in my experience urine is a medicine for skin alergies,mouth ulcers, stomach disorders and even stomach cancer.The famous celebrities like former indian Priminister MorarjiDesai was the number one follower of urinotherapy.
There is absolutely no scientific evidence to support urinotherapy, despite it's belief by celebrities.
Tom Cruise and John Travolta are also celebrities, but they are also insane.
The Kidneys clean the body of all impurities..then passes it to the bladder to empty it from the body. Urine is full of toxins.
Though a lot of people practice this stupid regimen, there are no benefits to it regardless of what you've heard.
Urine is sterile when it is produced..but it picks up all the toxins from the body.
The liver, lungs, and skin are what is responsible for cleaning the body of all impurities and toxins. The kidney's filter clean, sterile, toxin free blood of excess vitamins, minerals, neurological chemicals, hormones, antibodies, electrolytes, etc. that the body can not use at that specific time. It's not toxic waste, it's excess waste of valuable nutrients that are not needed by the body at that specific moment. Pharmaceutical companies pay huge amounts of money for this excess and make beneficial prescription drugs from them. Women who take Premarin, people who have cancer, others who suffer from fertility issues, and those with severe burns/infection benefit from the use of urine a great deal.
Not so plus once it reaches the lower urethrae it becomes even more contaminated. Urine is made sterile however it is how the body eliminates all that is cleaned from the body..feces and urine.
What did you think the Kidneys did with it?
Why do you think urine turns yellow when taking Vitamin B? Because the Kidneys dump it into the Bladder. When you have a cat scan with contrast, the contrast is dumped into the bladder and lower intestines (Feces) It is very visible. The body uses all the vitamins and minerals it needs than dumps it. There is bacteria and infections in urine.
They extract urea (a colorless crystalline compound) but it is not so common as people think.
You can bet they clean everything.
When you were a fetus, at 5 months, most of the nutrient rich amniotic fluid that protected you was urine. You were swallowing and breathing it for lung development during the rest of the 4 months. Without the urine, your lungs would not have developed. It is also responsible for babies being born with no scars from fetal surgery due to urine's skin regenerative properties. Only "excess" nutrients, salts, hormones, etc. come out in urine because the body does not need all that was consumed at that specific moment, what is needed "at that moment" is reabsorbed into the blood from the kidneys, the "EXCESS" called waste, is dumped into the bladder. The liver removes toxic waste and dumps into the intestines. The lungs blow off toxic gases, ie. carbon dioxide. The skin contains pores for the release of toxins thru breathing and sweat. The kidneys produce urine and dumps "excess nutrients" into the bladder. Contrast (barium sulfate)is removed via the liver and intestines and shows white in bowels. Bacteria only exist if there is infection in the bladder, urethra, or kidneys. I had a urine culture done several months ago and after 48hrs my urine was still sterile with no trace of bacteria what so ever.
I'm a nurse and what you are saying about the amniotic fluid is not completely correct..yes the baby breathes the amniotic fluid (liquor amnii) into the lungs and secretes urine into the fluid..however amniotic fluid itself is not urine. It takes 9-11 weeks for the fluid to contain all the things the fetus needs to grow which includes Urea. By the time the baby is born the fluid is mostly urine But the baby has no toxins to secrete..Adults do..Just like milk..clean urine is for babies to grow..Milk and urine is not for adults.
I am aware of how the systems work...
Here is a textbook definition:
The kidneys' main function is to purify the blood by removing nitrogenous waste products and excreting them in the urine. They also control the fluid and ion levels in the body by excreting any excesses. The kidneys were anciently thought to control disposition and temperament.
Waste products in the URINE.
And again..urea is extracted from urine for medicine they don't use the liquid urine.
Glad you straightened that out Deborah.
Spot on, but generous.
The hard truth is that this is yet another case of a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.
People should not drink their urine, eat their faeces or fart into a bottle then sniff it.
In other words the whole business is half baked bulldust!
Love the captured F--- in a bottle. LOL
Earnest you know good and well there is scientific proof that F--ts in a bottle sniffed just right will cure sinus infections..if you don't believe me ..well P--s on you...
Oh and please everyone..I am joking with Earnest ...
I've heard the best way is to light it and smoke it
if urine is so pure and good for people, why can't people drink their own urine to stay alive if they are trapped in the wilderness with no water?
are you saying they apply urine to treat burn patients?
