all your unanswered
- 129Dads - Trying to develop a relationship with a older estranged child.
bilz117 (4 weeks ago)
- 0Dating
jpcmc (10 months ago)
- 9Codependency and Dysfunctional Family Characteristics, by Pamela
Pamela99 (23 months ago)
- 2The Issue of Parenting
gmwilliams (2 years ago)
- 23Giving advice when you have no reference:
Efelisa Ifezuo (2 years ago)
- 190Is it right for a father to shower with his daughter?
Eric Caunca (4 years ago)
- 0A parent pays their children in toilet paper for doing chores?
Stevennix2001 (4 years ago)
- 1Impersonating Your Child?
KC3Lady (4 years ago)
- 61What's the Best Way to Teach A Child Not To Lie
Carol70 (4 years ago)
- 5The Working Mom
Mark O Richardson (4 years ago)
- 1Parenthood
The0NatureBoy (5 years ago)
gmwilliams (5 years ago)
- 3How Can I Keep My Daughter From Escaping Her Crib!?
Butterfly67 (6 years ago)
- 1Autism
Irfana (6 years ago)
- 2Fathers & Daughters
gmwilliams (6 years ago)
- 186Rude Questions about the number of children you have
gmwilliams (6 years ago)
- 7Why Adults Tend to Hate Their OverProtective Parents
Kathryn L Hill (6 years ago)
- 44Help! My three and a half year old is throwing HORRIBLE tantrums!
yolisagibson (7 years ago)
- 3Just found out I "may" be a step-mom to a 20 year old
LovelyPersephone (7 years ago)
- 0FAMILY DYNAMICS-The Good, Bad, & ......THE UGLY
gmwilliams (7 years ago)
- 10Would you kick out your 8 year old son for voting for Trump?
elayne001 (7 years ago)
- 4Couple accused of leaving toddler son to play 'Pokemon Go'
win-winresources (8 years ago)
- 24Step Mom gives step son a George Jefferson haircut and posts it online
Kathryn L Hill (9 years ago)
- 11Is it fair for a parent to raise only some of their kids?
peeples (9 years ago)
- 12You DO Always Have a Choice
Joe Fiduccia (9 years ago)
- 2Making a critical life decision.
Joe Fiduccia (9 years ago)
- 5Some Parenting Advice
Joe Fiduccia (9 years ago)
- 16Barber gives son an old man haircut as a form of punishment
cat on a soapbox (9 years ago)
- 18When your toddler decides to bathe themself in Hummus, what do you do?
Kathryn L Hill (9 years ago)
- 1New father blog?
psycheskinner (9 years ago)
- 12Older woman; REALLY young man!
Sed-me (9 years ago)
- 18Have you Wrestled with Whether or Not to Celebrate Halloween?
Maria Antonia (9 years ago)
- 13Teaching one how to understand that it may be alright.
Kathryn L Hill (10 years ago)
- 11Your Parents' Perception of You and its Correlation to Future Success
gmwilliams (10 years ago)
- 1Newborn skin
Lisa HW (10 years ago)
- 72Psychological Make-Up of Those Who Bully
Kathryn L Hill (10 years ago)
- 4Questionable father/daughter relationship
amiebutchko (10 years ago)
- 12Do you believe that strict parents are better parents in terms of
Kathryn L Hill (10 years ago)
- 26Michelle Duggar "Trying" to Get Pregnant With 20th Child
gmwilliams (10 years ago)
- 5Does your child wear pajamas to bed?
tyrathetaylor (11 years ago)
gmwilliams (11 years ago)
- 0To all you moms out there, here are some video links which oftentimes
gmwilliams (11 years ago)
- 1Things My Dad Knew (Memories From The
Brenda Durham (11 years ago)
- 33Parenting Advice!
thoughtfulmomof2 (11 years ago)
- 0There are parents who are confidence boosters and enlighteners to
gmwilliams (11 years ago)
- 9Can single moms and stay at home moms go back to school?
Ericdierker (11 years ago)
- 3Food Foe Thought
hauntedpillows (11 years ago)
- 12Our Children
Zelkiiro (11 years ago)
- 10United Airlines flight diverted after family complains about movie
Greekgeek (11 years ago)
- 0Parental Styles
gmwilliams (11 years ago)