Is Hell as real as Heaven..??
The writers of books and short story mention to much of reality of Heaven....But Pastors an Preachers talks much about Hell...Is Hell real Or its just rumors nor philosophy of men....Somebody had to tell the truth.
Let me tell you something you already know -There is no heaven or hell. How do you knows these places exist? No, they don't. These preachers are just doing their jobs and making tons of money while you waste your time listening to them and trying to abide by God's list of 10 things you shouldn't do. They say that God loves you unconditionally. Why would he send someone to hell perpetually? Similarly, there is no such thing as heaven.
This heaven and hell is the reason of the latest children massacre in Pehsawar, Pakistan. Apparently, the ideology behind these attacks is that they are going to go to heaven where they will get 72 virgins. If there is a heaven, I would like to preview it before booking a ticket.
To Divine notice what the King James Version says at Job 14:13
O that thou wouldest hide me in the grave, that thou wouldest keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me!
Here he admits grave.
Kiss and Tales, have you ever been tested for a mental disorder? Most of what you write here is not related or comprehensible. You pull verses out from nowhere and try to make them fit. I wish you could see how foolish you sound.
To Bruce all the earthy education in the world means little if it can not give you a future past this earth now .If it can not connect to the one that gave you life in the first place and keep existing. Then that as apostle Paul called it refuse.
To Divine what a wonderful name my beautiful grandchild share the same name ! First I would like to say I appreciate your real concern for wanting to know the truth . Is hell and heaven Real. I can ask you is earth real ? Because earth is also written in the scriptures as humans domain.
Notice what the scriptures says about heaven and earth.
Reference Bible Ps 115:16 As regards the heavens, to Jehovah the heavens belong, But the earth he has given to the sons of men.
The heaven are the domain for spirit creatures known as Angles. There are millions .
The earth was created for humans made of flesh and blood.
Reference Bible Isa 45:18 For this is what Jehovah has said, the Creator of the heavens, He the [true] God, the Former of the earth and the Maker of it, He the One who firmly established it, who did not create it simply for nothing, who formed it even to be inhabited: “I am Jehovah, and there is no one else.
Now hell has been used for the wrong purpose .
Hell in the original Hebrew writings or scrolls simply means Sheol or hades which
means a persons grave.
There is no torment . There is no hell fire.
People have use this word a to make people think they will burn in a fiery place not true.
Notice the scripture to help prove this point it says
New World Translation Ac 24:15 And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.
Isa 26:19 “Your dead will live. My corpses will rise up. Awake and shout joyfully, You residents in the dust! For your dew is as the dew of the morning, And the earth will let those powerless in death come to life.
Our loved ones will return .notice where people are now who have died.
Reference Bible Joh 5:28 Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice
Reference Bible Joh 5:29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.
People are just in tombs where they last are layed or buried.
Notice the people who did do vile things will be given another chance to return.
Notice there is no hell .
I hope this will be helpful to you as it has thousands. If you would like to do bible research for yourself there is jworg that can help you with a free bible most languages. Also a library you can use for bible subjects. I would be most grateful for any questions KT
It is foolish to claim absolute certainty about either the existence or non-existence of such places. That said, there's no credible evidence supporting the existence of Heaven or Hell. If anyone can provide some, I will surely listen.
If you choose to believe as though they were real, you'd need to answer some serious contradictions (including serious moral questions) about your god and religion. Many theists have tried to justify a place called Hell, but the explanations merely avoid the serious ethical dilemmas.
The concepts of heaven and hell have been around for thousands of years, even before any of the major world religions came into existence. Religions have had much practice using the promise of heaven and the threat of hell to convince their followers to stay faithful and do what the leaders say.
Once again, being an openminded person, I would carefully consider evidence for such places and have studied much of the so-called evidence and found it incompatible with any concept of reason or love, let alone facts. As with anything, carefully consider the claims yourself.
The bible talks about the earth it exist we live on it now.
The heaven is not just not one part but it covers all areas inhabit by the moon and stars and other planets. Do they exist ? Yes!
People choosing not to believe .that does not mean truth.
