What's your favorite smoothie?

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  1. hubsy profile image69
    hubsyposted 12 years ago

    What's your favorite smoothie?

    When I was writing my hub on Best Smoothie Recipes, I got to thinking that there are SO MANY different kinds of smoothies. I know quite a few people have posted smoothie recipe hubs like Janine Huldie's Black Cherry Vanilla Yogurt Smoothie. So what's your favorite?


  2. Janine Huldie profile image79
    Janine Huldieposted 12 years ago

    Found it Hubsy smile  Seriously love even though I love the Black Cherry Smoothie, I also just love smoothies.  So I love trying new ones all the time.  Another of my favorites is a Pina Colada Smoothie and even posted another recipe for this one in the past too.  Thanks for asking this question, by the way!!

    1. hubsy profile image69
      hubsyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for answering Janine! I'll be sure to check out your Pina Colada hub!

  3. Talisker profile image83
    Taliskerposted 12 years ago

    None, I'm afraid, I don't like the texture of smoothies, they're too thick to drink. I almost think you should eat them with a spoon, but then it's like eating cold soup.......er.... no :-(

    1. hubsy profile image69
      hubsyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Haha, never thought I'd get this answer. The way you describe smoothies makes them sound repulsive. smile You almost turned me, but unfortunately I will remain a smoothie-lover. Thanks for ansewring!

  4. neildabb profile image67
    neildabbposted 12 years ago

    Most anything passion fruit, but Strawberry Banana is probably the more common that I like, as passion fruit can be hard to come by sometimes.  The ones I make add milk and use frozen fruit.

    1. hubsy profile image69
      hubsyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You might like the Malibu smoothie in my Best Smoothie Recipes hub! I've never tried passion fruit smoothies, but I love passion fruit tea, so that smoothie is definitely on my list of things to try. Thanks!

  5. Tricia Hein profile image61
    Tricia Heinposted 12 years ago

    I really like strawberry. Coldstone also has a berry one that tastes good, but has too many seeds in it.

    1. hubsy profile image69
      hubsyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I've never tried Coldstone, thanks for the tip.

  6. vespawoolf profile image95
    vespawoolfposted 12 years ago

    We usually use papaya and banana as the base for our smoothie. Then we add whatever else is in season: an orange, mango, passion fruit, a handful of strawberries or even spinach! Sometimes we add a dollop of natural yogurt or honey.

    1. hubsy profile image69
      hubsyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I've never tried orange in my smoothies because I was afraid of the texture, can you really feel the pulp?

  7. Blond Logic profile image88
    Blond Logicposted 12 years ago

    Recently I have been having, banana, cinnamon, ground flax seed, honey, oatmeal and nonfat milk.
    It keeps me satisfied until lunch, and I feel much better for drinking it. Often I have this instead of toast or cereal in the morning.

    1. hubsy profile image69
      hubsyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You're so healthy! I'm jealous of how good you are. Did you get that recipe from Dr. Oz? I watched a show once and he talked about putting flax seed in his smoothies. I think I might try adding flax seed and oatmeal to my smoothies for breakfast.

    2. Blond Logic profile image88
      Blond Logicposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Menopausal women know the benefits of flax seed smile , Oatmeal keeps me full until lunch, the nonfat milk (self explanatory), the bananas we grow here in Brazil.
      I have never seen Dr. Oz but I have heard of him.

  8. SidKemp profile image71
    SidKempposted 12 years ago

    Carob Raspberry, though it would be chocolate raspberry, if I wasn't allergic to chocolate.

    Since moving to Florida, we've also enjoyed more exotic tropical fruits. My wife likes papaya, I like guanabana, and we find coconut cream a great addition to any smoothie.

    1. hubsy profile image69
      hubsyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, I've never tried guanabana before, it sounds really tropical and delicious. I'm going to try adding coconut cream to my smoothies, thanks for the tip!