It really throws people off but it's true. Your urine is a microcosm of the chemical balance of your system, and acts as an instructional device to your immune system.
It is also sterile - that terrible smell is the result of it's ammonia content when it hits the air.
This is a quality comment!
The secrets lie within. Our body is oblivious to this information when it is MAKING the urine is it? Drinking it suddenly makes it all clear?
If we could tap into exactly what our body is 'thinking' it would be something like:
"What the hell are you drinking that for you idiot! I thought I just got rid of all that."
After reading this forum the only question that remains is: How do I decide if I should drink my urine (to cure all forms of disease) or wash my skin in it to give it a youthful glow?
Wait a minute, by drinking it am I missing out of thousands of dollars I could be making by selling it to Big Pharma? Or maybe by processing it twice it is worth double! Cool.
Hey, have you ever noticed how people who wee in the shower have the most glorious skin on their legs.
Thats enough.
Time for bed.
I'm not so sure about it. Urine is a waste product. Its purpose is generally to be expelled from the body, not put back in.
That being said, the ammonia content makes it an effective field remedy for sea urchin stings and such. I think such cases are exceptions, however.
and jellyfish stings...
I have to state for the record however...
I am sure about it. Although it is a "waste product" it carries chemical info that can activate your immune system to do exactly what it needs to do.
There are a number of excellent books on the subject, none of which I can name at this moment. But if you're interested I'll look them up.
Normally I don't post links to my hubs but this is the one I wrote today containing references, medical/scientific evidence, and books on urine therapy. … anies-Hide
It has been clinically proven to be good for the skin. This much I do know and treatments over a period of time, can yield much younger skin, firmer skin and protective against some of the things that can destroy skin.
are you joking?
don't tell me this.
at 25 i have an unnatural urge to preserve my youth...even though i know the effort will be futile in the end.
i will almost try anything, price is practically the only object. haha i'm sad because i don't want to try this...but i must now look into it. dissuade me!!!!
Doesn't the fact that there is no scientific evidence to support it not good enough for you? In fact, you might have better luck with prayer.
Oh, I'm sorry double_frick, yes, you must look into it, lol. Totally disgusting, yes because we've been raised to think that it's nasty, but it is true and it does work. There IS scientific evidence of this which is why urea (from urine) is in most cosmetics, lotions, etc. Look at the ingredients of your skin care products. It's the best moisturizer known and does work wonders for the skin. Urea comes from urine along with many other things, just usually not human urine. There is so much scientific evidence that major pharmaceutical companies use urine to derive many, many drugs. Had a book written here and decided to write a hub about it if you want more info.
It doesn't come from urine at all, urea is synthesized from ammonium cyanate.
Nonsense. There is no scientific evidence to support urine or your silly claim, please stop propagating false information.
Please do your research and educate yourself on medicine and science before you spout off about things you know nothing of. I have no reason to propagate false information. Not making any money off of selling my own urine. Their absolutely IS scientific evidence, although most urea used is a synthetic form and not it's natural form just like synthetic hormones in drugs, it is the same thing as what's found in urine. Pharmaceutical Prescriptions drugs that are derived from urine are as follows (Please take notes):
Urokinase- Prescription used for pulmonary embolism, cardiac infarction, and cancer treatment drug
Ureaphil- Prescription diuretic
Urofillitropin- Prescription fertility drug
Ureacin- Prescription for cervical treatments
Amino Serve- Prescription for ulcers, burns, and infected wounds
Premarin- Very Popular prescription for menopause symptoms in women (from urine of pregnant horses)
Menopur, Menogun, Repronex, Pergonal, HMG Massone- Prescription fertility drugs
These are ALL Prescription drugs from major Pharmaceutical companies that used SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE AND STUDIES ON URINE TO MAKE THEIR DRUGS!!!
Even if you are right....where does the urine come from? I doubt that they are dipping a scooper in the toilet and harvesting Joe Blow's pea to use as is.
Um, Actually, if you were to read my hub, a lot of the drugs come from porta potties, so sorry, more than just 1 Joe Blow. The company that filters and distributes the filtered content to pharmaceutical companies is "Enzymes of America" and if you click on the link you will go to the Patent information for filtration of urine, Urokinase and, others. It's a $500 million a year market. No one has to like the idea of urine therapy, agree with it, or practice it but the fact is that urine does contain valuable constituents, backed by scientific medical evidence, that the Pharmaceutical companies use to produce drugs. Some of the drugs do not even use human urine, GROSS! I do not practice it but it is interesting to me and I can not criticize other people's choice of doing so when I am aware of the health benefits it has and know that it is completely safe. Some people can't afford prescription drugs or they're not made available and maybe they choose to try and cure cancer by drinking their urine since it is a proven treatment. What do they have to lose when facing death?!
