Making money from your hubs

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  1. Co8 profile image60
    Co8posted 16 years ago

    Im still a newbie and wonder exactly how you get paid from hubpages?

  2. darkside profile image60
    darksideposted 16 years ago

    I have a hub where I've outlined an answer to your question. Check out How HubPages Works.

    1. Co8 profile image60
      Co8posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Great! Thank you wink

  3. thranax profile image72
    thranaxposted 16 years ago

    That has very good info on your question, I do know that one of the main ones is Google Ad sense and thats all most people need to know =P

    1. guidebaba profile image58
      guidebabaposted 16 years agoin reply to this


      1. thranax profile image72
        thranaxposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Ya it is smile

  4. joep profile image60
    joepposted 16 years ago

    great hubpage Darkside, I am new and the information helped alot . Thanks Joep

  5. btriutomo13 profile image39
    btriutomo13posted 16 years ago

    I also newbie in hubpage...
    Could you show me how to put ads from amzon into hubpage (I already sign up to amazon & have been approved).
    I want ads from amazone that I need appear on my hubpage. Can't I to do that?
    Then, how to make my ads appear inside of my note?(like example from hubpage)..

    Thanks for your information

    1. Whitney05 profile image83
      Whitney05posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      When you're editing your hub, click the amazon button under the affiliate section. You'll be able to search products by keyword or hand pick products by ASIN. Just make sure that you check the scroll box for the one you're using. IE if you want to hand pick items, which I find is better to get more relevant products to the content, then you want to click ASIN otherwise, it won't show the products when you save the capsule.

  6. dangerouspy profile image59
    dangerouspyposted 16 years ago

    could you please tell me how i could be paid for my blogs? thanks.

  7. Mark Bennett profile image60
    Mark Bennettposted 16 years ago

    Have you read the pink thread?

  8. joaojeronimo profile image60
    joaojeronimoposted 16 years ago

    Look at this article that I wrote just yesterday:
    It might help you...

    1. SunSeven profile image59
      SunSevenposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Nice job! smile

      [Missing Mark and where the hell did Mishka go?]

      1. thranax profile image72
        thranaxposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Mark must be busy and Misha has been gone a long time sad I kinda miss him, had the best arguments with him smile Kept me entertained tbh

      2. Mark Knowles profile image58
        Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Sunseven, I believe this is what you are looking for:

        jojojjeromino - I think you catch Sunseven's drift now?

        What she meant by "Nice job," was "My twelve-year-old could have written this with her eyes closed, is that what you did? - Don't bother posting these type of links in the forum."

        But she is too nice to say so smile

        1. profile image0
          IMHustleposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Man you guys play rough, but the "link poster" (lol) stepped into that one wink. But on a serious note, it might be a good idea to add a sub-forum where we can post links to our hubs to promote them. Associated Content does this and it works pretty well (at least it did the last time I was over there in '07). Has this idea ever been floated to HP?

    2. darkside profile image60
      darksideposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Wow! You're here 35 hours and you can write an article where "I will show you how you can make big money here on".


  9. joaojeronimo profile image60
    joaojeronimoposted 16 years ago

    Thanks smile
    But I've seen much better articles made by you that put mine into a corner lol...

  10. joaojeronimo profile image60
    joaojeronimoposted 16 years ago

    Whatever Mark and SunSeven, my 12-year-old-made-hub's link density is now 4 in this page, once this gets spidered by google it will be SEO positive... so Thanks anyways, and don't bother leaving sarcastic comments here two, at least to me because I will forget this 3 secs after leaving this page so your effort won't be well applied. Good bye and thanks again smile

    1. Mark Knowles profile image58
      Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Actually, I have just reported you for spamming the forum and deleted the backlink. As will sunseven and thranax. smile

      We don't like 12 year old spammers who write this sort of rubbish here........

      But good luck with that,


      1. joaojeronimo profile image60
        joaojeronimoposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        I did not do the backlinks, just one.. the rest was you and SunSeven... I didn't spam... Have you never had 12 years old ? At least I'm learning things with my 12 years old or so... Where were you with 12 years old ?

  11. Stooge profile image71
    Stoogeposted 16 years ago

    Hey all... how have you been? Just curious - if someone posts a question here, and we already know that an existing hub or for that matter a webpage may help, should not we offer help by providing the link? I understand if someone is intentionally spamming the forum with links to his/her hubs but if someone posts a link as a genuine answer to a genuine question asked in the same forum, is that unacceptable? If the guy here just copied the name of his hub without any link, would that have been fine?

    1. Mark Knowles profile image58
      Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. It is perfectly appropriate to post  a link to a relevant hub.

      It depends on the person and the hub. This person is writing "authoritative" hubs after being a member for less that a day. Have you read his hub?

      It is not a useful resource.

      Sunseven - you should do this one. And delete the link you put to his hub big_smile

    2. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, of course.  I frequently post links to Darkside's excellent Hubs on how to Hub.  However, this particular Hubber posted a link to a Hub all about "making money on HubPages" when in fact, he's been here five minutes and has no evidence of what the earnings potential is.  That's not helpful, it's misleading.

  12. darkside profile image60
    darksideposted 16 years ago

    Just checked the hubtivity of this very enterprising hub author and that hub was the VERY FIRST one he published.

    I'm in awe. Here I was thinking he published it after being here for 30 something hours, but he actually published it after being at the site for less than an hour.

  13. profile image47
    nugesadposted 16 years ago

    hi guy i'm a new guy here i want how you can help me so that internet can be useful for me in the area of income,business that i can do as a student

  14. dangerouspy profile image59
    dangerouspyposted 16 years ago

    Ooooopss! Sorry about that. I was just curious about the money-making scheme. I don't have any intention to hurt anybody. Thank you.


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