Stop KNOCKING the Wealthy, Saying That THEY are ENTITLED and SPOILED,

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  1. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 12 years ago

    There Are MANY POOR People Who Also Have A Sense Of Entitlement!
    There seems to be a strong animus against the wealthy, affluent, and highly successful among us.    There are folks who claim that such people are corrupt, greedy, and entitled.     They also insist that wealthy people feel that they are entitled.    What many people fail to realize that many wealthy, affluent, and highly successful people are SELF-MADE.   

    These people organized, strategized, and implemented necessary steps in order to succeed.   They also made sacrifices and worked smart to get where they are.    There are many poor people who are entitled.    They bemoan "the fact" that they are poor; however, they refuse to take responsibility for their lives, often blaming  outside forces for their predictament.   

    Many poor people have a fatalistic mindset.    They live for today without thinking about tomorrow.   They yearn to live a better life but they do not want to take the steps to so do.     Many poor people want wealthier people to help them achieve their goals.   Well, it does not work that way.    This is not kindergarten, this is REAL WORLD 202.   If one wants a better life, he/she should work for it.   

    Yes, I know that these are precarious times; however, in less precarious times, there are many poor people who believe that the world owes them a living.    Yes, there are poor people who are more entitled than weathy people will ever be.     To paraphrase, they want to go to heaven but they do not want to die.   Yes, many poor people want to live a more affluent life but they refuse to implement the necessary steps to do so, consistently bemoaning their fate and blasting the wealthy!   Do you agree with this premise?]

    1. profile image0
      Sophia Angeliqueposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I spent the first 25 years of life with them. Had the private schooling, the servants, the chauffers, etc. They call the rest of you white trash or poor whites, and more. I hated the way they looked down on other people. In the time I spent with them, I never saw any particular intellectual brilliance. Most of them were born with silver spoons in their mouths, and they didn't work harder than anyone else. Sorry. It's also not possible to become mega rich without bending the rules, underpaying people, and bribing politicians to legislate in the corporations favor.

      1. profile image0
        screamingposted 12 years agoin reply to this


    2. Quilligrapher profile image72
      Quilligrapherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Good evening, Ms. Williams.  Howzit goin’ where you are?

      To claim that many poor people fail to succeed because they “refuse to implement the necessary steps to do so” and, further, to ignore the scores of other social and economic forces impacting their lives is to greatly distort the challenges faced by the less fortunate. Adding a hasty generalization like the poor are “consistently bemoaning their fate and blasting the wealthy” goes even further to underscore one’s limited grasp of the real world. Research indicates it takes much more than just determination and hard work to succeed in America. In fact, the data reveal that children typically follow the educational path of their parents and this is a dominant factor for success. In addition, the significant hurdles society places on the track to success actually increase the importance of family background while they stymie people with less schooling.

      Markus Jantti and a team of researchers determined that 42 percent of American men raised in the bottom fifth of incomes remain at that level for life. This represents a level of persistent disadvantage much greater than Denmark (25 percent) and Britain (30 percent). Contradicting the mantra “all it takes is hard work and determination,” only 8 percent of American men at the bottom rose to the top fifth compared to 12 percent in Britain and 14 percent in Denmark. Clearly, American society contains impediments with more negative consequences than other industrial countries.  {1}

      Inequality of opportunity in American society is apparent when nearly 62 percent of Americans, both men and women, reared in the top fifth of incomes remain in the top two-fifths while 65 percent born in the bottom fifth stay in the bottom two-fifths. {2} Unlike the middle-class, the data reveal affluent families tend to transmit their advantages to the next generation and poor families tend to remain trapped at the bottom. There is also a wage bias in the job market that tilts in favor of the children of the more educated and affluent who have had access to better schools and were also more prepared to learn when they entered them.

      There is a preponderance of evidence that questions the validity of your claim “many wealthy, affluent, and highly successful people are SELF-MADE.” The results of the latest social-research suggests that the parents and the family backgrounds of many of the “self-made” deserve most of credit for their success. 

      I hope you have a great tomorrow, Ms. Williams. I’m looking forward to mine.
      {2} … apterI.pdf

      1. profile image0
        Sophia Angeliqueposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        You're wasting your breath. GMwilliams is convinced that people who don't succeed have only themselves to blame. He has absolutely no concept of the many different factors involved in success - and that the lesser percentage is the 'hard work' and 'smartness' of the individual.

