Sucessful Article Marketing

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  1. belief713 profile image59
    belief713posted 16 years ago

    Hi again,

    Just wondering if anyone who considers themselves a successful article marketer would care to share...
    1) how many articles do you recommend writing per day/week?
    2) on average, how many article do you write per web page or site to help direct traffic to?

    I'm just tying to get an idea of how much work I need to do!

    1. profile image0
      terrygposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      My favourite subject. Great question. I have included a screenshot of my article promotion efforts just to show that I have had some success. Its my blog the link refers to, just click on the screenshot to see the enlarged version. A picture is worth a thousand words. You will see total domination of the first seven spots on page 1 of Google.

      I recommend one or two maximum articles be written for each keyword you target. Write very good articles that provide more information than is required. A complete article will be well received, linked to, copied on other url's and viral throughout the web. That one article will generate a LOT of backlinks.

      As you see from my screenshot Searchwarp returns the most consistent result. My experimental hubpage got a mention as well under HotHubs within one hour of posting although the hubpage itself did not get the sub-set under HotHubs. Very good result. My site got into position four and five from the keyword targeted articles and backed up with a few links from blogger blog to reinforce the keyword. Ezine articles came in poorly for the article but that might have something to do with the article promotion.

      Once you have your one or two articles up and approved in the article directory start about promoting it, using Digg, Technorati, Stumble Upon, put up a Squidoo lens and blogger pointing at the chosen keyword.

      I do this with all my chosen keywords covering my small eleven page site, so you can imagine the traffic the site is getting.  It is not uncommon to dominate the top seven positions on Google using this technique for any chosen keyword.

      EDIT: I forgot to mention I launched the site on 28 February 2008.

    2. The How To Hub profile image64
      The How To Hubposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      1. Do as many as you can handle but set a realistic goal like a couple a week to start with and work from there.
      2. For me I try and keep the articles going fairly consitantly. Point some to my landing pages, others to hubpages and some to both. I depends on the nature of the business/hub I suppose.

      My other tips;

      Submit to multiple directories. Some will publish your aticles instantly, and many take 2-7days turn around. Use that down time to keep working on more articles.

      Be consitant and persistant. Article marketing works, and the more you write the more links you get, more exposure by being published in ezines etc. Focus less on the traffic/sales initially and put your energies into writing and researching article sites to join and test.

      Consider doing press releases also. This takes a little longer but well worth it. There is plenty of good hubs on this topic.

      Lastly TRACK! In the long term this will help you spend your time on the directories that are brining you results - bol : )

  2. Marisa Wright profile image84
    Marisa Wrightposted 16 years ago


    There are a few article marketers using articles on HP to drive traffic to their website or blog, however I'm one of several who's found that HP makes more money than the blog, so now I aim to drive traffic TO HubPages instead!

    Embitca is one of those people who uses article marketing (on places like ezine) to direct traffic to her Hubs.  In fact I'm pretty sure she wrote a Hub about it,

    1. belief713 profile image59
      belief713posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      That's more in the direction I was thinking of going...

    2. embitca profile image80
      embitcaposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, that I did smile … r_Hubpages

      I do send most of traffic and backlinks to my own sites, but I definitely also send some to my Hubs. The hubs will often rank very well after just a few articles, at least for a little while smile

      Belief, I usually start out with about five articles to a website. If those articles perform well and I start making some sales, then I'll do a lot more. For some of my niches I have at least 50 articles written. But I am lazy compared to a lot of other article marketers. I rarely submit every day. I try and get a couple done every week though.

  3. Inspirepub profile image70
    Inspirepubposted 16 years ago

    I have two "expert" opinions on this - one says write a minimum of 3 a week, the other says write 20 per week (this is if you have a money site and you want it to rank in the search engines so you get traffic).

    I get about one person per day per article on average from, so you can calculate what you would need based on how much traffic you want.


  4. Lissie profile image75
    Lissieposted 16 years ago

    Which do u see as the most important the traffic or the anchored backlink?

  5. Inspirepub profile image70
    Inspirepubposted 16 years ago

    It depends - for me, it's the anchored backlink, because I have a landing page that will never excite Google on its own.

    Although, I have to say, the article traffic, while not high in volume, is good quality, targeted traffic and converts well.


    1. Lissie profile image75
      Lissieposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Jenny thats worth knowing!

  6. belief713 profile image59
    belief713posted 16 years ago

    Thanks all! There is some good info here I think I can use - bits and pieces at a time.

  7. belief713 profile image59
    belief713posted 16 years ago

    So, I was thinking and had to come back and post this question...
    do you think I should write articles and submit them to directories to drive traffic to my hubs (since I am pretty much only using HubPages)?...or just keep posting all of my works on hubpages? Are the article directories just a good idea for backlinks and possibly being picked up and published?

  8. ArtCantHurtU profile image68
    ArtCantHurtUposted 16 years ago

    Well this is always a good question
    I have done 2 a week and I have done 20 a week
    I think the backlinks
    are valuable but it doesn't drive much traffic
    at least what I have seen

    but I also agree that the traffic does convert better

    I use need an article and pay for writing since
    I don't type well or fast

    ( at least not readable words...)

    I think it is important to have a strategy that targets keywords with the articles
    especially in the title
    and first paragraph

    I also use article marketer to submit them
    I find it ti be a hassle because they always flag my articles - no matter what!
    it still takes quite a bit if time to submit them with thier service

    hope this helps


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