The only urine anyone should use is their own, because it has a map of your system chemically. Anyone else's would be useless to your body - not mention really gross
I'm not sure how I feel about the use of my own urine..
but I find the dispensing unit a handful to utilize
lmao, Greek, I've been loving your comments! Even though you may or may not agree with others, you don't bash, criticize, or make accusations of others. You just have fun with it! " It " can be the dispensing unit all you want, lol!
Did you read all of my posts or just the ones you wanted to argue about? I have only stated medically proven facts regarding it's use to derive drugs. I have never claimed that urine therapy is a cure all nor have I claimed that pharmaceutical drugs use every ingredient in urine in liquid form. What I have said is that drugs are DERIVED from urine. Urea, found in urine, is good for the skin, although what is used in lotions is synthetic, as urea is simple to make. Meaning that their is scientific medical evidence that proves there are many things in urine that are valuable and life saving in certain circumstances. You can not deny, being "a nurse", that their are valuable constituents in urine that the body can use as a treatment for something. Whether it be cancer or fertility. I am not someone to judge, criticize, or argue with others who choose this form of treatment because it has been used for centuries, has never killed anyone, and there is scientific proof that it can be used to treat certain things, even used in liquid form. In some places that lack medicine and medical care, the only way to get the constituents of urine that are used in medicine for treatment, is from urine and many have cured themselves by drinking it. It is not my place to harass those who choose to practice self treatment, especially if no other treatment is available. You can not honestly say that there are no benefits of urine for prevention, treatments, or cures when the drugs you are aware of as "a nurse" are DERIVED from urine and save lives. If you were stranded on an island, with no medical attention available, and you found a tumor on your neck, would you drink your own urine knowing that Antineoplastens (in urine), uric acid (in urine), and urikonase (in urine), are made into drugs and used to help destroy tumors?! No one has ever died from urine therapy to treat themselves but you'd sure die from the tumor!
"written by Dr John R. Herman, Clinical Professor of Urology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, points out the general misconceptions regarding urine and its medical use:
Autouropathy (urine therapy) did flourish in many parts of the world and it continues to flourish today, There is, unknown to most of us, a wide usage of uropathy and a great volume of knowledge available showing the multitudinous advantages of this modality.
Urine is only a derivative of the blood, If the blood should not be considered 'unclean', then the urine also should not be so considered. Normally excreted, urine is a fluid of tremendous variations of composition.
Actually, the listed constituents of human urine can be carefully checked and no items not found in human diet are found in it. Percentages differ, of course, but urinary constituents are valuable to human metabolism.
Look up urea in a medical dictionary. In Mosby's Medical and Nursing Dictionary, urea is defined not as a useless body waste but as a systemic diuretic and topical skin treatment. It's also prescribed to reduce excess fluid pressure on the brain and eyes.
Uric acid, another ingredient of urine, is normally thought of as an undesirable waste product of the body that causes gout. But even uric acid has recently been found to have tremendous health-promotion and medical implications."
This Professor of Urology is obviously not one who taught you in nursing school.
Yes, I read everything you wrote....
It took me six years to get my Masters in Nursing and I had to study Chemistry and Pharmacology just to name two of many areas of study. And no I was not taught by nor would I want to be taught by "This Professor of Urology"
Most Pharmaceuticals are made either by plants or they are synthetic. But you seem to think most medicine comes from Urea...
I still disagree with you.
By the way I have to take new studies every year and I have to be fingerprinted for the studies/grades, licenses and fingerprints are on file with them....