        1. gmwilliams profile image83
          gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Most unsuccessful people, particularly in America and in first world nations, have only themselves when they do not succeed.   There are a myriad of opportunities for one to become socioeconomically successful.   However, many people chose to make excuses rather to strategize and work smart to succeed.   They would rather blame their particular life situation and environment rather than to actually take responsibility for their own lives.

  2. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 12 years ago

    I agree with your first paragraph, and I agree with the idea that there are SOME disadvantaged people who aren't even interested ("aren't willing") to work to have a better situation.  I may agree with another point or two in there; but I disagree with the idea that disadvantaged people "aren't willing" to try.  I disagree with the suggestion that all disadvantaged people want something from wealthier people; and I disagree with the suggestion that all disadvantaged people "can't blame anyone else".  The fact is (and it IS a fact) there are times when some disadvantaged people really can, and should, blame someone/something other than themselves for their situation.  It's too complicated to put into details here, and it may be too individualized to cover all those situations; but the fact is that not everyone in a bad situation "can't blame someone else".  Sometimes someone else is absolutely directly and solely responsible for another person's difficult situation and disadvantages.  I've had a lot of exposure to someone's teen foster kids.  The fact that some of those kids had things going on in their lives and/or issues they couldn't overcome was NOT their own lack of motivation or wanting to try.  A lot of those kids hadn't had the kind of upbringing kids in healthier homes have, and a lot of them lost important ground when they were growing up, maturing, and developing the parts of thinking that help a person know how to overcome.  Also, stress and loss and grief can actually stop a person from being able to concentrate, which means that even the kid who wants to do well in school may not be able to concentrate.

    It's not just people who had disadvantaged (or worse) childhoods either, though.  When I left my marriage I left it as someone with several possibilities for work and any number of things that should have/would have meant I'd be able to build my new life with my kids the way I wanted to build it (and I have pretty high standards).    A couple of screw-ups and some lies in a court case can result in bad information in files that will follow someone through background checks for jobs and any number of other things in life.  I'm someone who generally does just fine as long as everyone abides by the laws and "rules of the game".  Nobody - and I mean nobody - can win if he finds himself in a situation where lies are allowed to stand in court, people won't admit mistakes out of fear of losing their professional license or lawsuit, or any number of other messes that can be solely and directly caused by someone like strangers in a court system (that then polices itself with a Bar Association full of other lawyers).

    Without all kinds of details, all I can say is that (even with all my work skills, know-how,and whatever else) if someone like me hasn't been able to truly get the results I want/need (and I haven't done all that badly, but it's just not been enough to get my to the life I had and could have had without what went on), I really can't imagine how someone with fewer skills or less background/experience/ambition/energy that I have could ever manage to get himself where he'd like to be.

    Getting away from my personal history...   If you have just one little kid who is nervous and having trouble concentrating in school (either because he hasn't had breakfast, has problems at home, or any other reason), that child will lag in learning to read and is likely to continue to lag throughout school.   They might put him in the Special Needs program, at which time he comes under a microscope and may be "diagnosed" with one condition or another that he really doesn't have.  From there, he might be medicated; but even if he isn't, emotional damage is being done to a child seen as the problem, rather than a child who needs what's going on to be fixed.  I could go on and on, or give example after example.  The thinking that disadvantaged people are lazy and don't want to do it is wrong.  Most do keep trying.  Some, though, get so tired or trying and trying and seeing no results, or not being able to find someone who understands exactly what they're faced with/dealing with; they may just give up; because a person (no matter how strong and smart he is) can only keep running into walls for so long before he can't deal with hitting yet one more wall one more time any longer.  So, a lot of people give up and settle into whatever lifestyle allows them to have some shelter, eat, and generally just get by.  People who have had the benefit of parents who raised them to be strong and sure enough of themselves not to be deterred or damaged by people who blame them for their problems may manage not to let the situation destroy them.  Those who haven't had that advantage don't even have the self-esteem/self-confidence to recognize when it is that they should NOT blame themselves for their lack of "advancement".  They just end up feeling like losers and having even less confidence than ever.

