I nominate Website Examiner as elite.

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  1. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago

    Everyday, everywhere, W.E is helping people.

    It is time that that is recognized.

    1. saleheensblog profile image61
      saleheensblogposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      spot on, he is the backbone of the forum.

    2. ImChemist profile image59
      ImChemistposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you , he is kind and helping person ,
      But how i nominate some one on HP?

  2. profile image0
    Website Examinerposted 13 years ago

    Thanks for your kindness, Paradigmsearch, I am honored.

  3. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago

    I want at least 20 confirmations on this.

    Otherwise… smile

    1. Rafini profile image82
      Rafiniposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I'll confirm!  I'll confirm! 

      but, sorry, I don't have any clout with HP admin.... sad

      1. profile image0
        DoorMattnomoreposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        me two, I third ? the motion.

    2. Pandoras Box profile image61
      Pandoras Boxposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. And he/she always does so very patiently and nicely with never a note of condescension or irritation.

      I don't know what 'Elite' really means at HP, I never bothered trying to find out, but WE is definitely among the best.

  4. frogdropping profile image76
    frogdroppingposted 13 years ago

    I remarked (yesterday) to WE about his main focus for using the forum is to offer help and advice.

    I agree with you - he's more than ready to help. And whilst he can't please everyone or know the answer to every question, he certainly tries his best smile

  5. profile image0
    Website Examinerposted 13 years ago

    Thanks to all. I appreciate your kind and supportive words. Anything I ought to do differently, please let me know (I might even listen)...

    1. frogdropping profile image76
      frogdroppingposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You could always insert into a post (in the middle of one of your query replies) about how provident life would become if they (the asker) knitted me (Fuh Rog Dropping) a pair of good old fashioned wool mittens smile

      1. profile image0
        Website Examinerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        True, it does get cold on top, doesn't it?

  6. jantamaya profile image61
    jantamayaposted 13 years ago

    Yes! His help and advice is outstanding good. This is not only that he writes a lot, he HELPS with sense and sesibility; however, without pride and prejudice. ;-)

    1. beth811 profile image71
      beth811posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I agree!

  7. WoodsmensPost profile image63
    WoodsmensPostposted 13 years ago

    I agree but what's the criteria for elite status wouldn't want to nominate some if they don't meet the code.

    I do agree tho W. E is quite helpful in the answers I have seen with a more than generous moderate tempo that is informational rather than bias opinion based.  Got my vote here.

  8. profile image0
    TopUniverseposted 13 years ago

    I love WE in all respects. Whyn't this one?
    The main thing is that he is all round active in hubpages.

  9. travelespresso profile image68
    travelespressoposted 13 years ago

    YES!  I support this.  WE is so very helpful, offers sound advice and is just so darned knowledgeable.  I don't know how he does it.

    WE FOR ELITE......WE FOR ELITE.......  sounds like a presidential slogan!  smile

  10. KCC Big Country profile image78
    KCC Big Countryposted 13 years ago

    HubPages "Elite" is not just a status symbol.  An Elite member does one or more of the following:

    HubNuggets Team, HubGreeters Team or HubMob. 

    What WE does is not really what any of those groups do.  Perhaps he needs his own category. 

    This is what you find for "elite" in the Help section:

    "The HubPages Elite are Hubbers who go the extra mile and manage special programs we have here on HubPages, including the HubGreeters, HubNuggets Team, and the HubMob. To learn more about the HubPages Elite programs, visit our HubPages Elite page."

  11. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 13 years ago

    There is only one Website Examiner and he is in a class of his own. If I were queen, he would become Sir Website Examiner.

    (Am I correct in assuming that WE is indeed a man?)

    1. paradigmsearch profile image60
      paradigmsearchposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      1. travelespresso profile image68
        travelespressoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        "He is not" - what - a man or a class of his/her own?  smile

        1. jantamaya profile image61
          jantamayaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          We don't know if WE is a man. He maybe a woman???

    2. wilderness profile image90
      wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I second that - WE is in a class all her own.  There are few indeed that are as helpful as she is.

  12. lindajot profile image67
    lindajotposted 13 years ago

    Web Examiner was the first to help me out when I joined - so ditto smile

  13. profile image0
    Website Examinerposted 13 years ago

    Rest assured, the last time I checked I was a man.

    1. travelespresso profile image68
      travelespressoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Phew.  We thanks for clarifying that - I've referred to you as he in earlier postings.  Anyway, as I said earlier, I'm amazed by the variety of questions you are able to answer.  I think you must spend much time scouring the site!

    2. frogdropping profile image76
      frogdroppingposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Please explain how you tested this. As you know - any/all claims on the HubPages forum have to be substantiated. Nothing less that relevant, tried and tested proof will be acceptable.

      And please - no quotes allowed lol

      1. profile image0
        Website Examinerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        That's easy, Frogdropping, the usual morning routine:

        - Felt stimulated about a dream I had about being kidnapped by a mermaid, who then handed me over to two beautiful (female) angels, who took me straight to Paradise, where 400 maids were awaiting my arrival;

        - Looked in the mirror and thought: Uhm, it's time to shave (I can send you spent razor blades as evidence).

        All very down-to-earth "male stuff."

