Fairly simple question.
Btw- I didn't know/wasn't sure, where to put the topic. If anyone can think of category to put it into, then by all means report the thread and have it moved.
Thank you in advance.
Of course they do. We already know about the Masons and the Bilderbergers, so they are not so secret anymore, but for sure there are more.
There are too many things to puzzle over for there not to be. I've been doing a lot of researching these last few days on a topic, and each question throws up more questions.
There has to another movement afoot. Maybe it is the Masons - just because we know they exist does not mean we know how they operate.
I believe they exist, even though my boyfriend thinks I'm just paranoid.
I believe yes - there are too many unexplained things that go on to blame on UFOs
Of course secret societies don't exist!
*whistles innocently*
Easily amused?
"whistles innocently" is what I was laughing at. If you don't get, I can understand.
If you don't get.......Did you mean to write "it".
Typos happen from time to time. No one is perfect, not even you.
They are not typos, you are illiterate, but you make yourself out to be some kind of philosopher.
Make myself out to be some kind of philosopher....boy you're definitely out in left field somewhere.
Name any given time I have laid any claim to being a philosopher. And, I'll gladly admit that I have lied.
I have gone to great lengths to establish that I am not one. So, it goes to show your inability to distinguish from reality and fantasy. Good job. You must be really proud of yourself.
Actually Sean OR John, I am far from illiterate, considering I did graduate school. From many of your posts, I am not sure you even know what a school actually is, much less, graduated from one.
"graduate school". Should that not read " Graduate from school">
Yes, but words are supposed to be written in the correct order. It's a sort of convention that most writers adhere to.
I am not a writer. So, I guess, as usual, you have no point.
The "dustbin"? Interesting notion. Did you get that from a kids book? Or did you actually think that up on your own?
Yale has the Skull and Crossbones for one. Take a look how few get admitted and how many of those few become presidents of huge companies, AND the United States. Creepy.
When you posted that, I was given a chill, a real one.
And I have no idea why, but it freaked me out. What is that image and what does it represent?
It will probably be something stupid now, like an American road sign, but I NEED to know.
Cags, I think you'd be surprised to know how many secret societies exist. Keep in mind that those mentioned here must not be all that secret.
do you know how much trouble i'm going to be in for this,... i mean realy,... the old phrase "i'd tell ya but i'd have to kill ya",.... you know our group takes this very seriously!,.... and to be quite frank,.... i'm running out of places to hide the bodies!
i'm also on my 3rd drink and this topic was WAY TOO INVITING! ha!
and in my own deffence, i have no idea how i posted this 3 times,... could be the tequila,... but i blame dial up.
We should each create one. Only one member can be in them at a time.
I don't have one, of course, but if I did it would be a secret. Shhh.
Definitely, the answer to the question.
Particularly with organized crime. The best crime gangs do not make it known that they are gangsters, and as such are largely secret, until they are discovered. If they are ever discovered.
In the UK we have cannabis factories sprouting up everywhere, there are always found with one 'gardener'. This gardener is generally an illegal immigrant, they rent a house under a fake ID, and then move in and turn it into a cannabis factory overnight, wiring it up to steal electricity.
The people behind them are said to be British, but they are NEVER caught. Neither would they be telling random people in bars that they are involved.
Top level organized crime is always a big secret. And then of course you have the CIA, MI5, MI6, those agents operate overseas in secrecy. The organizations are not secret, but the individuals and operations are.
For example, the network of Russian spys in New York who had been operating undetected for almost a decade. The ones who were then 'swapped' for American spys discovered in Russia.
There are so many that have exsisted over the years.Now with the ease of computers so many more societies can exsist and promote their own cause.It is a shame so many secret societies have been created in the need for power and control.Instead of helping other people in different ways.We have heard of hundreds of them that problably start out harmless but then can later promote the bad.The more you find out the more sad life can become.
Of course. You've never seen PCU? Balls and Shaft is real, so there must be oodles others out there just like them.
I am pretty sure that secret societies exist. I just wanted other people's answers. To me, it's fun to think about and to see what people have to say on the matter.
Much appreciated.
I think, to be honest, there are probably far more of them than any of us could imagine. I just find it hard to understand why they still exist. Almost everything is acceptable in our day and age. Seems like there would be no reason to hide much of anything - unless of course, it's just flat out illegal activity. There's my serious two cents.
Actually, there is plenty that isn't common knowledge to many and that is the part that many people would fail to understand, because of the complexity of it all.
Example: Do you know what the best way to utilize America's way of life?
Indulge me for a minute or two....if you have an answer, please do tell.
I don't know that America has a truly unique way of life, but if so, I wouldn't (personally) feel that it would be too terribly complex. As to utilizing it, what do you mean exactly? Utilizing it for what - personal or monetary gain, political advancement, etc...? I guess I don't generally feel that anything of true value to humanity should be kept secret. If it's something that is truly beneficial in furthering the cause of the human race toward a more peaceful and productive end, I think it should be right out there for everyone to see.
