two way backlinks?

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  1. albc profile image61
    albcposted 13 years ago

    dear all,

    i want to link my hubs to a blog and then to link the blog back to my hubs

    do you use this approach?

    is this a good way to get more traffic for both sites?

    1. Victoria Stephens profile image74
      Victoria Stephensposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      No harm in trying! smile  The more links to your work, the better!

      1. albc profile image61
        albcposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        i saw many people do the same - linking hubs to blog and blog to hubs. is it resulting more traffic?

        and also i heard that google disfavor this 'two-way backlinks' strategy

        have you tried this way before victoria?

    2. profile image0
      Baileybearposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      apparently they cancel each other out, so going mostly/all one direction would be better

    3. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      No.  They don't cancel each other out completely, but they are devalued.

      One way links are always best.  Choose one - Hub to blog or blog to Hub - not both.

      1. profile image0
        Baileybearposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I have one link coming back but all others going out.  Will one link in matter?  Surely google sees from my adsense account & analytics that they are all one entity?

  2. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    One way links are more valuable from what I have learned. wink

    You can point a bunch of hubs at one location, but that location shouldn't be pointed back to your hub. It should be pointed somewhere else, which could or could not be pointed back to your hubs.

    The object is to create a wheel type approach. Pick something to be the centered of attention and build one way links outward.

    I hope that helps.

    1. profile image0
      BRIAN SLATERposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Perfectly put.

  3. profile image58
    FStevensposted 13 years ago

    Be careful of reciprocal links - in most cases the incoming link simply balances out the outgoing one and isn't of any additional value...

    1. Richieb799 profile image74
      Richieb799posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Reciprocal links that I have on my website all show up in Backlink checker and I think they are of value if you share banners with other sites willing to exchange because people will see this when browsing the other persons site..not much point using your own blog for reciprocals though

  4. anish92 profile image63
    anish92posted 13 years ago

    How about HubA links to blog and blog links to HubB and hubB links to HubA?
    Are these 2-way links?

    1. SunSeven profile image60
      SunSevenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. Its the domain.

      1. Camping with Kids profile image68
        Camping with Kidsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        @Sunseven - are you sure about that? I'm not, but I think the different page links may not be viewed as completely as reciprocal as they would if they were directly pointing back and forth to each other.

        Again - only speculating, not declaring - but I see it this way:

        your has ten content pages - if you write ten hubs that all point to, and then links back to your hubs - that's reciprocal and those ten links to would only count as 1 link from - and then would also be less valued because they were reciprocal.

        But, if each hub linked to a specific content page, then each would have a incoming link credit, plus if as mentioned - Page A linked back to Hub B, (instead of incoming Hub a link ), I'm not sure that would be seen as reciprocal by Google - it's sort of an internal link wheel.

        But the snag in that concept is ensuring related content links.

        Anyway - That's only my perception, not definitive, and perhaps wrong. But I hope not because I am putting a lot of effort into that strategy across several Big-Domain platforms


        1. SunSeven profile image60
          SunSevenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I reiterate my post above.
          No hard feelings, may be its my belief against your knowledge.

          Best Regards

          1. anish92 profile image63
            anish92posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Sunseven appears to be right according to my scratchy online research(more forum posts and reading a few blogs).
            But then Google is quite unpredictable and I doubt if anyone ACTUALLY knows the answer.

        2. Marisa Wright profile image85
          Marisa Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          If Hub A was a website, and Hub B was a website, and Hub C was a website etc - then you would be right.  But Hubs are not separate websites - they are all part of the same website - so Sunseven is right.

  5. anish92 profile image63
    anish92posted 13 years ago

    So, to get a valid link to a domain I must always use separate domains?? Thats a steep ask seeing that there are only so many web 2.0 publishers.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, but you can also get links on bookmarking sites, in comments on blogs, in forums, in directories, on Twitter, on Facebook, in guest posts on other blogs.....

  6. Camping with Kids profile image68
    Camping with Kidsposted 13 years ago

    Well, this turned out to be one of those "black-hole" issues that once you start researching just seems to draw you in deeper and deeper, sucking you down more information link-trails than you intended when you started

    But my discovery was this... (purely a conclusive opinion - not authoritative expert advice)

    1. Since the search engines aren't talking - ALL the information presented was assumptive conclusions. Some by experts that are knowledgeable, but most by "experts" that aren't!

    2. Some of the conclusions were assumptions based on actual data-mining research and extensive testing, but most wasn't. Most search results were just the experts-that-aren't rehashing what they assume is "common knowledge" and putting it out as their expert opinions and "inside" information. Baloney!

    Ended up spending a few hours, (about 5 hours Net' reading since yesterday's Sun Seven response),and a couple hours   reading Matt Cutts, (Google guy) blog archives to try to glean some idea of who's right.

    Remember, I said this was just my own conclusions from what I found, -  NOT an definitive expert opinion!

