What is the worst nickname you ever had and do people still call you by that nam

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  1. rutley profile image65
    rutleyposted 12 years ago

    What is the worst nickname you ever had and do people still call you by that name?

    People I have not seen in years still call me my childhood nickname.  It can be embarrasing and totally not who I am today!  Rutley is one of my early nicknames and it has no rhyme or reason but I don't mind using it.

  2. Margolyn profile image59
    Margolynposted 12 years ago

    My mother used to call me the Princess, in a snotty tone all the time.  I never felt like one, and I used to tell her "how can I be a Princess if you can't afford to buy me shoes?"  We had seven children and I was the oldest girl.  No one calls me that anymore.

  3. wetnosedogs profile image61
    wetnosedogsposted 12 years ago

    Can't stand being called by the male version of my name. The only person who called me by the male version occasionally was my sister-in-law and I didn't care then. But no one else do it.

    No, sorry, I don't want to say my name cause I don't like it anyway. I'm getting better as I get older. I don't care as much, but still...

  4. chanroth profile image47
    chanrothposted 12 years ago

    Childhood nick name: fatty or charcoal. Didn't like the name because I hate how my parent tone their voice calling me that name. People don't call me that anymore except this old lady that I do not like. She called me fatty but I ignore as if I don't know who she was talking to. lol...

  5. janiek13 profile image77
    janiek13posted 12 years ago

    If I told you, I would have to kill you, lol. No, no-one calls me that any longer, but for a time people used to call me, t%ts. You will have to fill in the middle letter.

  6. xethonxq profile image67
    xethonxqposted 12 years ago

    Jugs....and only one person called me that (and still does when I see him). Fortunately for him, I like him and know that he's just being silly...otherwise I'd have to "lay some intensity" on him... and not in a nice way. lol.

  7. calico Stark profile image60
    calico Starkposted 12 years ago

    My nickname in Jr. high was Shark.  I hated it being I am female! The ironic thing is that my husband's nickname was Sharkie when he was in his younger days as well.  Personally, I think the people in our lives, at that time, could have been a little more creative! LOL! Neither of us go by those nicknames anymore.  My nickname now is Calico and my husbands nickname is Shanachie which means  "Irish story teller."  We are hooked on the current ones, they better suit us.

  8. Ian Dabasori Hetr profile image66
    Ian Dabasori Hetrposted 12 years ago

    hahahah. they still call me animal.. that was back in high school...lolz.

  9. CrazyGata profile image78
    CrazyGataposted 12 years ago

    They used to call me Crazy Cat in my high school years...
    Of course I hated it, since it was after that old cartoon...

    Later on, as you see, I embraced it! I realized I really was!

    Hahahaha!!! I made it my user name in the WWW!

    I love it when my old classmates can't remember me by my name but they do remember Crazy Cat.

  10. StephanieBCrosby profile image80
    StephanieBCrosbyposted 12 years ago

    I have two worst nick names, one that is based on my maiden name and one that simply drives me crazy that people do and don't realize it.

    The first is some kids I taught before I was married would call me "dingleberry." My maiden name is Bradberry, hence the "B" in my username. No one calls me that anymore. It's gross anyway! The second nickname is "Stephie" or "Steph." I can't stand when people shorten my first name. I can tell if someone does not know me because they think they are being familiar or nice by doing a standard shortening of my name. But it drives me crazy when I hear either version.

  11. Liz Green Berry profile image70
    Liz Green Berryposted 12 years ago

    My name is Elizabeth.  I grew to love the name because it's so diverse and you can get many many nicknames out of it...

    except for what my parents ended up calling me:


    Bessy is a cow's name.  I hate it.  My Dad will still call me that every now and then and so will my grandparents.  Drives me nuts.

  12. teaches12345 profile image79
    teaches12345posted 12 years ago

    I was skinny until I reached the age of 23. I was teased by the other children and called "Olive Oil" like Popeye's girlfriend who was very thin.  It didn't really bother at the time.  Actually, it would be a compliment today!

  13. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 12 years ago

    The Worst is: Xray eyes - given to me by friends because I had the ability to spot things others wouldn't.... oh but they weren't laughing when I found a crispy £20 note the ground with so many people close to it.

    My Best nick name is Swiss Roll - Given to me at the office because I had one on my desk everyday for coffee time.

    Just had to balance the bad one with a good one. lol.

  14. hawkdad73 profile image61
    hawkdad73posted 12 years ago

    Ketchup, or Tom the Bomb.  The former was stupid and didn't bother me much.  The latter sucked.  I find them funny now. No one calls me them anymore.

  15. toys-everywhere profile image60
    toys-everywhereposted 12 years ago

    No, no one calls me by this anymore, thank GOD!, but when I was very little, I had a babysitter (who was about 13 or 14 at the time) who used to call me Doo-Doo Brown. He'd go, "Hey, Doo-doo Brown, come'ere!" And then one time when he changed my diaper, my mom and his older sister heard him yell, "OH! Doo-Doo Green, Doo-doo Green!!!!"


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