Yes, I am completely aware that most drugs are derived from plants or are synthetic. This thread is about urine therapy so the drugs/facts I have listed are about urine. You can disagree all you want, you're entitled to your opinions just as I am. But you take my comments out of context and twist them around as in your above statements about urea. I have dealt with medical professionals all of my life due to my rare and misunderstood medical condition and after many years, thought that most, not all, but most medical professionals are very closed minded and suffer from a severe "God Complex". I thought I was being harsh by thinking this but you have justified my thoughts. Thank You! Your above comment almost sounds as if you need to feed your ego or your threatened by someone else who has a brain. I do have a brain and am highly educated also, to the point of making my own natural treatment for a life threatening autoimmune disorder that doctors don't even understand and most have never heard of. Do you always run around splashing your education and fingerprints with the FBI on threads saying "look at me, listen to me, I'm smarter than they are?". You sound like a little immature, intimidated girl! Medical professionals like yourself make people like me, with very limited treatment options, want to gag on their own piss!
Ah, the woo-woo emerges.
But, you do anyways.
But, it ISN'T urine, is it? That has been your claim from the get to, that urine itself has scientific evidence to support it, it doesn't, that is pure bs.
There are also a number of other natural and synthetic enzymes that have nothing to do with urine, for example, Urokinase's primary substrate is plasminogen, which is from the blood.
Again, your claim about urine is complete nonsense.
Kidneys filter the blood of excess, what urokinase/plasminogen the body does not need at that time, comes out in urine. The pharmaceutical companies use the urine, not blood, to derive urokinase. My claim from the get go, is that there is scientific medical evidence that supports valuable constituents in urine that are beneficial. I have never said that drinking a gallon of urine is what everyone should do for good health. If that's what someone wants to do, then that is their choice.
I am with you on this.....I may never agree with you in the Religion Forum but I am backing you up all the way on this one.....
No need for anything so yuck - start regular Omnilux Revive treatments (or buy a home hand-held), it will keep your skin looking fabulous. I wrote a Hub about it.
Are we supposed to splash it on our skin like a skin product?
Ohhhhh Greek I was hoping that wasn't the case
I know people who follow urinotherapy for treating psoriasis and some digestive system problems. No results at all!!! Even though they still use it and live in hope only because they read somewhere that urine does miracles.
My niece wets the bed and neither she or I have found any redeeming qualities in that urine.
this hub may help ... … on-Therapy
That's a shame...according to this thread you'd be better off being "pissed on"!
J/K, tantrum...I just had to.
The question is do you want to be -eh, nevermind.
I'll go to the nearest hospital and piss all over peoples injuries and do my bit, sort of like a superhero...what kind of superhero name would fit? weeman? goldenshower power man?
LMAO, crackin me up! I can just imagine all the jokes people come up with, lol. At least your trying to do your part. Their medical bills would sure be a lot cheaper! I like goldenshower power man, Let me know how it goes.
Certainly will, got 8 pints to drink, (of water that is) to refill for the morning when I visit the hospital, one hospital at a time I will save this planet!!!!!
Ha, ha, first mornings urine is best! Although you might have a problem
sleeping tonite downing 8 pints. Please do get your rest, saving the planet is a big job! To bad it's free therapy or are you going to charge a small fee for your pee, lol.
Your heroic actions will be appreciated. Their is a bureaucrat that works for the road traffic authority I dealt with today who urgently needs pissing on, can I count on you?
First thing in the morning I am going to wash my face in urine then cook up some eggs, bacon, toast and have a tall glass of Urine...That way I won't have to waste water by flushing...
One last thing before I leave
Read this ..all of it... about harmful substances in urine and the fact it does not cure the diseases claimed..Yes many people may make these claims however you should consult a medical book or site for your answers.. … iid=161688
It looks God has faultily designed our human body! If kidneys are designed to remove such a great product from our body, then something is seriously wrong with the function of kidneys!
I'm at work on an early lunch so we'll talk more later..
I agree this is really way out there. To each his own though.
She-rah you posted something here that I can't find now where you questioned If I was on an Island and I had a tumor would I not drink the urine. You also said it would heal the tumor and even cancer..
NO it will not help a tumor cancer or not. It will not cure acne, take away wrinkles or anything else. I'm not stupid though you want to think I am..there is no medical evidence of your statements.
I never said that it would heal a tumor, I just thought that since you are so highly educated as a nurse, you would know that a major cancer/tumor treatment is "derived" from urine. Again, with the taking my statements out of context. I never said you are stupid and would never make such claims because I am a fair and understanding person of other people's beliefs and/or education. "God Complex", well, you've more than confirmed that. There isn't enough urine in the world to derive drugs that would fix your ego!