Part of the problem with that, though, is that I suppose it then becomes wide open to be perverted from its original intention, much like other things over the course of history, which may have begun with the very same intentions.
Okay, from your statement/post, you're not even sure if America has a unique way of life, which is precisely one of the problems with many citizens who live in America.
There are only two things in America that are distinctive- (a)it's way of life and (b) freedoms/rights.
America's way of life is all about equality, however, to gain that equality, is to have a specific knowledge about living.
America's rights/freedoms are a double edged sword and when you look at society(citizenship), who is treated better than others? Those who have wealth. Now, if that playing field was leveled? What would happen? I know, too much to think about, but I'll leave it at that.
I am in complete agreement about the unique nature of our freedoms/rights. Unfortunately, I think that too many of our citizens do not know enough about the freedoms/rights of other nations to truly understand how unique that nature is - which leads us to a way of life that isn't terribly unique. This is perhaps what you mean by the problem with many citizens who live in America? In that case, I agree on that point as well. In general, actually, I agree with your entire post. As to leveling the playing field in terms of wealth, I don't see that as a realistic possibility in my lifetime. Seeing as how the attempt has been made in other nations (meeting with varying degrees of success - some of which were no success at all) to level the playing field in terms of wealth, I can understand the fear of making an attempt to do so in our very own nation. Many folks strive for "equality" in our country, but in reality, they are actually striving not for equitable treatment, but rather better treatment. While I think that there is actual merit in the whole "From each according to his ability to each according to his need," concept, I believe that what often happens is that those who are actually "able" refuse to put in the effort of which they are capable, preferring instead to be seen as those in greater "need." Are we talking here about equal opportunity - or equal reward? That does become a part of the question, in my opinion.
I have written two hubs with regards to both issues you posted.
How Does Equality Survive In Capitalism?
Controversial- Rights versus Morals? (not to mention, I wrote a hub on morals as they are truly defined-however, that hubs doesn't address rights, as the above one does.)
I'll actually check them out. Sorry about the long winded response. I tend to think out loud (even in print) and, as you've gleaned from elsewhere, I do enjoy a good conversation. I'll take a look - thanks!
You may now have your thread back, sir.
I'm a good listener and usually a good conversationalist.
I've actually been able to determine a little of that from our continued encounters in forums. I have said elsewhere that I rarely judge a person by my first impression of them. I chose not to do that with you and have been pleasantly surprised and well rewarded. Anxious to take a look, but it will have to wait until after I've slept.
As a member I can say unequivocally NO.
However since posting this response I have been kicked out, SO the answer is definitely maybe!
The Ousting carried a death threat.
You are definitely welcome. Just don’t tell anyone.
Who am I going to tell and what exactly am I suppose to tell them....you really didn't say anything.
Just a little input.... The 'Secret Societies' are secret for several reasons... In regards to the Mason's... The reason for the secrecy, at one point they would have been killed upon discovery. They have secrets signs that are meant to be known only to those other members. The signs and handshakes help identify one another in a place among strangers.
Look at it this way, if you are in a strange place where you know no one, you make you sign and then discover that there is another like you, you might feel less frightened.
Some of the organizations are not as secret as they seem. Just the signs that you (a non-member) aren't aware of. All of the Masonic families (there are a lot!) do everything humanly possible to help out within the Community. Ask yourself this "Where does the money come from that is donated to food banks, women's shelters, children's Hospitals, youth groups etc?" A lot of it comes from 'secret' organizations. The organization I belong to has a list that we donate every year to....
So my response to the question "Tell me about your Secret Organization" is this..."If you want to know our Secrets, join us we'll tell you!"
Well I didn't ask if anyone belonged to one, but I appreciate your input. I was just curious to see other people's take on it.
The most secretive and nefarious secret society that ever existed was obviously the "Raccoon Lodge."
Do Secret Societies Actually Exist?
How Would You KNOW???
BE Honest.....
How would you Know?
If Secret Societies actually exist.......
Then they.....
Wouldn't Be SECRET would they......
If You Knew!!!!
LOL. Quite a contrast in tone and content from our earlier chat over on Lynnchandler's thread, eh?
Oh, you'd already said a mouthful (self-slap).
I had to go get good.
And I did!
Night! Gotta sign off... til 2moro. MM
UK has its fair share of secret societies, but they can exist anywhere. I know friends from my old university days who were indoctrinated into secret societies. Bilderberg, Masons, Trilateral Commission, so many of them. Wikipedia will tell you even more.
Some are shady and hidden while some can be quite useful. For example if you are a member of one and have a hard time getting work, get networking in your secret society - they will get you a job, where conventional methods won't in the face of favoritism.
