Do you think hip hop is dead?

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  1. DeeJay Prime profile image60
    DeeJay Primeposted 15 years ago

    Man alot a time I think hop hop is dying. But then I hear it every where. What I'm hearing in crap! I'm happy that it might survive, but people need to show some RESPECT!

    1. Himitsu Shugisha profile image71
      Himitsu Shugishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      No, I don't think it's dead, just in transition. When people stop buying, "Look at my wheels, at my girls, at my grill, etc." Hip Hop will get back to being creative and positive.

      1. 6 String Veteran profile image67
        6 String Veteranposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thing is, ppl wont stop buying.

    2. Drew Breezzy profile image64
      Drew Breezzyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hip hop is still alive. Just there is just a lot of garbage that is popular aka Pop Rap

    3. Pr0metheus profile image59
      Pr0metheusposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      It has been dead for a long time....

    4. profile image0
      Lady_Eposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think it's dead - it's just not trendy anymore.

      1. Genycis profile image60
        Genycisposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Couldn't agree with you more.  It's not dead because people are listening to it.  However it's not the same type of lyrical hip hop that made people really listen to the lyrics back in the day.. artists like Nas or The Roots or even Wu-Tang, tracks that used to catch a person's ear and have you say "damn, that was some hott lyrical content" has now gone to the Soulja Boy and Stanky Legg types of songs... and R&B is in the same boat.  Songs like "My Sorry @$$ Apology".. wtf?  I can appreciate just about any genre of music, but I do miss the lyrical hip hop of a few years ago and back in the day.  Hip hop has evolved, but I don't particularly like what it's evolved to.

    5. Richieb799 profile image74
      Richieb799posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hey bro, checkout the independent hiphop radio stations on itunes, 2 I have been listening to recently are and trueelements with king J period. Obviously loads of r'n'b and pop crap stations have been uploaded, you just need to search down these for the real stuff.

      I also done a hub about graf


    6. profile image55
      BeatsFromDaStreetposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      If it's dead you would be the prime suspect.  LOL, couldn't resist because of your DJ name!

    7. OpinionDuck profile image60
      OpinionDuckposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I really hope that it is dead.
      It is like poetry reading with a beat.

    8. lillykirkpatrick profile image66
      lillykirkpatrickposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I don't believe it's dead ... some of my husband friends are rappers  .. they put out CDs in the early 90's and still have an overseas following, now they're putting their old material out on vinyl ... and people are buying it

    9. profile image53
      tlmntim9posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      God I hope so! For my, I prefer music!

    10. 6 String Veteran profile image67
      6 String Veteranposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hip hop died was on its way out when NWA was on their way in. In the late 80s - mid 90s Rap was in its death throes and managed to sputter out some of the most talented ppl we'll ever see: Rakim, BDKane, Chubb Rock, Heavy D, Special Ed, Biggie, P-E, Wu-Tang, Red Man, Cypress Hills, and some others.

      Since then, with a few exceptions, it's been garbage.

  2. tony0724 profile image62
    tony0724posted 15 years ago

    Not being a fan of that genre I will not mind seeing it go by the wayside . Like all of modern pop music it is cliche and contrived . At least in its early years it was somewhat original . But anybody that samples anothers music to morph a new song is not an artist , they are a thief .

    1. DeeJay Prime profile image60
      DeeJay Primeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yeh sampeling is not the best thing to do, but the origin came from projects, and ghettos. There's not a lot of recording studios. I'm sure you have never tried juggling a beat or freestyling on the of course you dont understand. Turntables and a make it work..and now it has traveled full course. Even Martha Stewert likes hip hop.

    2. dysaniak profile image60
      dysaniakposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I will tell you, right away, I cannot agree that   Sampling and remixing is a very clever way to  turn music into more music.  Recycling others' creative material is a time-honored tradition!  Many great Jazz musicians have produced classic recordings of STANDARDS, and the same thing happens in other genres.  Shakespeare told other people's stories, "sampled" from old England, ancient Greece, and plenty of other mythologies.  Just think - some old timey horn licks, recorded by little-known geniuses in the last century and lost in the back of a record shop may never reach more ears until a hip-hop artist scouring old sales picks it up and mixes it up.  Sampling is difficult, and personal.  It affords undeniable creative expression, so it's a huge insult to some very dedicated and talented people to impugn their artistry.

      And I don't care much for hip-hop.  But if that's what speaks to you, and that's how you speak, any empathetic human ought to care to receive what you've got to express.

