Do you have a particular food, that when eaten, brings back a specific memory? I

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  1. heartexpressions profile image43
    heartexpressionsposted 11 years ago

    Do you have a particular food, that when eaten, brings back a specific memory? If so, what is it?

  2. flim profile image68
    flimposted 11 years ago

    Tomato crab pincer!

    It is not often I eat this dish every other day, but when I eat it, it brings me happy memory when I was a kid enjoying the yummilious crab pincer reserved for at our family dinner table.

    Cooking the tomato crab dish is my mummy's special recipe. They will buy the crab alive from market and store in a big bucket before killing it for dinner. And I get my chance to 'play' with the crab during the afternoon when they are busy in the office downstairs. I will use a chopstick to poke the crab and push it around, agitating it so it fights back my chopstick. (hehe.. silly things I do as a kid)

    1. heartexpressions profile image43
      heartexpressionsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very Interesting

  3. lifetips123 profile image57
    lifetips123posted 11 years ago

    yes affirmative heartexpressions, mostly when i used to eat food only from my home, which my mom used to prepare.  I love those always.  Some food i used to eat when i am so little. I mean some traditional food and some noodles etc, which i sparingly eat now.  So whenever i eat noodles or so, i got some nostalgic feeling of childhood.

    This is clearly said in medicinal book, Ayurveda.  According to ayurveda, memory-boosting foods include sweet potatoes, okra, spinach, oranges, carrots, milk, ghee (clarified butter), tapioca, almonds etc. which when used arouses our past memory.

    1. heartexpressions profile image43
      heartexpressionsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well, since I'm getting older, I guess I better start eating a lot more of the memory boosting foods smile

    2. lifetips123 profile image57
      lifetips123posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      absolutely heart expressions. but not due to getting older as it is a false belief. Getting older is not our age, but our mind.  I believe you are still 17 smile

  4. Woody Marx profile image70
    Woody Marxposted 11 years ago

    All food is 'memory-fodder'
    I recall eating a tuna-on-rye while watching Welcome Back Kotter!

    I remember consuming French onion soup
    the day I built a chicken-coup



    there was the time I ate
    several bags of Arabian dates
    to pass the time   
    in a packing-crate.
    (Don't ask.)

    So food has many memories for me...
    Most of which I'd like to flee.

    1. heartexpressions profile image43
      heartexpressionsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You made me smile this morning.

  5. profile image61
    ElleBeeposted 11 years ago

    Yes - food is definitely tied with memories for me!! 

    Boston cream pie reminds me of my mom who passed because its the dessert she always made and was one of the last things we ate together.
    Chili reminds me of the time I lived out west and we had "chili feeds" for all of our fundraisers and school events.
    Gelato reminds me of my trip to Italy.
    And tortellini soup reminds me of childhood dinners at my grandmothers - we still have lots of dinners there, but for some reason we neer have tortelllini anymore!

    1. heartexpressions profile image43
      heartexpressionsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Awe - how very special.  Sorry to hear about your mom. I love how food can bring back such special moments.

  6. marwan asmar profile image66
    marwan asmarposted 11 years ago

    Whenever my wife makes Shepherd's Pie and I start to eat I remember the days when I was growing up in Hastings and/or the college refectory in Halifax UK.

  7. DS Duby profile image74
    DS Dubyposted 11 years ago

    Roast with potatoes and carrots mmmmmm.... it always reminds me of moms house and gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

    1. heartexpressions profile image43
      heartexpressionsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You just made me remember how I would feel on the rare occasions my mom could afford to make that dish.  Thanks!

    2. DS Duby profile image74
      DS Dubyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      yeah, same situation here I grew up pretty poor so when we had roast it was pretty special.

  8. Jackie Lynnley profile image87
    Jackie Lynnleyposted 11 years ago

    Any breakfast food reminds me of my parents and living at home as a child. I stopped eating breakfast once I left home but now going back to what is best I eat breakfast more often if not every day and it almost always makes me think of things my mother fixed for breakfast. She was such a wonderful cook and my dad too although he seldom fixed breakfast with the schedule he worked would sometimes do so and if he did it was a real treat for us all being something very unusual. Mainly it just reminds me though of their love of food and I always wish I could share when it is something really good I know they would love.

    1. heartexpressions profile image43
      heartexpressionsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That's a wonderful memory, it would be wonderful if today families could sit and enjoy a leisurely breakfast together.

  9. JaimePage profile image61
    JaimePageposted 11 years ago

    Definitely! Every time I make my grandmother's homemade tomato sauce and meatballs, I immediately picture myself as a little kid, wearing a giant bib (messy eater), digging into a huge plate of pasta. Not much has changed - I still love pasta, sauce and meatballs - and I still eat like a slob!

  10. John Sarkis profile image81
    John Sarkisposted 11 years ago

    ...very Proustian....  Well, I use to get these hamburgers in Venice Beach, CA. (where I'm from), that would bring me back memories of my youth - a long time ago - riding my bicycle to the beach during summer and eating these burgers....

  11. profile image0
    CatsPageposted 11 years ago

    There is a pasta and stew dish that my mom made.  When I was a child I really didn't like the beef and would hide the pieces under my dish thinking that my mom wouldn't notice.  Then when she would clean the dishes there was the hidden stew.  I still make this dish today, and tell my kids the story.  Today it is one of my favorites.

    1. heartexpressions profile image43
      heartexpressionsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Love it - I would hide food under my nakpkin then throw it away.  How nice of your mom to let you get away with it.

  12. moonfairy profile image74
    moonfairyposted 11 years ago

    When I make my grandmother's roast beef dinner with gravy, roasted potatoes, carrots and a green salad with her dressing recipe on it. When i was growing up we always had Sunday dinner at my grandmother's house. A lot of my relatives were "regulars" there and everyone would gather at the table and have at it.  the food was just amazingly good.

    1. heartexpressions profile image43
      heartexpressionsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What a special memory.


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