HP Ads that are offensive

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  1. Brie Hoffman profile image62
    Brie Hoffmanposted 13 years ago

    I just switched to HP from adsense and have noticed that there are some ads that I find offensive (for women in Russia for example).  I find it interesting that HP will ding me if I put something off-color on my hubs but this is allowed.  How do I get these kinds of ads off my hubs?

  2. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    Not that I know.

    However, I am curious what ads are offensive? And, how are they offensive?

    1. David 470 profile image73
      David 470posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I would also like to know. I have actually seen ads on the internet that lets say, could lower people's self esteem...

  3. Brie Hoffman profile image62
    Brie Hoffmanposted 13 years ago

    The one I saw that I thought was offensive was of two women in corsets and one was unzipping the other.  It was for a Russian girlfriend I guess.  I wrote to HP Team and they wanted a screen print of the ad but when I went back it was gone.  Hopefully forever!

    1. Barbara Kay profile image76
      Barbara Kayposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I hope this ad doesn't show-up on any of my hubs.

    2. prairieprincess profile image93
      prairieprincessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I saw an ad for Russian women, too, on my ads, just last night.

  4. waynet profile image68
    waynetposted 13 years ago

    It all depends on what you've been viewing online lol big_smile

    1. Lisa HW profile image63
      Lisa HWposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Does that really play a role in some of the HP ads, or are you just being funny?

      1. wilderness profile image90
        wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I don't know about HPads, but those from google adsense can be based on your recent viewing history.

    2. Richieb799 profile image74
      Richieb799posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      LOL, yes, I do believe it is set to replicate other topics you've been looking at..unless that is just the Adsense ads

      1. Aficionada profile image76
        Aficionadaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I thought that was the case, but the one mentioned above couldn't be!

        I did check just now and it is gone.  Replaced by text link ads for cars or trucks.

  5. 2uesday profile image65
    2uesdayposted 13 years ago

    Yesterday, I saw an ad. that had a reference to Russian women, not the one mentioned though.  I am also seeing ads that seem to be about playing poker, but I thought we were not allowed to promote gambling in hubs under the TOS.

    I wonder if this is to do with the change of ads. mentioned a while ago.

    1. Cagsil profile image70
      Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I just recently saw an email from Google Adsense about bring in new advertisers with regards to gambling? I thought it was odd considering the rules. However, I guess those rules will be changing, to what exactly? I'm not sure, but Google Adsense is still working on it from what I understand.

    2. recommend1 profile image61
      recommend1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I seem to recall that the Hubpages sign in page very prominently featured a gambling hub a few weeks ago ?  might be wrong but I did think at that time the TOS must have changed to allow it.

  6. Brie Hoffman profile image62
    Brie Hoffmanposted 13 years ago

    HP team just replied:

    I apologize for the confusion this ad has caused. An ad of this nature should not appear on HubPages. We are trying to track it down now. If you see it again, please contact us with the information outlined in this FAQ entry

    So if you see any ads like this on your hub..take a screen shot and send it to HP right away.  I think the gambling ones would qualify as well.

  7. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago


    We're constantly reviewing the categories of ads available to our AdSense publishers in order to provide access to a wide range of possible advertisers. Towards this goal, beginning on September 27, we're expanding the inventory of Google ads eligible to show on the AdSense network to include gambling-related ads from trusted advertisers.

    Please note that the AdSense program policies will continue to prohibit the placement of ads on sites that accept money or allow users to place bets in exchange for an opportunity to earn cash or other prizes, directly from the site. In addition, these new ads will only be shown to users in regions where gambling is legal, which is determined by the location of the end-user. A full list of these locations can be found at the following link: http://adwords.google.com/support/aw/bi … er=176014. Finally, publishers may not opt in to receiving ads from this new category if their sites are intended for individuals under 18 years of age.

    If you're interested in allowing gambling ads to appear on your site and you feel it's a fit with your content and audience, you can opt into this category within your AdSense account. As a reminder, you have control over the categories of ads that can appear on your site. You can always check your category filtering options and make changes by following <a href="http://www.google.com/adsense/support/as/bin/answer.py?answer=164131">these instructions</a>. Again, please keep in mind that by opting into the gambling category, you confirm that the site(s) on which you place your ad code aren't intended for individuals under 18 years old.

    If you don't wish to receive gambling ads on your site, no action is required on your part. We recommend checking your category filter on a regular basis to see what new ad categories may become available.

