Let's get to know each other: Do You Prefer Coffee or Tea?

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  1. Bills Place profile image76
    Bills Placeposted 6 years ago

    I was put on a Candida diet about 7 weeks ago, instantly had to stop drinking coffee (green tea only). At the 6 week mark, I was able to start re-introducing foods I had to eliminate, coffee was one of the first options.

    However, this morning I found myself tied between wanting tea, or coffee! I actually opted for the Green tea with matcha, and now (afternoon) I am drinking some coffee for a mid-day pick-me up as I still have over 2,000 words to deliver tonight (client work).

    So, what do you prefer, coffee, tea, or both?

    Let's take it a step further, what type(s) of tea/coffee do you prefer, and why?

    I usually drink:

    Green tea (lately, green tea with Matcha from Lipton).
    Maxwell House or Starbucks, but really want to try Death Wish coffee sometime!

    1. Thelma Alberts profile image95
      Thelma Albertsposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I prefer tea. I drink the PG brand of tea and I buy it in an Indian shop here. I prefer drinking it in the English way, with milk and sugar.

      1. Bills Place profile image76
        Bills Placeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        What type of tea? I like it that way too, but here in the south people find it 'weird'. So, when I'm in a restaurant I sometimes put half & half in my ice tea just to get reactions. LOL

        We mainly have grocery store brand teas around here, but have got some specialty tea's from a local health food store over the past couple months.

    2. poppyr profile image89
      poppyrposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I like both big_smile

    3. liesl5858 profile image85
      liesl5858posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I drink tea, green tea and coffee. But I drink coffee most of the time.

    4. Teeuwynn Woodruff profile image90
      Teeuwynn Woodruffposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I don't really drink coffee much, although my husband and my two oldest kids are obsessed with it. I like green tea the best and have it most days, iced.

  2. Cre8tor profile image79
    Cre8torposted 6 years ago

    Coffee always. Could take it intravenously. We have a Keurig however and that's my preferred delivery method. Often it's McD's or Dunkin' brand but I love Kona most. In the end if I want coffee I'll drink just about any kind and since I always want coffee I've had lots of kinds.

    Addiction #2 - Pastries (w/ a side of coffee) I show no real prejudice here either.

    1. Bills Place profile image76
      Bills Placeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      My mom got me a Keurig last Christmas, then shortly after I was told I couldn't have coffee, it was depressing... But, I'm able to use it again now!

      I've tried McDonald's coffee a couple times, I like their frappe's on occasion, but can't stand their plain coffee, at least in my local location.

      I've had Kona a few times, mainly from a gas station or Monster's 'Kona Blend', if that's similar? One thing I like about traveling to new places (and bigger cities), is the variety of options not available in my small area.

      Yeah, pastries got great with coffee. ^_^

  3. Titia profile image94
    Titiaposted 6 years ago

    Neither. Coffee gives me a terrible stomach ache and I absolute loath any kind of tea. I'm a water and milk person.

    1. Bills Place profile image76
      Bills Placeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't start drinking coffee until my mid 20's, but if I remember right I had stomach aches on occasion when first trying it too. I thought it may have been the type, so I experiemnted and eventually it stopped messing with me.

      I try to drink water as much as possible. Far as milk goes, until I was put on the Candida diet by my doctor, I would drink milk daily. Since the only dairy allowed on that diet was cream cheese and heavy whipping cream, I ended up drinking unsweetened vanilla almond milk the last 2 months. Actually acquired a taste for it after a bit, with some stevia and heavy cream it's like a vanilla shake.

  4. Gregory DeVictor profile image100
    Gregory DeVictorposted 6 years ago

    Like Titia, I prefer water and milk. I used to drink lots of coffee, but it was giving me anxiety attacks.

    1. Bills Place profile image76
      Bills Placeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I can see coffee raising anxiety. At first, I didn't even care for the taste of coffee, but I decided to experiment after reading studies believe 1-2 cups of coffee a day could have health benefits, such as reducing risk of cancer and Alzheimer, as I've had family members suffer from both.

      The down side, it does seem to give me heart burn now and then.

  5. Jessie L Watson profile image60
    Jessie L Watsonposted 6 years ago

    I've tried to be a tea person. Didn't work out. The best coffee is the hardest to find or the most expensive. It's worth it because every coffee is a different bodily experience. Some generic store-bought coffee makes me physically ill. I prefer a light roast with very low acidity.

    1. Bills Place profile image76
      Bills Placeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I like various roasts, but fully understand about the generic store brands. We tried one and it was horrible!

      I also like espresso, but my machine broke, and brewing it in a Keurig just isn't the same.

      1. Jessie L Watson profile image60
        Jessie L Watsonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Definitely two different worlds.

        I'm a french press guy, myself. It's a simple set-up but guests always love my coffee. I've found a good ratio apparently.

  6. Gregory DeVictor profile image100
    Gregory DeVictorposted 6 years ago

    Jessie, I tried drinking plain green tea for a period of time, but it just didn’t work out. I understand what you mean.

