House construction time can vary greatly depending on the climate and season. Typically the completion time for an average single family house is somewhere around 7 months. Houses that are built on an owner's land can take little bit longer. If a...
Moving has become a way of life in the world that we live in today. Many people after they are grown decide to move away from where they were born and raised. Moving not only applies to people, but to material things on a much larger scale. The...
In your travels you will find over 150 waterfalls within just 10 square miles of Ithaca, New York. If you look hard enough you'll also see the tower house of Ithaca, which is wondrous a work of art.
These Ridable Miniature trains sometimes like old habits are hard to leave behind. Thanks to some dedicated volunteers Maine's little Two Footers are poised to make a big come back from a by-gone era.
Everything that you wanted to know about the Maine lobster & a whole lot more that you didn't want know. Here are 15 Interesting facts about New England's delicacy the Maine lobster.
Both Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse are among the most ambitious monuments ever carved into the mountains of the Black Hills of South Dakota. Here are 10 facts about Mount Rushmore versus Crazy Horse.
The good old dog has been man's best friend for ages now. With Wonderdog you don't have to worry anymore about running out of dog food, messy water bowls or those stinky do do piles to pick up.
Even in this modern world today in which we all live in, there's still a lot of mystery out there. We still don't know all that there is to know about our oceans & here's a look at one such mystery.
On April 11th 2012, the world marked the 100th anniversary of the tragic sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic. Here's a story about how they recovered it's coal, which can also be considered an artifact.
Human magnetism is a popular name for the ability that some people possess to attract objects to their skin. What I want to talk about in this hub is a completely different type of a human magnet.
The latest US crop circle for 2015 just recently popped up in a North Carolina farmer's wheat field. Hardly a secret this crop circle was visible by thousands of drivers passing by on a country road.
When it comes down to bites, and stings prevention is always the best of all medicines. This hub is filled with myth busting facts on which creatures can bite, sting, & are dangerous to human beings.
This hub contains over two dozen pairs of some of the craziest ideas for wacky footwear anywhere on this planet. I can't even imagine going through life with a pair of these crazy shoes on my feet.
There's a little known cooking secret that you'll find yourself using in the bottom of your pots and pans. The original origin of cooking secret isn't very well known to most people in the world.
Things happen in life that wreak havoc in our lives. When great things happen in life only to find out later that it's a hoax, you have to figure out a way to manage your anger. This is one of those.
Pain is a signal from our body that something is not right, and it indicates to us that we need to get some form of pain relief. I want to share a new pain relief secret with you & trust me it works.
There's a time machine made out of amazing fire and ice which can only found in one single place in this world. So join me now for this old tourist attraction from the by gone days of yesterday.
Recently I learned a little something new and special that I wasn't aware of before in my life. So I thought I'd share it with you all. Are you ready to learn something new today?
Deer whistles are a simple inexpensive solution to help combat the problem of deer on our roadways. These air-fed whistles stick right onto the front bumper of your car, and they help save lives.
There have been some highly unusual relationships throughout the course of time. Some that absolutely no one would of thought would last, but somehow these relationships made it & managed to prosper.
Sometimes it's hard for people to imagine, and some people all that they do is imagine. Anybody can think, and here's a modern day twist on what some famous people have thought in the past.
Career changes can be profitable and preferred. Today's world is not promising us any stability in employment & being able to discover new jobs, and coping with unexpected career changes can be great.
There has been an evolution of dreams throughout time, and dreams are still evolving today. Dreams are apart of our everyday life, and just about everybody in the world has them.
The radio these days is silent, and void of what once was a golden phenomenon. Today you never hear much about these masters of the one hit wonder. Let's take a short visit back in time to this time.
The buffalo once roamed the vast grasslands of North America. It's been well over a century ago since buffalo started disappearing, but they are slowly returning, and making a big comeback in life.
King Richard ΙΙΙ ruled England between 1483 and 1485. He was the king of England & for over 528 years he lay without a coffin hidden away in an unmarked grave, but that will now all fortunately change
Sequoias are some of the largest living things on this planet, and the oldest giant sequoias may exceed 3,000 years in age. It's hard to photograph just how big a sequoia really truly is, but I tried.
Life here on the Hub Pages can be rather interesting at times. I recently figured out that publishing a hub can be just like fishing in your favorite pond & you just have to sit back & patiently wait.
The good old saying If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck & quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck means just what it implies. I chose this title for this hub, because it fits perfectly here.
