What books do you read again and again?

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  1. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 14 years ago

    When I was a kid I read Heidi over and over again.  Someone gave me a really nice, big, copy of it; and I liked that it had "little writing like a grown-up has".

    Other than that, I'm not one for "book re-runs".  I did go over the Phantom of the Opera a few times, trying to figure out some stuff.   hmm

  2. pisean282311 profile image60
    pisean282311posted 14 years ago

    fountain head , experiment of truth by mahatma , gita ,five point some one, rich dad are few which i keep reading again and again...

  3. hutchy-rants profile image59
    hutchy-rantsposted 14 years ago

    Lord of the rings! I must have read it 20 times...

  4. profile image56
    mistwigposted 14 years ago

    little women
    pride and prejudice
    little men
    david copperfield
    anything by victoria holt
    christine feehan carpathian series
    a book is always better than the movie
    ive read so many books i cant remember them all,,, so many books, so little time

    1. camlo profile image80
      camloposted 14 years ago

      Harald and Maude by Colin Higgins, Under the Net by Iris Murdoch

    2. DeathMcGunz profile image59
      DeathMcGunzposted 14 years ago

      For me, it usually takes something (of which I haven't quite identified) for me to get into a book, and even more of that something for me to read it again. The only books I have found with "that thing" are:

      The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
      Ender's Game

    3. poetvix profile image55
      poetvixposted 14 years ago

      Nothing is better to me than coffee, cigs, and an old friend, i.e. a good book.  Some of my faves have been mentioned but I may have some that have not.
      Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Series
      Earth's Children Series
      Chonicles of Valdamar by Mercedes Lackey
      Orson Scott Cards Ender's Game Series
      Anne Rice's The Mayfair Witches (thought I was gonna say vamps huh?)
      Lumley's Necroscope Series
      and my new found addition to this list that I have only read twice but love, love, love the characters...
      J.R. Ward's Black Daggar Brotherhood Series
      Yes, I like to read series...stand alones typically leave me wanting unless it is Steven King's The Stand or, of course, Gone /w the Wind.

    4. Eric Graudins profile image61
      Eric Graudinsposted 14 years ago

      Ayn Rand: "Atlas Shrugged". Written over 50 years ago, it accurately describes the times we live in.
      It's good fun putting current names to the characters in the book.

      Jeremy Clarkson - love his writing sytle

      Maxwell Maltz - Psycho Cybernetics.

      Goon Show Scripts.

      There ya go.
      Plenty of material for armchair psychoanalysts to go to town on me lol

    5. Michael Ray King profile image68
      Michael Ray Kingposted 14 years ago

      Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlien
      The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlien
      The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury
      A Song of Ice and Fire (series) by George R. R. Martin
      The Foundation Trilogy by Isaac Asimov

    6. thirdmillenium profile image60
      thirdmilleniumposted 14 years ago

      Alistair McLean, Agatha Christie, The Man by Irwing Wallace and more than anything else PG Wodehouse.

    7. Flightkeeper profile image68
      Flightkeeperposted 14 years ago

      For classics, yup can't beat an Agatha Christie mystery.

    8. profile image0
      philip carey 61posted 14 years ago

      Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" (poetry); Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Essays: First Series".  I've never read a novel twice. I feel like there are too many I need to read once.

    9. shellyakins profile image68
      shellyakinsposted 14 years ago

      The Giver by Lois Lowery
      The Bridge Across Forever by Richard Bach
      Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
      Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
      Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse

      I don't reread a lot.  Once I know how the book ends, I don't really want to read it again.  Also, I have so many books on my TBR list that are new and exciting.

    10. mquee profile image69
      mqueeposted 14 years ago

      I can't count the times I have read The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. I guess it re-enforces what my parents taught me when I was young, that hard work (and a little luck) pay off.

    11. Tusitala Tom profile image66
      Tusitala Tomposted 14 years ago

      I have four shelves filled with books, many of which I've read several times.  Mostly I read for education, to learn.  Less often I read simply to enjoy the story.  And less often again I read simply to enjoy the magnificent prose and the visualizations conjured up from same.

      One book, Essays Old and New, I bought in the 1960s.   Just picture this, from the opening sentence Hilaire Belloc's essay, The Mowing of a Field.

      "There is a valley in South England remote from ambition and fear, where the passage of strangers is rare and unperceived, and where the scent of the grass in summer is breathed only by those who are native to that unvisited land.