      On the other hand, if you're actually expressing really horrible things, like sexual abuse, violence or hatred, then I don't care what genre you prefer, you oughta be condemned.

      Hip-hop is not dead, and it's absurd to think that it ever will be.  As long as it is capable of communicating, it will be used.

    3. Drew Breezzy profile image64
      Drew Breezzyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I disagree with you on sampling. It is artistic. Check out I Wish I knew Natalie Portman by ko-s sampling California by phantom planet.

    4. hawkprosound profile image59
      hawkprosoundposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      man i think the same thing and i am a hip-hop producer and all my music is original check it out at htp://

    5. DJ Funktual profile image67
      DJ Funktualposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      What a rediculous statement!  Sampling is an incredible artform that honors the artists of the pas in a way that other genres can't.  Ppl who who call them theives are clearly not in a position to talk about it.  i.e. You don't understand the culture at all.

    6. 6 String Veteran profile image67
      6 String Veteranposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      @ Tony0724  I disagree...Sampling is a complex topic and deserves more than falling under the categorization of thievery. Often, modern Classical composers use samples, making very creative use of the technology. Rock bands such as Soundgarden have sampled their own music (something I think is an excellent practice since no one can accuse the user of being a thieving, non-composer. And, obviously, no fees are involved LOL).

      One of many examples of non-Hip Hop usage of sampling is Zappa's Universe. This excellent disc (1999, I think) by the late great Frank Zappa's all-star band features a lot of sampling (of course, in that irreverent Zappa style).

      My point is this: sampling, just like virtuoso DJing (Turntable-ism, as it's currently called) can be considered--depending on who's behind the controls--an art. Is the studio engineer any less talented than the artist? No, it takes a whole lot of talent to put tracks together, blend / morph them, add efx where appropriate, etc., etc., and turn the whole thing into a piece of art. Sampling is the same: it takes creativity and instinct to know what works and what doesn't.

      I've heard alot of Rap music--particularly in its better days (late 80s to mid 90s)--that featured awesome intros, interludes, or accompaniments which combined sampled music and sounds with original music (most often the all-important back beat) in pioneering ways.

      Finally, soundtracks to movies like the Ocean series (11 and 13 specifically), The International (Clive Owen), and many others wouldn't be as good as they are without the Hip Hop influence. The same goes for the gaming and advertising industries.

  3. blue dog profile image61
    blue dogposted 15 years ago

    having martha stewart in your corner is a bonus?

    1. DeeJay Prime profile image60
      DeeJay Primeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Not a bonus just a point..but she is gangster..prison stories and all.

  4. bukan profile image60
    bukanposted 15 years ago

    Sorry dear its never !

  5. Lyricsnlines profile image61
    Lyricsnlinesposted 15 years ago

    Hip Hop as an original form of expression I believe is in a coma, not necessarily dead!  LOL However who is going to be the one to breathe in new life?  Everything is so commercial and back in the day that was a no no!!!  We referred to that as "party rap" and it gots no respect!!!

    Some of my favorites, Nas, Common, The Roots, Tribe Called Quest,and let us not ever forget Biggie and Pac...

    So-called artists like Puffy and Soulja Boi, all these other cats out now would have never been allowed in the same arena as the aforementioned lyrical assassins...but the world is so much different now and sad to say, but just like anything else,we achieve a certain status and we sell-out...Rin and Tin The Hip Hop Dalmatians singing "The Ho is Mine"...NOT REAL HIP HOP!

    1. DeeJay Prime profile image60
      DeeJay Primeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      By George I think shes got it!!

    2. Miss Mitsuko profile image61
      Miss Mitsukoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Amen, it is nice to see people who share the same views. Hip hop is dying, hopefully to create a rebirth.

      I mean check out wale, wiz khalifa (no not the say yeah song his real music) kidz in the hall, the list goes on and on.

      it is because these artist are not receiving the proper representation in the media that real hip hop goes unnoticed and all the great music is underground.

  6. dohn121 profile image80
    dohn121posted 15 years ago

    I think that Hip-Hop has become more about, "Gettin' mine" and sex rather than just purely having fun...I mean the stuff doesn't at all have to be campy (it never was), but rather a cleverness of lyrics and making a bold statement about topics you believe in.  See De la Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, Leaders of the New School, Public Enemy, Black Sheep, EPMD, Brand Nubians big_smile Pete Rock and C.L. Smooth, Big Daddy Kane, to name a few...The new generation would be wise to learn from these guys.