Windmills are beginning to pop up everywhere, and these structures powered by free wind are towering up high in the distant horizon. I've seen them in magazines, on TV & now I've seen them in person.
Simple facts can make a difference. This can be a very complicated world at different times, and just knowing a few simple little interesting facts can make a big difference in life.
Here's a complete list of the states in which drivers enjoy the freedom of speed limits that are 75 miles per hour and higher on Interstate highway systems.
Every year right after New Years during tax time, you'll start seeing friendly people dressed in Statue of Liberty costumes standing on the side of the road waving at you, so go ahead and wave back.
When you are traveling across Interstate 90 through the great state of South Dakota, you'll have the unique opportunity to be traveling back in time over 135 years with a visit to 1880 Town.
Welcome to the official Hub Page break room, which is now officially opened for business. Just stop in and take a break whenever you feel yourself getting tired & over worked from writing those hubs.
This interesting little fellow would be a great mascot for our Hub Pages. There's no other mascot anywhere on the face of the earth quite like Hubman. Plus on top of being a mascot he has functions.
The rare remains of prehistoric sea creatures are discovered from time to time in this world. What can be even more fascinating is when you stumble upon a prehistoric sea creature yourself.
Maintaining glass top stoves isn't exactly an exciting topic that's going to turn into a script for a major motion picture anytime soon, but it's a topic that for many out there has raised questions.
Welcome friends to the hub of all hubs. There's no arguing the fact that this hub is 100% complete bull. So grab the bull by the horns, and start reading.
As the winds and rain lashed out in the entire region from hurricane Sandy up and down the eastern seaboard , we all lost something in our lives. Super storm Sandy may not have hit the city of Baltimore as hard as other areas in the Northeast, but...
The title is more than just a rhyme in this hub, it's a lesson in healthy eating. In this hub you will discover 12 different ways to reduce your salt intake in your daily eating habits.
The planking craze is sweeping the nation, and today's youth are trying it everywhere. It may just be another version of flagpole sitting, which was popular back in the 1920's. Read on to find out.
Everybody likes and knows what a cookie is. Cookies go way back in time, and appear to have their origins in 7th century AD Persia. Cookies came to America in the early 17th century.
In drivers education classes you hear them preaching all about defensive driving, but you never hear them talk about offensive driving techniques. Just like other things in life there's always another side of the story.
Here's an interesting off the wall story about change. When some folks don't adjust to those changes then a relationships can be strained, and stretched to a limit where it eventually may falter.
These colorful little critters are all over this planet of ours. They begin their life in the shape of an egg underwater. You might just find the answer out to the Questions like Can It Rain Frogs?
Every time Fall rolls around an October original starts for a few colorful weeks. I'm not talking about the leaves changing colors. I'm talking about it's time for state fairs to open their gates.
Poetry is in a vast array of everyday things in our lives that we aren't even aware of. Rhyming slogans and jingles have been in the air waves for most of our lives. They remain in our heads like music to our ears. We hear them on television, and...
The penny or little one cent piece is becoming another sad statistic on the world's endangered specie's list. After all there are certainly other things which can be included on this list today other than just living creatures. Years back a little...
Throughout time there have been many great poets that have left behind their stamp in life. Some like Edgar Allen Poe who's poems live on forever, even after passing on in Baltimore, Maryland on October 7th 1849. After his death for more than sixty...
It doesn't really matter if you live in the Southern or Northern hemisphere, because everyone has heard of the saying "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones". American singer-songwriter Billy Joel immortalized this saying in a hit...
The hit reality television show "Storage Wars" has been a big hit on television since way back in 2010, but just how real is it anyway. You sit there in your living room watching people get rich off of other folk's misfortunes. It's really quite sad...
Everyone has heard about the ancient legend of rubbing a Genie's magic bottle, and receiving three wishes in return. That's of coarse if it's a nice Genie. But what I heard over the radio this morning, on my long drive to work about a brand new...
Watermelons are everywhere you look in the hot days of summer. In the Southern hemisphere summer is coming to an end, and in the Northern hemisphere summer is right around the corner. Since my very first hub was about a gigantic super sized...
Unknown to most people out there in this big green and blue world today, meteorologist who are otherwise known as weathermen, have a secret weapon at their disposal to forecast the weather. But before we get into all of that, let's take a brief look...
This hub is an official collection of each and every states unofficial state dessert. Plus you will also find the world's biggest poll that ever graced the Hub Pages here, so please take time to vote.
