How young is too young to be having sex for teens these days? As a mother of an 18 and 16 year old I'm curious. Do you start in middle school? Freshman year of high school? I was sophmore year of high school and was no where near prepared for what things happened to me, physically or emotionally. Are kids differently now than we were then 20 years or so ago?
I think they make that decision themselves and don't tell you! Given that I hope you've given your kids the necessary talk about protection.
some folks have said it already but I think it bears repeating. First, I believe it should be your wedding night; however, these days ppl don't do that anymore lol
But if they don't wait for your wedding night, they need to be prepared emotionally and physically. No one prepares young ppl for the emotional toll. Thankfully there is alot out there about STD's, HIV, and pregnancy. That should be researched diligently and presented you ur children. Please also help them see the emotional side of sex. For girls, for the most part, everything they do has some kind of emtional price tag or ramification. If you have a son, please teach him respect and cleanliness! Teach him to LISTEN and respect her and if she is uncomfortable or hesitant in any way, he should back off.
It sounds like you're on the right track for your children because your asking questions and staying invovled with them. Hang in there!
In general, sexual activity among minors raises complex issues around consent, coercion, power dynamics, and the ability to fully understand the potential consequences, both physically and emotionally. There are also legal restrictions in many jurisdictions regarding the age of consent.
Ultimately, decisions about sexual exploration and activity during the teenage years should be guided by professional counseling, education from qualified sources, open and honest communication with parents/guardians, and the emotional maturity of the individuals involved. Each situation is highly personal and contextual.
As a parent, I would encourage you to have frank but age-appropriate discussions with your children, seek input from counselors or medical professionals if needed, and allow them to have autonomy while also providing guidance during this sensitive stage of development. Fostering an environment of trust, education and open communication is likely the best approach.
they're not any different, just different. Ya know know what I mean? they are now doin' it at 12 and younger, so I have been informed.
as soon as you're ready and you can seduce someone - and know how to do it safely - and have enough money to raise the kid or get your parents to do it - I say GO FOR IT! Get it and get it good! You might lose your beauty soon and you'll definitely never get THIS chance again! haha so yeh, baby, be sexed! for sure. (joking, joking, only joking)
seriously? I have no idea!
who? me? naw, not completely - there's a liddle biddy teeny weeny part of me that's still sane - I had it here just a minute ago! Hey? who took my sane piece? oh well. gosh
now, what was I saying - oh, yeh, too young for sex, like that was ever MY problem! not. As soon as I could shake my booty long enough I was trying, but for some odd reason nobody was taking it - I think for some people you're old enough when somebody will finally do it with ya!
that's my feeling anyway about that
My mom had me at sixteen and I am now 39 so, It was normal in her day to be married to young, It has only been since the last 20 years that teenagers were thought to be too young for sex. It's not just the sex, its the ramifications that's the issue and the environment in which the sex is happening.
I mean she married young 15yrs old and have had it hard but they are still married 40yrs now, so it worked for them but some teens are only doing it "cause everyone else is." No thought of being an adult.
oh yeh, I'm past it, if you really wanna know. satisfied? I'll never be satisfied, there was once a glimmer of a second after several hours of intense - but no, that's WAY too personal.
I'm just hanging aroung in this thread to see what other beat up old crones and geezers will show up to drool over their memories and tease each other's flagging libidos. Did that do anything for ya?
well, then how about that?
or this or this or this or this?
forget it. You're a lost cause and so am I. We got no business telling people when where how much how long or with whom, do we. Now admit it. crones and geezers should just stay back in the shadows and hope nobody notices we're watchin'
shhhhhhh. . . here comes someone!
..i dont' believe there is an actual age... excluding a child or young youth that is for sure...a person must be not only physically mature but emotionally mature...the physical part is easy...some teens should not be sexually active because they are not emotionally ready; they need to understand the consequences of their actions - pregnancy, disease, emotional impact, etc. I recall talking to some teens about sex - what got me, is they couldn't really talk about it to each other or to if you cannot even have a discussion about it...then you probably are not ready. Teens are no different now then when I was a teen; however they do have access to more info and for some stupid reason they don't all take it seriously - they may think they know more and they are bombarded with stuff through TV and marketing etc...but are they mature enough, really. For me, that is the question...the maturity level; not just the physical's kind of like - anyone can drive? but can you drive safely.....
my rant for tonight...i see too many pregnant teen girls through my work, (they're not women) (and the boy (and I won't say man) is not really around - because he's not mature enough) even though all of the supports and info etc. are available to them...