    1. tony0724 profile image62
      tony0724posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      At least Public Enemy was original

  7. Richard Craig profile image60
    Richard Craigposted 15 years ago

    With Eminem and Jay-Z back in business i think it's living for now.  I don't think that there wil ever be anyone else that comes good like these.

  8. Sauvignon profile image60
    Sauvignonposted 15 years ago

    It's all about taking things to the next level and keeping things fresh, interesting and original.  If artists keep that up then hell ya!  All good.

    If not, it's dead and buried with Elvis...  (sitings without substance tongue)

  9. BP9 profile image60
    BP9posted 15 years ago

    Hip Hop is nowhere close to being dead.  The culture of Hip Hop thrives from where it sprang forth:  The underground. 

    The WHOLE culture continues to evolve underground: Where you can see graf art, street dancing, freestyle rhyme ciphers and beatboxing alongside DJ's who still take the time and effort to dig through old records for obscure breakbeats, sounds and hooks that they can weave into innovative music. 
    One cannot ever truly judge a culture such as Hip Hop from pop cultural indicators, because the essence of Hip Hop lives at street level.  If you want true Hip Hop, you don't necessarily want to go looking for it on TV or radio.  You will always find it in independent venues, street corners, open mic night, talent shows, or any place where people create and perform for the love of doing it.  Where authentic cultural assertions begin to die is in boardrooms, marketing campaigns and anyplace where people are subtly manipulated into selling off said assertions for profit.

    Support local artists, attend independent Hip Hop shows in your area and expose the youth to old school Hip Hop at every opportunity. 

    We must continue to view Hip Hop as a CULTURE and not simply a musical genre.  Hip Hop is so much more than just beats and rhymes. Hip Hop has altered the way people of all ages dress through it's unique fashion lens and has affected peoples' means of communication with vernacular that has been absorbed into standardized language.  Hip Hop has helped define and express at least a couple of generations' socio-political voice and stances, by it's edginess and fearlessness.

    Hip Hop is alive and evolving, my people.  We must evolve with it to properly impart what it has to offer to our children.

    1. T_Augustus profile image60
      T_Augustusposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent response!  You are totally correct, hip hop should never be measured by pop cultural standards.  Hip hop is and always will be at its best in the culture existing beneath the radar.  What does it offer, one asked?  Information and clarity.  You wonder why this world is still beneath the surface, it's because the masses ignore it.  It is easy for people to say "look at them" and judge them, or look at the news and say "what are they thinking"...well, if you listen to them, you can understand, communicate, co-exist, and maybe even be of help to them.  Schools don't teach you the same lessons as the streets.  There is value in even the seemingly bad message. 

      I always think about how when I was young and wanted to go to Los Angeles to be a star, and my favorite color was red.  One of my favorite outfits was a red track suit, that was made of material that made it easy for me to breakdance in.  That was before the infamous genre within a genre known as "gangsta rap".  See, I know now that I was fortunate to not get that opportunity because "gangsta rap" has taught me about the gang violence issue in South Central LA.  They taught me that the Crips wear blue and the Bloods wear red, and if I were to walk the streets of LA in that bright red track suit - I wouldn't be here to hub with you today.  There's a lot to learn about the dos and don't dos in cities, what streets and neighborhoods to avoid, if there's a  code that might get you senselessly injured because you were ignorant to the local culture. 

      Sex and violence has been selling entertainment in every medium and genre known to man.  To say it suddenly will cause death to hip-hop is both naive and hypocritical. 

      Hip hop lives, and will always live.  To the man that says sampling others music isn't art must really hate rock n roll.  I mean, the King of Rock n Roll, Elvis Presley, sampled Little Richard and a host of other Black artists.  At least hip hop artists are paying these guys.  James Brown and George Clinton are 2 of the most sampled artists and they both showed their appreciation to hip hop artists for that usage of their music.  Why?  Because their fans stopped buying their records, and now they can eat thanks to the sell of these hip hop songs using their music.  Samples are creatively used and mixed, anyone that says it isn't art should call it what it really is - you can't "appreciate" the art that it is.  Likely because you don't listen to it. 

      Now...back to the topic - no, hip hop is NOT dead.  Not even sick.