Big Brother's Cody the dinosaur isn't the only thing that's going green in the world today. Going green is only one of two hot topics in this special dual 100th action packed hub.
This world that we all live in is full of hair. There are hairy tarantulas, which are really not as scary as they look. Some people even keep tarantulas as pets.
Here's 20 interesting facts about our friend the cat that you may or may not have known. Cats have been around for a very long time, and while you are here you may just learn Why do Cats Purr?
The human race has been using chili peppers and other hot spices in their cooking for thousands of years. Let's take a look at hot sauce which has become the fiery food of the cooking world.
These cute little fellows might be called prairie dogs because their warning call sounds like a dog's bark but they are certainly not dogs. Here's some interesting prairie dog facts with cool pics.
The selfie may seem like a rather new idea with the emergence of cameras on cell phones, however this concept really goes back 175 years. Lets look into just what a selfie is actually all about.
There's a lot more to a chicken than the good smell of it's eggs sitting next to country style bacon & maple sausage links on a plate as you get out of bed in the morning or a bucket of KFC chicken .
Shoplifting which is otherwise known as a five-finger discount is very simply the theft of goods from any retail establishment. Yes shop lifting is against the law, or at least it was up until now.
The history of Play-Doh dates back to the 1930's. Way back then Play-Doh was originally designed for use as a wall paper cleaner. Today you can find it on toy store shelves for children to play with.
Today there are over 1 billion people who are using Facebook. A study was conducted to find out why we unfriend people. Here is a list of the ten most common reasons to unfriend somebody on Facebook.
Can you believe that somebody has gone to all of the trouble to make a hamburger with all 26 toppings for every single letter in the alphabet. Here's the ABC Burger with all 26 of it's Ingredients.
Don't just throw your old dryer lint away anymore, because it has some very valuable uses. Recycling has come a long way these days, and here are some great economical uses for that old dryer lint.
There are things you should buy, and there are things that you shouldn't buy at a dollar store. This hub is going to discuss some of the greatest buys at your local dollar store.
Drones that you thought wouldn't be here for another 50 years are already available today. You just have to know what to look for & finding them will be made even easier thanks to the Internet.
The world that we all live in is full of vehicles. Here is a collection of over 20 0f the some of the most colorful cars and vehicles that you will ever see on this planet that we call Earth.
The latest round of American currency looks more like funny money than actual currency. Monopoly money even looks better, and also a quick word on what Bitcoins are all about.
A banana is an edible fruit, and in some parts of the world bananas that are used in cooking are called plantains. There is no sharp distinction between bananas and plantains, and the banana plant is the largest herbaceous flowering plant in all of...
911 is the emergency phone number for North America. Back in 1968 the phone number 911 became the national emergency number for the United States. Here are some of America's Wackiest 911 Calls.
Sometimes certain people in this world have more money than common sense, and here's an interesting list of ten different stupid things that some rich people spend their money on & buy.
It's that spooky time of year once again, and Halloween is now upon us. The children will soon be out making their rounds in search of that tasty Halloween candy & here are some little known facts.
The shutdown of our federal government has forced people to postpone their vacations to our nation's National Parks, which are now currently closed. You might just learn how can I make money here?
It's a really good feeling inside when you turn something old that has been thrown away into something new and useful. That's exactly what has been done here to an old beer can. It's easier than it actually looks, and all of the materials for this...
The National Football League unveils for the first time it's tough line up of angry birds. The NFL could start a new division in football composed of existing teams already playing on the grid iron.
It's amazing at times the things that you learn in life. Here's something else I learned from listening to a morning radio show on my drive to work. I heard a story about a list of a dozen tell tale signs that you just might be getting a little bit...
There's a vast variety of different types of footwear out there in the market place. You name it, and they produce it for your two feet. From simple cheap 99¢ rubber flip flops to fancy expensive high dollar dress shoes for wearing to church on...
Here's one easy healthy idea for a delicious dinner recipe that will have everyone chowing down in no time. If you live on the East coast then the ingredients for this dish are in your own back yard.
I recently heard this interesting little list on a local morning radio show, and I thought that I would share what I heard with you all good folks here on the Hub Pages. For whatever reason there are many adults out there who are unable and can't do...
It's not always easy to run across those golden eggs when playing a game of Angry birds. I decided to write this to help those fellow Angry Bird players out there locate those hard to find golden eggs
This is the only place that you will read about this story, and you won't find this news anywhere else, to include the Internet. The action doesn't necessarily stop once the reality television show finishes filming, and departs the area leaving...
