My account just tanked bad!!!

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  1. eddiecarrara profile image88
    eddiecarraraposted 12 years ago

    Has anyone else experienced this today? I usually have over 350 views per day and today I have less than 25 views??? WTF, that means (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) lol, My views have been dropping slowly since Christmas but this is ridiculous!!!I have blue arrows covering my account page, it looks like a sinking ship!!! SOS!!!

    1. Will Apse profile image90
      Will Apseposted 12 years agoin reply to this
      1. SmartAndFun profile image96
        SmartAndFunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for the info. I was wondering if perhaps a panda had attacked my hubs. Darn, I had just started writing here again after about a year off. I took the year off because I was so discouraged by the first pandas or whatever it is they were named back then. Now I am discouraged once again.

        1. Cardisa profile image91
          Cardisaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Web Pro News did say there was another update this past week. That could be it!

    2. tamron profile image66
      tamronposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe there is a bug.  I just compare Hupage views with Adsense views for today.  My hubpage views are 158 my adsense views is 99 and that includes my blogs and other account.

    3. LoriSoard profile image65
      LoriSoardposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think there is a bug. Mine hasn't updated all day. It stinks. My hubscore is still in the 50s, too and doesn't want to go much higher no matter what I do. Oh well. They are just numbers, I guess.

    4. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
      Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Sir, I experienced something very similar in September and October.  While I WELL understand how discouraging that is....that too shall pass.

      Following my two month sandbox, or whatever, my traffic has done nothing but increase slowly but steadily.

      If it truly bothers you so far as to be depressing or anything - then follow Jason's advice, and wait it out.  My personal suggestion for someone who's subdomain is currently sandboxed....if you're a pretty obsessive writer guy like me...then I'd suggest spending that time on Info Barrel or Blogger.  You're subdomain almost certainly WILL recover - and then you'll be right back where you need to be.

  2. Brie Hoffman profile image62
    Brie Hoffmanposted 12 years ago

    Mine tanked too today sad

    1. eddiecarrara profile image88
      eddiecarraraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry Brie, I'm just hoping it comes back soon.

      1. Brie Hoffman profile image62
        Brie Hoffmanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        It's a little better today.

        1. eddiecarrara profile image88
          eddiecarraraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Mine are down even more, if it gets any worst I'll be at 0 hmm

  3. prettydarkhorse profile image63
    prettydarkhorseposted 12 years ago

    The G is always updating its algorithm with small tweaks, so sometimes views is like a see saw. According to this article there is no major tweaking just yet - … ve-2012-01

    I hope your views is normalized after a day or two.

    1. eddiecarrara profile image88
      eddiecarraraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks prettydarkhorse, I read that article and didn't really see any connections between the article and why my views dropped so hard but maybe I'm missing something...(like traffic) lol. I have never experienced this. It's not like it was just a few of my hubs, it was more like my URL was attacked, weird!!!

  4. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 12 years ago

    My views are up from what they were last weekend.

    1. Cardisa profile image91
      Cardisaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      My views have been steadily rising and since this past week, they have increased by about 50% and still rising.

  5. Max Dalton profile image75
    Max Daltonposted 12 years ago

    Hey Eddie,

    I saw your post on the Google Slapped forum and figured I'd jump over here with you guys, as it looks like we're all experiencing the same thing. I've only been here two months, and I just got to where I was averaging 350 page views per day and then over the course of three days I was down to about 55. For no apparent reason this morning, I had 150. I checked my traffic thing to see where they were coming from, and there was really no indication. The article that was pulling in 100 page views a day is down to 17. One day at a time...

    1. eddiecarrara profile image88
      eddiecarraraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I checked to see where my hubs were popping up in Google and some that were on page 2 are now at page 7 and 9, I believe that has a lot to do with why I lost almost all my traffic, no one likes to dig that deep for info. Thanks Max...

  6. bruzzbuzz profile image60
    bruzzbuzzposted 12 years ago

    I often have swings that are pretty big. I used to average about 300 views on a good day and then it would slowly drop to about 100. Lately, I have average about 550 and today I am at 400 and dropping. It always climbs back up and then does it all over again.

  7. Anamika S profile image63
    Anamika Sposted 12 years ago

    Part of your fall could be weekend down fall also. Normally my hub views start dropping from Friday evening (a total of 20%) and then come to the normal levels by monday again.

    1. bruzzbuzz profile image60
      bruzzbuzzposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I see weekend drops often too. I figure people surf the net more at work than they do on their free time. Makes you wonder about productivity in the workplace.