      1. 6 String Veteran profile image67
        6 String Veteranposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I understand / agree with much of what you are saying, but creatively, the double H is dead dude. And it's because of the industry, not the artists. A way was found to petrify Hip Hop in its death throes, keeping its appeal alive while it hemorrhaged from lack of creativity / topic matter / good beats, etc. The Hip Hop we see and hear today is in zombie form.

  10. profile image0
    sneakorocksolidposted 15 years ago

    It was a deadend before it even started.

    1. 6 String Veteran profile image67
      6 String Veteranposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I have to agree. And it's bcz of the LACK OF MUSICIANSHIP on the part of those in and behind the music: the rappers + producers. As creatively as DJ-ing and sampling got, the bottom line is that it's going to dry up quick if you don't know how to play an instrument.

  11. wsp2469 profile image60
    wsp2469posted 15 years ago

    I think you're going to have people who are too old to ever try to appreciate the best of it . . . (see above) as well as people who will continue to listen to even the worst, most derivative of it.
    As long as there are adults who say it sucks there will be kids listening to it just because the adults say it sucks . . . whether it continues to truly grow as a genre or not. 
    (When I got tired of my kids listening to TOO much Eminem I simply went online and downloaded a bunch of his material--live tracks, bootlegs and alternative tracks and mashups for free.  Then I burned them onto a CD and listened to all the stuff in my car in front of my son.  he got tired of it faster than you would believe.  Does he still sometimes listen to new tracks by Eminem?  Of course he does.  he's open-minded like his father BUT he doesn't get carried away with/by it anymore.  But, I digress . . . )

    1. dysaniak profile image60
      dysaniakposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      That's brilliant.  Did you like any of it?  Why exactly did he get sick of it?  You said he was already listening to TOO much, so..

  12. Lisa HW profile image60
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    Bp9,  "We must evolve with it to properly impart what it has to offer to our children."

    This is honestly not intended to sound like a fresh question, but what, exactly, do you see/believe it offers "our children" (and do you mean "our", as in all of our children, or just children from areas where there isn't much positive going on)?  Again, this isn't a fresh question.  I'm honestly interested in "legitimate discussion", because, to me, I'm not seeing it as offering much (other than maybe enjoyment, which shouldn't be underestimated, I know) to anyone but the people who have managed to use it to get out of awful living circumstances.

    What in the underworld do you think is something that should permeate society and that makes society better (or has permeated society and made things better)?

    1. BP9 profile image60
      BP9posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I believe that the culture of Hip Hop has already helped define the cultural assertions of at least two generations in both positive and negative ways.  Hip Hop has always embraced a spirit of rebellion, just as every great sub-cultural movement has.  Some rebelliousness in the culture has been negative (gangsterism, mysogyny, homophobia, violence) and some positive (increased socio-political awareness, renewed interest in Black/Latino history & culture, economic empowerment & entrepreneurship amongst largely lower income communities).

      As I touched on before, the overall culture needs to be recognized for it to have a positive affect on youth.  It seems that one aspect of Hip Hop culture (rap music) is seen as the sum total of Hip Hop culture, which it is not.  Hip Hop originally had five elements at it's base: MCing, DJing, Breakdancing, Graffiti Art & Beatboxing.  Since only one of these is really ever highlighted and celebrated anymore, the culture appears to the layman to be one-dimensional.  It is forgotten that:
      -Hip Hop terminology is used and recognized universally
      -Hip Hop fashion has been incorporated and capitalized upon in high fashion circles
      -Hip Hop musical influences abound throughout popular music   
      -Hip Hop has crossed language and national boundaries as one can find Hip Hop culture in various forms in every country on the planet.

      Therefore, when kids now hear hip hop and wish to aspire to immerse themselves in the culture and create, they are only seeing rappers-and even then only a select few whom corporate America props up, manipulates and exploits.  When corporate interests dictate artistic merit, creativity and sincerity will exist therein as it reflects in corporate culture.  All of us here know that corporate interests don't embrace integrity (as it is not profitable), so the basic, aforementioned virtues will be largely non-existent in entertainment ventures it dictates.

      The underground Hip Hop community (in contrast to the above corporate/market-based culture) tends to be very keenly aware of the need to separate the need or desire for money from the need or desire to create.  When money is not an impetus to create, passion must then drive the creative process.  At the end, the artist puts out a sincere expression that he/she can be proud of, regardless to who likes or dislikes it.  This is not just artistic integrity, but integrity that extends into other portions of that person's life and can inspire others to similar degrees of integrity.