Not that you even understand this (or are able to), but your statement is totally illogical. Just because something that we know exists is mentioned in an ancient book does not mean that EVERYTHING in the book exists. This would be true for ANY book.
To Bruce the Earth and heavens exist which heavens are filled with the illumaries of stars and moons also the Milky Way . These are the heavens .
We see this with our eyes .but we are not able to see spirit creatures who are like the air not visible
Your last sentence is correct. Some Divine Seer did say something some time ago. A long, long time ago. So we now interpret this in different ways.
Hell is very real in the sense that some experiences, both here and in the hereafter, will be extremely painful for the Soul that has not lived right, so to speak. It is a necessary darkness from which the Soul will eventually emerge triumphantly.
I know nothing of this damnation or lake of Fire, but strangely enough, I suppose you can use this to describe the suffering of some Souls. Indeed even the living will say that they have or had an Annus Horibulus (not sure on the Latin).
Life necescitates a purging of most Souls at some point, on their way back to their Father God. Still, nothing is ultimately lost. Peace, Bro.
Reference Bible Ro 6:23 For the wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.
Death is the punishment of sin. People who have died have paid their sins
That is why the resurrection will happen.
The only way to be certain what comes after life is to die.
Prior to then everyone speculates or believes what their faith has taught them. Personally speaking there have been instances where I've witnessed hell on earth.
True example as you have created the meaning of hell by saying personally!
That is what many have done including King James they personally have attached their own view of what hell is.
If you were Jewish the word would be Hades, Sheol . (Grave)
I'm sure the Jews who survived the Holocaust will tell you they've seen hell firsthand. Anyone who has suffered years in slavery might call that hell. Someone who was repeatedly tortured, fingers removed, raped, beaten over and over call that hell
Very interesting how people interpet the word hell.
Notice if we lived during this time period what would that word mean, how was it used. The word “hell” thus originally conveyed no thought of heat or torment but simply of a ‘covered over or concea
The Lake of Fire is the only logical reference to the Hell Fire & will burn up the unrepentent unbelievers immediately... no long drawn out torture- wrong god!
That is what people are confuses on what a tradition of belief that make produce Doctrins of men.
People are confusing the English dialect of words to mean something that is not the case at all.
We all have fallen victim to this.
techygran, Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is (death); but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Death is a far cry from a "lake of fire". Hell is man made.
Very true dashingscorpio !
Reference Bible Ec 9:5 For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten.
Perhaps people who are quite sure of something (based on what they experienced in past, are believe they will experience it in future) talk more of that! So Pastors and preachers .....
To Bruce there is no pastor , there is no church. Shall the blind keep leading the blind with wrong information .If you want to know anything about JW go to jworg. There is where your answers will be.
Then you can judge for yourself.
Thanks guys for Answers...But it seems like None even1 agree with the saying that Hell is real...A guote of Question arouse in me that Hell for some reason its written in the Bible...An the bible is the breathe of God...can God breath out wat is not there??...[Matthew 13:50,2Peter 2:4]
King James gave the translators instructions under his influence to reflect the Church of England as ecclesiology and episcopal.
This now becomes bias under his influence.
The words he has used and being bias are words like hell fire.
Look up others
Divine, your difficulty lies in your false assumption that the Bible is "the breath of God." When you realize that the Bible is just another religious book written by men, then this issue will not confuse you.
To Bruce the thought you are asking others to believe is that God does not give men honor in spreading his words or messages.
Nonsense. Even people pay people to be secretaries to write memos and thoughts of their Bosses. Is that so hard to believe.
@Bruce the is no substitute of the word of God....God is the creator and the author of our faith....Believing its easy, its matter of choice to whom do you believe.@ Kiss and Tales thanks there..!
You are very much welcome ! Thank you for your question Divine.
If Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are real, then so could Heaven and Hell.
They are all clever ideas, and we buy into them until we grow up and use our brains. When a kid hears about Santa Clauis they don't question him. They don't question that many places don't have a chimney, or that the sleigh couldn't possible hold enough presents, and on and on.
