If you had the opportunity to appear on Shark Tank, what idea would you pitch to

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  1. TheHoleStory profile image70
    TheHoleStoryposted 10 years ago

    If you had the opportunity to appear on Shark Tank, what idea would you pitch to the sharks?


  2. The Examiner-1 profile image59
    The Examiner-1posted 10 years ago

    Why do you attack people? Why not just eat fish?

    After all, the people do not do anything to you. We mind our own business. All we want is to do something like swim or surf and there you are baring your teeth.

    1. Ghaaz B profile image77
      Ghaaz Bposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      They only attack people who act fishy in their waters.

    2. The Examiner-1 profile image59
      The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      What about the people who have done nothing and try to run from them? Sharks chase them for no reason.

  3. Deborah Kulish profile image79
    Deborah Kulishposted 10 years ago

    I would pitch a ponytail scarf business to the sharks. I like ponytail scarves to tie on purse handles as many women do. I would start this business and have affordable scarves in many different styles, themes, custom orders, etc. Eventually add charms to pin to scarves. Give Coach some competition.

    I would propose 50/50 for $100,000 investment. I would need to hire one or two people to help me make the scarves. I would also use the money for marketing.

    Do you think I'll get it? Fingers crossed!

  4. Billie Kelpin profile image87
    Billie Kelpinposted 10 years ago

    I have a great, great, stupendous, earth-changing idea (seriously, I know this because, in all humility, I've had many lesser ideas before that have been implemented by others).  I KNOW this will be created sooner or later and could be created NOW.  But, guess what?  You need your product in production for Shark Tank.  They don't want ideas, they want a proven track record.  I talked with an inventors group and to get it presented in front of manufacturers, I'd need a 3-D graphic presentation professionally done. That costs $3000 or so.  I'd go to kickstarter, but I KNOW this will be easily implemented by someone with money.  I'm at the point of just presenting it out there and forgetting about getting any compensation because I KNOW that this is an important, do-able idea.  So, I wish there was simply a "Dolphin Tank"  that provided a showcase for ideas and some kind of protection of those ideas once they were submitted.  I can't afford a patent.  I have a name for my product and I know it will work. All I would want is a small percentage of the sales of this product.  I don't need millions.  I'd like to see it created and I'd like to have enough to keep my husband and I going in retirement and help the kids out. I've had family memembers working on prototypes, no one has come through for us as yet. This has happened over many times in my life (again, not with an idea to this extent), but it does make me sad and it makes me feel as if my family and I are always just on the edge to getting to another level and can't do it because everone is so darn broke in this family.    I know there are THOUSANDS of people like me who don't have the money to produce their ideas. Letting these ideas lie dormant , is depriving society of valuable innovations. Inventor's clubs don't help.  Shark Tank is totally needs to see success before investing.  If anyone can create a hub that would explain how someone in my position can get his or her ideas to someone who can make it happen, I'd LOVE that hub!

    1. Billie Kelpin profile image87
      Billie Kelpinposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for the "best".  Since writing that hub, I found out that there IS a version of my wonderful idea already out there, so maybe it wasn't so original after all.  I DO wish there was some type of "Dolphin" tank for ideas.  Cheers, Billie

  5. Carol Reed profile image60
    Carol Reedposted 10 years ago

    Quite Frankly, I didn't know what “Shark Tank” was until I read this question you posted. I looked up a clip of this show and realized why they call it Shark Tank. Big powerful influential people having the last say concerning who they will keep and who they will throw back. Who they will intimidate will be the ones they eat and the ones that can swim pass them may come out alive and on top or a bit wounded but survive.

    If I had the opportunity to appear on Shark Tank, the idea I would pitch to the sharks would be, starting up a business that would end up in a franchise. This would be a personal training company. Training different business employees on greeting others with personality, manners and having a quality customer service.  Some say, you are either born with a personality or don’t have one. I believe personality can be taught.

    An example: Have you ever approached a drive-thru and heard the person on the other end of the speaker sounding like a robot or sounding like their job was the last place they wanted to be? This poor attitude can rub off on the customer. Depending on the severity of the attitude this can cause a domino effect. The customer will not want to return, plus the consumer will be more likely to relay their experience to family and friends. Positive over rules Negative. Plus working with negative people can be contagious throughout a business so why not spread positive healthy germs. 

    A smiling shark doesn't bite like an angry shark.

  6. GmaGoldie profile image81
    GmaGoldieposted 10 years ago


    Great question - thank you very much for this opportunity.

    I would offer a partnership opportunity to help market and distribute an innovative swim board (I call it the Budee Board) that was tested successfully in the water aerobics/fitness industry and is now shovel ready for the water toy industry.

    The offer would be 20% for $500,000 investment. The $500,000 would be needed primary for inventory.

    What is great about the product is the fact that is simple, durable, fun and helpful. It is a strong niche market that is readily accessible via the internet. The problem is readily known. Most of the world loves the water and fortunately (for my patented product) most of the world wants some added buoyancy when they are in the swimming pool.

    The Budee Board(TM) is the perfect toy/swimboard for the swimming pool.

  7. Juliet Stewart profile image56
    Juliet Stewartposted 10 years ago

    The benefits of a changing to a strictly vegetarian diet.

  8. Bubblegum Jones profile image59
    Bubblegum Jonesposted 10 years ago

    Yes, I have an E-Book that I would like to share with them.


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