Marked as Spam by Propellor!?

Jump to Last Post 1-13 of 13 discussions (28 posts)
  1. milcoach profile image61
    milcoachposted 16 years ago

    “While trying to SocialMark my hubpages site, Propellor told me I was blocked because my site was tagged as "pr0n spam". What does that mean and why did my site generate that?! Anyone else getting errors or blocks?  My sites are NOT spam...

  2. gamergirl profile image91
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    As has been mentioned numerous times - bad apples spoil the bunch.  Digg, reddit, sites like that hate Hubpages not because of honest and good people who use social bookmarking sites properly, but because of the folks who abused it to try and get more traffic to their "Hot Sexy Indian Pictures" pages.

    1. profile image0
      shinujohn2008posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Gamer Girl It is a FACT that many hubbers have spoiled Social Bookmarking sites.

      But, i have a single thing to ask you.

      After seeing your hub about "Rosario Dawson" i found that the Photo you have there has atleast a Bikini to wear.

      But after seeing your hub,"Top four Floozies" i think the first photo you have put there does not even have a Bikini.

      People who Have Not Done any SINS in their life should Throw STONES, others should remain Silent.

      1. patnamohan profile image58
        patnamohanposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Good Keep it up!!!

      2. gamergirl profile image91
        gamergirlposted 16 years agoin reply to this


        Are you one of those people who posts two lines of text and then ten or twenty pictures of girls provocatively dressed?

        If you look at those two hubs a little more closely:

        808 words, and none of it copied from wikipedia/fan sites.  808 words which I wrote.  That hub took me a while to compose, because I wanted to prove a point with it - the pictures of Christina Aguilera for instance show her progression from nasty and over-done to classy in appearance.

        In regard to the Rosario Dawson hub, while it only has a little less than 400 words, it focuses on her work - and the picture is one that hundreds of thousands of people would recognize from the cover of Esquire Magazine.  Again, another hub full of information which I presented in my own words.

        So - if you want to criticize someone, do a little more looking around than just snooping for boobs and bikinis.


        1. profile image0
          shinujohn2008posted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Ok i agree you have more text. But,what Use?

          My Photos mostly have Fully covered women,than those girls Most Americans Post Here, with girls covering themselves with Hands. I think you people are Very poor Than Indians in Dressing style.

          If you feel Worried with my responses -  Please Worry

          If you feel Angry with my responses     -  Please Be Angry

          If you Feel Smiling with my responses - Please Smile


        2. patnamohan profile image58
          patnamohanposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          See...don`t react anyway.........this is open you know one many member try to learn to make presence only in this forum smile just liesten quality word from quality people.... rest just do rubbish.........This is how information is   lol    lol

  3. SunSeven profile image59
    SunSevenposted 16 years ago

    HubPages is banned at Propeller. A few overambitious hubbers closed a very good traffic source for all of us! sad

    Those links don't fit in here. It should be snipped. I think you still have time to remove it before it is removed by someone else(and you are looked down upon)

    And please read the stickies before posting.

    If you think gg is rude, you haven't seen anything! smile

  4. milcoach profile image61
    milcoachposted 16 years ago

    Sorry...I'm new to this.  Just thought someone could tell me what might be wrong on my sites.  Didn't mean to spam the forum.  Forgive me?

    1. SunSeven profile image59
      SunSevenposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Now, thats a lot better. smile Everyone does that in the beginning. The important thing is we learn from our mistakes. You can even post links to your pages here, but only if its relevant to the discussion. We are a very liberal lot, yet there are borders. smile

      Welcome to HP forums smile

      1. milcoach profile image61
        milcoachposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Thank You! smile

  5. gamergirl profile image91
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    In general, just as a note - try not to post your own articles to social bookmarking sites.  It's better if you get there because people genuinely enjoy your material. smile

    But like I said, we're banned from some social bookmarking because of a few reasons, my assumption being that it is the fault of:

    --Internet Marketers with 8.4 million ebooks to sell you for $17 each that will all make you $143,926.41 in less than 10 days.
    --Photo Gallery hubbers who fill a page with girls in bikinis, lingerie and wet t-shirts.
    --A combination thereof.

    1. milcoach profile image61
      milcoachposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks!  I'll keep that in mind.  And thanks for being patient with me! smile

  6. gamergirl profile image91
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago


    The first difference between your picture galleries and my hubs is that My hubs focus on the text first, with the text capsule content outweighing the presence of photos, for the most part.  Hubpages is a place for writers, not for photo galleries.  (IMHO)

    Again, you missed my point - and I think that may be because of language barriers.  So, I thank you for the chance to defend my articles, and will be happy to do so in the future if you are confused. smile

    1. patnamohan profile image58
      patnamohanposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      confused. lol

    2. profile image0
      shinujohn2008posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Photo Galleries and Articles have equal Importance. No one has said that this is not a place for photos, other than some Hubbers like you, who think we are Robbing Something from You.

      Right To Live and Express Opinions is Allowed For Everyone.

  7. gamergirl profile image91
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago


    I don't think you're robbing me.  I make money just fine for the work I put in (which is a lot!) 

    I simply believe that posting a bunch of pictures you found on google with a sentence about how hot indian girls are is not raising the value of the site, nor is it quality content.  It's just pictures, and that's not what people come to Hubpages for.

    If you want to post pictures, grab a camera and take the pictures yourself - and post them on  Otherwise, feel free to write hubs, you know- those things with text and content and meaningful addition of ideas.

  8. patnamohan profile image58
    patnamohanposted 16 years ago

    Everything has equal importance........nothing is easy don`t criticize..........let everybody survive by their own methodology.........!!!!  smile

  9. gamergirl profile image91
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    It's ok Pat.  You don't have to defend anyone just because you also post just picture hubs. smile

    1. patnamohan profile image58
      patnamohanposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      You are so reactive!!!!!  lol did you take food today...........I am going to have cook my are most invited.........have a food and be quiet. smile

      1. profile image0
        shinujohn2008posted 16 years agoin reply to this

        May be she had Popeye's Food Today...........

  10. profile image0
    shinujohn2008posted 16 years ago

    Gamergirl, you like to post articles, you Find Fun and Satisfaction from Hubs like that ...........But, i am Programmed to post Photo Galleries..I just cannot Stop.......I will be doing that till my Last Breath.......or Till HUb pages ask me to STOP

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
      Uninvited Writerposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Or until someone threatens to sue you smile

  11. patnamohan profile image58
    patnamohanposted 16 years ago

    To be angry and abusive are injurious to health.......... lol I am worried about your health...... smile

  12. gamergirl profile image91
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    Who says I'm angry?  LOL  You folks assume far too much. … bbers-Vote

    1. profile image0
      shinujohn2008posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      So you made a new Hub Today, Only Because of Me..........Please say "Thanks" to me

    2. patnamohan profile image58
      patnamohanposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      smiling gives extra beauty to the women  smile  ...........Now you look good!!!!! i visited your hub i liked......  smile

  13. gamergirl profile image91
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago


    I have about seven hubs in the works.  One of them has 1200 words already, and is a collaboration between a true artist and myself.  Don't flatter yourself too much. tongue


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