Under 18 is too young to have sex. I know this is not going to stop it but I think that children should be educated about it at an age of around 12. Right before they enter their teens.
It is insane. I think it has probably always been this way
I would sure hope that someone would at least build security before they plan to have a baby. Having sex contrary to popular opinion is trying to have a baby. Now in lieu of this, a person can use contraception.
I just think that people need to be aware of consequences and I am not saying this for me but for those who want to have sex. They need to have the hard facts. What is the result of what they do?
I am not saying this to be a stick in the mud but people need to be aware of the causation of sex. Children also need to know about diseases and contraception.
It is a tough life if a person has children when they are young.
Oh Please!
How Pathetic that is!
At 18; you can Vote, Drive, Be Legally Responsible, Drink, Go to War, Run Your Own Company, Own a House... and a million other things.. But you have to be a virgin until then!
Sex is part of growing up and by 18 there are many other things (above) that a parent would happily support their child achieving.. so why as a parent would you want to teach your child how to achieve: yet fail as a parent to help them gain a sexual balance in their life?
No Wonder there are so many Duds in the World
13 was a great age to learn how to use the tools that I had been given - By 18 I had already served my apprenticeship as had my friends. But then I guess in those days we were more mature in our ways and outlooks. We certainly did what we had to to buck the system and keep our tools from rusting
Talk about pathetic!
What are you talking about. Encouraging your children to have sex and learn and screw up their life if they have a baby is nuts. What the hell are you thinking pal. Everyone will do what he or she wants. If you are a parent, you have the responsibility to let your children know what it means to bring a kids into this world.
This is not about religion nor is it about moralism or being conservative but you really twisted this.
I know you have a habit of baiting people and twisting words.
I know its fun. If you truely believe this, and you encourage others to do it, you are a filth and a low life. Not teaching children the consequences of having babies and what it will do to their lives and their children's lives is horrible. Encouraging them to screw up is worse. There is a lot more in life than sex. If you are just baiting, then I will ignore you from here on out.
Children will already do what they want but as parent you have a moral obligation to guide them.
Would you want your children having sex at 13?
No-one wants their child to have sex at thirteen, but the important thing is what he or she wants.
Well, to clarify, he does.
She doesn't.
We,as parents, should be teaching our 13 year olds how to say no, nor preaching them that they can't do it. They can.
If your son or daughter is interested in the opposite sex, they have matured enough to want sex.
I've always thought this, not just thought of it tonight.
In my day, we said no because we didn't want to get pregnant. Nowadays, all the advice has already been administered in class, via 'sex education'.
Teach the kids how to say no, not just how to avoid pregnancy.
The important thing is what the 13 year old wants? Really? Does that apply across the board? Is that parenting?
Regardless of what action taken by the parents, it is not going to have any effect on the child and what it feels that it wants.
The parents job is to explain the actions and the consequences of said action. Making them understand the responsibility behind the action would be best, instead of either simply avoiding the question or drilling in their heads that because "you"(the parent) told them that they are not allowed to do it.
A parent telling a child that they cannot do something is a direct challenge to them, pushing them into thinking of ways to get away with it, without the parents knowledge.
Educate them.
"Regardless of what action taken by the parents, it is not going to have any effect on the child "
I very much disagree. This is the attitude that abandons the responsibility of parenting, with predictably negative results.
I agree with this Cags.
Educate your children not to have sex, even when they want to. If pregnancy isn't the issue, STDs are. If a condom takes away both risks, then the next step is reputation.
Your 13/15 year old boyfriend is going to tell all his friends and everyone is going to want to go out with you (assuming you are a 13 year old girl). Its sad but that's the way it is, and has been forever probably.
As I've just said, boys wants sex, girls want loving and the two are not the same when you are very young.
I'd like to see the educators educate about this.
Don't take what I said out of context. Yes it is very important what the 13 year old wants -she is acting on instinct if she has matured sexually enough to want a boyfriend.
Unfortunately what girls want and what boys want differ.
He wants a shag, she wants to be wanted. So she listens and loves it when he tells her how special she is to him and one day (or night) they get real close and he tells her how much she means to him and he kisses her then tries it on a bit.
