What did you want to be when you grow up? Did you make it?

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  1. Billrrrr profile image63
    Billrrrrposted 11 years ago

    What did you want to be when you grow up?  Did you make it?

    I remember thinking one time that I wanted to be the guy that  stuffs the cotton into the aspirin bottles.  I never got to do that ! When I was six I wanted to be a cowboy.  Have not done that yet either!  I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.  I guess that's because I really have not grown up yet.  If I were a leap year baby, I would only have had 17 birthdays.

  2. Aupriann Myers profile image61
    Aupriann Myersposted 11 years ago

    I wanted to be a chef. I have always enjoyed cooking an I take great pride in it. As of now I'm taking business courses and getting together a business plan for my new cafe. So soon I will have accomplished becoming what I wanted to be when I was a child.

    1. Billrrrr profile image63
      Billrrrrposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations for having a goal and reaching it.

  3. profile image0
    Justsilvieposted 11 years ago

    It changed as did my attitude about growing up!

    I did want to be a circus performer when I was 9 or so after seeing a movie called Toby Tyler, But I also had wanted to be a princess and a cowgirl. Did not reach any of those goals.

    I actually think many people change their mind. We have to decide too early in life, The plus side is we can always do something else!

    1. Billrrrr profile image63
      Billrrrrposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree.  At five months shy of age 70, I am tossing around  several things including  completing advanced college degrees, starting another business, and daily endurance training on a bicycle.

    2. profile image0
      Justsilvieposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations, you have found the fountain of youth. There is is still a number of things I have on my list and a bicycle is also among them.

  4. sasanqua profile image76
    sasanquaposted 11 years ago

    When I was 6 I briefly wanted to be a teacher. As I grew older I wanted to do various different jobs, none to do with teaching. Now I'm a teacher! Funny how things turn out...

    1. Billrrrr profile image63
      Billrrrrposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Congrats for becoming a teacher.  You may inspire a whole new batch of Marie Curies or Einsteins.

  5. JimTxMiller profile image76
    JimTxMillerposted 11 years ago

    War hero (too many John Wayne movies). Nope, didn't make it. Closest I came was a cold-war intel picker/analyst in the Mediterranean theater. Truth be told wasn't all that hot to throw myself on a live gernade.

    Cowboy (too many Saturday mornings with Roy, Dale and Pat). Uh...not quite. Long-haul trucker across the lower 48 for nigh onto 5 years.

    Mountain man ("So drink to old Jim Bridger...!") Well, I have camped in the Rockies.

    Novelist (picked up a little book called "The Old Man and the Sea"). Still in the works and a journalist for the past 40-plus years.

    1. Billrrrr profile image63
      Billrrrrposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hey JimTxMiller.  I don't think you strayed too far from your early goals.  And that throwing yourself on a live grenade thing, is really over rated! Sounds like you kept busy; with the White Line Fever work, the intel work, writing, and journalism,

  6. Ann810 profile image46
    Ann810posted 11 years ago

    As a child growing up, I wanted to be a Teacher and Cosmetologist. But now that I'm grown, I've completed training as a Medical Assistant, Secretary, and Phlebotomist. Although I see myself still teaching in many ways of my life, so I can say I'm a Teacher just not on payroll. Also I have daughters and sisters that have kept me busy doing hair as if I was a Cosmetologist, just not on payroll. Life is mysterious and wonderful.

    1. Billrrrr profile image63
      Billrrrrposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well done  Ann810.  You pretty much stuck to your aspirations.  It sounds like your work is interesting, hectic, and probably never dull.

  7. Globetrekkermel profile image65
    Globetrekkermelposted 11 years ago

    Although it was not quite vivid what I want when I grow up( Like you I am still growing up ,LOL) I remember  having an inclination to writing even as a young child. When I was ready to go to the university, my first choice was to be a travel journalist .That did not materialize as I went on to onother field because my father wanted me so. Even now, I still dream of travel writing for a career.

    1. Billrrrr profile image63
      Billrrrrposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Globetrek.  I am beginning to think that people never really lose sight of their first dream.   Who knows?, when you grow up you may actually be a successful travel writer.   Hubpages is a good start.

  8. Abby Campbell profile image84
    Abby Campbellposted 11 years ago

    When I was a small girl, I dreamed of being a beautiful ice skater. The first time I ice skated was around 34 years old. I hated it! I'm sure I would have loved it though if I started young and built skill. I was a great roller skater though. LOL.

    When I was a pre-teen, I wanted to be a writer. That I am today! I published my first book earlier this year, and I continue to write on HP. Though I write on topics that regard my profession, it was not my dream as a pre-teen. I thought I would be a fiction writer as I loved to write make believe stories back then. Maybe someday I will bring my imagination back to life.

    My other dream as a teen was to be a wife and mommy, and I have definitely accomplished that. I've been married for 20 years, and I have three girls that are grown now. It was by far my favorite job!