Earnest- There are already medical facts proving my statements from Doctors, Medical Professors that educate Specialists, Doctors, and Nurses, studies at major universities, scientific studies and testing, etc. etc. I don't need info from closed minded, arrogant individuals. They are not credible as far as I'm concerned and only hinder treatment possibilities for people that modern medicine can not help.
So medical science and facts are of no interest to you, you would rather offer snake oil as a solution to major health problems?
What A pile!
I would have thought that Deborah was just trying to show you that she has credibility in this area, so that you may learn something from a pro.
This MEDICAL ADVICE is being given by someone who says on her profile that she has been in "construction, remodeling, and landscaping for the past 7 years"
Of course it is me who is upset because someone is as "SMART as Me"
Yeah RIGHT!!!!
I went to school for 6 years so yes I am proud of my accomplishment and will shout it from the roof top.
Any of those sites that support your claims are Alternative sites not medical sites.
And remember in the title it asks what we I guess you wanted only those who agree with you.
But hey..CHEERS!!!
I don't have GOD fear..Urine is just Nasty....
Jumping in late here, but I DID read ALL of the above posts (in case someone is wondering) ...
I also read all of the links people posted.
So here's my question: If She-rah is adamant that there is "scientific evidence" for this unusual treatment, well, where is it? ALL Of those posts, and not a single link or quote that is "evidence"?
I genuinely want to see the evidence.
From "No well-controlled studies published in available scientific literature support the claims that urotherapy can control or reverse the spread of cancer." and "There are some individual reports of urotherapy's ability to stop cancer growth. However, available scientific evidence does not support claims that urine or urea given in any form is helpful for cancer patients. Two small studies done during the 1980s found urea did not cause tumors to shrink in patients with cancer in the liver."
Everything I'm reading (after a thorough internet search) says there is NO scientific or clinical medical evidence. If there is, I want to see it. This is not a challenge; I'm being serious.
One more point: She-rah said (I think it was her) that urine therapy has "never killed anyone." Take a look at this: about a woman who DIED from URINE injection.
Okay, that's it for me. I gotta pee...
Make sure you keep some for the lemon tree.
Injection is very radical and drinking urine is a bit radical. Again, I do not practice this form of treatment but I will not judge nor criticize those who choose to do so, I simply do not feel it is my place when natural treatments have saved my life. I have 1 link to my hub here about how pharmaceutical companies use CONSTITUENTS of urine for prescription drugs, along with quoted references on the benefits of urine. I have 1 quote here on urine therapy from a Urology Professor. All I have said here, is that there are valuable and life saving CONSTITUENTS in urine that pharmaceutical companies use to derive drugs. I have never said or advised anyone that urine therapy is some grand life saving treatment. ONLY that there are drugs derived from urine based on scientific medical evidence. As a nurse you should already know that.
And yes, I work for a family owned construction company that has allowed me to take time when ill from anaphylaxis ( was 2 weeks out of every month that I suffered from anaphylaxis for 3 yrs with no help or proper treatment from the medical profession and I SURVIVED). No other job will allow me to take this amount of time off and I am not on disability to support my family. I have to do what I have to do but that does not mean that I am uneducated. I roof houses, roof commercial buildings, hang drywall, work on plumbing, weld, do landscaping, and I am educated in natural and pharmaceutical treatments. I didn't feel the need to shout from the roof tops in my profile either. I am proud of myself for surviving my rare autoimmune disorder, working my A$$ off to support my family, and am educated but I don't need encouragement from you or anyone else to live my life and be proud. My own pat on the back will suffice!
Doesn't seem anyone wanted a pat on the back.
It also seems you don't like for anyone to disagree with you?
Why were others opinions employed here?
I honestly don't mind other people's opinions but I am entitled to mine as well. The only thing I have a problem with is others not respecting my opinion and taking what I have said taken out of context or twisting it into something that is the complete opposite or not even close to what I'm trying to say. Maybe I just don't clearly write what I mean and leave myself open for these things to be said but that's just what happens on these kinds of topics, I guess.
Here's the issue, She-rah:
When you put something "out there" like this, especially something so controversial and socially unacceptable (to most), and then you go on to say the things you've said, it NEEDS to be backed with the reported "scientific and medical research." You've still not done that. And I can't find any. I, too, have a life-threatening autoimmune disease. And I am a HUGE advocate of holistic and alternative medicine (see some of my hubs) -- but I would NEVER do what you are doing ... not without the credentials to back it. Case studies are not evidence, and the fact that some of the constiuents in urine are also in pharmaceuticals doesn't mean a thing. I inject a daily dose of something made from pig intestines, but I"m not about to eat a pig's colon!
