Where do your ancestors come from? My mother's side is Danish and my father's si

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  1. elayne001 profile image80
    elayne001posted 9 years ago

    Where do your ancestors come from? My mother's side is Danish and my father's side mostly Scottish.


  2. profile image0
    thegeckoposted 9 years ago

    Irish, Hungarian, Italian, and German.

    But my piano teacher told me, if you're asking about my playing, I'm Italian wink

  3. gmwilliams profile image81
    gmwilliamsposted 9 years ago


    I am African-American.  My mother is from South Carolina and my father is from St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands.

  4. lifecurious profile image62
    lifecuriousposted 9 years ago

    I am mainly Asian. I have Filipino, South Korean, Chinese, Spanish, Mexican and German ancestors.

    1. gmwilliams profile image81
      gmwilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      A beautiful cornucopia !

  5. Jodah profile image88
    Jodahposted 9 years ago

    My father's family was Danish, and mother's English.

  6. m abdullah javed profile image74
    m abdullah javedposted 9 years ago

    Very good question Elayne, it definitely lead us to strengthening the family bonds, as familiarity paves the way for love and affection, indirectly for the ancestors and directly for their respective siblings. As far me, my father mother grandfather and grandmother are all Indians. But in my native place by large there is belief that our ancestors have come from Turkey that's why Muslims some time referred to as Turks here  :-).

  7. LoisRyan13903 profile image71
    LoisRyan13903posted 9 years ago

    I have quite a mixture
    English Dutch

    These came from both of my parents sides

    Then I have a little french that comes from my mother's side

    Possibly a little native American from my father's side

  8. peachpurple profile image82
    peachpurpleposted 9 years ago

    my grandma ( maternal) is a teochew baba nyonya
    my grandma (father side ) is Malacca Nyonya

  9. aguasilver profile image67
    aguasilverposted 9 years ago

    Danish on my mothers side, Irish on my fathers!

    My wife is Danish, met her in Spain, our children were born in Spain, one lives in America, the other with us, mixed bunch really!

  10. alancaster149 profile image74
    alancaster149posted 9 years ago

    Hej, har du nogen danske venner?
    Interesting, the number of Americans with Danish (or other western Scandinavian) blood. In eastern and north-eastern England we have what was 'Danelaw' English, a mixture of Anglian and Danish. Much of my Dad's side is from former Danelaw areas as well as 'West Norse' (nowadays Norwegian) from around the Lake District area where the Lancaster family originated. They migrated within England to East Anglia, from where my great-grandad and his father went (taken on at a hiring fair) to work in the ironstone mines in the Cleveland area of North Yorkshire. My great grandad married a farmer's daughter from near Stokesley who inherited her dad's farm and got back into farming that way (he and his dad had been farm labourers from near Kings Lynn).
    Joseph Balcombe was a Sussex lad from a family of lighthouse keepers near St Leonards. He ran away to join the cavalry, served with the Hussars and rode as part of Queen Victoria's escort. When he left the army he moved to Leeds and married a local lass. More Danish blood (listen to a 'Leeds Loiner' talking, it's close to Danish pronunciation). His elder daughter May Audrey was a district nurse when she met Alfred Stanley Lancaster as his mother's tenant in Church Cottage, West Rounton near Northallerton. They moved around Yorkshire where he was farm manager before the Depression forced him into leaving farming for industry on Teesside.
    Dad was in the Royal Engineers (originally in the Green Howards) when he met Ma in Klagenfurt, southern Austria after campaigning from Egypt via Sicily and Italy, chasing the Germans. She was local, with forebears who originated in Saxony, Moravia (now Czech Republic), Slovenia and Hungary.
    What a mixture! I feel more at home in Yorkshire though, I just live down here in 'the Smoke'.

  11. Pamela99 profile image87
    Pamela99posted 9 years ago

    Most of my relatives came from England, but one came from Sweden, one from Scotland, one from Ireland and two that I cannot prove. I love exploring my ancestry and have worked on my family tree for the past 20+ years.

    1. alancaster149 profile image74
      alancaster149posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Pam, the name's from eastern or north-western England. 'By' endings were Danish for town (like Derby) but most are now villages. I lived at Eston (nr Middlesbro') between Normanby and Lackenby with Lazenby and Yearby further east, all villages.

    2. Pamela99 profile image87
      Pamela99posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you s much for the information. I have not researched my husband's side of the family at his request, so I probably did't make it clear that I was speaking of my side, which is Dill (Scottish initially, then they moved to Ireland before the US;

  12. DzyMsLizzy profile image92
    DzyMsLizzyposted 9 years ago

    On the maternal line, from England with a bit of Scots and Irish tossed into the mix quite a few generations back.  Some of my ancestors arrived on the Mayflower, including collateral lines.
    On the paternal side, from French Canada, and behind that, originally  from France.


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