Everyone likes to get something free in in this life. Let me tell you all a short story about a simple little locking gas cap. This is actually a true story that I heard on a radio show a while back.
We have just about seen it all with today's reality television shows. We have survived "Myrtle Manor", "Honey Boo Boo", "Breaking Amish", and "Undercover Boss" just to name a few. Just when you thought it was safe to turn the television back on,...
It's a mission in life like no other mission, and this is certainly among fun things to do when your bored. One young man has a vision of creating the world's biggest rubber band ball, and holding the world record for this feat in the Guinness book...
Rub-A-Dub-Dub there certainly are a lot of different types of hubs. Prior to the dawn of the up and coming World Wide Web, the only type of hub that I could really think of was the one which was connected to a moving wheel.
I wrote this some time ago, and I finally decided that it was time to share it with all of my friends on the Hub Pages. The beer can went through a lot of changes to get to where it is today. It didn't look anything like it did when it first was...
There are birthday cakes, and then there are some very special birthday cakes. Some people are talented enough to be able to create their own birthday cake master pieces. While others who aren't so fortunate to have such great talent are destined to...
TLC is back with yet another reality television show. This time it's at Myrtle Beach, which is the vacation hot spot in South Carolina. Maybe they are just trying to keep up with their neighbors south of them in Georgia, which is better known as the...
This is now the third hub in a row that I've written on a food topic. First I wrote about extinct foods, which none of you missed. Then I wrote about foods that were a big waste of money, and many of you disagreed with that. Now I'm going to write...
Here's a list of 10 different foods, which some people may not even realize that they're blowing their money on. I'm going to recommend some reasonable & money friendly alternatives for these foods.
Sooner or later it seems that all good things come to an end. Similar to what the KFC game day bucket girl said, these ten different foods "Go Boom". Some of these foods were very popular, and others seemed as though they were simply a passing fad in the world.
This hub is a humorous look about a popular little fellow who has traveled around the globe staying the night in all different types of hotels. Some were very nice and fancy, while others had something to be desired.
Every year at Christmas time different various toys make a big comeback on children's wish list, and this Christmas is no different than any other. These retro toys from years past were a hit with some of us when we were kids, and they are being...
Revenge is almost as old as man is himself, and it's best when served cold. What's even better is when the victim has no idea what so ever what is about to happen. Where I work it's not exactly a very good idea to play a prank on another co-worker,...
Everyone has heard of the 7 wonders of the world, which includes breath taking views of nature's beauty in marvelous places like the Grand Canyon. Just as nature has done, mankind has also been leaving astonishing works behind, going all the way...
Thanksgiving day just wouldn't be the same without a big juicy Thanksgiving day turkey on the dinner table. This holiday goes all the way back to the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims, and this tradition has continued up until today. The turkey...
Today there's some unique records for just about everything in the world. Here you will see some of the most unique records known to man kind. You will also have the opportunity to join & be apart of one of the biggest world record breaking events that's ever been attempted before on Facebook.
There are some very interesting laws which are coming on the books today. Some of these laws are just plain crazy. I have collected and listed over 100 ridiculous laws from all of the 50 states. We are going to go ahead & take a look at some of those most laughable laws now here on this hub.
Every year when the end of October rolls around, little children start getting very excited. This special time of the year brings us Halloween, and with this ghoulish day comes the prospect of lots and lots of candy and goodies for all of the little ones. Here's a look at some of those seasonal...
America is very unique in the aspect that it has some of the most unusual state fair foods as any country does on the planet. All throughout the summertime there are classic American state fairs all over this big country. One of the best parts of...
In the current world in which we all live in, political correctness has became a way of life. There are certain terms which shouldn't be said, and there are certain things which just shouldn't be done. You certainly don't want to yell out the word...
Everyone in this world starts off with a birth name after they are born. Usually down the road everyone picks up a nickname of some sort. It may be some adoring term, or it may be because of how you look, or something peculiar that you did or do....
On August 8th the learning channel (TLC) first aired a ground breaking reality television show that swept the country by storm. If you haven't heard of the show then I can promise you that you soon will at some point down the road. You will either...
If there's someone out there that really upsetting you, then turn the tables on them. Instead of getting mad get even with them. Here's ten tips that will get the job done, and they won't even know what hit them.
Just in recent times there have been some very big conspiracies around us. A lot of times these were secret clandestine government plans, which had government cover ups that soon followed the fact. One of the more well known conspiracy theories was...
