Who do you trust the most in your life? And why?

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  1. Time2Spare profile image59
    Time2Spareposted 12 years ago

    Who do you trust the most in your life? And why?

    1. divyaa1016 profile image56
      divyaa1016posted 5 years agoin reply to this

      I trust my mom the most as she always keet my secrets and never let me down in life.

  2. JosieVillasenor profile image59
    JosieVillasenorposted 12 years ago

    I trust the younger children for they do not know what lying is about, dishonesty, two faced and being judgemental. The only thing that they know at a young age is to tell the whole truth but once some of them get older they become just like us. ;-(

  3. Laura Schneider profile image79
    Laura Schneiderposted 12 years ago

    Myself. Because I always have my best interests at heart, I can trust myself, and I only have myself to blame if something goes wrong.

  4. profile image0
    melafxposted 12 years ago

    I trust in God, He never failed to me, or anyone...

    1. ComfortB profile image84
      ComfortBposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You got that right! Alleluia!!!

    2. Laura Schneider profile image79
      Laura Schneiderposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Well, I don't think you've met "anyone" (everyone) so that isn't really a "fact" just your belief. I'm very glad to hear that God never failed you or anyone you know, however.

  5. karthikkash profile image82
    karthikkashposted 12 years ago

    It may sound a bit selfish, but I am always on guard when it comes to trusting anyone at all. So, I don't trust anyone 100%.

  6. pstraubie48 profile image87
    pstraubie48posted 12 years ago

    God first ...He has carried me so many times when I would have not made it through what faced me...
    Next my family...all of them because we are here for each other...all of us have each other's back. Unconditionally, no questioned asked. That is a wondrous feeling

  7. Thomas Swan profile image93
    Thomas Swanposted 12 years ago

    I trust that people will behave predictably, and if they don't, I trust I will learn to expect that behaviour in future. So I trust myself more than anyone else.

  8. mom4autism profile image60
    mom4autismposted 12 years ago

    Without  a doubt my mother. She has been my best friend, my most fearless cheerleader and my confidant through so many life changing events.  She loves me unconditionally and never holds back on what she believes (good or bad) and becuase of that, I never worry that she is not being completely honest with me. Just because I am also a parent does not mean that I am still not learning new things every day!

  9. Angel198625 profile image85
    Angel198625posted 12 years ago

    I trust my sister more than anyone.  We have been there for each other since we were children, and, years later, she has never lied or stolen from me.  She is there when ever she can be, and we would do anything for each other.

  10. LouTucci profile image75
    LouTucciposted 12 years ago

    My dad. Because he has taught me from day one that he is always there for me no matter what. He taught me about all of the most important things in life; about God, family, self respect, as well as respect for others - including the Golden Rule - Treat others as you would have others treat you. Of all he has taught me, I can probably do a Hub on it! There's an idea*

  11. Beata Stasak profile image84
    Beata Stasakposted 12 years ago

    My loved ones, there is no love without trust, but I also trust myself to be who I want to be and not to betray what I believe in...The biggest tragedy is to meet someone who lost trust in themselves...Trust starts from within, you have to trust yourself before you are ready to trust someone else:)

  12. Rice Girl 2011 profile image59
    Rice Girl 2011posted 12 years ago

    WOW. Tough question.  I would say that except for m;y faith and trust in God,  I trust my husband for all years we have had together (30).  He has stood by me through two bouts with cancer and the loss of a child. 

    Trust of others was something I lost with the innocence of childhood and I have never been able to have friends as close and trustworthy since I was in college.  Why?  Well, you know the old saying, "food me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."

    And mostly, I hate to be judged by someone who holds no understanding of who I am or what I do.  I grew up constantly having to defend myself to others for decisions I made, my family (very loving, but very working class).  I took me until I was 40 years old to fully accept myself for all my faults and weaknesses.  I respect others and take people at face value until they give me reason not to.

  13. Cat R profile image77
    Cat Rposted 12 years ago

    My dogs. They never lied to me, never faked anything and never pretended to be anything they are not.

  14. healthwealthmusic profile image60
    healthwealthmusicposted 12 years ago

    My answer would be my husband - sad to say, many others in my life, friends and family both, have shown themselves to be selfish and caring only about their own agendas. My husband and I are on the same team, we are pulling for the same goals, and we both want the same end result....

  15. padmendra profile image45
    padmendraposted 12 years ago

    Before trusting others, it is important for us to know that do we really trust ourselves ?Though it is not possible that without trust any of the relationships would work,  but  at the same time sometime blind faith does not work  and  we  make blunder mistakes. For me in the entire world, I  trust my mother who brought me   in this beautiful world' Why ?, because I know she is the one who can be trusted upon and  she would never betray her child as she loves me a lot and her love is unconditional. Her sacrifice as a mother is apparently unique and unquestionable.

  16. edhan profile image36
    edhanposted 12 years ago

    My wife and myself.

    It is my instinct of trust that has brought me up. After knowing my wife, I have built my trust with her.

    We practically share everything and knowing everything.

    If there is no trust then it will be filled with unhappiness. Trust is the beginning of happy life.

  17. lostohanababy profile image57
    lostohanababyposted 10 years ago

    My Biological parents are with the Lord and my Adoptive parents too have passed away.  They were my building stones in my early development. I've had two failed marriages, and over time have had a few relationships that left me disappointed.   The person now in my life has been with me now for ten years.  I can say comfortably he's who I now can trust the most in my life at this time.  He is patient with me, even when I'm grumpy or in a bad mood.  We can sit for hours and discuss things with interest in each others views and we have a few things in common.  Gambling, Bowling, TV. and eating Chinese foods.

  18. Penny G profile image60
    Penny Gposted 10 years ago

    GOD, JESUS his angels. That is about it.

  19. KC3Lady profile image57
    KC3Ladyposted 5 years ago

    The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

  20. RidaeFatima021 profile image60
    RidaeFatima021posted 5 years ago

    I trust Allah. As He has always been there for me in my loneliness and in my happiness


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