    2. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I get really irritated when people post a reply like that!  You said the same thing when my traffic dropped by 75% overnight.  Please read people's posts properly before you reply.

      The OP has been here two years.  Do you think he doesn't know the difference between weekend fluctuations and a dramatic fall?

  8. Marisa Wright profile image86
    Marisa Wrightposted 12 years ago

    I have the same experience - my traffic has tanked again on January 6th.   My traffic has been completely weird, and it does suggest to me that Google is tweaking something that's having a major effect on my sub-domain.

    My traffic was running at around 4,000 views a day. 
    On December 6, it suddenly dropped to 500 a day.
    On December 29, it shot back up to around 3,000 views a day.
    On January 6, it suddenly dropped back down to 500 a day.

    Before Christmas, Google said they would not be issuing any new Panda updates for a while - but that doesn't exclude the possibility of them doing smaller tweaks in between. I can't see how this is anything but a Panda, since it has hit the whole sub-domain, not individual pages.

    1. eddiecarrara profile image88
      eddiecarraraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have to agree with you Marisa, it was my sub-domain that got hit and it certainly wasn't weekend traffic drop.  I'm have no choice but to wait it out and see what happens. I definitely looking into moving most of my related articles to their own domain, then I'm free to add any links I want and possibly make more money that way. It's not going to be easy but I have been brainstorming since 1/6/12. Thanks for you input, you expressed my thoughts exactly smile

    2. Howard S. profile image84
      Howard S.posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Marisa's post is a bit old, but I just found it and it is the first thing I have found that correlates at all with my subdomain traffic, though some is inverse:
      October 19--down
      November 23--up
      December 6--down--same as Marisa's
      December 20--up
      December 29--down--opposite Marisa's
      January 6--up--opposite Marisa's
      January 11--down

  9. marriedwithdebt profile image72
    marriedwithdebtposted 12 years ago

    I am having the opposite.

    Today, my traffic surged to a level I've never had before on any day, let alone a Sunday.

    Almost every one of my Hubs has multiple views, even ones that haven't been read for weeks.

    It all happened within the course of a few hours.

    Makes me think it's a Hubpages bug (i'm too pessimistic to think i could have had a "breakthrough" with Google.)

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Stop being pessimistic!  The fact that you've surged while we've dropped is too much of a coincidence, IMO.

      1. eddiecarrara profile image88
        eddiecarraraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        LOL, I like your style Marisa, get off the pot or s**t  attitude!!!! Good for you!

        1. Cardisa profile image91
          Cardisaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I don't think it's a bug. I think things will pick back up for those with low views. Maybe the plunge has to do with the weekend.

          1. Jean Bakula profile image88
            Jean Bakulaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I had good views in Oct, Nov, and the first half of Dec, and felt like I was finally "making it." Then in mid-Dec it sank like a stone, and some days I look and I'm lucky if I see up arrows on 5 of my 106 hubs. I guess they are tweaking.

    2. Sunnyglitter profile image78
      Sunnyglitterposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The same thing happened to me.  My traffic is up almost 78% and I am so happy.  I was starting to think my traffic would never come back.

  10. Jason Menayan profile image61
    Jason Menayanposted 12 years ago

    There are 2 Learning Center entries that might be useful for people experiencing a "plunge":

    1. What to Do if Your Subdomain has a Sudden Drop in Traffic

    2. Slightly less related, but still emphasizes bringing your Hub-house in order. Geared more towards people who haven't experienced a plunge: Increase your Traffic by Updating your Hubs using these 12 Steps

  11. Gareth Pritchard profile image73
    Gareth Pritchardposted 12 years ago

    Hi  All,

    I think you should read the article below from Google about recent up dates to search and this should tell you what is in the making for search and the value of your pages. … world.html

    The other side of this is Hubpages is a social networking site as well as having other social factors, so Hubpages is a great place to be in the present climate.

    Happy Hubing, Gareth.

  12. againsttheodds profile image60
    againsttheoddsposted 12 years ago

    If this is indeed from the new Google plus search integration then you may see it rise back up as many people begin to disable this feature that Google turned on by default.  I find it skews my results and invades my privacy in a way undesired so I disabled it.  I suspect many others will as well once they realize and figure out how.

  13. chuckbl profile image68
    chuckblposted 12 years ago

    I had a large amount of views yesterday, over 400 on one hub just from google, but since early this morning it seems like it's going down again, been very small today. I guess things just keep changing and there isn't much we can do about it except make our hubs as attractive as possible to search engines and just put up with the volatile traffic. It's a bit like the stock market really...