She loves the feelings - both emotional and physical, but then she stops him from taking things further because 'she might get pregnant'.
Hey I was 13 once, I know what I am talking about.
Take the 'risk of pregnancy' issue away by supplying the lad with condoms and then what does she say to say no?
She doesn't want him to stop, but she needs him to stop.
She's only 13. She wants sex AND she doesn't. This is what I meant by saying it is what she wants.
Not in developed forward-thinking societies it isn't. And that includes many US states. If you are living somewhere where the age of consent is still 18, then you consider your local area to be well behind in the times. I happen to believe that 16 is about right, but if they start any younger then I would hope that it would be with somebody of a very similar age. For example, a 15 year old and a 14 year old should not be subject to a prosecution. A 14 year old with a 25 year old, on the other hand, most certainly always should.
With all due respect. I don't think you can stop people from having sex. It really has nothing to do with the rigidity of the system. This is getting blown out of proportion.
It has nothing to do with what people are going to do. If people have sex, they may have a baby and you know what as a responsible adult I think we have a obligation to guide our children and allow them to at least make choices with a knowledge of what can happen.
As far as legality is concerned in the US, there are some states that have laws of 16 and some who have laws of 18. Also beyond statutory laws, there are laws that restrict a miners sexual activity.
Whether or not this is forward thinking or not, this is at least partially law bound.
However, my main point of the argument is to advise these young adults of what it means to have sex? What happens when you have sex? What are the consequences? That is my main point.
Do you think we should not say anything? I think we should. Children should be made aware of how to responsibly proceed in this world.
As to the age of 18, I am not going to argue the age or the fairness but say that it is statute in some states. I will advise my children to be lawful.
Last time I had sex, I certainly wasn't planning to have a baby. Last I checked, I've NEVER planned to have a baby and I'm in my 40's. So, ya, the whole concept that sex is ONLY for procreation is...well....medieval. I am NOT a parent by choice...and I think because of that, I am privy to some pretty serious conversations about sex with teens who trust in me as a friend (my neice, my friends' teens, my fiance's kids). There's no magical age. If they are going to do "it", then they are going to do "it". "It" cannot be stopped. All you can do as a parent is TEACH them right and wrong, about contraception (oh the horror of it all....actually giving your child the tools to be responsible), and about STDs. When I casually mentioned in front of my friend's 17 year old son that 1 in 5 people in america has herpes....he suddenly started acting "responsibly" in the condom area.
If you won't talk to your cat about catnip....who will?
I never said that sex was just for procreation. You are making my point by saying "I am not a parent by choice". That is what I am saying. People need to know that babies can be a result of sex. If people have children at a very early age, they will certainly not be able to do some things they may have wanted and they may bring a child into an unstable situation. This is not a condemnation of people who have had children when they are very young......Many have managed to do well but some haven't and some wont.
So my point is that in addition to the normal education (like std's and condoms) we give children we should let them know they could become a parent not by choice. I agree with you 100% that you have to Teach the children well.
I also agree that children will have sex no matter what. Some wont however because the have knowledge to choose.
Placing the 'blame' or more correctly the responsibility on the kids is misleading - they will do what is happening in society around them. The issue is with our divided society and the general low self esteem of the whole culture where many people are seen to fail by being in intolerable debt, unable or unwilling to stand up to aggession and bullying by individuals including the police on occasion, and a host of other demaning situations our society places us in. With reduced self respect it is hardly surprising that our kids ignore us and any values we try to place in them.
There really is no blame being placed. I agree that unfortunately we cant always control what is happening. Yes society shows a rather bleak horizon to some people. I will agree that things like debt and aggression create a cyclical arena for some people. I do believe that people have some control of their situations and I am not saying that society does not form an environment for some people......I just don't want to used it in my thesis.
I am trying to stay away from philosophical, religious, and political argument even though I am getting pushed into that sphere right now. I tend to think that points are made and interpreted differently so I am just making a functional statement that everyone is an individual and they will make there own choices. That is my intent by the statements that I have made.
I agree with some of the things you are saying but I do not want to turn this into a tangential argument.
I wasn't intending to argue, just add to what you said. And that only because I was bored and shut inside with the air con because it over 35 here
Hey that sounds good. I do appreciate your comments.
I am sorry if I came across the way I did?