    In a world that doesn't understand the real challenges for disadvantaged people, and a world that assume they're lazy or stupid; things don't get any less cruel as time goes on.  A lot of people live emotionally battered and assaulted from the time they're babies until the time they die (and a lot of them get old well before their time because their lives are so difficult and stressful).  In a world that assumes everyone who has a problem is to blame for his problem, and a world that is so quick to tell someone who dares say that someone else caused his problem, "You can't blame someone else;" people learn not to dare try to point out the things that have stopped them from being what they want to be.  So you have the people who don't even know that they shouldn't blame themselves, and you have the ones who know they have someone else to blame but have learned they'll be effectively attacked if they dare try to explain how things have been for them.  It's no wonder that The System and "the rest of the world" doesn't understand the problems of the disadvantaged. In the meantime, everyone just kind of assumes they're to blame for their own situations and throws free cheese and iffy job-training at them if they want it.

    1. Melissa A Smith profile image83
      Melissa A Smithposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      ^ This

    2. Lwelch profile image79
      Lwelchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      My great grandfather didn't own shows when he first met my great grandmother.  They had 4 kids during the great depression.  My grandfather grew up in this.  There really wasn't much money.  He worked in some of the depression era work programs.  He was lucky in that my great grandfather worked for the railroad and always had a job.  He never finished high school.  He entered the navy, got married, lost his wife in a brutal car accident and spent months in the hospital while my mom was raised by my great grandparents.  Before my grandma died, they lived in a single room that was rented.  They had no bathroom to themselves, no kitchen yet they had a child they were raising.  When grandpa was off on duty he had to save to even talk to his wife on the phone.  When they were engaged he didn't call her because he was saving for a christmas present.  She almost left him because of that as she didn't know where he was in that time.  He eventually remarried and had a second child.  My mom continued to live with her grandparents.  They only ate meat a few times a month as they didn't have much money.

      My grandfather saved and invested.  He was able to buy most of his houses with cash.  No loan.  We are talking nice neighborhoods, nice houses.  One was three stories tall... the bankers mansion in the town.  He had enough money to live on until he died.

      My grandmother on my dad's side also had no money growing up.  She ran a business and invested her money.  When she died we found out how well she had done.

      Why do I post this?  Its because I believe in the "american dream".  I think that you can start at the bottom and work your way up.  It takes work and possibly a lot less iDevices, but it can be done.  I envy people with money but I know that I could have more if I lived my life differently.  I believe in self autonomy.

      I would like to see the taxes change to a flat tax.  10% of $1,000,000,000 is a lot more than 10% of $10,000.  The math would be more clear, taxes would be easier, these arguments would be better... and a bunch of tax accountants would be out of work... the real reason it will never happen.

      1. KK Trainor profile image60
        KK Trainorposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Such a great history! My own grandfather barely finished high school and worked his way up to President of a trucking company in his home state. He did very well and my grandmother never had to work once he was established. She did inherit from her father, who had been an accounting clerk at an oil company, and she hung onto those investments. When they both passed away they were worth almost $1 million, coming from the depression!

        It's not about bragging, it's about strong belief in our nation and the system. Government programs can make you dependent if you let them, so it's great if you can avoid them altogether and make it on your own.

        The flat tax is the best idea out there, I just wish politicians weren't so worried about their own futures and would do what is best.

        1. kathleenkat profile image83
          kathleenkatposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I agree. It should be a flat tax.

          After I changed job and got a pay increase, I found I was paying a higher percentage towards taxes. My first thought was this: "Why bother trying to succeed?"

          I just barely qualify for "middle class" income range. And I'm already paying over 20% of my income to taxes. And I only have one exemption! Can't imagine how much I would have to pay if my income doubled one day.

          1. Lwelch profile image79
            Lwelchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Wow - yeah.  That would be painful to see a raise and not see it due to taxes.  I pay very low taxes but I bet when I get a "real job" I will be horrified as my rate goes up.

        2. Lwelch profile image79
          Lwelchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I wish we would here more stories like this.  It is easier to believe when people hear about the success!

  3. profile image0
    screamingposted 12 years ago

    You seem to "think" all poor people have a sense of entitlement? If not for the most menial job, there would be no wealthy people. Every job is important, and I disagree that the poor are in so many words jealous! That's just ridiculous! Not all people have the same advantages growing up. That are many factors to consider when defining the poor. The majority of the so-called poor, are hard working Americans and want nothing more then to provide for their family. To say they're caught up on anothers money is pure hogwash! All most want is a fair wage for a days work, nothing more. Everyone is different and has something to offer to society. Whether it's sweeping the streets or the wealthy person achieving what they consider success. Both are dependent on each other and to think otherwise, one would have to have their head buried in the sand. Again, fair wage for a days work.

    1. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Not all but a lot.........