  14. againsttheodds profile image60
    againsttheoddsposted 12 years ago

    Oh, just saw the original post was 6 days ago so that may not be the case, but still somewhat relevant.

  15. Gareth Pritchard profile image73
    Gareth Pritchardposted 12 years ago


    You will find that it is being rolled out which means it is being phased in so you will see lots of traffic inconsistencies for a while and the information on this page suggests to me that it is what is being seen with traffic on Hubpages.

    I have seen traffic fluctuations on all of my pages, everywhere, not just Hubs and on my sites as well.


  16. lukeuk profile image64
    lukeukposted 12 years ago

    I wish Google would stop doing this. I wish they would make an algorithm and stick to it so we can all understand it properly and optimize our hubs around it ! It seems to me as soon as we have optimized our traffic Google go and change the flaming algorithm again !

    I'm thinking about going over to Google blogger, its not like they are going to penalize there own service is it ?

    1. profile image0
      Go Writerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Google is tougher on people who use Blogger. After all, Blogger is their property. If they suspect you could be keyword spamming, they will pull down your blogger site immediately without warning.

      In a way, you're safer with Hubpages.

      1. lukeuk profile image64
        lukeukposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I see ok , thanks for the reply

    2. marriedwithdebt profile image72
      marriedwithdebtposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      "I wish they would make an algorithm and stick to it so we can all understand it properly and optimize our hubs around it !"

      That's the entire issue - why would Google want to optimize its search for people who are most concerned with SEO and getting visitors? Generally these are the worst written type of content and offers little value.

      That is also why they change it regularly.

      Google obviously prefers content that was written for the sake of the content, not for the sake of making money.

      1. lukeuk profile image64
        lukeukposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        All of the biggest websites out there like "technobuffalo" and "engadget" all have consultants working on SEO. People that optimize SEO are just people that want to get their business structure noticed. Not everyone that does that are spammers or have websites that contain "bad content".

        Every professional website out there is out there to generate an income through good quality content. No one will make content for nothing, money is what makes the world go round my friend.  Therefore people that write good content want their content to be noticed and hire SEO professionals.

        Look at when Google took over YouTube, what was the first thing they did ? They put ads into every video !

        If "Google obviously prefers content that was written for the sake of the content, not for the sake of making money" they wouldn't have done that.

        1. IzzyM profile image87
          IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this


        2. marriedwithdebt profile image72
          marriedwithdebtposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Just keep in mind that Google is suspicious of places like Hubpages that allow people to publish their own content. There are plenty of "content farms" that tarnish our reputations because of their shady practices.

          Because of this, it will usually be harder for us to rank.

  17. davenstan profile image60
    davenstanposted 12 years ago

    Go Writer, thanks for answering his question because I had the same one.

  18. lukeuk profile image64
    lukeukposted 12 years ago

    I know this is a little off topic but my question is related to traffic. I just wanted to know how often Google updates our hubpages titles.

    I have been doing some SEO on my titles and summaries and wanted to know how long do you think it will be until they get updated in the search results ?

    1. Gareth Pritchard profile image73
      Gareth Pritchardposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If you had a big pie, all to yourself would you give me a bite or would you ask for something to warrant me having a bite, would you ask me for something that you considered valuable?
      Or would you just give it all away because you could?
      It doesn't really matter what you do I am just asking because I want to know what you would do?

      That's how these things work, dumb animals at the present moment but don't bank on it for much longer.

      SEO is gaming the system, if you only have two pages gaming the system then we will see you later but if you have two million then it might take a bit longer because YOU HAVE SOME POWER AND WE DON'T WANT to upset the balance too quickly as it might not help us. 

      If you had a good system would you give it away?
      Would you allow everybody to it?
      Would you keep it to your self?
      What would you do if you was Google, would you tell everybody how to make money from you or would you say sweet FA?

      If you was Google do you think it would be to your advantage tell people anything? Especially when you had managed to grab it all for yourself and did not have to tell anybody anything?

      Updates, you are lucky Google allows you to exist let alone up date your hub titles because I am very sure, you would, if you where in the same position as them. Not give anything away, in fact I don't think you would tell others who you are for fear of reprisal.

      Please don't shoot me I am only the messenger.

  19. profile image0
    zEric7xposted 12 years ago

    Pretty much all my Hub views so far mostly come from people on Hubpages. I got a few views from email and Facebook though.

  20. ergenzinger profile image60
    ergenzingerposted 12 years ago

    As a newbie to HP, I really appreciate that folks are willing to share their experience and advice. Great info. Thanks.

