mother daughter relationships

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  1. lbizzy profile image60
    lbizzyposted 13 years ago


    1. lovelife08 profile image60
      lovelife08posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I think a bond between mother and daughter goes a little deeper than what most people think.  A mother has a special connection with her child, boy or girl.  Those are maternal instincts.  If something is wrong, Mom can sense it.  Mom may not know WHAT is wrong, just that something is wrong.  With a daughter specifically, I think instincts are intensified, because Mom was once a little girl, once a teenage girl, and she knows that her daughter will have to go through some of the same things that she went through growing up (the little princess phase, puberty, boy trouble), because that is female nature.  I think because of that alone, mothers identify more easily with daughters.  Eventually, daughter will realize that everything mother has said over the years is true, and will appreciate her for it in a way that a son could not.  Not that mothers and sons can't bond, and not that sons won't appreciate mothers, it's that daughters appreciate mothers in a different way that a male can't understand.  That being said, I also think that mothers and sons bond in a way that daughters can't understand.

  2. knolyourself profile image61
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    They can be positively awful requiring years of self-analysis, therapy or whatever. I know I have lived with them.

  3. camlo profile image82
    camloposted 13 years ago

    Some of those mother-daughter teams are pathetic; wearing the same type of clothes, the mother fooling herself that everyone thinks they're sisters ...

  4. Joy56 profile image66
    Joy56posted 13 years ago

    i am beginning to think that both with my mum and my daughter, expectations are too high....  I am constantly disappointed.  Grandchildren now that is different.....

  5. Monisajda profile image60
    Monisajdaposted 13 years ago

    I had a so so relationship with my mom, there were a few really bad moments that made me leave the family nest as early as it was legally possible. Now, with my own daughters it is different, I am trying to make better parenting choices than my mom did. I think we may have a good relationship, such that they don't need to run away from me or the family, a relationship where they can come back to me if they are in trouble. I value honesty and truth, am teaching them this and respect my daughters for who they are although it is sometimes hard to accept that they are different than I. I raise them using love and respect and that's what I am getting from them

  6. gr8trader007 profile image57
    gr8trader007posted 13 years ago

    Thanks for posting this topic. I miss my mother so much. Because, I live in different city with her now. When I was young, I was so stubborn. it made her falling tears a lot. I am feel so sorry now. Miss too much.

  7. Melanie Trausch profile image60
    Melanie Trauschposted 13 years ago

    The relationship that I have with my mother is organic, beautiful, grounding, and sacred. She is more than just my mother, she is my best friend.  It is wonderful the way our relationship has evolved over the years. 

    Now I too have a daughter and hope that our relationship strengthens and evolves as we continue our journey…we’ve got a ways to go as she is only eleven.

  8. Pearldiver profile image68
    Pearldiverposted 13 years ago

    Wow... They just seem to get Younger Every Year smile

    1. Gypsy48 profile image75
      Gypsy48posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      So cute and funny!

  9. profile image52
    ForYourInfoposted 13 years ago

    I think mother daughter relationship is unexpressed. Though daughters are seemed to be fond of father most but the way a mom can understand her daughter ,it can't be done by anyone else.But sometimes the mom also have to understand her daughters feelings like the way the daughter thinks.Its needed.


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