all your unanswered
- 12Should G7 become G8
wilderness (5 years ago)
- 20Trump Revokes Security Clearances.
GA Anderson (6 years ago)
- 38Has Donald Trump Crossed the Line of Etiquette
Randy Godwin (6 years ago)
- 46Has Trump created a New Normal?
ahorseback (8 years ago)
- 13Apple Computer decision to not support the GOP Convention due to Trump
Credence2 (8 years ago)
- 7How would you respond to the freedom of speech debate
LauraD093 (8 years ago)
- 34Do rights come with responsibilities?
Zelkiiro (11 years ago)
- 12Loss of freedoms continue with Liberal leadership.
Glen Brown (11 years ago)
- 4United Nations conference concerning the Internet
NateB11 (11 years ago)
- 0Free speech restrictions coming your way in 2d Obama term
JSChams (12 years ago)
- 2Why should Assad be dethroned?
maxoxam41 (12 years ago)
- 20Homo Say What? Are homophobes secretly gay?
Sooner28 (12 years ago)
- 13Ohio school district sued for banning 'Jesus Is Not a Homophobe' Tee
carterchas (12 years ago)
- 10So here's the really important question.....
John Holden (12 years ago)
- 7Freedom of Speech No More! Choice: Jail & Fine or Facebook Apology
IzzyM (12 years ago)
- 5Our Lives Today Is An Open Book
Moderndayslave (13 years ago)
- 4Ann Coulter: Sarah Palin The "Obama Of The Tea Party"
Paul Wingert (13 years ago)
- 14Politics
Repairguy47 (13 years ago)
- 5Trump press Conference on Obama
Stacie L (13 years ago)
- 18Glenn Beck incites death threats against 78 year old professor
Cagsil (13 years ago)
- 35Government shill paid to disrupt....
Doug Hughes (14 years ago)