    We look forward to continuing to grow the ad inventory available to you to help you maximize your returns from AdSense.


    The Google AdSense Team

    1. kittythedreamer profile image75
      kittythedreamerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Just as a follow-up, this same exact ad popped up on one of my newest hubs...very weird and I definitely am not a fan of this ad!

      1. Brie Hoffman profile image62
        Brie Hoffmanposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Quick take a screen shot and let the hp team know.

  8. 2uesday profile image65
    2uesdayposted 13 years ago

    I  thought it said it was an adsense ad. (bootoom right of ad) when I saw it today. It had another name in the lower left of the ad. maybe an dating agency name. Sorry I do not know how to do screen shots.

    1. paradigmsearch profile image58
      paradigmsearchposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      There is a prt scrn key above the insert key or thereabouts. Press it. Then go to most any photo editing program and give yourself a ctrl-V. smile

      1. 2uesday profile image65
        2uesdayposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you, that is useful to know. Feel silly now roll that it is so simple and I never knew.

        1. paradigmsearch profile image58
          paradigmsearchposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Don't feel silly. I didn't know until someone told me. smile smile smile

  9. skear profile image69
    skearposted 13 years ago

    I also noticed this same very sketchy ad on one of my hubs today. 

    I just happened to notice it as I was clicking a link to another page.  I went back to try and grab a screenshot but it was gone by then and I haven't seen it come back since.

    I'll be on the lookout for it in case it comes back.

  10. Gordon Hamilton profile image99
    Gordon Hamiltonposted 13 years ago

    Slightly uncomfortable with this thread as it appears to be a discussion of my life... Who's been talking?

    Firstly - I'm being absolutely serious here, I promise - my ex was Russian. No, I did not meet her on some exchange programme or Eastern equivalent of eBay. She happened to already be a perfectly legal UK resident at the time I met her.

    Secondly, my day starts off the same way seven days a week in present times. I get up, swallow a mug of coffee while I smoke two cigarettes (in alternate gulps/puffs...) and then I head 200 yards up the road to my perfectly legal gambling establishment (The Bookies) to put my line on the horses for the day. (Once or twice, I have actually won...!!! smile )

    I then come back, make another coffee and switch my computer on.

    I know I'm probably missing something here (and being incredibly stupid and naive) but has Google finally recognised my recommendations for a proper lifestyle, or is there a bit of tongue in cheek, Halloween-esque skulduggery on the go...??? smile

    1. mythbuster profile image76
      mythbusterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I don't care what the topic of this thread is anymore - I just love this response!


  11. 2uesday profile image65
    2uesdayposted 13 years ago

    Now there are  ads are aimed at school kids for test revision. Yet I would not want young children on here with some of the forum posts I have read. I suppose I am more cautious than most in what I think is acceptable as far as little ones are concerned.

    1. Will Apse profile image92
      Will Apseposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Young primates are hard to shepherd.

  12. paradigmsearch profile image58
    paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago

    I stumbled across a lovely, big boobs pic ad yesterday that was a click-here video. My mouse hovered, contemplated..., but then moved on. smile

    Anyone else seen that particular one on their hubs yet?

    1. Aficionada profile image76
      Aficionadaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I saw it this morning.  I wish I had taken a screenshot, and I would've if I had seen this thread first.  I'll go back and see if it's still there.

    2. Aficionada profile image76
      Aficionadaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I saw it again this morning and managed to take a screen-shot.  Based on previous events, I'm guessing it may have changed by now.  But anyway, here it is:


      1. Brie Hoffman profile image62
        Brie Hoffmanposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Did you notifiy HP?

        1. Aficionada profile image76
          Aficionadaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Well, I feel a bit like an idiot right now. Earlier in the thread it did say to send the screenshot to HP, but for some reason (I didn't reread it until just now) I thought we were supposed to post it here.  (Facepalm)

          I'll do that right away.

        2. Camping with Kids profile image70
          Camping with Kidsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          could I get an enlargement of the screen shot, or a link from the ad,

          - I think this needs further investigation, and though I am reluctant to get involved with such sordid low-lifes that think those subjects, er.. I mean that subject, would be of interest to anyone, I feel it is my civic duty to volunteer


  13. 2uesday profile image65
    2uesdayposted 13 years ago

    I suppose it could be advertising double sided tape. smile


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