    1. Jessie L Watson profile image60
      Jessie L Watsonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I tried to switch to the matcha powder which is supposed to be very high in caffeine but it never moved the needle for me. I have a thick constitution. The matcha itself was also just plain boring - flavor-wise.

      Yerba-Mate is preferable to green tea if I'm going to drink caffeinated tea.

  7. Gregory DeVictor profile image100
    Gregory DeVictorposted 6 years ago

    The worst coffee that I ever tasted came from a vending machine when I was in college back in Erie. It was horrible!

  8. FatFreddysCat profile image60
    FatFreddysCatposted 6 years ago

    I don't have blood in my veins, I have coffee.

  9. dredcuan profile image94
    dredcuanposted 6 years ago

    I prefer Tea because I used to infuse some other flavors and ingredients with it.

    1. Bills Place profile image76
      Bills Placeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, I think tea has more ways to get creative because you can change the flavor based on adding or subtracting various herbs, fruits, etc.

      Coffee does have it's options, but mainly milk/cream or sugar. Don't know anyone who's put lavender in their coffee. LOL

  10. cleoaddams profile image82
    cleoaddamsposted 6 years ago

    I like both, although I'm trying to stay away from caffeine. So, at the moment, I'm drinking neither. I do miss a good Cappuccino or hot Matcha from Starbucks.

    1. Bills Place profile image76
      Bills Placeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I went 6 weeks without caffeine, and just my luck work picked up soon as I was told 'no caffeine for 6 weeks'. It sucked!

  11. Emmy ali profile image59
    Emmy aliposted 6 years ago

    I prefer tea.

    1. Bills Place profile image76
      Bills Placeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      What type of tea(s) do you enjoy the most?

      1. Readmikenow profile image95
        Readmikenowposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I have a mixed marriage.  My wife is a huge tea drinker.  Her favorite is Chai tea.  I prefer coffee.  Dark Columbian roast.  I can't deal with her tea, but she likes the smell of my coffee.  It works.

        1. Bills Place profile image76
          Bills Placeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Haha, I've tried Chai tea and it is an acquired taste for sure.

      2. Emmy ali profile image59
        Emmy aliposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I prefer red tea and tea with milk.

        1. Bills Place profile image76
          Bills Placeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Red tea, like hibiscus tea or is there other types of red tea?

          1. Emmy ali profile image59
            Emmy aliposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, I refer to hibiscus tea.

  12. DzyMsLizzy profile image90
    DzyMsLizzyposted 6 years ago

    I like tea much better than coffee.  Hot in the winter, and iced, by the gallon, all summer!

    Black tea, only, and unadulterated, please!  Straight black, and "strong enough for a mouse to walk across the top!" wink

    I do not like green or herbal teas, at all!!

    Coffee...hmmm...not much of a coffee drinker, at least not in the same way I take my tea!  LOL
    I want lots of "adulterants"  in my coffee.  I take it with chocolate, for a coffee mocha, (lots of it--basically, make it a deep, rich hot chocolate with a shot of coffee! wink  ) I drink coffee mochas Fri, Sat, and Sun at home, and I have a gift card for Starbucks that I use on the way to class on Tuesdays.

    Otherwise, I'm strictly a tea gal.  My other beverages of choice, especially when it's hot and we're working outdoors, are Gatorade or plain old ice water! wink

    1. Bills Place profile image76
      Bills Placeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not big on Gatorade, always makes me more thirsty or gives me dry mouth. If it's hot and I'm outside, I usually have ice water or ice tea. wink

      I like my tea with and without sugar, depending on my mood. I'll occasionally put creamer in my black tea, it gets fun stares from people here.

      Not big on herbal tea, but drink them occasionally. Lately I've acquired a taste for green tea, since my doctor said no black tea for 6 weeks. hmm

  13. Richard Craig profile image61
    Richard Craigposted 6 years ago

    Short answer, coffee.

    Long answer, I'm making lifestyle changes myself.  Lately I've tried to be more health conscious so I've cut milk out of coffee altogether and I only have a tea 1/2 times a day with milk.  I used to drink a load of milky strong coffee but I felt it was time to start looking after myself more.  I also drink much more water than I used to and to be honest, to my surprise, I do feel better in every way.

    1. Bills Place profile image76
      Bills Placeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, I get very little sleep when work picks up so I tend to drink coffee a bunch for that reason. I had finally gotten to where I could drink coffee with little to no creamer, but after no coffee for over 6 weeks on the candida diet, I have to use creamer again.

      On the bright side, I am still using Stevia instead of real sugar.

      1. Richard Craig profile image61
        Richard Craigposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I know it's hard to cut out your favourite things I mean it seems all the good stuff is the worst stuff you should consume.  I don't think I could cut coffee out completely so you deserve congratulations on that.

        1. Bills Place profile image76
          Bills Placeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Strangely, I think the easiest thing to cut out for me was the soda and sugar (as I was allowed Stevia). I'm definitely catching up on the lack of coffee though!

          The hardest, was probably bread (no yeast or grains allowed). So I got creative and made my own using coconut flour which don't contain yeast or grains. Although, a very time consuming process for a beginner.

