Knightheart profile image71


Joined 13 years ago from MIssouri, USA

  • 44
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  • 4

    The Bubonic Plague - Could It Happen Again?

    10 years ago

    The Bubonic Plague devasted the Medieval world killing 1/3 of the population in a relatively short time! Also known as the "Black Death" due to the way the disease manifested itself in the population is the more common name of this deadly infection....

  • Innocent Until Proven Guilty???  -- Not in Today's World!

    Innocent Until Proven Guilty??? -- Not in Today's World!

    9 years ago

    Greetings and welcome to my tiny corner of cyberspace! Today’s general topic is, and I use the term loosely, “Our Justice System”, an important topic for today's troubles! Who can argue that our judicial system needs a MAJOR overhaul of epic...

  • Which Way America????

    Which Way America????

    12 years ago

    I have been debating publishing this hub for a long time, but decided now was the time to do so. This country is in big trouble and anybody that thinks otherwise either has their head stuck in the sand or doesn't care. I, for one, love this country...

  • Corporate Greed - The American Way!

    Corporate Greed - The American Way!

    12 years ago

    Hello! It has been a long time since I have published a hub here...way overdue, I would say. This article is way different than my other hubs which many of you may have read. My financial situation prompted me to create this hub and know that many...

  • The Dating Game  - Russian Roulette Without the Gun!

    The Dating Game - Russian Roulette Without the Gun!

    9 years ago

    Well, folks, thought I would update you a little to what is going on currently. Yes, I still haven't given up on finding a lady and have had a few very strange experiences which I will share briefly. Here we are again, well, at least here I am...

  • Teacher Myths Exposed

    Teacher Myths Exposed

    10 years ago

    Hello friends, followers, and visitors. This hub will be different from my others...kind of a rant, as they say. I have been an educator for over 20 years and have listened to a lot of criticism and downright insults aimed at me personally, and at...

  • True Love!  We all want it...but what is it?

    True Love! We all want it...but what is it?

    11 years ago

    Welcome friends and followers! Glad you are here. This hub article is a bit different from most of my hubs. Instead of sharing some of my youthful adventures, humorous articles, or on the Bible and Christianity, I am going to explore a new area for...

  • The Millenial Kingdom - God is in Charge!

    The Millenial Kingdom - God is in Charge!

    13 years ago

    The Battle of Armageddon is over. Satan has been defeated and his forces destroyed. The earth has been literally ripped apart by 7 long years of the Tribulation. The dead number in the millions and millions. Evil is gone, at least for now. The...

  • Online Dating - A Personal Experience!

    Online Dating - A Personal Experience!

    11 years ago

    Hello everyone. I haven't been posting much lately since I was busy with this topic that now have finally published. I want to share my experiences with online dating. This had a two-fold purpose. The first being to check out stories I have heard...

  • Playing Tag on a Motorcycle?

    Playing Tag on a Motorcycle?

    9 years ago

    Motorcycle vs Car - a No Win Scenario I have always loved motorcycles and want to share my experience with my first one. If you are familiar with motorcycles, you know that our modern bikes are far more sophisticated and larger than the ones...

  • The Art of Pool Hopping - Midwest Style

    The Art of Pool Hopping - Midwest Style

    13 years ago

    Ahhh...summertime in the Midwest! A unpredictable visitor to say the least. In the good ole' state of Missouri, temperatures can really fluctuate. Summer officially begins at the end of June and lasts until the end of September. Summer, a 3 month...

  • Old Ladies, Cops, and Clay Hands

    Old Ladies, Cops, and Clay Hands

    13 years ago

    Before I start another hub about my exploits as a young child, I just want all of you to know that I was not a juvenile delinquent or an escapee from the juvenile detention center. Actually, I was a pretty good kid, rarely got in trouble in school,...

  • Tale of Two Turkeys

    Tale of Two Turkeys

    13 years ago

    Some of you have read a few of my hubs about when I was younger, and probably dumber than I am today. When I was working on those hubs, my brain started recalling some other long forgotten events that took place back then, They were not funny when...

  • The Rapture - Beginning of the End!

    The Rapture - Beginning of the End!

    13 years ago

    Welcome Believers and Non-Believers!  I am thrilled that you are here.  Since you did come, I trust this topic has some interest for you...I hope that is the case. This is the first hub of several that I am writing or have written about prophecy,...

