What is your favorite musical of all time and why?

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  1. Rusticliving profile image80
    Rusticlivingposted 12 years ago

    What is your favorite musical of all time and why?

    From the Ziegfeld Follies to Phantom of the Opera, the world has been blessed with the most talented venue, Musicals. With dancing, singing, and acting all bundled into one, each actor must bring to life their charactor that will carry the audience with them. What is your favorite musical ever performed be it stage or screen. Why is it your favorite?


    1. Biriala Goodday Thomas profile image61
      Biriala Goodday Thomasposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Cool one

  2. vocalcoach profile image93
    vocalcoachposted 12 years ago

    I have spent my life in Musical Theater. My favorite Musical is so technically difficult to "stage", few, if any Community Theater or School productions could present the entire musical. Even the film version could not do justice to the music and remarkable actors and astounding chorus of the London, New York and San Francisco Productions of "Les Miserable."

    Without question, this is my favorite musical of all time.

    1. Readmikenow profile image96
      Readmikenowposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "Les Miserable." is one of my all time favorites.  The book is also an intense read.

  3. nishlaverz profile image59
    nishlaverzposted 12 years ago

    @ vocalcoach I agree Les Miserable is one of the best musically. I've never been lucky enough to see it as a stage show but own both the 10th and 25th anniversary concerts on DVD and love to watch them. I'm a big fan or Michael Ball how I still think is the best Marius to race the stage.

    Saying this however my overall favourite is another one of those that lasted years in the west end. Starlight Express captured my imagination when I went to see it at the Apollo Victoria when I was 13. It has fast paced action, great songs and is hard to get right and at times can be dangerous to perform.

    1. Charlie LeSueur profile image69
      Charlie LeSueurposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Now there's another tie-in with "Annie," of which I have fond memories. Andrea McArdle was in the original cast of both "Annie" and "Starlight Express." Do you have any specific memories of what made "Starlight Express," special for you?

    2. brutishspoon profile image66
      brutishspoonposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      @ Charlie LeSueur
      I just loved being right in the middle of the action with the performers flying around and the songs work well within it.
      Ps this is my new account (Nish Laverz)

  4. kimot2ltd profile image60
    kimot2ltdposted 12 years ago

    I would have to state "Merrily We Roll Along" for its ballads and inventiveness and "Sunday in the Park with George" for its understanding of the art of making art.

  5. SopranoRocks profile image61
    SopranoRocksposted 12 years ago

    I have seen many musicals in NYC, Chicago, and Detroit. I have to travel far to see theater so I have many many more I want to see.

    My favorite musical score to sing is in Les Miserables.
    The most contagious musical score is in RENT.
    The best musical overall is Phantom of the Opera.
    The most unique musicals are The Blue Man Group and STOMP.
    The helicopter scene in Miss Saigon is amazing.

    I love dance numbers but have yet to have a favorite that really wow'ed me.  Anyone have any danced favs they could recommend?

    I have also performed in musicals in college (my favorite role was Hedy in How To Succeed in Business...).  Seems I always got the sexy roles back then, which I loved!

  6. lburmaster profile image71
    lburmasterposted 12 years ago

    Just one?! Dear Lord... I've seen a few, not as many as I would like. But I must say that The Sound of Music and Wicked are my two favorites and that is the order of them as well.

  7. Faybe Bay profile image67
    Faybe Bayposted 12 years ago

    I have to choose Cats because that is a favorite for many years in my house and we have it on tape. I have seen the movie Mama Mia and my whole family sings along. We are dying to see Wicked and have seen bits and pieces that were posted on YouTube.

    The reason that we love "Cats" is because when my children were in dance class their recital involved the entire school working together so pay tribute to the Broadway show. The best young students got to play "kittens" and the best senior dancers were chosen to play characters and perform scene from the Musical. Needless to say, watching the tape of the show, or hearing the songs brings back memories, sends a chill down my spine and brings a tear to my eye. I remember my daughter practicing "cat" moves around the house, even though she was not chosen to play a part. Seeing your own children striving to do well at anything will always make you proud, but seeing them keep trying, when the cast has already been chosen, it just makes your heart swell. Nothing can equal the feeling you get when the intro plays, the singing starts, and the dancers take the stage. Especially when you are remembering a time when your own children thought that 'Maybe someday that will be me...'

  8. allpurposeguru profile image71
    allpurposeguruposted 12 years ago

    If I only can pick one, I'd have to say The Fantastcks. It is uncomplicated enough that I have been able to see it live three times, including the long-running Off Broadway production. It's got some great, fun songs.

    Long before we ever saw The Fantasticks, my sibs and i used to sing show tunes in the car. We still sing a lot of the same things when we get together, but I know most of them only from old LPs or movies. On that basis, I'd like to recommend Irving Berlin's last musical, Mr. President. Its Broadway run was cut short by the Kennedy assassination, and I have no idea if it's ever revived much. It's got some wonderful songs that deserve to be well known, though.