          It is weird that the worst things are the best, but I just looked at the doctor and said "Challenge accepted".

    2. DzyMsLizzy profile image90
      DzyMsLizzyposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Interestingly, Richard, I read some years back (speaking only of black tea),  that if you put milk and sugar in your tea, you are drinking the chemical components of leather!

      That rather blew my mind, but did not require me to change my tea-drinking habits, as I've never liked "stuff" in my tea.

  14. Monique K-G profile image85
    Monique K-Gposted 6 years ago

    I am not a coffee person, and only started getting into teas - I personally find that fruity teas or herbal teas are the best. I like Twining, but Lipton is also a great brand.
    Congratulations on cutting Coffee! I read that it has similar effects to drugs, which makes someone dependent on it and sometimes suffer from withdrawal.

    1. Bills Place profile image76
      Bills Placeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I like both of those brands of tea as well. smile

      On the withdrawal part, I believe it's the caffiene aspect in general. I did not really have any withdrawals from eliminating coffee for 6 weeks. However, in 2011 I did go through withdrawal from caffiene, the worst part being the mood swings (those lasted about 6 months).

      I had gotten fired from my factory job of 1.5 years for getting the flu. At that point, I no longer had to consume all the energy drinks and energy pills to keep up. I was consuming way too much caffeine to pull the slack of co-workers. There were nights I would drink 1-2 Monsters, 1-2 Cocaine (energy drink, suppose to be 4 Redbull in a can) and take an energy pill within a 12hr shift.

      I'm not sure how I didn't die...

      1. DzyMsLizzy profile image90
        DzyMsLizzyposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Indeed!  Those canned caffeine drinks are murder! My husband tried one, once, and thought he was having a heart attack!  And that was from a little less than 1/2 a can!  He said, "Never again!"

        1. Bills Place profile image76
          Bills Placeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah, I remember when I first started drinking them to stay awake at work 1 can lasted a whole day, not just the 12 hour shift. I ended up getting immune or something, because after a while 1 can wasn't cutting it anymore.

          Of course, being a factory job once the bosses found out I was keeping up with any machine, they put me on the fastest lines. Then my consumption increased, as my co-workers would fall behind, throw good parts away, etc. and guess who would get in trouble too? Yep, me.

          After the fact, losing that job was probably the best thing that could happen. I'm not as caffeine dependent now, and own my own writing business. wink

  15. Aime F profile image70
    Aime Fposted 6 years ago

    The only kind of tea I can handle is green tea, every other kind I’ve had gives me a headache. And I have no idea why, not the caffeine content as I consume other forms of caffeine in mass amounts.

    So I prefer coffee. Especially if it has Baileys in it. wink

    1. Bills Place profile image76
      Bills Placeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I like Bailey's on occasion, and sometimes Irish Coffee. wink

      On the tea, your headache issue has peaked my curiosity, because green tea comes from the same plant as black tea. The only two difference I know of are:

      Harvest time - green tea is harvested from younger leaves.

      Oxidation process - green tea has a shorter oxidation process, while black tea has a longer oxidation and fermenting process that creates a darker color, different taste.

      I wonder if the older leaves or longer oxidation and fermenting process creates a certain chemical that triggers the headaches... Would be an interesting concept. ^_^

      1. Aime F profile image70
        Aime Fposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Interesting! You know, I don’t think I’ve had tea frequently enough to rule out some other confounding variables either as far as the headaches go. I also did most of my green tea drinking in Asia so perhaps that’s an important point as well.

  16. SoFary profile image57
    SoFaryposted 4 years ago

    I prefer coffee. Despite the fact that I love herbal teas, I like coffee much more. Recently, I have started to try a variety of types of coffee and each time I am surprised how diverse this drink can be. Coffee in the morning has become a real ritual for me without which I can't start the day. I've been drinking Mushroom Coffee in the morning for the last couple of months, and this has been a major discovery for me this year! The ingredients of this coffee are completely organic, there are no GMOs, gluten and sugar. And most importantly, it is suitable for vegans( vegans will understand me, how difficult it is to find delicious coffee)

    1. Patty Poet Lajoie profile image97
      Patty Poet Lajoieposted 3 years ago

      I am a straight one cup in the morning coffee drinker. My brand is Eight O'clock.   Its been around since my grandparents drank it in the sixties. 5 Tablespoons of French Vanilla creamer and I have enough sugar and caffeine to jump start my battery. I am good for the day!

    2. cvanthul profile image81
      cvanthulposted 3 years ago

      I'm a tea drinker. I started drinking coffee after my son was born but have switched back almost entirely to tea. It only took 17 years!

      I usually drink Earl Grey or a custom high-caffeine blend in the AM. If I drink tea in afternoon or evening, I drink a caffeine-free green tea or caffeine-free blend. I subscribe to Little Woods' monthly herbal tea shipment and mostly love everything they send.

    3. Urwa786 profile image60
      Urwa786posted 3 years ago

      I prefer tea because it relieves fatigue


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