  4. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    Saying the poor are fatalistic is just as flawed as saying the rich are entitled. You can't effectively critique lazy thinking while doing exactly the same thing yourself.

    1. Lisa HW profile image62
      Lisa HWposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Not sure if your remark was directed at my comments or the OP's, but just in case...   I should have clarified "SOME" disadvantaged people, because if there's one thing I don't want to come across as implying, it's that all "poor" people think/are the same.  One of my biggest "Things" is generalizations about any group.  I've seen enough "giving-up", though, to know it's a fairly common thing that struggling people do.

      1. psycheskinner profile image77
        psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        It was OP.  But in MHO saying "some" is just hedging the same basic point: stereotyping by social class or income.

        1. Lisa HW profile image62
          Lisa HWposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I don't really think it's hedging unless hedging is intended.  To me, saying "some" means simply "some"  and doesn't necessarily say or imply more than that.  But, I can see what you're saying too.   smile

    2. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I said MANY, NOT ALL!   Yes, many poor people have a fatalistic mindset, they feel that they are victims of life and circumstances instead of being proactive regarding their life situation and improving it!

      1. KK Trainor profile image60
        KK Trainorposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        A lot of that has to do with motivation too. Many who find themselves in a situation that they don't like end up feeling resigned to that fact and don't have the motivation to change it. Most of us have seen this first hand if we know anyone in a situation that we wouldn't want to be in, but some of us have the motivation and drive to change it and some don't. I have been poor and surounded by those who accepted their situation, and I have been at times surrounded by those whose motivation to succeed was admirable and inspirational. Whether educated or not, we all have the opportunity to make changes to our lives. Sometimes they are difficult, sometimes the ingredients are handed to us on a silver platter. But adversity can exist in any family, wealthy or not. Some parents motivate their children to achieve, some don't. Money does make it easier, but motivation can exist in anyone and there are tools out there for anyone who has the drive to succeed. Were all of the greatest inventors in our history from privileged families? No, money doesn't think or invent or achieve. People do.

        1. gmwilliams profile image83
          gmwilliamsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I remember when I had a summer job.   I was one of the middle class kids who worked in a program, the majority were poor kids.   The middle class kids were the ones who willingly performed assignments and worked without much supervision.    We never complained about our jobs-we worked because we wanted to and to gain work experience.

          It was the poor kids who continuously complained about their jobs.   They hated coming to work.   They complained that if they were in our shoes, they would not work.    They even told us middle class kids that WE WERE STUPID for working.   They reiterated ad nauseum that they HAD TO WORK!    When these kids could, they dodged their jobs.    They bemoaned the fact that they were poor but were not willing to improve their situation albeit temporarily.   

          I knew many wealthy kids who worked summers from the time they were young teenagers.   I knew wealthy  young people who willingly worked their way  through college because they wanted to be independent.   Coversely, I knew many poor young people who had scholarships and other opportunities to attend college and better themselves but they blew such opportunities, flunking out of college because of excessive partying and not studying.     Many people are poor because of choice, not outside circumstances!    Many poor people want to be rescued by THE POWERS THAT BE!

  5. aware profile image65
    awareposted 12 years ago

    let them eat cake

  6. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 12 years ago

    There are hard-working rich people and hard-working poor people.
    There are lazy rich people and lazy poor people.
    There are entitled poor people who expect the government to take care of them.
    There are poor people who used to be middle-class people and never in a million years expected to be dependent on government programs.
    There are people who for whatever reason cannot take care of themselves and need help.
    There are people who despite the deck being stacked against them overcome the odds.
    There are entitled rich people who did not work for what they have and have no incentive or interest in working.

    In short, I think it's inaccurate to oversimplify and the vilification on both sides is wrong.

  7. internpete profile image80
    internpeteposted 12 years ago

    TL:DR but....

    I don't agree with people who are jealous or envious of the 'rich' and I hate that it has become culturally normal to look down on the rich.

    there are many different people in the world, there are 'good' rich people and 'bad' rich people. There are even good and bad poor people!

    I find Obama's war on the upper class disgusting and nothing but jealousy.

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image76
      Uninvited Writerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      He just wants people to pay their share of taxes...that is not a war... certainly nothing to do with jealousy. He is rich himself you know and would be paying those higher taxes...

      When America was the most productive, had the most jobs, was the most innovative was when taxes on the rich were almost 90%...

      "For everyone to whom much is given, of him shall much be required."