      In essence, I believe that Hip Hop has had as much impact as rock & roll or jazz movements at similar stages in their development.  The benefits Hip Hop can offer youth has more to do with a defining, collective message, assertion and voice that each generation within the culture can develop to help positively influence the world at large.

      1. 6 String Veteran profile image67
        6 String Veteranposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        "Hip Hop originally had five elements at it's base: MCing, DJing, Breakdancing, Graffiti Art & Beatboxing."

        "In essence, I believe that Hip Hop has had as much impact as rock & roll or jazz movements at similar stages in their development."

        ...Great comments! In general, too optimistic for me, but a good post nonetheless.

  13. profile image0
    fierycjposted 15 years ago

    Not as long as we still have Jay-Z, Nas and Lupe Fiasco in the scene...

  14. profile image0
    handsomebluzzyposted 15 years ago

    Talking about if Hip pop is dead? There was a time, there still but not like the oldies' when music you listen to is all about present situation, the artiste thoughts about her environment and others pertinent subjects. Those days music use to make lot of senses because it as if they singing your thoughts and feeling whatever they might be singing about. I'm about the 70's and early 80's and more. Works of artiste like Michael Jackson, Run DMC, Beatles, Madonna, Dolly Parton, Eminen, 2pac Shakur, Nas, Jay Z, lionel Richie, Michael learn to rock,Will Smith, and many more of them are just superb, inspirational, sensational, remarkable and great. You imbibe lessons for sure from them. There was times in the music industry where an artiste make alot of record sales and awards without worrying about using fifthy or violent lyrics or about fellow artiste dying and all that. But, now, Hip pop is escalated and what you see is more of mediocrity than artistry professionally. It's mostly now all about blink blink, cars, babes, sex, fashions and all that can be included. There is nothing you wont hear in Hip pop and music genre in general when you look into the industry. Yes, i agree will do have upgraded and more atractive and remarkable videos and settings unlike the oldies but the content of our lyricist is mostly garbage. No wonder hip pop heavy weight sang about 'Hippop is Dead' Compare the hip pop of our present day to that days of the oldies. You can say if hip pop is dead or not. But mind you, will still have alot of talent and incredable artiste on and up coming ones that can still offer better and impeccable artistry works. We still have Jay Z, Nas, Eminen and alot of other coming up to step up and upgrade things remarkably.

    1. 6 String Veteran profile image67
      6 String Veteranposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      By the way if you want to see REAL, CURRENT RAP in action, check out some of the many free-style battles on the Tube. Many of these guys will utterly destroy the big-namers out there.

      In these videos you will also see how Eminem is an obvious influence on today's cutting-edge rappers. I don't like his lyrics--I felt the same about Biggie--but the dude is a crazily talented wordsmith.

  15. itcoll profile image61
    itcollposted 15 years ago

    i am sure it is.

  16. mikelong profile image59
    mikelongposted 15 years ago

    Immortal Technique

  17. Bovine Currency profile image61
    Bovine Currencyposted 15 years ago


    Not original?  Not an artist.  Turn off your radio people.

    Note, Qbert is still doin this

  18. Bovine Currency profile image61
    Bovine Currencyposted 15 years ago
  19. Bovine Currency profile image61
    Bovine Currencyposted 15 years ago
  20. Bovine Currency profile image61
    Bovine Currencyposted 15 years ago
  21. Bovine Currency profile image61
    Bovine Currencyposted 15 years ago

    Dj Rectangle Does Eminem

  22. Gregg Biancci profile image61
    Gregg Biancciposted 15 years ago

    Wow, I'm surprised anyone would use a mainstream example of ANY music as a benchmark.   Almost all mainstream music is garbage, I can't think of more than 3 songs that have come out in the mainstream in the last 5 years that I like, hip hop or other wise.

    HOWEVER, there are plenty of amazing underground rhymers that are going strong right now.   Sage Francis, Talib Kweli, Atmosphere, Jeru, Eyedea, Brother Ali, Blackalicious, Apathy, Aesop Rock, Mad Lib, Group Home, Mentejora, DL Incognito, that's just off the top of my head.   Not to mention amazingly creative DJs, like Skratch Bastid (Canada, represent), DJ Vadim, Cut Chemist, DJ Shadow and so many I'm forgetting right now.

    I'm going to put this bluntly, if you think hip hop is dead, you don't know fuck all about hip hop.   That simple.