  9. Denise Handlon profile image88
    Denise Handlonposted 12 years ago

    I agree: Just one?   I don't know that I could really give one answer.  I loved SO MANY musicals and worked in Summerstock.  Favorite? hmmmm Fiddler maybe...or Mame...or Les Miserables...or Phantom...or Lion King-nope, can't pick a favorite but it was nice trying, LOL  Thanks for the memories.

  10. AEvans profile image74
    AEvansposted 12 years ago

    I I enjoy musicals, so choosing just one isn't easy. But if I had to choose only one it would be the " The Music Man." It reminded me of the people in the state I was born in. They are laid back, friendly and enjoy sitting on the porch on a sunny day. Of course the state is mentioned in the movie which I am very partial too.

    The songs are fun to sing and those who enjoy musicals can watch it from start to finish.

    1. Charlie LeSueur profile image69
      Charlie LeSueurposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I love the film. I stayed in my room one Christmas Eve as a kid and watched this instead of taking part in my family party.

  11. Victoria Lynn profile image89
    Victoria Lynnposted 12 years ago

    My Fair Lady! Love the story, the romance, the ugly duckling story. I love language, too, and music, so it's perfect! I love the dress and the furniture, too. It's all good. Maybe I'll write a hub about it!

  12. Roxielady profile image60
    Roxieladyposted 10 years ago

    I have two favorites:  42nd Street and Phantom of the Opera.  In the first musical, it is high energy and great tap dancing (one of the dances I learned in middle school).  As for the Phantom, I have seen it twice; the music is soaring and passionate, which draws you in to the story of unrequited love and loss.

  13. profile image0
    t aaron brownposted 9 years ago

    Oklahoma. The only theater participation I had in high school.

  14. profile image52
    Brookie1107posted 9 years ago

    My favorite musical is Les Miserables. I have seen it 12 different times and it is always magical.
    For me, I think it is my favorite because it involves an important religious aspect. It also shows the important aspect of sacrifices- every death in the show demonstrates an important sacrifice, wether that be for love, freedom, etc.

  15. profile image52
    bernie spinaposted 8 years ago

    Gypsy because it had great songs and Ethel Merman

  16. Charlie LeSueur profile image69
    Charlie LeSueurposted 8 years ago

    What makes a stage musical memorable for an audience member isn't always the glitz and glamour on stage. It's the performance that every person on stage brings to the show. read more

  17. roselinsojan profile image61
    roselinsojanposted 8 years ago

    I like,'Merrily We Roll along'.for its ballads.it is very good to hear again and again.

  18. chuckandus6 profile image80
    chuckandus6posted 8 years ago

    Mary Poppins, this musical is full of great imagination and also sets a great example of what is too much and what is not enough,and I thinl all kids and grown ups can relate to this story.Plus of Course The MUSIC Is Fantastic!!!

  19. CYong74 profile image99
    CYong74posted 8 years ago

    Wicked. For 2 reasons.

    Simply love the songs. For other musicals, I'm usually just fond of one or two pieces. I love practically every song in Wicked.

    The reimagined story of Oz. I'm into things like that. And it gives me a kick seeing a reimagined "wicked" witch.

  20. zidoxlaykaire profile image61
    zidoxlaykaireposted 8 years ago

    all my life was about rock and hard music
    but i found that the classic and flamenco is better i like gipsy kings and paco de lucia

  21. profile image61
    Josh Whitworthposted 8 years ago

    I absolutely love Blues Brothers. It's hilarious and a very fulfilling film in general.

  22. Rebecca Burg profile image73
    Rebecca Burgposted 8 years ago

    There are so many good ones! To see these live is AMAZING and the talent, the costumes...so thrilling. I'm partial to The Phantom of the Opera. The music is great and the costumes are gorgeous. And of course the love story is really sweet.
    Having a chance to see a live performance sure beats the crap on TV.

  23. Karin Weakley profile image60
    Karin Weakleyposted 8 years ago

    Phantom of the Opera.
    It is powerful but beautiful. And is in my eyes the best Andrew Lloyd Webber has ever produced.

  24. zyztematic profile image61
    zyztematicposted 8 years ago

    Try Music Videos being deleted from You Tube first...Next maybe offensive video game You Tube videos.  Is censorship back?

  25. Danny Lannister profile image63
    Danny Lannisterposted 8 years ago

    Miss Saigon - that is the current run that just left the West End and hit Broadway. It's a staggering achievement of talent, technical marvel, beautiful set designs and a haunting story grounded in reality. It's woefully underrepresented in this comment section!

  26. Laura335 profile image83
    Laura335posted 8 years ago

    West Side Story. I don't like many musicals, but I love the dance numbers and the story.