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    Satan's Last Stand - The Battle of Armageddon

    13 years ago

    Most of you know of the terrible defeat that Gen. George Custer experienced at the Little Bighorn. It was horrendous and brutal, but what I am going to describe next will make Gen. Custer's final battle look like a day at the park. The final...

  • My Favorite Bullies

    My Favorite Bullies

    13 years ago

    How many of you remember when you were younger, perhaps still in school, or maybe presently have had to deal with a bully? In the news today, we are hearing a lot of bullies terrorizing students from Kindergarten up through Grade 12. It doesn't...

  • The Tribulation Period - The Trumpet Judgments

    The Tribulation Period - The Trumpet Judgments

    13 years ago

    This is the second part of a 3 part series on the Judgments God will release onto the earth during the Tribulation Period. I suggest you read the first part, The Tribulation Period - The Seal Judgments before you read this to keep the events in...

  • Do You Like a Good Lawyer Joke?

    Do You Like a Good Lawyer Joke?

    12 years ago

    Let's start off with a list of attributes that might possibly identify you as an attorney! Hopefully this will get you in the mood for the remainder of this "Tribute to Attorneys" article, or roast if you prefer. You Could be a Lawyer if - You...

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    The Tribulation Period - The Seal Judgments

    13 years ago

    This hub is the first part of three that addresses the Judgments from God that will be loosed upon the earth after the Rapture. The exact time these will begin is not known, but the Rapture will have occurred when Jesus comes and takes the...

  • Quick Overview of the Events Recorded in the Book of Revelation

    Quick Overview of the Events Recorded in the Book of Revelation

    13 years ago

    What follows is a quick overview of the most significant events that will occur when Jesus returns and takes the Church and all who have put their faith and trust in Him with Him to Heaven. The following events are faithfully recorded in the book...

  • The Names of God - Part III

    The Names of God - Part III

    13 years ago

    Welcome friends and Hubbers! This is the final part of three that I hope will help you learn the many names of God. Most of these are unfamiliar, as they were to me, but they appear in the Bible many times and reveal the character and nature of our...

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    Great TV Shows of the Past

    13 years ago

    Welcome to yesteryear! I have been working on many hubs recently that are of a serious nature and wanted to take a little break and publish something on the ligher side. I was watching television recently and most of the shows, at least the...

  • December 21, 2012  - Another Prediction by a False Prophet!

    December 21, 2012 - Another Prediction by a False Prophet!

    12 years ago

    I am sure all of you have heard about the world coming to an end in December, 2012. And of course, since you are reading this...another lunatic predicting something he doesn't have a clue about! Many stories are being heard of people preparing for...

  • Core Values

    Core Values

    11 years ago

    U.S.M.C emblem. Jesus dieing for our sins. A Christian's emblem. Anyone that has served in the United States Marine Corps, is related to or are friends to a Marine, or witnessed their graduation from boot camp will know that in just about 3...

  • The Names of God - Part II

    The Names of God - Part II

    13 years ago

    Welcome friends and Hubbers! This is the second part of three that I hope will help you learn the many names of God. Most of these are unfamiliar, as they were to me, but they appear in the Bible many times and reveal the character and nature of...

  • The Tribulation Period - The Bowl Judgments

    The Tribulation Period - The Bowl Judgments

    13 years ago

    I hope you read my other hubs on God's Judgment during the Tribulation Period. If not, I would suggest reading the Seal Judgments and then the Trumpet Judgments. That will give you the chronological order of God's judgment upon this earth prior to...

  • Personalities of the Tribulation Period

    Personalities of the Tribulation Period

    13 years ago

    NOTE: This is not fantasy or science fiction of any kind. The 'beings' in this hub are factual, real, and will be loose upon the earth during the Tribulation Period. This is from God's Holy Word...which is Truth. I am writing this hub to enable...

  • The Names of God - Part I

    The Names of God - Part I

    12 years ago

    Growing up, I never thought about our Father in Heaven having other names. I only knew the name 'God' or Father. As a child, I suppose that was enough, but as the Apostle Paul taught in his letters to the first churches, we can't stay 'baby'...

  • Are Online Games Destroying Our Marriages/Relationships?

    Are Online Games Destroying Our Marriages/Relationships?