The list of things found in urine -- including hormones -- is a long one. It is for that reason that so many people draw the conclusion that all of those things that are helpful to the body in other forms might also be helpful to the body in the form of urine, where they are found TOO. But, again, no science to back it up.
Please ... either admit that you don't have any science, or show us that you do so we can review it ourselves and form our own opinion(s).
By the way, I believe you DID say that urine could be life saving. If you didn't say it, you sure implied it.
I never said you weren't intelligent..Just that I am. I don't need a pat on the back from you or anyone. I spent 6 years, plus I worked, had a child and a husband to care for..housework and so on...
I also did not say your job wasn't a good one.
You said you know about Pharmaceuticals..were you a Tech or a Pharmacists?
If you don't mind me asking what are you allergic to?
Ok, Deborah, I would like to start over, if you don't mind, because in all honesty I would like to hear what you have to say about my condition, using your professionalism. This may help explain my comments, and angry tone. Sorry if this gets lengthy, no one else has to read, but I would appreciate a decent comment without a slap in the face.
My autoimmune disorder is called progesterone induced anaphylaxis or autoimmune progesterone anaphylaxis. I'm sure you've never heard of it as most of the medical profession does not even know it exists. There are a few case studies on the web and that's it. I wrote my story on hubpages for more awareness. I am the 10th diagnosed case since it's discovery. Yes, I am severely allergic to my OWN progesterone and was suffering from anaphylaxis every month, sometimes 3 weeks at a time. I am also allergic to my own sweat, chemicals, synthetics, drugs, certain foods/drinks etc. Since the age of 10 the medical profession repeatedly told me I was a hypochondriac, had mental disorders, was suffering from panic attacks, depression, and treated me and my parents like a complete idiots. I have been forced to study/ research pharmaceutical meds, side effects, natural treatments and look for evidence to get a diagnosis for the last 15yrs. The last 3 years, the Dr's prescribed meds, put me on oxygen, shot me full of pain meds to keep me from screaming in pain in ER, ran CT scans for stroke like episodes, strapped heart monitors on me, shot me full of fluids from vomiting blood and bile, and then sent me home with inhalers, a heart monitor, and more drugs saying that it was panic attacks. I tried the meds they gave me and began having severe reactions, including OTC like childrens benadryl. Because they would not listen to me and run the tests I demanded along with all the drugs they were shoving down me for anxiety/depression/psychosomatic disorder, I now have neurological damage (vagus nerve) and liver disease to add. I found 1 Dr, 1, after seeing at least 50 arrogant others that laughed in my face and treated me like dirt. This 1 Dr finally ran the histamine test that I demanded. I was immediately sent to a brilliant immunologist who was FINALLY able to test and make diagnosis of these conditions. Since my body is so damaged from all of the drugs and abuse because no medical professional would listen to me, my treatment options are slim to none. I currently have epinephrine but couldn't inject it when I was having seizures from anaphylaxis. Gyne and Immunology discussed my case and offered 2 experimental treatments. I was warned of 1 that is irreversible and extremely high risk for more serious complications, with the other a huge possibility of severe reaction that they would not be able to stop. Thru research I found that oestrogen was given to a few women with milder cases, as a form of immunotherapy. Slowly raise the estrogen, slowly raise the progesterone, and HOPE you build up a resistance to the progesterone, just like how allergy shots work. This treatment was not offered to me because the doctors thought I would react due to the kind of estrogen they prescribe. I had to have a bio-identical estriol. Where to find that? My Urine! I'd have to drink gallons of my own urine to boost my own estrogen as a form of immunotherapy. This is where my huge interest and defense of valuable constituents in urine comes into play. This was option 1. I could not force myself to do it, so I researched more and found 1 phytoestrogen bio-identical to human estriol. I was majoring in bio-chem in college with intentions of going on to medicine when I ended up with a staph infection from my autoimmunity. The infection started in my throat and spread to my neck bones and shoulder joints taking 4 months to recover from. I have since suffered frequent, unusual infections and various reactions leading up to the anaphylaxis . Hence my career choice in the family business. With that said, using my previous education and research, I was able to infuse this 1 bio-identical estriol with various other organic/natural ingredients making a cream to apply as a transdermal treatment for immunotherapy. I have currently been in remission and been able to avoid anaphylaxis using this treatment for almost 5 months. BUT, I have 4 children and a wonderful husband and if my treatment stops working, I will sure as hell drink gallons of my own pee for the estrogen and immune constituents as an alternative form of immunotherapy. The medical and scientific evidence of the valuable constituents in urine pertain to my specific dilemma. The thousands of tesimonials is enough evidence for me. The medical/scientific evidence and testimonials combined, certainly made up my mind to try it if I have to. It may not be enough evidence for many or even you, but it's enough for me to try out of shear desperation to be able to have quality of life and raise my children. The estrogen in my own urine is valuable enough for me to try and use to survive if worse comes to worse. My doctors listen to me and don't even know how I've made it this far without diagnosis and proper treatment up until a year ago. Please forgive my sarcastic remarks, your education comment did strike a nerve and maybe you have a better understanding as to why. Any other recommendations as far as treatment because I REALLY don't want to have to gag down my own urine if my treatment begins to fail?!