There has been a heat wave in Asia. I was in Manila in March and April of this year and there was no rain and the heat has not abated since.
We have had a couple of days of heat in Seattle here but I am not going to complain or it will start raining again. You have a good evening.
pipe dreamers your dumb public school system want to teach them in kindergarden. the perverts running the school system while hideing behind their degrees passing themselves off as experts.
what a waste of humanity
Scary Question!!!
If they can drive, and vote, I say they can decide. Before then, not a good idea!!!
Why do people think they can assign a number to anything. Humans are all different. What works for one might not work for another.
Try telling that to a jury next time you tell a 13 year old that a number doesn't matter!
Yeah, but that does not negate the point - just shows how insanely rigid we are
Does that make us 'rigid'? Or does that simply suggest that we are horrified by the prospect of our 13 year old daughters sleeping with middle aged men?
I personally feel that an individual should not be having sex until they are old enough to accept the full responsibility of their actions. If they get pregnant at 18 then fine, they can move out and begin the challenge of trying to provide for this 'consequence', at 13 they are placing an unfair burdeon on their parents.
In the UK you remain the responsibility of your parents until you reach 18, yet can legally get pregnant at 16. And that is wrong.
True for England Ryan but not Scotland. Legal age of consent AND legal responsibility is 16 but that can work against the parent too. Years ago my then 16 year old went a night out on the town with her friends (I couldn't stop her if I tried - she was legally an adult). She got into a bit of trouble when a man attacked one of her friends and she attacked him back.
The police lifted her and kept her in a cell overnight. They didn't phone me to let me know where she was because at 16 she was considered an adult, so I spent a frantic night worrying why she hadn't come home until the police phoned me the next morning to pay bail to get her released.
THEN they refused to discuss the matter with me, saying that as at 16 she was an adult they were under no obligation to let me know what had happened, and were actually forbidden in law to discuss the case with me. She was ONLY 16 FFS!
She was too young to buy alcohol or to vote, but old enough to have sex, break the law or go to war.
The case was later dropped but
You and me both! I need a LOT more maturity before I start doing it with some creep. That's exactly what my sister told me, and she's always right!
I started when I was 8....
and 30 years later I thought it might be fun to bring another person into the process
So Greek you must be ambidexterous by now?
I think fetuses are too young to have sex. For one thing, they don't even have access to another fetus with which to make sweet embryonic love--unless they are twins, but then that's incest so it's just wrong.
why don't you let fetuses decide for themselves and stop imposing your own moral judgment on them!?
So I assume you think it's perfectly fine that fetuses indulge in pre-birth sex. That's fantastic. And how do you suppose they will support the offspring they spawn, they being fetuses and therefore unemployed.
Furthermore, think of the inconvenience of the initial mother, for she will really be the one charged with carrying the weight of an additional pregancy as her own pregnancy will have gotten pregnant too, thus doubling her physical/abdominal/uteral load, not to mention her need for ingesting suitable nutrients for both her direct pregnancy and the secondary one.
And, taken a step further, should your fetal social orgy theory play out, the fetus of that fetus could also just whore around the womb and the next thing you know you have a pregnancy within a pregnancy that is already within a pregnancy. This could go on for quite some time, almost infinitely really, occasionally dropping one out, but that only reduces the sequence by one.
The original mother would be devastated, her morning sickness increasing exponentially with each new pregnancy until she becomes a vomit jet shooting around the room destroying furniture and frightening the cats.
Frankly, your absurd moral stance is intolerable and should not be, erm, tolerated.
Not to mention how uncomfortable - if not impossible - the sex will be.... !
(Oh the awful images this has evoked! Whoever started this train of thought....?! )
I am NOT encouraging or condemning them... merely standing up for their right to do whatever they think is best in the privacy of the uterus.
I also don't think that is is right for you to stereotype ALL fetuses as being unemployed.
As for the 'initial mother', you can't claim to speak for all of them. Many might like to get the whole mother/grandmother thing over in one shot.
Why must you use terms like 'fetal orgy'? Your post raised the issue of 2 fetuses, not more (I think it would be hard for more than 2 to engage in relations from a purely space-wise perspective.. let alone the jealousy that would arise from a love triangle confined to such close quarters for 9 months.)
