If you have ever read a book in its entirety which you reread at a later date, what was the book?
Why did you reread it?
When I was a child - The Magic Faraway Tree (Enid Blyton), The Young Elizabeth (Jean Plaidy). I also read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, both of which I've reread since.
Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Great Expectations also spring to mind; there are perhaps some others too.
I just enjoyed the stories, I guess
The book is Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell. I read it way back when I was in my twenties and travelling around Europe, focusing on Spain and Portugal. It gave me a superb insight into the recent history of Spain through the eyes of an English writer fighting in the Spanish civil war (against the Fascists).
I reread it a few years ago during a holiday in the Spanish Pyrenees. I was staying high up in a beautiful old casa montana in Catalunya and was able to pinpoint towns and villages mentioned in Orwell's very graphic book. This brought home to me the reality of political and military conflict, the specific plight of the Spanish people and their efforts to create a democracy out of the aftermath of the second world war.
A well crafted no nonsense piece of journalistic reportage Homage to Catalonia is Orwell's tribute to the brave people of Spain, and gives frank descriptions of daily life at the 'frontline'.
actually many, most of all because I teach literature and reread them awhile to refresh my memory. Thwe "Strager" by Camus has been read about 10 times, and each time a new thing pops up...but otherwise, there are too many other books to read to want to do this all the time!
I read, "Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours by Jules Verne" for the first time five years ago. And I reread it again two years later.
I reread it because it's one of the books that has captured my interest, since the plot occurs in many countries around the world, it contains many interesting scenes, such as the jungle, the sea, the dessert, and snow. Moreover; some scenes throughout the story occur on board of a ship, which is one of my favorite subjects along with the ocean.
I also reread it once in a while because itÅ› one of the books that helps me develop French classes, so, I choose the scenes that I consider suitable for French language students.
The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Scarlet Letter, among others.
Daddy by Danielle Steele, I don't remember why I read it twice, I must have really liked it. The made for TV movie was a flop.
The Talisman-Stephen King/Peter Straub
This book is awesome, and I have read it several times throughout my adult years. It has classic King atmosphere, yet, there is an adventurous aspect of it that keeps you interested and keeps me coming back for more! It is childlike, and I imagine that King and Straub were trying to reach their inner child when they wrote this story. There is even a sequel that continues the story with the main character as an adult called The Black House. I hear that there is a sequel to The Black House, but I don't know if that is true or not. Either way, this is a Great Story and I recommend it to anyone looking for a wonderful read!
I've been wanting to read this book for a few years, now. Never seem to have any luck when I look for it in a bookstore or library or whatnot. This little comment makes my poor fortunes even worse. Sigh.
The Bible and now I open it when I am moved to do so. At one time we were close friends:-)
Nicholas Montserrat's 'THE CRUEL SEA' pulled me back after a long time. E M Forster's 'HORNBLOWER' series of books got me fixed on Napoleonic stories, and Bernard Cornwell's 'SHARPE' series led me onto his 'HARLEQUIN' trilogy (around the 100 Years War) and thus onto 'THE LAST KINGDOM' and subsequent books about King Aelfred's time. Reading these later books inspired my writing about the early Conquest years in 'RAVENFEAST'.
I have read so many books more than once.I might make a hub of them? Hmm! what a good idea.
One that springs to mind is 'Mort' by Terry Pratchett. Hysterically funny.
Conservatively speaking. I think I must have read it 5 times, back to back.
I have read these books several times each: The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings, Watership Down, and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. All these books have so much interesting detail that I discover something I'd forgotten every time I re-read them. I guess I re-read them every so often because I love them so much.
Also I've re-read Tara Road by Maeve Binchy.
I have read several more than once.
A River Runs Through It. I like McLean's writing. He has a wonderful way with words and telling a story.
War and Peace. Tolstoy makes profound thoughts simply.
Cold Mountain. I like the story.
The Man Who Would Be King. Not a book, but a good read. I've heard it's the best short story ever written.
Those are the ones I can think of at this time. There are others.