      1. kathleenkat profile image83
        kathleenkatposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Well golly me, I would have certainly never went to college nor tried to get out of my slightly-more-than-minimum-wage backend retail job if I knew I wouldv'e been penalized for my success!

        That made more sense back then, because the rich were rich because their families were rich, and so on, and so forth. Now, we all have an equal oportunity (citizens and non-criminals, at least). And I know plenty of poor bums born to rich families. And by bums, I mean people in their 20s and 30s still living in their parent's basements and eating their food. (Props on the parents for making enough money to support children for forty consecutive years!)

    2. Mighty Mom profile image74
      Mighty Momposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Did you somehow miss the whole Occupy movement?
      That wasn't Obama.
      And hardly driven by "jealousy."
      Self-preservation, more like.

      1. Uninvited Writer profile image76
        Uninvited Writerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I find it humourous that people play down the "war on women" as being non existent as laws are passed for invasive tests, etc. ... yet say there is a war on the rich because he wants to take away a tax break that has been proven not to have created jobs

        1. Mighty Mom profile image74
          Mighty Momposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          No kidding.
          I find it simply amazing that the not-rich are so willing to rise to the defense of the rich.
          Stockholm Syndrome.

          1. Hollie Thomas profile image60
            Hollie Thomasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Stockholm Syndrome.

            Was thinking that also.

            1. Mighty Mom profile image74
              Mighty Momposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              If we defend them they will share their secret with us and we'll be rich too.

              1. Hollie Thomas profile image60
                Hollie Thomasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Hilarious, and very apt. What's the secret....?

                1. Mighty Mom profile image74
                  Mighty Momposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  If they told everyone it wouldn't be a secret, would it?

      2. kathleenkat profile image83
        kathleenkatposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I chose to miss the Occupy movement because I couldn't take it seriously. I couldn't take it seriously because it was mostly college students, like, nobody *forced* you to go to college and go into debt because of it. Sheesh! Nothing more irritating than a bunch of young people complaining to the rich, because they have something they don't (when in reality, they could get off their lazy butts and use that time and energy they spent protesting towards, I don't know, finding a job?)

        1. Uninvited Writer profile image76
          Uninvited Writerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          See...when people get university degrees they often make more money...and some become rich... but some believe in paying more taxes when they do become rich. Many Occupy protesters were former military people, seniors, not all just college students... Many did have jobs.

          1. Hollie Thomas profile image60
            Hollie Thomasposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Some become rich, some see the blatant bullshit of the world they live in...and then there's the others, who do as they are told, when they are told and feel a sense of superiority in their complete oblivion. smile

        2. gmwilliams profile image83
          gmwilliamsposted 12 years agoin reply to this


        3. Mighty Mom profile image74
          Mighty Momposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          More stereotyping not borne out by reality.

          FastCompany did a survey of the demographics of the Occupy movement. The data was pulled from 5,006 individual surveys administered on, and the data, was shared exclusively with FastCompany

          Prototypical Occupy protester is:
          Caucasian. With an overwhelming 81% of occupy protesters identifying as white.
          Male. The majority of occupy seems to be male-dominated, with a combined 39% being women and others who choose not to identify with a gender.

          As far as age, the data here deviate pretty wildly, but most are somewhere between 25 and 44 years old.   
          The 24 and unders, the people most stereotyped by the media are the smallest slice of the pie at 23.5%

          60.7% of respondents have post-secondary education under their belt, and another 29.4% have a master’s degree. 
          Only 9.9% have a GED or lower.

          Identifies as an independent.
          Only 27% of respondents actually identify as Democrat and a 2.4% smattering of Republicans are also present within the sample.

          Has a full-time job. 47% of occupy is employed full-time, 19.9% part-time, and 12.3% unemployed.
          But notwithstanding education, makes less than $25,000 a year.
          However, 30% do make $50,000 or more and the top end of the spectrum is unknown, but it may be plausible that a tiny slice of occupy are part of the maligned top 1% of American society.

          1. kathleenkat profile image83
            kathleenkatposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, but you have to realize that this is a survey done on about 5000 people. Just 5000! The university I attended had particiapants in this movement, or those who just did it to be cool, and in my university alone there were probably 5000 people at the least hitting the "like" button.