When you ask the questions about Heaven or Hell there are no answers. Just as no one can tell you how many Angels there are, other than a third of the Angels left God. It could be two, three, or more. If Angels left Heaven, how good could it be. According to the story, they have seen it, and they were there.
Yet, no one on Earth has even seen it, yet they want to go there.
If we had Faith in Santa Claus we would still believe in him.
Bible Jer 32:35 they built the high places of Baʹal that are in the valley of the son of Hinʹnom, in order to make their sons and their daughters pass through [the fire] to Moʹlech, a thing that I did not command them, neither did it come up in my .
Do you have anything newer than a 2000 year old book of fiction to cite?
The writers of these stories are long dead and that is why there is nothing new.
If the Old Testament was a work of God, then why did we need a New Testament without God.
That book that you look down on is living ,it is the only book that told the past and present as we speak.
Example why people die ! ,is that old ,Will death end ,Yes! Will the earth keep standing yes! No other book will last as long to prove it.
Each thing in this world has it's opponent , it may be positive or negative charges, hot or cold, smooth or rough, day or night etc.
So has the Heaven...all good people go in there, so why there can't be a place for bad people as well?
Yes there is a place known as Hell.
Because the wages of sin is death. When you die your sins have been all paid.That is why Jesus went through death to pay for many that may not taste death at all. He has covered many like an insurance policy.
Re 20:14 Death was thrown in a lake of f
Thanks Nigham for your answer...Yet some still not believing cause of the evident...!
To Bruce it is clear you have a problem understanding what I post. You are not the first nor will you be the last. But what I post is mainly as you say bible scriptures.i did not write. You have a complaint with the Author not me.
I was born after.
Kiss, I must laugh because you THINK you understand the Bible, but you are just picking out verses that sound good to you. I have had formal training in theology and the Bible. What theological education do you have?
Bible Php 3:8 , I do indeed also consider all things to be loss on account of the excelling value of the knowledge of Christ Jesus On account of him I have taken the loss of all things and I consider them as a lot of refuse, that I may gain Christ
Like I thought. You're just spouting Bible verses because some pastor told you you should.
covered over or concealed place.’ In the old English dialect the expression “helling potatoes” meant, not to roast them, but simply to place the potatoes in the ground or in a cellar. That was what hell definition was in old English dialect.
You had better believe it my son. Do not listen to all preachers. Read the Bible for yourself dear.
And if you knew the Bible better you'd know that it does not teach a fiery place of torment where people burn forever. The average preacher does not even know that. The doctrine of Hell is a blot on Christianity.
Ah, Christ's love in action! "You'll find out one day as you burn forever you little sinner!" JF, I don't fear Hell. The New Testament language (Greek) does not support the idea of everlasting torture as you claim. Knowledge defeats fear.
Death was thrown in the lake of fire is symbolic .gone
Reference Bible Re 21:4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
Well Bruce, you do have some common sense about this Christaian Hell Fire. It's all "tradition" - it is not of God!
Is this the first thing we've ever agreed on? Hmm...
The evidence is the words. Hell in the original Hebrew and Greek means hades and Sheol , not hell fire , hades and Sheol means a persons grave.
Like Job ask to go to hell because of his misery.he was God's faithful servant tested by satan. Job 2:3
neither did it come up into my heart to do this detestable thing, for the purpose of making Judah sin.’
This scripture proves God does not burn anyone including children. It never came up in his heart,
If Hell is real, then we are all going there, because with so many differing denominations, dogmas, and rituals, there is no way that all of us could be doing what's required to go to Heaven. Since I can see this clearly, and I prefer reason over primitive nonsense, this whole concept of Heaven and Hell is absurd, and insulting to the intellect of the evolved mind.
Great observance getitriite .to add that is why scriptures says not the end of your case. !
Reference Bible Joh 5:29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.
To getitriite Why not reference bible verses for it is God's words that are speaking. That is what is important .
Until you can show evidence of a God...and that He wrote a book, your view is purely an indoctrinated perception...based not in logic, but blind faith. Just as there is no evidence for Heaven or Hell-there is no evidence for a God either. Think!
