Why do people find it difficult to study but finds it easy to waste time doing i

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  1. Pacesetter Abbey profile image47
    Pacesetter Abbeyposted 9 years ago

    Why do people find it difficult to study but finds it easy to waste time doing irrelevant things?

    Studying/Reading as we all know is one of the ways we add value to ourselves academically and intellectually but most people find it very difficult to learn and add to what they already know.
    Instead, most people find it easy to waste time playing games, watching films and reading irrelevant articles like jokes, gist, gossip and lots more.
    Please, what exactly is the cause of this problem and how can it be solved?


  2. profile image0
    thegeckoposted 9 years ago

    "playing games, watching films and reading irrelevant articles like jokes"

    I find these activities highly enjoyable, at times enlightening, and usually rewarding smile

    I enjoy academics as well, but not quite as much as the above. I don't think it's a problem nor does it need a solution. There's a great deal to be learned and gained from games, film/TV, and comedy.

  3. abdussalaam profile image79
    abdussalaamposted 9 years ago

    People do what they enjoy. If a student found an academic subject enjoyable, then that student would spend time studying that subject. The study of an enjoyable subject would become leisure as one browses the internet leisurely reading and learning. If a subject is difficult or boring, then a student would make excuses to study and will become easily distracted and find something else to do such as playing games etc.

    1. profile image0
      thegeckoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I agree! smile

  4. dashingscorpio profile image69
    dashingscorpioposted 9 years ago

    There are 3 basic "to do" lists
    1. Things I "have to" do (Or else something bad happens)
    2. Things I "want to" do (Because they are fun or pleasurable)
    3. Things I "need to" do. (If I ever "find the time" I'll do it)
    Generally speaking if whatever it is doesn't fall within the first two categories odds are it won't be a "top priority".
    The same could be said about money.
    Some people can always find a way to get money to take care of an "emergency" but they can never find a dime to go on a vacation.
    One's priorities determines what they will or won't do.

  5. Faceless39 profile image93
    Faceless39posted 9 years ago

    I think that people are sort of indoctinated/brainwashed into believing that knowledge is cheap, and easy to come by. Respect authority, etc. At the same time, I've realized that working all day toward your goals, every day, is the road to success. It's sad that so many people work shitty jobs they hate rather than following their dreams via entrepreneurial means instead.

  6. Au fait profile image81
    Au faitposted 9 years ago

    Most people don't know how to study.  That's their first mistake.

    Many universities require people to take courses (the core curriculum) they would never take if left to take only courses they wanted to take, because the university wants their graduates to have a well rounded education. 

    Sometimes people change their majors because they discover they actually like a different field better than their original choice of majors once they get into one of the required subjects.  More often than you might think.

    What it comes down to is that you can find ways to make a course interesting and therefore easier, or you can make it miserable by hating it and thinking continually that you don't want to do it.

    Love it or hate it, you have to do it, and do the best you can unless you want to pay to take it over because you failed it.  Finding ways to make it interesting, forcing yourself to be interested, will make the job of learning so much easier.  Learning how to study and how to take tests can make a world of difference.

    Doing well in school is just as much strategy as studying.  Of course I was an A student all the way through starting in the first grade.  Most classes were easy for me.  But there were a couple I had to actually put some effort into and that was a real drag, because I was spoiled, used to having everything come easy to me.  Even then the 'work' I had to put in was nothing compared to what most people go through, it was just more than I usually had to put into it.

    I always started collecting points towards my final semester grade on day one of class.  The final grade is what stays on your record forever -- unless you take the class over, but who wants to do that?  Very expensive, and another semester, or at least several days or weeks if you do a mini-mester or a summer session.  It's just as easy to do it right the first time as it is to do it over, and much less expensive.  Why accept a C, D, or F when you've paid for an A?

    It isn't important to get perfect scores on every individual test, bit of homework, or whatever is required.  What is important is doing your very best to add those scores up at the end of the semester so that they equal a good passing grade.  I'm partial to A's myself, but B's will get the job done, as will C's.  However, the competition is greater when you're trying to get into grad school or get a good job when you have to compete with people who have better credentials.

    1. dashingscorpio profile image69
      dashingscorpioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I suspect a lot of courses are  designed to generate income for the college. Entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Dell, Ted Turner, & Richard Branson are just a few Billionaires without degrees. Know what you want.


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