No matter where you live on this big planet of ours, you can look up into the night sky and see that bright white moon looking back down at you. The moon's shape changes over the course of a month from a full moon, to a half moon, and sometimes to...
This is all about taking a hard look into the world of baldness. We'll look at the plus side of being bald, as well as the negative side of baldness. When you leave here you'll be very well informed on any questions you might have had about baldness, and you'll be able to come up with your own...
The Interstate highway system in the United States of America is really a work of art that criss-crosses all over the country. Two digit even numbered Interstates, like Interstate 40, run from East to West. Two digit odd numbered Interstates, like...
Route 66 was one of the original highways in the United States of America, and most likely the most famous highway of all. It was established in 1926, the entire distance was completely paved in 1938, and Route 66 was decommissioned in 1985. Route...
Everyone out there in the world at some point in time likes to be given something for free. The word free really makes a person's ears perk up, and quickly grabs their attention. The word free has a magical ring to it, but sometimes there's a catch...
If you are ever in the extreme far westward reaches of the great state of Arizona, you might just think that you're on a far off distant alien world. As you look towards the horizon from Yucca, Arizona, a bright round shinny object comes into view,...
The paint never ever seems to dry on these on these old vehicles. They are constantly be painted over and over again. The layers of paint on these 10 cars must be at least 3 inches deep. No one has to worry about any of these 10 cars ever getting...
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck. Right? Logic would certainly point in that direction, but not everything is as it appears in this world that we all live in. Sometimes the obvious isn't all...
Two old long time friends decided one day to go out on the town for a night of fun to try to forget about all of their worries and sorrows in their life. Joe and Randy figured after a long night of drinking and club hopping that the two of them...
A day comes in everybody's life when they find the urge to move on. That time finally hit me one day when I got home from a very long day at work, and I couldn't find a parking place in the cramped apartment complex where I reside. Enough was...
Shoofly pie is a strange looking, extremely sticky, and very tasty desert. The name shoofly pie has been debated for years by many people and it will probably never ever be solved. The most reasonable and excepted explanation leans towards the fact...
The Spruce Goose might have only been made out of wood, but it's the largest flying boat ever built in this world that we live in. The H-4 Hercules was nick named the Spruce Goose as well as The Flying Lumber Yard by it's skeptics and critics. Due...
The plan in itself was completely 100% diabolical in nature. That's really the only word that could even begin to describe this concocted scheme. During World War Two there were many diabolical plans put into action against the enemy. Top secret...
WOW! That is the only word I could say after I was told something new the other day by a very pretty co-worker of mine. Now I realize that this may not make everyone's eyebrows out there raise some like it did mine, but I figure that there's at...
History seems to have a strange habit of repeating itself over time. The first world war was shortly followed by a second world war, with basically the same countries being the key players once again. This makes one wonder if the roaring twenties of...
Birthdays are a right of passage for all people, and everybody on this earth has one each year of their life. This is something that we all have in common. We don't remember the day we were born, but our parents and grandparents certainly do....
This crime is well beyond the normal comprehension of the every day average mind. You may think that I'm making all of this up, but this heinous act actually happened. There was only one eye witness to this crime, and I'll try to tell his side of...
Here on the hub pages there's a challenge that's called 30 hubs in 30 days. I decided to take this challenge to another level, and I wrote 30 hubs in just a little over 530 days. So what's the big deal? There's no accolade for writing 30 hubs. I...
The age old question of should I go or not go to my high school reunion, has been around since the time of the dinosaur. I've been pondering this question ever since I read one of Chuck Lorre's vanity cards at the end of the television show - "Two...
The Mayan civilization was established from sometime around 1500 B.C. and flourished to 900 A.D. They were located in the current geographical location today of five different countries which include Southern Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, and...
At the end of the last century, the first of some very long hard winters started to baffle scientist all around the globe. The scientist gathered together in Washington D.C. to discuss and study just what was happening to the Earth's climate. They debated if global warming had anything to do with...
One day I stopped to get a simple gallon of milk at the local grocery store the other day, and I saw a sight which has transformed my life forever. Just as I was walking past the deli section, I witnessed a cell phone set off a chain of events, that...
This is the main piece of equipment for this water sport Football suddenly ended for me and the rest of the city of Baltimore with a heartbreaking missed field goal in the final seconds of the last game before the Superbowl. None of us have...