  27. lorddraven2000 profile image94
    lorddraven2000posted 8 years ago

    I had a hard time with this. I love rocky horror but my favorite would be rent. so much going on there and such deep questions. I am also huge into little Shop of horrors and you can't go wrong with Jesus Christmas superstar 2000

  28. profile image47
    sdjsposted 8 years ago

    HAMILTON. Duh. It's just a great story about Alexander Hamilton and how he changed america. Lin Manuel Miranda was the guy who wrote the play and he was also Hamilton for some time. But even though Hamilton had an affair he still changed the game for america. The music in this musical is AMAZING, it is all sooo catchy and it has a great beat to it. Part one is all happy and flowey but then it turns on you and in part two they all die. But thats by far my all time favorite musical. If you don't know what it is look it up and listin to it, it will change your life.

  29. Theophilus Arthur profile image57
    Theophilus Arthurposted 8 years ago

    your answer...is Kelvin Gate two phone this because when am in my salient mood it give me good emotional  memories .

  30. brutishspoon profile image66
    brutishspoonposted 7 years ago

    Mine has to be Starlight Express. It is full of great songs and the way it tells a story is so unique. I was lucky enough to see it in its original venue back in around 1995 and was sat in the midst of the action.

  31. profile image48
    Karyn Wiffenposted 7 years ago

    For me this is easy, Starlight Express.

    I've seen it at least 6 times in London.

    I don't know what it is about it, maybe the fast pace of the races, the catchy songs but I've loved it from the first time I saw it.

  32. Qmarpat profile image62
    Qmarpatposted 7 years ago

    Really, there are so many good ones! 40 Acres and a Mule, Off-Broadway, live production, mid -1970's. Cats, The Wiz, Phantom of the Opera. I can think of ten more I like, that's the short list.

  33. Catherine McMahan profile image70
    Catherine McMahanposted 7 years ago

    I'm a pretty wishy-washy when it comes to picking favorites (whether it be musicals, movies, or books) but at the moment my favorite musical is "Love's Labours Lost the Musical."

    I think this show has only been off-Broadway, but I found the soundtrack online and fell in love with it. "Love's Labours Lost" is my absolute favorite Shakespeare play and I think that the new musical really does it justice, both in its sense of humor and its witty, charming characters.

  34. profile image49
    Teresa Vannposted 7 years ago

    Chicago is my all time favorite.  Love the spot on truth about the era of hard partying with jazz and liquor.  Can't think of one song in the entire musical that one might fast-forward through.  So many memorable lines......"He ran into my knife, he ran into my knife 10 times."  Tons of talent from Catherine Zeta Jones, Richard Gere, Renee Zellweger and John C. Riley.

  35. mariya catherin profile image58
    mariya catherinposted 7 years ago

    i love hearin english song and my favurite is nail horran and phill collins thats really fuunny som times

  36. SoniaSylart profile image66
    SoniaSylartposted 7 years ago

    I haven't seen nearly as many musicals as I would like but I think my favourites are Hairspray, for it's feelgood vibe, and story and The Lion King for it's fantasticly clever costumes and visuals.  And of course both of these have some memorable songs that you could never tire of hearing.

  37. christopherbenner profile image60
    christopherbennerposted 7 years ago

    Mine would have to be Seven Brides for Seven Brothers largely due to the Barn Raising scene. I have always just been intrigued by the level of skill required to dance that number. Also I think that I like it because I knew that it wasn't something that I would ever get to do in high school since there are so many males in the show, and we had such a depressingly low number of males for any of our shows.
    In addition, I like the musical because many of the songs are in a lower range, so I don't have problems hitting the notes and I can use its songs as audition songs.

  38. helenstuart profile image59
    helenstuartposted 7 years ago

    The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

    Even after (I think) it's cult following has waned a good deal, when I hear "musical" I feel a recoil inside of me . I used to stay at my grandmother's a lot, and loved the old movies at noon, unless they were musicals, something Hollywood turned to a lot during McCarthyism and to avoid any sort of important or charged subject. I just remember all that singing, all those corny lyrics and "plots" and rhymes that would make you want to swear off music and poetry FOREVER.

    However, the Rocky Horror Picture Show is none of that. It makes a bit of fun of those old musicals here and there, it's funny and purposefully camp, perfectly cast and performed.

  39. Ross Tanenbaum profile image55
    Ross Tanenbaumposted 7 years ago

    The Book of Mormon. The funniest musical ever, but it also has really good music and characters

  40. profile image51
    Alfred Simorposted 7 years ago

    My all time favorite is Titanic song my heart go on...
    I like slow romantic music so i like to listen it.

  41. Deborah Minter profile image94
    Deborah Minterposted 7 years ago

    The phantom of the Opera.......The music and story touches my heart.


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