            1. Mighty Mom profile image74
              Mighty Momposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Oh, I see your point now.
              This is a survey of the greater Occupy movement. I can definitely see how your impression skews directly to university students since you were seeing it from that vantage point.
              Which is funnny how my mind jumped over campus protesters to the Wall Street protests.
              When I think Occupy I think Wall Street/New York park. And older people.
              But a very visible Occupy event occurred at UC Davis (the infamous pepper spray incident) right in my backyard. That didn't even cross my mind!

              Goes to show how perspective is sooo subjective!

    3. kathleenkat profile image83
      kathleenkatposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. I am most disgusted because Obama, himself, makes $400,000 himself, which is success he can likely attribute to his graduate level degree, which, he worked hard for. Obama is rich, and he is attacking the rich. The majority of rich people, I would say, worked HARD for their success. Maybe he hates himself? (I'm sure if the president's pretty penny were to go under scrutiny like all the other rich people's salaries are, he would have a much different opinion). … ialpay.htm

      1. Uninvited Writer profile image76
        Uninvited Writerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        No... he thinks he should pay his fair share of taxes and is very willing to do it.

        He has showed all his tax receipts, what else is there?

        1. kathleenkat profile image83
          kathleenkatposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Perhaps a paycut?

          He isn't doing his job, why should we pay him? hmm?

          1. profile image0
            screamingposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Why not, we paid President Bush, and look what he did with a surplus! Based on Bush's record, he should be refunding the American taxpayer his total salary based on your premise. And yes, President Obama thinks he should pay his fair share of taxes and willing to. He goes further to put himself into the top 1 percent!

      2. gmwilliams profile image83
        gmwilliamsposted 12 years agoin reply to this


  8. knolyourself profile image61
    knolyourselfposted 12 years ago

    Because if you succeed big time you don't have pay taxes.
    "A new Tax Justice Network (TJN) USA report reveals an estimated $21 - $32 trillion of hidden and stolen wealth stashed largely tax-free secretly."

    1. Lwelch profile image79
      Lwelchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Well - there are still problems with most of those numbers as well.  We have income tax versus capital gains tax (and etc).  If we had flat tax I would know the truth about what you were paying and not paying.  Also, like you said - the loopholes would be gone that allow money to "hide".  Also the weird up and down for average tax (take a look at the graphs at … ome+amount to see what I mean by weird fluctuations in effective tax rate)

  9. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    So someone who is worthy and hugely wealthy might have a few naysayers and unfair critics.  I assume being rich and virtuous, they will not let that ruin their day.

  10. profile image52
    Skywalker77posted 10 years ago

    Guys, this works both ways.  I say this because I'm a moderate, but with conservative leanings.  When someone says that some poor people act entitled and shouldn't automatically blame rich people, they are correct.  When they say that sometimes a poor persons circumstances trap them in a way they find hard to overcome, they are also correct (for a more in-depth analysis of this, just read Barbara Ehrenreich's "Nickel and Dimed") .  I have seen people on both ends of the spectrum play the system and abuse things for their own advantage.

    I've seen the "rich stay richer and poor stay poorer" dynamic at play most in highly political environments, where it's a matter of not what you know but who you know.  Work ethic, willingness to work hard, education; all makes little difference, and that's sad.  These types of environments reward nepotism, and punish capitalism/traditional work ethic.

    On the flip side of things, I have also seen some poor people who approach life with an entitled attitude and live well above their means.  They go on a Nordstrom's shopping spree when they should be living on a Walmart budget, and manage to blow most of their paycheck in the course of a day.  They refuse to apply in earnest for jobs, inventing reasons (such as race, gender, or anything else) why they won't be given a chance and won't get it, so why bother.  They take every nice thing you do for them and show no gratitude, expecting more and becoming pissy/demanding/violent when they are not given more.

    Yes, it works both ways.  So I guess what I'm trying to say is, be aware and on the lookout for both mindsets and dynamics.  In my opinion, they are both bullshit and both unacceptable.  And, as I've learned the hard way, try to surround yourself in an environment where your own personal skills are nurtured, cultivated, and appreciated.  If you're good with networking, politics, and believe in redistribution of wealth, perhaps a heavily blue area like Southern California will feel like a good fit.  If you believe in hard work and accountability (with little regard for "who you know" promotions), maybe a place like Texas would appreciate that.  Vote with your feet and your tax dollars.

    1. Quilligrapher profile image72
      Quilligrapherposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Greetings, Skywalker. Welcome to Hubpages.

      This post is not bad for your first hour on Hubpages. I am looking forward to reading your first hub.


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