    1. reciprocal links are not necessarily bad, or automatically devalued, or cancel each other out. Google seems to place a LOT of weight on content relevancy.


    But, the definitions of BAD reciprocal linkage was almost universal:
    1. Unrelated content reciprocal linkage ie. bible selling site and sex site linking
    2.Blog roll lists - link relevancy could be a moderating factor, but it appears Google's algo doesn't highly value long lists of links, and could be worse than just devalued links, it could hurt the site's authority rating
    3."Resource" pages, (pages of nothing but links) Generally viewed as a negative impact to a site IF content linkage was not relevant AND linkage was reciprocal
    4.and of course; link farms, buying links, and that kind of stuff

    My conclusion - reciprocal links can be a good beneficial tactic if the result will also benefit the reader and not just the the sites linked.

    Multiple links from domain to domain

    This one was a little murkier, and harder to find definitive clues, but, again, relying on info from Matt Cutts;

    The point being - it appears webpage link addresses are first consideration in the algo, and domain link address is secondary - AS LONG AS THE DOMAIN LINK ISN'T ALREADY A KNOWN "BAD" NEIGHBORHOOD LINK.

    Again from Matt's own posts, examples of article directories, like ezine, (although Matt did not mention any specific ones), were referenced as legitimate links to site content pages, also again, AS LONG AS IT WAS RELEVANT RELATED CONTENT. Google's new algo seems to be heavily tilted to evaluating link relevancy in relation to the actions or flags it attributes to links.

    I said it was murky, but it appears that multiple links from one domain's pages to another domain's pages, (but not all to the same page) would count as individual links to each page, affecting the pages ranks individually, but NOT accumulating as multiple link juice to the domain link itself.

    The cumulative benefit seems to be what the individual page rank increases could to for the domain link, not the links feeding benefit directly to the domain link.

    Whew! Sorry for such a long post, and you folks that are much more experienced or knowledgeable than myself can shred my logic on this, but I think I will stand with my original opinion about reciprocal links to different webpage link addresses.


    1. Camping with Kids profile image68
      Camping with Kidsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      BIG OOPS!
      was having connection problems when I saved this post.
      It was fine in preview - but when I just re-read it - 2 whole paragraphs referencing sources for

      "1. reciprocal links are not necessarily bad, or automatically devalued, or cancel each other out. Google seems to place a LOT of weight on content relevancy. "

      were not saved. Bummer!

      but to try to restate them:
      That conclusion was based on Matt Cutts posts that detailed how Google's algo "flagged" link value based more on relevancy than a cut-and-dried "is it one-way or not"  evaluation.
      He referenced a couple SEO articles concerning that, (I hope it is safe to assume he would not reference authors he did not trust or agree with), that spoke of the benefits of "good" reciprocal links be judged as natural editorial links in Google's mind.

      or something like that - I was disappointed that my original post did not show this because it looked as if my conclusion was just a broad statement based on my perception alone.


      1. Marisa Wright profile image85
        Marisa Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Gus, your original post and this one are terrific, and it's great to see someone doing their research.  I wish more Hubbers would realise that writing online is more than just writing - there's a huge amount to learn.

        Your post was really useful to me, because I've never seen the whole thing summarised in one place before, so it helped crystallize things in my mind.

        You are absolutely right, practically everything about SEO is pure guesswork - educated guesswork, but still guesswork!  Unless Google reveals its algorithm - which it's not going to - how could it be anything else?

        Your post does confirm what I already knew - exchanging links in a sidebar or a links page is useless. I'd say it's even debatable if you're using a RSS feed or a links capsule in your Hub, to link to your site - because when Google talks about "natural" links, they usually mean contextual links (links in the body of an article).   

        It's long been advised that contextual links are the most desirable.  What you've added to the conversation here, is evidence that they are still valuable even if they're reciprocal. Good to know!

        1. Camping with Kids profile image68
          Camping with Kidsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          ahh, shucks Mam, tweren't nuthin.

          Thanks Marissa, as mentioned, I originally didn't intend to spend that much time on it, but one thing kept leading to another until, well... the black-hole just swallowed more time than I expected.


  7. Dolores Monet profile image92
    Dolores Monetposted 13 years ago

    What about links here on HP? Links between hubs - if I write a hub on, say, UFO's, can I link several of them together? Such as list subtopics on the general UFO hub, then link them to one another?

    I've always done this but now am not sure if that's the way to go.

    1. Cagsil profile image70
      Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hey Dolores, I am not aware that two-way links within the same domain hurt. I could be wrong, but I've not heard of anyone saying that they are of less value. smile

      1. anish92 profile image63
        anish92posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I am with cagsil. In fact on IB (amongst others) interlinking between articles is highly encouraged. So no harm in that.

  8. sofs profile image72
    sofsposted 13 years ago

    There is so much information here I am reading and rereading this and following this thread.. I just would like to say thanks to all those who have contributed here smile some of my doubts have been cleared. smile


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