    1. eddiecarrara profile image88
      eddiecarraraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hey ergenzinger, since I wrote this question my traffic has doubled smile just an FYI

      1. Rosie2010 profile image66
        Rosie2010posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        That's nice to hear, eddiecarrara!  Double traffic to go with your 100 Hubber score.  Cheers! smile

        1. eddiecarrara profile image88
          eddiecarraraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks Rosie, it's nice to see... The roller coaster of Hubpages, lol

  21. Gareth Pritchard profile image73
    Gareth Pritchardposted 12 years ago

    Everybody might be interested in this latest Google algo update. … ement.html

    I have in the past tried to put images at the top of my hubs because I think they are more suited but I have now pushed text to the top and images down a little since reading this.

  22. Neil Horton profile image60
    Neil Hortonposted 12 years ago

    You should read about Google Dance. If you think about it, how is Google going to increase its visible inventory if it does not manipulate search engine rankings?

  23. Gareth Pritchard profile image73
    Gareth Pritchardposted 12 years ago

    Hi Neil,

    I know a little about the Google dance as I watch it everyday but saying that, it is very useful to know something about it and I think you have made a good suggestion there.


    1. Gareth Pritchard profile image73
      Gareth Pritchardposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I looked at info about, The Google Dance and Peter Hoggan below is partly right, that particular Dance ended about 9 years ago and doesn't seem to be applicable to this thread as much as I initially thought it might. 

      It was not a waste of time looking though, as I learned that the reason why I see search listings moving around all the time are partly because they changed the dance, so people stopped calling it a dance, it went from about 10 times a year to every month. The way Google updated it's index changed so the search listings changed less dramatically as an outcome.

      Now it seems to happen every day.

      These movements are not usually as drastic as they where pre 2003 but I think they are there in a slightly different less drastic way, on a daily bases, so it seems like the dance has changed. I also think that this is partly confirmed by the information I have been reading about The Google Dance pre 2003.

      Just so people understand what I am saying here, the Google search index is changing constantly, listings are moving constantly, not all of them, all of the time but a lot of them, most of the time.

      That is my interpretation of what I have been watching for at least the last 3 years, on a daily bases. What I am talking about could be called the Google Jerking Movements, but it doesn’t sound as good as The Google Dance.

      I think it's easy to understand really but perhaps I am naive, if you have ten blocks in positions, 1 to 10 and move one of those blocks, then at least one of those other blocks has to change position to accommodate that movement. New content is be produced daily so the number of blocks are increasing daily and Google is trying to keep up with that daily change instantly, it is trying to keep up with the changes in content volume and the relevance of that content. That's millions, perhaps billions of blocks across the whole internet.

      New additions to the algos, Panda, social search, content above the fold, all have an impact on these listings and that's what I think we have been seeing, The Google Jerk, movements up and down the index.

      Just in case some people don't know, if you are in the top 3 of the search listings for your search term, then you move down to position 4, you will see a significant change in traffic usually and the further down that list you go the worse it gets. The same apples if you are going up the list, only it gets better instead of worse, going upwards.

  24. Peter Hoggan profile image68
    Peter Hogganposted 12 years ago

    The Google Dance was something that used to happen when Google updated PageRank across its servers.  It would take place around 10 times a year and there would be a significant jostling of positions for 5 or 6 days or until all the Google datacenters became balanced. While this was happening Google was said to be "dancing".

    The Google dance as such no longer exists and hasn’t for quite a considerable time. PageRank is no longer the great force it once was and ranking updates are an ongoing process.

  25. Peter Hoggan profile image68
    Peter Hogganposted 12 years ago

    Complete and utter bollocks! Perhaps a good place to start understanding SEO rather than unjustly berating it for asinine and absurd reasons would be to read Google’s own guide on the subject. … -guide.pdf

  26. Greekgeek profile image81
    Greekgeekposted 12 years ago

    Alll I know is, my traffic has been going up about 2000 Google visitors a week for the past two weeks on That Other Website. It's clearly some big, big algorithm shift, although I'm not quite sure of the cause. I can't tell if it's a Panda tweak or if it's due to Google Plus being integrated with search. I don't participate in Google Plus, but perhaps I'm getting some social shares from others.

    That's a larger change in traffic than I've seen in years.

    Not much change on Hubpages, but I don't have much of a footprint here yet.

    I pretty much write content for content's sake, but use basic on-page SEO to make it clear to search engines what my page is about.  It seems to work pretty well.

    Of course, Google is in it for the advertising money, but their adsense program is developed separately from their search engine division, and the two parts of the company often have dogfights with each other.


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