I suppose you stand up for their right to own guns, smoke marijuana and drive Hummers or other gas guzzling SUVs too. I suppose you don't care that a woman already suffers a distended belly, through which she sees little feet and hands and even heads eventually poking about beneath the skin, stepping on her bladder, kicking her in the diaphram... and yet you want to STAND UP in all your righteous righteousness and just let anarchy reign in there (oh, and don't think their isn't room for an orgy, because they can start early, even zygote sex is fair game in your world, pal).
I can just see it now, waiting rooms of OBGYNs filled with women whose abdomens are deformed, stretched hideously out of shape by wide bodied 4x4s with the occasional bullet shooting through followed by catcalls and whoops and little puffs of pot smoke. WHere does it end, Greek One? Just how much do you really stand up for, hmmm?
you just described the last trimester of pregnancy for me - it was exactly like that - like a riot was raging in there! And you know its so frowned on to do any corporal punishment so I was doomed before the leetle rotters was even borned! Can I help it if they're socially inept now? And at least we got through the teen years without any pregnancies - that I know of.
ROFL at the first part, and "whew" for the last.
I suppose you would take away all their rights altogether!? This is just how fascism starts! Here we Shadesbreath, the self appointed Pharaoh of the Fallopians, the Prince of the Placenta, dictating what a fetus can and can not do.
Worst of all you mask your tyranny under the cloak of woman's rights, without at least leaving it up to each woman to decide the party atmosphere of her own womb.
At the same time you conveniently forget that the very act of conception itself is nothing but a pile on of 3 trillion sperm onto a waiting and willing egg.
What will you do if a fetus does not adhere to your draconian laws? Will you arrest it and handcuff its still to be developed wrists? Will you educe labor and jail the offending babies in cell-like incubators?
Not once have you spoken of their needs in all your posts. You talk about their mother's discomfort, but have you ever called for a prohibition against pregnant women having intercourse? Have you stopped to consider how irritating it must feel for a fetus to have its restful and tranquil sleep disturbed by the penetration of an 11 inch penis (I can only speculate based on personal experience here)??
Did you ever think while formulating your totalitarian vision that the reason babies wait 9 months to be born is that they are so apprehensive about joining your type of world?
I am forced to concede to your arguments, because, well, I am not equipped to fence with an argument about the womb for which I have not eleven inches of experience.
I just lawl'ed last night when I came by and saw the Prince of Placenta and Pharaoh of Fallopian and really wanted to write a reply worthy of that great wit, but I had nothing. So, I elect to let the exchange end on that fantastic piece of yours. That was fun stuff.
great.. now what the Hell am I supposed to do on the weekend other than wife-directed household chores????
Well you could always have your ruler checked. 11 inches indeed!
About the only thing that can be assigned a number is physical readiness for sex...and even that number isn't the same for everyone. As for emotional readiness, that varies a LOT with each individual. For instance, I was on my own at 15, in a committed relationship at 17, and had my son when I was 19...sure, I still had some growing up to do, but I was about as ready as anyone will ever be to become a first-time parent. Contrast that with people who decide to live off of their parents until 25, carry on with the drinking and partying crowd until 32, and then decide that maybe they should start considering maturing a little bit. The high rate of abortions, adoptions, and children in foster care is a pretty good indicator of just how many people have sex before they're ready. Not to mention high relationship failure rates, because there's more than just the direct focus of lustful attention that tends to come along with all that sex .
That said, though, when someone starts is purely the decision of the individual. I don't care who you are, what age you are, or how sheltered of a life you live, if you want to have sex you'll find a way to do it. For many teens, parents who make a big deal out of it decide that's enough incentive to do it. All parents can really do is try their best to raise their kids with a decent moral perspective and full knowledge of the potential consequences of their actions, then let them get on with the learning through their own mistakes bit.
I must add here that what is considered the 'norm' in the west, is not the same in other parts of the world. e.g. in certain societies and cultures the normal age for sex is one's mid 20's and that too after one is engaged to be married, or is already married! Can you believe that? I've known plenty of south asian men and women who waited till they got married to lose their virginity - and which means that if you don't marry till for instance 32, then you don't get to have any sex till then either! Oh, the level of frustration in some of the young people in these countries is unimaginable...!
Don't get me started on sexual frustration!
yes, best not to get you started at all!
But on a serious note, don't u think there is a difference in sexual frustration that results from one's own choices etc and that which is culturally FORCED on you...?