Thanks. I definately prefer pissing off rather than pissing on.
Physically impossible, unless you point the hose upwards!
Hate to say it but had to go look. I heard they were processing sewer waste in California, into potable drinking water. Guess they are.
and another, … ref=slogin
It's true that urine contains toxic substances. It's also true that they are usually present in small quantities. Thus, urine can be used in an emergency to replace water when none is available. After being recycled a certain number of times, though, the toxic components of urine build up to dangerous levels and it is no longer safe to continue drinking.
Urine also makes a good first-aid treatment for stings and so forth.
I believe this is a case of a marginally useful substance being touted as a cure-all, and mainstream society turning up its nose and throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Can't we all get along?
She-rah, you have taken a lot of time on this thread which you started, and I, too, have put in my time with various comments as well as independent research.
You've not once responded to me or my questions for clarification, etc. So, this is my last comment:
I've repeatedly asked you for the evidence, and you've not given it. Yet in your last post you (again) said, "The medical/scientific evidence and testimonials combined, certainly made up my mind to try it if I have to. It may not be enough evidence for many or even you, but it's enough for me to try out of shear desperation to be able to have quality of life and raise my children."
I posted WHY I am interested, telling you MY medically-related curiosity. Yet, still, no reply.
Linda- I'm truly sorry! I have read your comments on other forums and have been greatly interested in your autoimmune condition. I tried posting the info that I have yesterday and hubpages kicked it off with a warning because my reply to Deborah was so long. The one to you was very long too and I'm fairly new to hubpages, but I guess they don't like long posts on the forums. Did you look at my hub on the urine therapy? The link is above. I have some of my references and scientific evidence that makes me consider the treatment in my hub but only some of it because I didn't want to just have a whole page of nothing but quoted material. I will add the other info I have for you today (on my hub) as soon as I get a chance. Is it ok to post quoted references like that on a hub as long as you site the source? I was unsure of this and didn't want to get in trouble. If I can't add more quoted material there, Is there a way to email you from your profile? I will gladly send you the info that way if you prefer!
by Rhonda D Johnson 6 years ago
A Colorado school district is being sued for discrimination. The parents of six year old Coy Matthis, who they say has identified himself as a girl since he was a toddler, are incensed that the school will not allow him to use the girls’ bathroom. An internet search for this story ...
by borge_009 6 years ago
Do you believe in reincarnation?We all wonder if there's life after death or there's none. Personally, I do hope that reincarnation is true.
by Mike Russo 7 years ago
Isn't interesting at the same time Jeff Sessions has said that he talked to Russia, Trump is accusing Obama of wire tapping him? And Trump has no evidence to support his claims. I believe this is another one of Trump's distractions to take the heat off of him and Jeff Sessions for...
by Castlepaloma 13 years ago
Early Americans did not share the blind faith of today's fundamentalists. Faith" is a fine invention, with some skepticism. But can science and scripture live happily together without fighting. What story do you prefer no.1 or no. 21. There is all kinds of evidence for dinosaurs. We also have...
by aka-dj 8 years ago
A worldwide flood (like described by Noah's flood) is said to be part of many cultures folklore.Creationist proponents belive geological evidence "supports " such an event. Atheists (and others) do not. What do you think?
by Sean Thomas Gartland 12 years ago
If you have any evidence please present it.
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