There is a huge theory about conspiracies too, but there can also be compassionate conspiracies. Some secret organisations do good things too. It's a huge subject!
My first husband was a Bohemian. Do they quality for secret society status?
Hey Disturbia, great to see you. Hopefully you're well. Thank you for your input.
And, I don't know what qualifies for a quality secret society, but I would think to remain secretive would be one quality.
Bohemians are very secretive. Nobody knows what goes on at their gatherings. All these influential men, yes men, I believe it's the last remaining "males only" club but I could be wrong, gather at a place called the grove and many people speculate that world altering deals are struck there, but I suspect it's just a big frat party where they all let their hair down and prance around drunk and naked in the woods. LOL
Hey Disturbia, I don't think that secret societies are limited to just men. But, you could be right about the prancing/dancing naked drunk.
I have a secret society. It's called "screw with me and i'll..." well you get the idea. of course, the society that i run only consists of three people, me, myself and I.
I'm still stuck with how a secret society can be secret when we know about them.
It's the ones you don't know about. The ones that have been exposed were secret before being exposed, but that doesn't mean more do not exist.
OK. Good! Now I get it.
In that case I would rationalize that as there are many we know of, it is very likely there are many others we don't know of.
All good now!
Serious question. Are you on the autistic spectrum? You made some crazy comments about Mark Newbie. You don't seem to get humour, do you?
There wasn't anything humorous about Mark's thread about the negative aspect of traffic NEVER RETURNING to HP. And, your pathetic attempts to demean me, while knowing I wasn't going to return to the thread is a prime example of you being two-faced.
So you did return then. I seem to remember you saying goodbye to the forums as well. You just can't help changing your mind.
I said I wasn't going to further post. Now, who is illiterate? Can you not read? Or Do you only read what words matter to you?
Edit: You constantly bring up the fact that I left the forum and came back. At the time, and I will explain it for you, since you apparently have a comprehension problem- I was able to do other things, without having to worry about leaving the forums. Got it?
Of course.
If you google it, you'll find a whole role.
The most common (and influent) around here, are Opus Dei mainly in the Iberic peninsule and Italy and The Franc-Maçonnerie mostly in France and Anglo-Saxon countries.
Come on Cagsil.
Thank you for being polite as usual, but I doubt my input brought any added value to your knowledge.
I like to add the word Money in between Secret and Society. Like some kind of CSI investigation...or Secret Agent Movie plot: "Follow the money trail". Where you have Secret Societies that are in control of all the money. Now, that is my definition of a real "Secret Society"...those are the ones that are in control! And it is no secret...other then...the vast amount of the public haven't come to grips with all the Secret Society Groups! (And the list is long...)
Did someone mention the Bohemian Groves earlier?
Yes, it's the old if I tell you, I'll have to kill you deal. For even having this conversation, all our names are probably now on a secret hit list that was tattooed in special ink that can only be seen by black light , on a psychotic, mute, monk's backside.
Oh no...I think I just saw a psychotic, mute monk in the parking lot...
Actually, in this manic, paranoid society...we live in...it would not surprise me...if even mere slightly out spoken individuals got their name on some kind of "list".
"I think Richard Nixon kept such a list. Wasn't he a Bohemian?" Nixon was enlisted into politics by Prescott Bush - Skull and Bones.
Oh I know they exist, as I said, my first husband was a Bohemian, but that's not really a secret society. He also belonged to some other clubs too. Ones that had darker more sinister purposes where likeminded, strange people came together and did things I'm never going to admit to knowing anything about.
The bohemian club was actually once bohemian.
http://www.mollycliffhilts.com/bohemian … ection.php
by HeavyGuns 13 years ago
Does voting actually matter or do secret societies run the show? illuminati, free masons etc.Different you tube series such as "the extermination - a new world order" suggest that secret societies run the world. Tv shoes such as the conspiracy theory with jesse ventura and the whole...
by S T Guy 12 years ago
If you knew a Government secret, would you tell?When I was younger I didn't believe in secret societies and conspiracy theories, but that was many years ago. Many people today, likewise, do not believe that secret societies exist. However, Harvard openly has about four, while New York has at least...
by Julie Grimes 10 years ago
Would you write a hub on some of the lesser known secret societies you mentioned?That you had mentioned in your answer response to a question I asked earlier about secretive societies in America. So many of them I had never heard of before, and I love history/factual hub articles. Thank...
by lovetherain 6 years ago
Are they just boy's clubs, or are they something else? if so, what?
by Ellana 12 years ago
What proof is there that secret societies REALLY exist?
by lovetherain 3 years ago
Why are secret societies, like the masons, rosicrutians etc secret? They are supposedly modern mystery schools, and the ancient mystery schools were secret as well. What's the secret, and why are they hiding? I can understand that during the middle ages that they had to hide things from the church,...
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