I think teens today are a lot more mature now, then they were in the 80's or 90's. Too young to have sex could mean a lot of things. I know people who had sex when they were 13, and people who wouldn't dream of it until they are married. It all depends are where you are emotionally, physically, and socially. I wouldn't say any younger then 16 though.
do you think sexual frustration makes people warlike? I do. Right now I'm considering buying weapons. Some with very sharp blades would be nice. Maybe a bludgeon or two. hm.m.m.
well, what else can I do? other than auto stimulate of course, which is boooor innnnnng!
Maybe, your answer is the Greek one!
btw. 99, you're ALMOST there! Well done...
ok. now that the initial horror is wearing off... am wondering where this conversation is going... sick fascination, if you ask me... !
It depends for me really. If we're talking about my daughter 40 is a very reasonable age. Speaking for myself, you can ask Greek, still on top of me many years later. I know we were under 18, but it was different then
My theory has always been, if you are old enough to pay taxes, you are old enough for sex.
Wait a sec. speaking of sex where's Cagsil?
hey hi Intimate, miss ya girl. better get over to some of those hubs = be well
I will have to say at the age of 18, that is the correct age at where they can make their own decisions but any age less than that no!!! I started having sex at 14 and I wish I could have waited till 18 it wasn't worth it..
I was a very savvy teen - please note: don't let your kids accidentally read a book called "How to give your child sex education" or let them on yahoo chat rooms.
I believe I was ready younger, but I waited till I was 18. I thought it through and decided it had to be someone I was comfortable with and trusted but not someone who I was going to be with long term. And I'm glad I did - I'm now married to someone else and I KNOW he's the best.
As long as kids (especially girls) are fully informed and understand that a man has a different attitude towards sex as well as know to ALWAYS use protection, I think they're ready (at a reasonable age of course.)
You are absolutely right, wrylilt.. I was informed of sex and everything that came with it. I just wish i would have waited till 18 because at that time i was ready. I wasn't ready at 14 I was experimenting and just curious. That is what most kids do nowadays is just experiment..
The system tells us that the age of consent is 16, 18 or 21, depending where you live.
Nevertheless, our bodies are made in such a way that the need arises much earlier than that.
A good sex education is all the kids need, plus the reassurance that we -as parents- will be there for them no matter what happens. Lets not worry too much and let them have fun and enjoy life.
Here, kids who leave school at 16 are often married not long after and pregnant - as seems to be customary most places. Those who go to Uni or College in most parts of China often don't even think about it until they have finished their studies. This of course does not apply to all but definately most, I would guess at 80% of students. Hot topics of conversation at the moment are about the pro's and con's of student co-habitation so maybe this will change over this coming period. The students with partners are generally the least performing in the class room.
It is overwhelmingly normal for the girl, and the boy a little less so, to be a virgin when they look to get married at around 25, 6 or 7, by 28 they are considered to be getting a bit late.
From my dim and distant memory I seem to recall all the conversation at my school and after to be about sex, rarely about love - and almost nothing else - it is kinda refreshing to see so many mixed students actually interested first in study.
"Those who go to Uni or College in most parts of China often don't even think about it until they have finished their studies."
That's not true. Many couples marry and have the grandparents raise the children for quite some time while the parents continue their education/training.
I'm telling you that your comments above are inaccurate. Overly categorical comments often are.
Please take the time to read the whole post - taking a short passage and making ill informed comments that have no foundation are becomong a boring trade mark of your presence here.
You clearly know absolutely nothing about China from your semi literate posts - what information you have clearly is either totally outdated or whoever you are talking to is not explaining things too well for you.
I get my information by talking to the people involved, the students and their parents and other Chinese friends - from here - not sitting in some dark bedsit in an online world.
"You clearly know absolutely nothing about China"
No matter how often you say that or how badly you want it to be true, it is not.
Don't worry though, you are still special and important. Really.
And you are still attempting to be condescending from a position of ignorance but you are only displaying your total lack of any real knowledge or experience - in fact you are nothing but an empty troll.
1) Please stop with the personal insults
2) What you have been exposed to is not the sum total of all possible experience
3) You really don't need to try so hard to promote yourself as an unquestionable 'authority.' Your opinions are as valid as anyone else's.
4) You shouldn't feel so threatened by the fact that other people in this world have experience in areas you for some reason have staked out as your 'territory.' Relax.