    2. Kris Heeter profile image69
      Kris Heeterposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Do you have a recipe for it?  It sounds good!

  9. profile image0
    robhamptonposted 12 years ago

    Mine would have to be the bacon and grape smoothie

    1. hubsy profile image69
      hubsyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, sounds really ... unique. Does it really taste like bacon? Or grape? Or both? Thanks for answering.

  10. Kristine Manley profile image83
    Kristine Manleyposted 12 years ago

    My favorite smoothie is pineapple, banana, mango, and spinach or kale. Mix in some water and ice. May be green, but it's good.

    1. hubsy profile image69
      hubsyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Avocado smoothies are also green, and I love them! Does the kale make the smoothie bitter at all?

  11. Kris Heeter profile image69
    Kris Heeterposted 12 years ago

    Mine is frozen blueberries with banana and a splash of 100% juice  (OJ, apple or "Juicy Juice") - ymmm!

    1. hubsy profile image69
      hubsyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Cool, none of the smoothies in my Best Smoothie Recipes hub had blueberries. Thanks!

    2. Kris Heeter profile image69
      Kris Heeterposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      @ hubsy - You're welcome!

  12. roxygurl464 profile image60
    roxygurl464posted 12 years ago

    I know a lot of people on HP do not know what a WaWa is, it's a local convenience store in the New Jersey area, but they just began making smoothies and I am absolutely addicted to the chocolate covered strawberry smoothie they make!  I get one at least once a week as a treat if I did good with my diet and workout program.

  13. annart profile image84
    annartposted 12 years ago

    I love any mixture with mango; when I went to Australia I realised just what a smoothie is all about.  You can choose the fruits you put in it but I like mango, orange, banana as a base.  Mmmmm lovely!

  14. Xenonlit profile image60
    Xenonlitposted 12 years ago

    Mango, pineapple and strawberry with a dash of wheat germ and coconut/pineapple sherbet.

  15. ChristyWrites profile image66
    ChristyWritesposted 12 years ago

    I like strawberry-banana smoothies. There is just something about that combination that my taste-buds like... a lot!

  16. chanroth profile image46
    chanrothposted 12 years ago

    I can list a few of my favorite smoothie---avocado, coconut cinamin, jackfruit, and durain.  DELCIOUS!!!

  17. EuroCafeAuLait profile image79
    EuroCafeAuLaitposted 12 years ago

    My favorite is one with any kind of berries.  I love the deep lavender color and the occasional seeds.  It seems so healthy, not overly sweet, a bit tangy and very chilled.  I put protein powder in mine because I hate cooking meat in the hotter months of the year.

  18. tjdavis profile image60
    tjdavisposted 12 years ago

    I like anything with fruit, especially raspberry or banana. Throw a little Greek yogurt in and wow that's a great smoothie. I don't want it sugary..just healthy and natural. No whip cream or anything like that.

  19. FreezeFrame34 profile image78
    FreezeFrame34posted 12 years ago

    My favorite is probably one of the worst for you, but it's so delicious! Banana, peanut butter, chocolate syrup, ice, and milk.... MMM it's so good!

  20. Lisa HW profile image63
    Lisa HWposted 12 years ago

    I've never tasted a Smoothie.  (If anyone wants to know why he can see my answer to the question about whether sushi is something for which people must acquire a taste.)  Since nobody is likely to want to bother looking up my long answer about sushi, let's just say I don't like drinks that involve mucking up too many ingredients and ending up with way too many calories.  Also, with the exception of hot coffee with cream in it, I only like transparent drinks.   (lol)

  21. Lyn Diano profile image37
    Lyn Dianoposted 12 years ago

    Definitely manggo+avocade+milk smoothie! ^___^

  22. ishwaryaa22 profile image76
    ishwaryaa22posted 12 years ago

    I like chilled fruit smoothies, especially mango and banana smoothies with little condensed milk in them. I also enjoyed chilled vanilla smoothie with a dash of chocolate sauce in it.


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