    1. 6 String Veteran profile image67
      6 String Veteranposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The underground will never die...I love it! Just like when I walked in to a gtr store and made a comment abt 7 and 8-string guitars, the owner was like "we laugh at that stuff here".

      I thought, you ignorant---there are geniuses like Tobin Abasi and Chris Broderick, etc., playing extended-range instruments and that's all you can say??

      Keep up with the underground of whatever field your in,'ll never fail you.

  23. Bovine Currency profile image61
    Bovine Currencyposted 15 years ago

    MF DOOM/Mad Villian and all his other names, can't keep up.

    1. Gregg Biancci profile image61
      Gregg Biancciposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, MadLib has too many names.  He's like Kool Keith.

  24. DogSiDaed profile image61
    DogSiDaedposted 15 years ago

    What about some Chap-Hop by Mr. B! big_smile

  25. DogSiDaed profile image61
    DogSiDaedposted 15 years ago

    Or even some Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip! big_smile

  26. LundynD profile image53
    LundynDposted 15 years ago

    nah. its not dead,its just gone in the wrong direction, but it will be back. 2010 is gonna be big! Check out my blogs, youll see.....

  27. Gregg Biancci profile image61
    Gregg Biancciposted 15 years ago

    If Hip Hop is dead, what about everything else - Hip Hop is the busiest topic in this music forum...

  28. Bovine Currency profile image61
    Bovine Currencyposted 15 years ago

    hip hop is not dead.  Hip hop is just as it always is.  Radio vogue is no judge, the 2 bit video drones have taken a few beats and bass lines and pop is as it always is.

  29. mrpooper profile image23
    mrpooperposted 15 years ago

    Give it time. They haven't finished killing each other yet.

  30. DeeJay Prime profile image60
    DeeJay Primeposted 15 years ago

    Lets not get sidetracked on who is real hip hop, and the main Hip-Hop, the entire concept dying? We all have are fav's as far as artists go.

  31. adrienne2 profile image70
    adrienne2posted 15 years ago

    Do not think hip hop is dead. But I wish it WAS!! I agree that hip hop is just trendy. Personally I think its just about the BLINK BLINK as they say.

    1. DeeJay Prime profile image60
      DeeJay Primeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      "Just about the Blink Blink."...It not Blink..It's Bling. You can't even get the terminology right. Sounds like you are under educated about the subject and anything to do with it. You might wanna read from some of the intelligent readers that commented on this topic.

      Blink blink..ha kill me! lol.

  32. wesleyacarter profile image56
    wesleyacarterposted 15 years ago

    hip hop is very very much alive. I think that people misconstrue what hip hop actually is.

    You can find elements of hip hop in many different types of music from Ragga to Drum n Bass, Dubstep and even Trip Hop.

    Hip hop is not about just beats and rhymes. It's a lifestyle, pushing the trend is what is important. I think that hip hop does that still to this day.

    If you look to the radio and videos to determine what hip hop is, you will remain poorly misinformed.

    Hip Hop is alive and kicking better than ever, my friend.

    1. DeeJay Prime profile image60
      DeeJay Primeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      well said

  33. hawkprosound profile image59
    hawkprosoundposted 15 years ago

    hip-hop will never die its not original at all every one bites each other drums and synths all day even the main stream is taking from people thats not signed its all bad but its not dead
    i heard a loop i made in a song i put on a site  and no one contact me and said thank you but its cool

    1. DeeJay Prime profile image60
      DeeJay Primeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yo Hawk, I'd check out your music, but my computer is crap and it wont load.
      Just keep pushn the real.

  34. mikelong profile image59
    mikelongposted 15 years ago

  35. profile image0
    Pani Midnyte Odinposted 15 years ago

    Music, in general, has been going down hill rapidly. Music used to be a refuge for me and many others, but today I find it harder and harder to connect to the newer songs.

    1. DeeJay Prime profile image60
      DeeJay Primeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I know how you feel. You get to a certain point and then you keep going back to the older stuff you like. We NEED a revolution in the worst way. It will happen, we all just need to wait & colaberate. There is a new generation of music out there. What it thats another story.


  36. Keny Luger profile image60
    Keny Lugerposted 14 years ago

    It's not dead but its not what it used to be. I think the best years were from 1994 - 2000. Then Cashmoney f***ed it up.