But you are not that person who has any experience - are you. When you have some come back and discuss.
I actually have a great deal of quite varied experience, including experience in and about China whether you like it or not. Your denials and personal denunciations of me will not change that, and you have to accept that if you make sweeping generalizations, try to present your subjective impressions as 'fact,' or are just flat-out wrong about something I'm going to respond. It seems that makes you feel threatened, but it need not. We can discuss things without falling into petty personal insults, can't we?
My children are grown and I exhale with relief in knowing I've survived the rearing chapter in my life. Now when I look upon the faces of my 5 grandchildren ages 6 mths ~ 11 years ... the appropriate age is definitely 30 !!!!!!!!!
That sounds Glaswegian.. "The case was later dropped but" sorry I didn't mean to end with 'but'.
And had you paid attention to the rest of what was said... you wouldn't disagree. Educate them.
At this time and age, you'll be surprised at how young they can get. As parents, it is normal to be worried about our children but you really do right now is to constantly remind them on the consequences of their actions. Just learn to trust their judgement and just be there for them at the end of the day. It would really make a big difference when you're kids know that you're always behind them giving support. It would make it difficult for them to do things which could let their parents down.
I think if you are too young to drive-have a curfew-need a note from a parent for missing class-cant be tried as an adult-cant go see a rated R movie-or legally buy porn and cigarettes and when you are filling out paperwork/need a legal guardians signature...You are too young to be having sex...
Now a day’s too many babies are having babies and missing out on a few important things in life...Childhood and Experiencing Life before they are in a position to teach someone else about life.
I am now at the age of 26, when I was in my junior education, I knew nothing about sex. But my classmates frequently talked about it, that is the time when I begun to know sex. However, now the times changed. Even primary school students may even know more sex knowledge than you do. You shall notice, sex is no longer a secret to your kids.
Be open minded to educate them could be a good way. Tell them what should be careful when they are going to try. If they accept your way of education, they are willing to tell u their experiences. If not, you will never know what has happened to them.
Wow.. you had to come along way to HP to get to know what 69 is all about.. good luck with 80
just a quick clarification? Does this person know the other person or can it just be one person ??
You only have to look at all the above answers to see how interesting the subject of sex is to most people. How young is too young? Quite a question. I knew about sex by the time I was six or seven. I was raised near a farm and soon became familiar with animals mating. You didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know that human beings did this sort of thing too. As it was, I 'put the hard word' as they call it in Australia, on a thirteen year old girl when I was seven. When she showed her willingness I didn't have a clue, so it came to nothing. By the time I reached puberty and became 'dangerous' in the sense that I probably could father a child, the girls were far less amenable to my advances. As it was, despite numerous attempts to 'get the end in' after I turned thirteen or so, it took me until I was twenty. That was about the norm, I think, back in the 1950s when I was a young fellow. Fear of becoming pregnant was rampant amoung young women before the advent of 'the pill.'
So how young is too young? As I said, "quite a question." My own view? I'd say around eighteen or so providing it's "safe sex." By that time the urges of Nature will have already been put off for what most young ones would probably regard as too long.
A young fifteen year old girl in the neighborhood is expecting her second child. She was pregnant last year, i think. Shocked me when i saw her belly round.
Now the children have sex so early! For their psychological and physiological all is not necessarily a good thing!
by Zaiden Jace 7 months ago
It seems to be that there are more and more teenage pregnancies every year. Do you think that teenagers are starting out too soon?
by Dear_hubs 13 years ago
It has been a gray area for a long time that in the UK, sex below the age of 16 is illegal and many frown on it. I'll be honest, I lost my virginity at 15, however I am not a criminal, I have lead a community driven life and am a law abiding citizen.In this day and age, children are exposed to sex...
by DanuckInUSA 12 years ago
What age is appropriate for teens to start having sex?Is it waiting until marriage or is there an age when it is appropriate?
by ryankett 5 years ago
I would say, when the doctor tells you that your heart is too frail for the Viagra!
by Grace Marguerite Williams 8 years ago
Would YOU allow a sleepover for your older teenaged children if they were in a serious relationship?Why? Why not?
by BrittanyFaye92 13 years ago
Should a mother punish her 17 year old daughter for having sex with her boyfriend?The teens have been on and off for two years and now they are really serious about their relationship
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