I'm writing this purely as an experimental informational hub to pass a little secret onto you all which I've come across. By now in this age and time just about everyone on the face of the earth has heard about Facebook. So some of you might be...
I wanted to write a short hub on one of this world's naturally delicious favorite snacks. I haven't seen another hub out there on this one particular topic, but that certainly doesn't mean that there isn't another hub out there on this topic either....
Employers aren't particularly fond of their employees calling off from work when they are needed. It doesn't really matter if it's because they are sick or for some other reason. They feel that there's a job to be done, and that they are paying you...
I've loved Lionel trains ever since I can remember. The O gauge may not be to scale, but it's both beautiful to look at, and fun to run around on the tracks. Lionel's O gauge tracks came in two different styles: O and O27. My favorite was always O...
Introducing my bottle cap collection Collecting has been a way of life for ever. Cave men probably collected shinny rocks, and dinosaur bones to show off to their hairy friends. Museums are full of all kinds of collections. Just about anything...
The whole entire story behind this hub is meant to bring some special attention and awareness to a problem that comes around just about every year at Christmas time. It is very important that everybody writes out the whole "ENTIRE" word Christmas...
A chance to see this awesome phenomenon only comes around once or twice in a great while, and you won't want to miss it when it does. It all started way back in the month September 2011, and it concluded in the month of August 2012. The big...
A collage is and can be a very simple form, and also an inexpensive way of creating your very own personal type of artwork. A collage is an artistic composition consisting of flat materials fixed upon a picture surface. You can paste, tape, staple,...
Recently at a local charity golf tournament, in which the company I work for sponsored, a fight broke out. Now a days you never know when you go to a fight, if golf games going to break out somewhere on the field of play. (That was suppose to be a...
I recently ask a very simple question here on the Hub Pages in the hope of finding out the true use of a bowl of which I purchased one cold morning at a local flea market. When I saw the bowl on a table I asked the sellers - "What was the bowl used...
Here is a little unknown fact about the good old traffic light, which at the same time is both a little bit strange and very true. In this current age of technology in 2014, traffic lights have come a long long way from their humble beginnings from...
Here's a newly discovered way to make friends. This tip is so easy that you'll hardly believe it. This is all about making friends the old fashion way, and in person out in the real world.
A simple little red bic lighter has the power to bring out so many different emotions in oneself. Here's my experiences with one particular bic lighter. One day I was minding my own business at work when I found a red bic lighter on the floor, which...
Every city in this big world that we all live in seems to have a nickname of one sort or another. I was born in the great city of Baltimore, Maryland. A matter of fact my little sister and I were both born in the exact same hospital that Edgar Allen...
Somewhere around 106 years ago way back in the year 1909, Harry Warehime founded a special company in Hanover, Pennsylvania and began baking on the simple belief that everyone would love his old time recipe. Today this family of very famous bakeries...
Way back in the year 1919 beer was once banned. Barrels of beer were confiscated and broken from one end of this great country to the other. Breweries either had to find another way to survive in the market place, such as producing ice tea, root...
My very first nine hubs covered a very wide variety of different subjects, and none of which were anything alike. My first hub was all about holes. Then there was a hub about oranges, balls, cell phones, sports teams, hot juicy mouth watering...
It was a very long hot sticky Summer in the city and our beloved Baltimore Orioles did get a little bit better as the season closed. It was getting kind of hard there for awhile to find something a little more rare than an Oriole win, if not just...
By this time now you all should totally realize that my hubs don't follow any specific set of guide lines. My hubs are more for your entertainment, to make you smile, to exercise the mind, and to make people think with their brain. So thanks to my...
Sometime ago I created a Hub of mine that the sole purpose was to challenge each of the visitors to find a word in the English dictionary that rhymes with the every day common word orange. Out of all of the countless visitors to date no one so far...
There are more different types of balls in this world then we could ever think about naming. Other than sporting balls there are cheese balls, ball joints, and ball bearings to name just a few. In this hub we are going to look at all types of balls.
The orange has just about it all in it's little life, except for just one little thing in this big world. The orange is a great way to wake up to the world every morning and start your day off right. The orange provides a very good refreshing drink...
This is a story about burgers gone wild, and like any good story this one has it's humble beginnings as well. A long time ago, 1946 to be exact, a man and his brother Ben opened a little diner called the Dwarf Grill. The place was small, so the name...
This hub is dedicated solely to nothing but holes. Nothing else but all of the different types and kinds of holes that we encounter and hear about throughout our everyday lives.