    9 years ago

    Original Everquest Icon. This screenshot was well-known when players logged on to play. It stayed online for several years. I debated awhile about publishing this hub, but I feel it is necessary. The divorce rate in this country alone is out of...

  • Tips on Purchasing a New Vehicle

    Tips on Purchasing a New Vehicle

    13 years ago

    The bait...easy pickins. Let’s face it. Buying a new vehicle is detested by most people. Visions of shady car dealers, a nightmare of paperwork and wondering if you got the best deal are always present in your mind. With today’s economy,...

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    Jesus - God or Human?

    13 years ago

    All of us that are followers of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior sometimes forget some important truths that the Bible teaches. There is nothing in God's Holy Word that is unimportant, but being human, we are not perfect and often overlook some...

  • A Tribute to My Parents

    A Tribute to My Parents

    10 years ago

    This hub is dedicated to my father, Ralph, who passed away in 1993 at the age of 69.  He is sorely missed!! My father and mother before they married in 1950 After reading several hubs by another hubber that I already deeply respect and admire...

  • Joys of Motorcycle Riding or Meeting Nature Face-to-Face

    Joys of Motorcycle Riding or Meeting Nature Face-to-Face

    13 years ago

    Well, spring is here with summer just around the corner. Motorcyclists that endured the cold, frigid winter, letting their motorcycles hibernate in garages, basements, storage sheds, and even in some living rooms are elated that soon, they will be...

  • A Day in the Life of Olivia

    A Day in the Life of Olivia

    10 years ago

    Cats have been a large part of my life ever since I can remember. It is not that my family didn’t like dogs, it just seems we were cat people from the start. I do remember having a beagle, we named BeeGee, this was way before the Bee Gees rock...

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    Cow Cats - The New Feline Breed!

    10 years ago

    Overweight pets are becoming an epidemic in the United States!

  • Grieving Over a Lost Pet!

    Grieving Over a Lost Pet!

    13 years ago

    This article is dedicated to my beloved cat, Specks! I never had such a loving, sweet, and affectionate cat in my life. Her loss still is painful even though it has been over 3 years now since we had to part! God Bless you, Specks! You will...

  • Elusive Cat Burglar Finally Caught!

    Elusive Cat Burglar Finally Caught!

    13 years ago

    NEWS FLASH - A cunning, masterful burglar that has been breaking into homes in the area for months finally met his demise. Reports have been made stating that this master thief has been able to get into homes with little or no trouble whatsoever. ...

  • Men Providing Childcare?  Why Not?

    Men Providing Childcare? Why Not?

    13 years ago

    As you all know, the childcare business is booming these days. Every year, families all over the world are scrambling to find adequate childcare for their children. Just looking on several websites has shown me that the need for QUALITY caregivers...

  • Infants, Young Children & Pets - A Dangerous Scenario?

    Infants, Young Children & Pets - A Dangerous Scenario?

    13 years ago

    I have often read about and heard of parents who are starting families or have very young children in the household being concerned about how the family dog or cat will behave when a new child arrrives or is introduced into a home. I am sure urban...

  • Thoughts About Cat Baths - By the CATS!

    Thoughts About Cat Baths - By the CATS!

    13 years ago

    The last one is the funniest! I agree with The Reminder, that cat looks like it would pull the plumbing out if it could. LOL Great pics, loads of laughs...We could all use a good laugh on a daily basis. This does the trick! Thanks Hello Reminder...

  • Let Sleeping Cats Lie!

    Let Sleeping Cats Lie!

    11 years ago

    Cats - the masters of getting to sleep and staying asleep!

  • Judgment Day - Are you Ready?

    Judgment Day - Are you Ready?

    13 years ago

    This posting is not about the movie "Terminator 2: Judgment Day", which is total fiction, but the contents of this message is is the absolute truth of what will happen to EVERY person that ever lived on Earth. The decisions and choices we...

  • Motorcycle Pre-Ride Inspection

    Motorcycle Pre-Ride Inspection

    13 years ago

    Hello Bikers! I am certain that most of you have been instructed at the beginning of your riding career the importance of performing a safety inspection of your bike AND yourself. As time goes by though, I know many of us have probably not...

  • Homework Help for your Child!

    Homework Help for your Child!

    13 years ago

    Greetings Parents! I am an elementary classroom teacher...this is my first hub and thought I could assist some of you parents out there! I know many parents face the 'dreaded' homework their child brings home. It can become a very stressful...


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