  37. Richieb799 profile image74
    Richieb799posted 14 years ago checkout this guy Ive been listening too, does rhymes in the street

  38. dfunzy profile image62
    dfunzyposted 14 years ago


  39. Nustylze profile image61
    Nustylzeposted 14 years ago

    Hip Hop will never truly die it's too diverse. However Gangster Rap is dead and gone and it will never be coming back.

  40. profile image0
    JayInKansasposted 14 years ago

    Hip-hop is not dead but real hip-hop is dying only because radio stations don't give more credit to conscious and positive hip-hop music they rather let the listeners enjoy massive ignorance then massive intelligence.Not only that but it's individuals out there will support the watered down music that's being played on the airwaves.Long live real hip-hop.....

  41. folayano profile image58
    folayanoposted 14 years ago

    Kanye just dropped a classic, Cudi dropped a highlight, Dre is rumored around the corner...hell if he never drops this would still have been a good year for hip hop. Teflon Don dropped as well.

  42. rotl profile image61
    rotlposted 14 years ago

    Hip hop is not dead, but quality hip hop is. There will never be another biggie or tupac. Now most hip hop is crap. There is no social consciousness (a lot of hip hop's roots are about that) and the emcees are lame. Every "rapper" comes out with a single about his bling and his bentleys without even selling a single record. And the level of misogyny has gotten disgusting. I was a big hip hop fan, was. Kanye is a tool, Jay-Z was a minor league rapper when biggie and tupac were around, lil weezy is a punk, and the rest aren't even worth mentioning.

    1. montie bird profile image60
      montie birdposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      wow thats deep

  43. profile image0
    moncrieffposted 14 years ago

    As long as black people are alive, hip hop is not dead.

    1. montie bird profile image60
      montie birdposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      thanx to wiz khalifa,j.cole,big sean, and young money----we still have some fight

  44. Phil The Gain profile image57
    Phil The Gainposted 14 years ago

    Since the topic is under music then I assume we are talking about the music pillar in the pillars of hip hop because the other pillars are alive and kicking.  When it come to the music, then it can be a little more complicated. 

    Hip Hop is alive you just have to look for it a little more I suppose, but by no means is it hard to find.  The major problem is the crap getting passed to the masses that's labeled as hip hop.

    The powers that be just stuffs wack rap down our collective throats on the radios, TV, etc. and call it hip hop.  I know it's a fine line as far as what's classified as hip hop but they don't give waaaaaaaay better artists the chance to shine.  They just pick a chosen few who they can get richer quicker from.

    It's the mind control theory at work. When I tune the radio to the urban stations they all claim to be the home for hip hop and then they put on some repetitive doo doo with M.C.'s with sub par lyrics.  Of course, there are some radio stations that are tremendous but even those are evolving away from the true  hip hop that you wont wonder if it's hip hop or not.

    Check out Planet Asia

    I could go on forever about this so let me stop.  I think I'll right a blog about this.

  45. laura68 profile image61
    laura68posted 14 years ago

    I think hip hop is dying a slow painful death. What ever happened to hip hop being an art form to see how you can make rhymes flow and have hot beats behind it. I saw the beginnings of hip hop and it used to be all about making words rhyme and have a great beat behind it. It was all about fun and bringing people together to see who had the best rhyming skills and flow. Now it's about money and only money. No one does it for fun or it's because they really want to prove their skills and flow. People are just in it for paychecks, mansions, cars, gold, grills and frontin'. It has even turned violent. Look at the deaths of Tupac, Biggie and the legendary Jam Master Jay. It's a shame that Jam Master Jay opened the door for these fools and now he's dead because the wrong fools came in the door he opened. I still listen to my old hip hop and pay no attention to what is suppose to be hip hop nowadays. Look at it...there are no females rappers worth anything either. Nicki Minaj is what they call a female rapper in todays world. Wow, what the hell is it coming to? Salt & Pepa, MC Lyte, and Queen Latifah, show these young fools how it's done. You don't see them with butt implants and crazy wigs trying to rap. It's like a circus now. I like entertainment not sideshows!

  46. profile image0
    Aleister888posted 14 years ago

    While i think it has taken a dive in popularity, i dont think it will ever truly be dead, there will always be musicians who will stay true to the genre.

  47. kephrira profile image60
    kephriraposted 14 years ago

    I saw a great piece of graffiti once. It said 'punk isn't dead, it's just throwing up in the toilets'. I know that is a bit off topic, but I just wanted to share it.

  48. BritishRock profile image61
    BritishRockposted 14 years ago

    It died as soon as Tupac Shakurs heart stopped beating.


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