To getit you can not speak for other people's experience because you have not seen ,nor can you understand, no different then a person who knows a language not of your kind. So you can continue your belief while others have lived their own experience
Experiences do not equal reality. I speak of the logic of our reality. Religions are based in MAGIC. There is no evidence of magic in reality. Objective analysis of your experiences suggest simply a confirmation bias, due precisely to indoctrination
Yes experience does if you experience child birth and have a child that is reality, so is the reality that we are humans and exist from the dust . Dust you are and dust you return is real.this is true.
There is no magic connected to the Father.
Childbirth is an experience based in reality, not like the experiences prompted from religious indoctrination, which are baseless and nonsensical. Yes we are made of dust....STARDUST!
There is no evidence for the existence of the father or magic. No
To getit the Heavenly Father exist just as you do ,I have never seen you either ,but all I have is words on this post that say you exist , I have words in the bible, I have the stars , the moon , galaxies of planets I even have fellow humans . Proof
someone that is in uncertainty about heaven and hell should read the stories of Jesus, the examples the parables, the one particularly in Mathew 13. The tares and the wheat, the casting into the lake of fire, the treasure ( heaven) that is to be found, and the price one might give for this treasure.
In my opinion from what I've worked out using logical thinking & meditating, there is no such thing as hell in the traditional sense of the word hell....So when an evil person dies they simply disappear from existence, because they never built a real self they we're always a none self....Also in my opinion there's no such thing as reincarnation, in the traditional sense of the word as it's used today....You could as dashingscorpio says say that we have hell on earth what with all the wars & starving etc, & so if you really take a leap with your imagination you could say: According to the yin/yang you can't have life without having death & you couldn't have heaven without having hell, but it doesn't say that we have to live first & then die....So again & only in my opinion we here in hell (the conscious minds experience) to experience death, in order that we can be born for real in heaven as our real eternal self....I know it sounds ubber bizarre, but it makes perfect sense to me. :-)
Reference Bible Joh 5:29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment. This shows us the good and bad will be resurrected.
But the bad will be judge by new scrolls
Why resurrect the evil people?, they had their chance & blew it..It's just that to me an evil person is an empty bag of skin, & so there is nothing inside to judge or to resurrect. :-)
Because these
ones are resurrected according to a judgment based on how they will do on the new laws or scrolls open then that will be open for they have already paid for their sins when they died.
Also true about sin but we can not read the heart.
From birth were all playing roles/characters, given to us & directed by god/universe..There's a very good reason for that, but the point of life is to step out of our role & find our self..An evil person never steps out, & so there is no
To BradM if you new more about what you were stoning, you would know that the Old Testament was a tutor. Like training wheels on a bike. It was to foreshadow great things ahead in the future.
The New Testament was the fulfillment he had arrived!
One out of a million likely unpopular perspectives on religion. read more
All I can say is if you can believe in Heaven and love GOD . Then I would believe the book of truth Bible to believe in it all. . So yes sir there is hell.
We live it we see it everyday You have to study the Bible to find out for sure. . I have Seen Heaven and I have seen Hell. also have see purgatory. Where you normally have bad Ghost or spirits , with all the activity going around us and not to believe in hell Well I guess you won't make it to heaven.
Now there is two things you have to do and no way around it. . One is to pay taxes, You will pay weather you like it or not or the big Mafia comes after you.
Number two is Death. We all will die eventually. I came so close to death eight time. But I am still here and still Blind. .I hope this helps.
author Gary Lee Seiders Sr.
If you believe in heaven, then by default hell exist as well. And fear of hell keeps men's actions in control. They do not cross their limits due to fear.
Yes heaven is a upward location and exist we can even view the stars ,moon and planet,
The problem is that Hell in the original terms is not hell of fire. It is defined in Hebrew and Greek as Sheol,hades, which means the grave.
Truth is you're happy, you feel you are in heaven, you feel unhappy (and other synonyms) you feel like you're in hell.
I find that people relate the two words in a positive and negative way based on tradition,
But the truth is hell is a persons grave. Look into your Hebrew and Greek words of definition.
Certainly the early Jewish Christians did not have this belief.
is heaven real? it's just about the same to me. whether it is real or not. if it is, hell does too
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