? Im not always sure what to make of the rest of teh info. I put in the phrase 'good fortune' and it gives medium difficulty, so im assuming that is not a bad phrase to use? Darkside?
I wana make a hub on how to make your own good fortune, but the closest keyword is 'good fortune'. Do you think people who enter that term will be interested in my hub?
You need to learn about the other tools, I am not sure how tehy calculate their difficulty rating, so I could not tell you how easy or hard it would be!
I mean the other parts of that program, it basically tells you what the competition has in backlinks, content optimization etc, which means all you technicaly need to do is beat what they have!
Does the backlinks on the bookmarking sites eventually get crawled? Ive submitted my hubs to several bookmarking sites and when i check i only ever have a backlink from mister wong, who isnt even do follow! If it doesnt eventually get crawled a suspect a huge amount of people are wasting a huge amount of time trying to get backlinks.
I just checked some of my sites that are over a year old and they have only a few backlinks as well, which make me believe even stronger that backlinks dont get crawled. Another question i have: when a site has a PR of 5 lets say, it is only the home page that normally has the PR right? So does that mean you still get a backlink with a PR of 5 if you are not on the front page? This is weird because lets say i have a link of mine on my blog, then it must mean it gets a backlink from every page on my blog, not just the front page. That is immensely beneficial for the site you link to, but doesnt it draw so much PR away from your blog???
Sorry i hope i wasnt unclear. I meant if every page has the same PR, not just the home page, then it must be immensely beneficial backlink but not for the blog. But then again when i look at SEO quake it is only the front page with a PR. But that must mean all these high ranking PR sites are useless for backlinks unless you get on the front page! Can someone clear this up for me please? I would really appreciate it
Sorry i hope i wasnt unclear. I meant if every page has the same PR, not just the home page, then it must be immensely beneficial backlink but not for the blog. But then again when i look at SEO quake it is only the front page with a PR. But that must mean all these high ranking PR sites are useless for backlinks unless you get on the front page! Can someone clear this up for me please? I would really appreciate it
These are generic and general terms you're trying to capitalize on, and I don't think its going to work for you.
If you want to use it simply as an attention getting headline, as I said, go for it, but if you are doing it in the hope of getting quality traffic, the emphasis on quality, I think you'll miss the mark.
Ok so which term would you use that pertains to good fortune then to get quality traffic? Law of attraction? The Secret? Create wealth? Bob Proctor? Universal law? Gimme an example if you can.
If I use a broader term no one searches for it.
What is it that you've written about? You wouldn't go throwing in terms that you think are related but are not actually discussed.
I havnt written about anything yet because i am too confused right now. I was hoping you could give me an example because right now im kinda lost in terms of what to use as a title for my hubs.
I started writing a reply but it's a looooooong one.
So I'm going to add even more effort to polish it up and I'll be publishing the answer in my blog. I'll let you know when I'm done.
If you check out my startpoint blog (linked to from my profile) you'll find my latest post (What comes first? The keyword research or the content?) is a response to your question. It got quite long so I thought I'd benefit most by blogging about it.
Just out of interest what do you think about yousaytoo?
I nearly joined up to it a while back but something turned me away from it for some reason!
I just checked the backlinks to my hubs with a backlink checker and there was hardly any backlinks, even though ive submitted my hubs to several do follow bookmarking sites. Whats up with that???
It takes time for the search engines to index all your backlincks.
Some backlinks are never indexed at all.
That's why some people backlincks the pages where they put backlincks to the articles they are trying to rank.
Yeah thats kinda what i was thinking, but i didnt think it would take the search engines so long to index backilnks!
'That's why some people backlincks the pages where they put backlincks to the articles they are trying to rank.'
I kinda lost you there, but anyway what is the point of backlinking when some backlinks are never indexed. Well at least i know now why some of my pages are not getting organic traffic...
It means backlinking your backlinks to boost the chances that google index them.
For example, say you put a couple of links in a Snipsly post or in a Forum profile pointing to your hubs. Then you have to socialbookmark the Snipsly post and the forum profile too, ping them, submit to Rss feed, etc, to have more chances that google indexes the Snipsly post and the forum profile.
Backlinking is a lot of work and boring, so that's why choosing the right keyword to rank is important (the alternative is writing hundreds of hubs)
I suggest that if you have a Hub ranking in the three first spots in google. Analize the first page of google for that keyword with SeoQuake (or traffic travis) looking at PR of the pages, number of backlinks to the page and to the site, age of the site, and compare it with the first page of google of Keywords that you can not rank to have a feeling of which keyword you are able to rank and which not.
Other things that could help to decide for a keyword are number of results in google with the allinurl and allintitle commands.
They will if you don't clean them properly
Backlinks are crawled if they are do-follow, and if a site is still indexed by Google. You have to do something amazingly obscure if you want a page to never get picked up by google.
Also page rank is for each individual webpage not a website. This means that you are rarely gonna get more than a pr 1-2 link on a dofollow social bookmarking site even if it's main page is PR7-8
The only keyword I trust is Google's webmaster tools, most of the others are flawed.
Seriosuly though, the GOogle Bot doesnt decide to forget abotu some links, if the links are not showing up there is a reason, and 9 times out of 10 it is the no follow attribute, the teenth time it is usually because Googel has dropped a page for being too spammy link filled!
Lol. Do you have a link for a google webmaster tool for checking backlinks? I see TT has a place where you cant check it but it seems you have to upgrade to use it.
It seems you can just enter 'link:' in google and it shows your backilinks. But with this method i get even less backlinks than with the other tools
that link method only shows some links, not all your links.
Yahoo will show you all links including no-follow links, it's all a bit of a mess to be honest!
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