by fierycj 15 years ago
I'm not a psycho-killer or anything - yet. And for the most part I dont enjoy real-world violence. Of course, some people sure do it them coming.But forget all that - I'm kinda curious. Anyone on hubpages have a gun? And if you do, what type is it? Why do you have it? Mine is a magnum. One of the...
by Mark Hodges 13 years ago
If laughter is the best medicine, who's the idiot who said they 'died laughing'?
by Rosemary Amrhein 14 years ago
So, feel free to comment on other people's avatars or ask questions, and start by commenting on Yours Me: This is really (what's her name?) oh, Katy Perry.
by J Sunhawk 14 years ago
HubPages asks that you include a picture of yourself in your profile. I see pictures of people, but also pictures of cats, dogs, scenery, boats, babies, etc.Some say a picture of yourself boosts your image and status among fellow Hubbers.So what's the deal with the unusual avatars?Does the...
by Ohma 14 years ago
I was wondering if the use of an avatar rather than a personal pic. makes a difference in dollars and cents? That whole a face to trust thing. Has anyone ever tried to see if it does? If so would you share what you learned?
by kimberlyslyrics 13 years ago
I like prey'sshe's too cool