    12. JillKostow profile image90
      JillKostowposted 14 years ago

      My favorite book that I have read countless times is Go Ask Alice.  Also I love to read Flowers in the Attic along with the rest of that book series!!!!

    13. fucsia profile image61
      fucsiaposted 14 years ago

      "one hundred years of solitude" by Gabriel García Márquez

      I love the musicality of his sentences, and history repeats itself, as if never passed the time. For me it is brilliant, and every time that I read it I find it even more brillant!

    14. Jaggedfrost profile image61
      Jaggedfrostposted 14 years ago

      I don't think I own a book that I haven't read multiple times.  one of the books I wish I had but don't and still managed to check them out of the library multiple times was: The Black Trillium

    15. Sweetsusieg profile image72
      Sweetsusiegposted 14 years ago

      I have stacks of books that I read over and over again!!  Have a few favorite Authors too...  To list a few...  Katherine E. Woodiwiss (she has passed on from this life, but I do have her last book, as well as all of her other ones 'The Wolf and the Dove was one of the first 'adult' books I ever read)
      Charlaine Harris - Gotta love those Sookie Stackhouse books!
      Janet Evanovich -  Stephanie Plum is GREAT
      Patricia Cornwell - Scarpetta is my hero!

      Every now and then my hubby goes thru my books and finds places to hide them, well I just go a buy it all over again!

    16. profile image54
      Dani257posted 14 years ago

      Easier question would be what books DON'T I read again and again.  But, right now, the book I keep going back to is Jane Eyre.  I also tend to read Little Women at least once a year.

    17. Windsweptplains profile image59
      Windsweptplainsposted 14 years ago

      I've read the King Raven Trilogy many times, and I love revisiting old classics again and again. Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre and Our Mutual Friend never get old.

    18. Bobbimarie123 profile image57
      Bobbimarie123posted 14 years ago

      I really love my brother sam is dead i think that one is great and i love the vampire academy

    19. megs11237 profile image60
      megs11237posted 14 years ago

      A Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin *and all others in series
      anything by Deepak Chopra- always gives me perspective
      all of Dr. Seuss' books ( to my kids all the time)

    20. tomsum profile image75
      tomsumposted 14 years ago

      I grew up with Harry Potter, and I must admit I have read those quite a few times smile

    21. Howard Allen profile image97
      Howard Allenposted 14 years ago

      Most of George Orwell's novels. Especially Nineteen Eighty-Four, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, and Burmese Days.

    22. Extinct Soul profile image61
      Extinct Soulposted 14 years ago

      The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery..specially its chapter 21..^_^ hihihi I don't know why.

    23. Rose's Marie profile image60
      Rose's Marieposted 14 years ago

      it depends on the mood im in. i find myself reading the classics like the jane austin books over and over & i love poetry so my poetry books are worn down pretty good from reading them so much, and if i'm in the mood to just read for a lil bit before going to bed i'll pick a book i've already read so i don't get caught up in it & stay up all night

    24. Ingenira profile image70
      Ingeniraposted 14 years ago

      I think I am the weird one here, as I love parenting books, and I like to go through them again and again. The one I like most is "Different Children different needs" by Dr. Charles Boyd. I am pretty much the person who reads to solve problems in my life....

      Don't get me wrong, I love literature, novel, story stuff too. But I haven't found one that I'd read repeatedly.

    25. Alya rose profile image61
      Alya roseposted 14 years ago

      For me it's the Harry Potter books,I've re-read them about once a year,they never get old to me.Love it.

    26. whiteboysoul profile image61
      whiteboysoulposted 14 years ago

      I tend to read series over and over again:

      LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy
      DUNE series
      William Gibson's SPRAWL trilogy and BRIDGE trilogy
      The works of Haruki Murakami

      Peace, Terry

    27. Anthea Carson profile image59
      Anthea Carsonposted 14 years ago

      Gone with the Wind

    28. 24-hrs-online.com profile image59
      24-hrs-online.composted 14 years ago

      Hi everyone,

      I am glad to know some of the books which are read over and over again. Certainly some of these books have a sense of emotional attachment. Some of these books are written on such a common character of our daily life that these books fit in nicely on one or more aspects of our own life experiences of love, hate, success, achievement, respect and future goals.

      So we feel like completely involved in these books.

      Apart from what is alreay said, I would like to say, The Quran is one of the book which I have read over and over again. I just cant get tired of reading this book. I have read one page may be fifty time in one day and I am reading that page since last couple of months. I still wants to read more and more...


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