        1. frogdropping profile image76
          frogdroppingposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          lol TMI but ok - I will concede with this one *nods*

          Many wimmin look in the mirror on a morning and think the same. Horrible ... but true lol

          1. QudsiaP1 profile image61
            QudsiaP1posted 13 years agoin reply to this


  14. evvy_09 profile image59
    evvy_09posted 13 years ago

    People shouldn't question someones manliness tongue  Got my vote, however much that counts for. 

  15. profile image0
    Website Examinerposted 13 years ago

    Travelespresso, thanks. I'm not so sure I'm doing anything special. It's just that the questions look so juicy, they invite being looked into.

    1. travelespresso profile image68
      travelespressoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Love it that you do and its so very helpful.

  16. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago

    We got 20 yet?

  17. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago

    Give W.E. his E! smile

  18. Me, Steve Walters profile image77
    Me, Steve Waltersposted 13 years ago

    Please...Give W.E. his E. as paradigmsearch has asked!


    Get 'R Done!

  19. profile image0
    ryankettposted 13 years ago

    I nominate Website Examiner to be an elite IF:

    They get rid of the description 'elite' and replace it with something else. Even Hero or something is better, because otherwise it sounds like they are a member of the illuminati.

    They deserve plenty of recognition, no doubt about that. But elite is a slightly strong word, as it makes Hubpages 'elitist', and nobody wants to be described as that.

  20. Randy Godwin profile image59
    Randy Godwinposted 13 years ago

    I think "HubPage Deity" would work well as a title for WE!

  21. Haunty profile image73
    Hauntyposted 13 years ago

    Has WE volunteered yet? Otherwise it's not going to happen based on our recommendations.

    Anyway, he is already an elite in my eyes. He not just helps out a lot in forum, but also has lots of useful and fun hubs about hubpages and writing. So a big YES to WE for an elite and/or deity.

  22. acaetnna profile image71
    acaetnnaposted 13 years ago

    Website Examiner has been a complete inspiration to me.  He led me by the hand in the initial stages when I felt completely inadequate.  Without him I would have left Hubpages without trace.  He is a constant support not only to myself but to hundreds of others.  He leaves us constructive comments and nothing is too much trouble for him. His policy is to help and reassure whenever he can.
    He even wrote an amazing short story for me when a replied to his challenge. The Snow Princess is astounding in my opinion and an excellent read. He is blessed with an exceptional writing ability. The style and language that he uses is awesome.
    I recommend Website Examiner whole heartedly for an elite award, in my opinion he always puts others before himself.  He is wonderful and the epitome of what a perfect hubber should be.

  23. prairieprincess profile image94
    prairieprincessposted 13 years ago

    I definitely agree! He has helped me numerous times with the beginner's questions that I had. He is very helpful and polite, and I appreciate him very much!

  24. kmackey32 profile image53
    kmackey32posted 13 years ago

    I also agree..

  25. CYBERSUPE profile image61
    CYBERSUPEposted 13 years ago

    WEBSITE EXAMINER has been a great help to me and the very least I can do is to "VOTE HIM UP" to ELITE.

  26. profile image0
    Website Examinerposted 13 years ago

    Elite status seems hard to grasp...


    1. frogdropping profile image76
      frogdroppingposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      More for those that don't have it. The word causes a little consternation. And to be fair, if you look at the definition - it's understandable.

      Maybe hubbers should brain storm and come up with a different name. Not suggesting HP will take notice but it has to be said - they do tend to listen in general smile

      1. profile image0
        Website Examinerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Could you imagine that bearing the Elite insignia would make helping out in the forums more difficult? I already have plenty of people confusing me with staff.

  27. Ohma profile image60
    Ohmaposted 13 years ago

    Count my vote if it matters. He is positively one of the most helpful Hubbers here.

  28. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 13 years ago

    Why can't we all just be our wonderful selves without giving us titles. This topic is a much better way to tell WE how much we appreciate his efforts. (I think a paycheck from HP central is in order myself, for everything WE does.)

    1. profile image0
      Website Examinerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Nelle Hoxie, you are very kind. I eagerly anticipate my knighthood once you become Queen. Meanwhile, you may call upon me informally (beck and call).

      1. profile image0
        JASON NICHOLSposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        You got my vote WE! smile smile

    2. frogdropping profile image76
      frogdroppingposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      IDK the answer to that one. Way back HP were musing on what to call those that greeted new hubbers. It was done quietly, unless you were doing it no one else knew. AT some point they felt it fair that the greeters were recognized for what they were doing, so they thought to call us something.

      The HubGreeter then appeared, as a reference to the greeting (of course smile) then the E followed. Can't tell you much about that, I was only aware of it when Sufidreamer emailed me to say congratz.

      @ WE - the E doesn't really make a difference to me. Folks still email me asking the same questions, no more, no less. I don't know that when I'm in the forum it makes being a user more difficult either - excepting when other hubbers voice a negative opinion of it.

      For my part - I get ignored in the forums in relation to when I'm direct with another hubber. You know - when something is written that warrants my ire kinda thing lol

  29. QudsiaP1 profile image61
    QudsiaP1posted 13 years ago

    Don't know if my vote counts but I nominate W.E. too. smile

  30. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 13 years ago

    Another vote here.  I've seen all that helping WE does (and I've been among the "helpees" more than once too).   smile


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