Do I Smell Bad?

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  1. jimmythejock profile image81
    jimmythejockposted 16 years ago

    It seems that every time I post in a forum thread the discussion stops dead, is it me lol.....jimmy

    1. robie2 profile image73
      robie2posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      LOL I thought I was the only one who felt that way.  Sometimes it's hard to keep up with forum posts and comment threads. I think you rock Jimmy<waves> and I just read your post about porn and am going to go respond:-)

    2. Zsuzsy Bee profile image85
      Zsuzsy Beeposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Oh! Don't feel bad I'm still your friend and talk to you...I'm also far enough and possibly down wind...just kidding. It's usually me that seems to finish off a thread. Some of the thread posters can be a fickle bunch me thinketh...regards from a nice and warm and sunny Canada
      regards Zsuzsy

  2. gamergirl profile image90
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    Your wisdom, it cannot be surpassed. tongue

  3. jimmythejock profile image81
    jimmythejockposted 16 years ago

    lol if only...jimmy hmm

  4. Shirley Anderson profile image73
    Shirley Andersonposted 16 years ago

    I don't really have anything to say, I just don't want you to feel bad.

  5. jimmythejock profile image81
    jimmythejockposted 16 years ago

    I just used a can of deoderant just in case......jimmy yikes

    1. profile image0
      SirDentposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe a breath mint would be good.

  6. SweetiePie profile image78
    SweetiePieposted 16 years ago

    Sometimes I think the topic just dies out and there is nothing left to say so to speak.  I have been the last one to post in a forum many times and thought nothing of it.

  7. DJ Funktual profile image68
    DJ Funktualposted 16 years ago

    HAHA Jimmy.  I get the same way.

  8. Stacie Naczelnik profile image67
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago

    Ah know we love you!

  9. thranax profile image70
    thranaxposted 16 years ago

    Jimmy don't worry about it smile It happens, I been apart of over 5 forums with hundreds and even thousands of users and really it happens. Not all Hubbers use these forums, and this is why there isn't always someone to keep the discussion going. Just don't think anything of it, if you can post something and someone answer it then you know its not you, its the topic and the people willing to post on it.

  10. stephhicks68 profile image87
    stephhicks68posted 16 years ago

    LOL - Jimmy!  We want to read about WWII, not... what was it you were saying...??? LOL

  11. ripplemaker profile image76
    ripplemakerposted 16 years ago

    lol  Jimmy.  If it makes you feel better, I feel that way too.  I'm glad you wear deodorant lol

  12. Stacie Naczelnik profile image67
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago

    Jimmy, what kind of deodorant do you wear?

    I'm curious.

  13. jimmythejock profile image81
    jimmythejockposted 16 years ago

    I dont know if it is available in the USA Stacie but it is called Lynx.....jimmy

  14. Stacie Naczelnik profile image67
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago

    Spray or stick?

  15. jimmythejock profile image81
    jimmythejockposted 16 years ago

    spray lol.....and i wear boxers too hehehe......jimmy

    1. Zsuzsy Bee profile image85
      Zsuzsy Beeposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Good Lord Jimmy! You don't expect any of us to talk to you after admitting to wearing boxers...

  16. Stacie Naczelnik profile image67
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago

    Very interesting!

    1. jimmythejock profile image81
      jimmythejockposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      ????? lol now you have me worried hmm .....jimmy

  17. Mark Knowles profile image58
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    Bol? or arosol?

  18. Stacie Naczelnik profile image67
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago

    See?  I'm not the only inquiring mind.

  19. jimmythejock profile image81
    jimmythejockposted 16 years ago

    lol, i would wear a thong but i am not a good thinger.....jimmy

    1. Zsuzsy Bee profile image85
      Zsuzsy Beeposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      "Thinger" is there such an animal? If anyone would have seen me through the window they sure would have rushed away because I must have seemed insane sitting here in front of the 'puter laughing my fool head off at your comment. Actually my dogs are starring at me kind of strange too thinking 'she's finnally gone over the edge...'
      Jimmy please keep the boxers....thong to thinger....just tooooooo funny zs

    2. robie2 profile image73
      robie2posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      " with a thong in my heart"<I'm singing> smile

      1. ripplemaker profile image76
        ripplemakerposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        robie, that's cute. lol

  20. Stacie Naczelnik profile image67
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago

    How about a Speedo?

  21. vietnamese profile image66
    vietnameseposted 16 years ago

    You guys cracked me up.... I have to get some deorants this weekend.

  22. mandarine profile image60
    mandarineposted 16 years ago

    so jimmy seems God has listened your prayer big_smile So manyyyy answers cool

  23. Stacie Naczelnik profile image67
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago

    People, please wear deodorant.  Please.

    I've hung out with too many Seattle hippies who love their natural scent...well, when you commute by bicycle, your natural scent isn't so great!  Trust me.  Deodorant.

    Rant over for now.

    See, Jimmy?  The thread lives.


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