    1. Billrrrr profile image63
      Billrrrrposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations Maximum.  You have already past the finish line for your main goal of having a wonderful family.  The fiction writing can also happen for you.  Hubpages is a great place to start.  We need more  stories on the site.

    2. Abby Campbell profile image84
      Abby Campbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your comment, Bill. I didn't know that HP even does fiction stories. Maybe it will be a way for me to bring my imagination out and see if it's something I actually want to do long term. Thanks for the suggestion. :-)

  9. tarkishat profile image80
    tarkishatposted 11 years ago

    I wanted to be a doctor. Growing up we didn't have much and we only got two channels on the TV and we mostly watched shows where the Doctor was the star. If I only had those extra channels I would have known that the actor playing the Doctor role earned a whole lot more than a real world doctor, I may have chose to be an actor. Didn't get to do any of those though. I think it's because I was aiming for the wrong occupation.

    1. Billrrrr profile image63
      Billrrrrposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very interesting answer tarkishat.  I too wish there were more channels for you.  But I will bet that right now you have a lot more than two.  The past is in the book, but the future is wide open.  Best of luck to you.

  10. nArchuleta profile image72
    nArchuletaposted 11 years ago

    I wanted to be a teacher. I'm a teacher. With the state of education, I wish I could go back to my young self and dream of being something else, something that garners a little more respect, like lawyer or morgue technician.

    1. Billrrrr profile image63
      Billrrrrposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I cannot type and laugh at the same time nArchuleta.  Of all professions, I think the 'Law' and its practitioners are the least respected.  Not sure about morgue techs.  I think teachers are respected.  You teachers train the plotters of the future.

    2. Abby Campbell profile image84
      Abby Campbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      LOL. I told my husband last week I should have been a funeral director. It's one business that always has business. He just looked at me weird.

  11. Chris Achilleos profile image77
    Chris Achilleosposted 11 years ago

    I remember I spent have of my childhood wanting to be a doctor. Then the other half wanting to do acting. I guess the path I chose is mostly related to my first choice, but  instead of health I deal with emotions.

    1. Billrrrr profile image63
      Billrrrrposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good for you Chris.  I am pretty sure that good emotional health helps people to have better physical health: so in effect you are covering both bases.  As for the acting, it's never too late.

  12. CuriousLearner profile image61
    CuriousLearnerposted 11 years ago

    When I was in school, I wanted to be a charted accountant. But things have been changed, when I entered to university, I wanted to be financial analyst or investment banker. Now passing my last semester of graduation and wanna be entrepreneur.
    What a dynamic world!

    1. Billrrrr profile image63
      Billrrrrposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It sounds like you upgraded your dream.  That's a great achievement.  Best of luck.

  13. healthyfitness profile image69
    healthyfitnessposted 11 years ago

    I always wanted to be a pilot! Unfortunately I lost interest after a while, especially after learning that they don't get paid much!

    1. Billrrrr profile image63
      Billrrrrposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Before Ronald Reagan's time the airline people were all well paid.  He destroyed the industry's unions and refused to allow the controllers to strike.  It has been downhill ever since.  Soon a Starbuck's manager will make more than a pilot.

  14. Ayu Bi profile image83
    Ayu Biposted 11 years ago

    I wanted to be a writer so bad but after I read lots of good books, I realized I wasn't cut to be a writer. Sad, sad realization.

    1. Abby Campbell profile image84
      Abby Campbellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      If you want it bad enough, you can do it! Just continue building your skill. Practice, practice, practice. From there, you will get better and better. wink

    2. Billrrrr profile image63
      Billrrrrposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with MaximumFatLoss. You have already taken the first  step.  Reading leads to writing.  Keep on reading and gradually you will notice that it will help your writing.

  15. celafoe profile image53
    celafoeposted 11 years ago

    alive, and so far I have made it.   When I actually grow up i will let you know/
    Hey bill, I missed being a leap year baby by one day.  would have been 19.

    1. Billrrrr profile image63
      Billrrrrposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That would have been so cool to be a leap year baby.  If you were one, on the non leap year, would you celebrate on Feb 28 or March first.  It would be your choice I guess.

  16. Elderberry Arts profile image93
    Elderberry Artsposted 11 years ago

    I wanted to be load of different things over time, two of which were to work with children and write or have a creative job. I design jewellery, write  and this year start my last year of a psychology and childhood and youth degree so I got a few of them in the end smile I went through lots of things as a child, cowboy, artist, fighter pilot, F1 driver, vet, riding instructor...

    1. Billrrrr profile image63
      Billrrrrposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds like you did very well.  It wasn't easy and it took a long time, but you did it.

  17. jenbeach21 profile image68
    jenbeach21posted 11 years ago

    I wanted to be a teacher! I am now a teacher and I am currently looking to find a new career path. I have so much respect for all the teachers out there but I have realized it is not the career for me!

    1. Billrrrr profile image63
      Billrrrrposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      At least you followed your dream.  It's better to have done it, than to have regrets over not doing it.


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