'The Man Who Would Be King' was turned into a first-rate film with Sean Connery, Michael Caine (and Christopher Plummer as Rudyard Kipling, then writing for the Times of india). The only time Caine and Connery have worked together before the camera
Most of the books I love I have read more than once, especially the children's classics... But my first really grown up book was Gone with the Wind, it took, me several tries from age 11 on to really get into and through it and I must have read it at least another 5 or 6 times since then and it is one of my all time favorite books. One thing I have noticed when you read a book more than once, you always seem to get a point or two you missed the last round, so it is worth the effort.
"God on a Harley" by Jane Brody.......It's a quick read, but I grab it now and then and read it from front to back, just for the inspiration and positive messages! I must have given at least 12 of these books as gifts. Everyone I've given it to, LOVES it.
Brave New World
Animal Farm
Day of the Triffids
The Kraken wakes
Mona Lisa Overdrive
Count Zero
And on and on, those are just ones I can remember off the top of my head.
Well I didn't re-read them cos they were bad.
How far back shall I go? As a kid, I read "Black Beauty" 18 times (I kept a tally inside the front cover; that's how I remember). I read most books I enjoy more than once; sometimes multiple times.
I've read James Michener's "The Source" twice; I read many biographies more than once when I was growing up, "Maria Mitchell, Girl Astronomer," and "Louisa Alcott" come to mind offhand.
In my adult years, I've read each and every one of the Lilian Jackson Braun "The Cat Who...." series several times each...they are an entertaining light read. (Sadly, there will be no more; Ms. Braun passed away in 2012.)
Also, Arthur Upfield's, "Detective Napoleon Bonaparte" series....
My love of books and my love of keeping them and re-reading them was the main reason I was gifted with a Nook e-reader in Dec. of 2011; book storage was becoming a serious problem. ;-)
I've read the Harry Potter series at least four times, 1984, Gone With the Wind, and A Clockwork Orange a few times each, and Ender's Game probably no less than six times. I usually rereads books if I like the story/character, I feel like I get something new from it each time, and I don't get bored with it despite multiple readings.
BELOVED by Toni Morrison. The first time I read it was in an English class. The second time was to just really enjoy it. The book has such a wonderful feel to it. Now I want to read it again.... I have been wanting to get a tattoo of a tree on my back inspired by this book.
THE HOBBIT - because it is just so much fun. Looks like I am not the only one that thinks so!
Great Question!
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn -
I've read it more times than I can possible remember and will always reread when I can. It's a book that just speaks to me in so many ways and is so powerful. Even though I know it from cover to cover I always discover something new each time I read it.
Of Mice and Men -
Just an unbelievably moving story that keeps me coming back, especially if I need a good cry.
Oh when she gets the flowers on her school desk and they're from her father -- I can't help but cry every time.
I do not usually re-read books. My feeling is that there are so many in the world I haven't read; why read the same one twice? Once in a while I start reading a book that begins to sound familiar, and I realize that I have read it before.
The one book that comes to mind that I have purposely read more than once is the John Steinbeck novel Tortilla Flat. It is so funny and touching and sad. All about Danny and his friends, a group of wine-loving paisanos. In fact it has been quite a few years since I read it, I know I've got a copy around here somewhere.
There are too many to list in an answer, but the main ones are To Kill a Mockingbird, My Family and Other Animals, and The Lord of the Rings.
I see a lot if books here I have read twice or more. The Hobbit, tree grows in Brooklyn, Bible, Mary Poppins, Jsmes Herriot series, Little zhouse In The Prairie, Gone With The Wind, pride & prejudice, to Great Expectations, to name a few. I was a bookworm growing up. If I had time, I would retread them again. (Still read the Bible daily).
What a great question! In my lifetime I cannot remember all the books I have read and reread. My book shelves are filled with my favorites. If I read a book and I don't care for it, I donate it to our library. If I like the book, it stays on my book shelves.
I have quite a collection of the Classics which I will grab for a reread. I often read the Bible for inspiration. I like to just open it up randomly and read.
I reread many books. One of books that I never tire reading is Bhagavata Gita, This HIndu Scripture answers all of my questions.
I also reread books on philosophical and religious ideas,just to have different perspective.
Sometimes I also reread fiction, mostly those that I had read as a boy.
There are so many. Many of the classics I've read more than one. And there are books that I have read multiple times--among the many are Jane Eyre, Mama by Terry McMillan, Vanishing Act by Thomas Perry, God on a Harley by Joan Brody, Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck, Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. If I really listed them all it would fill a couple of pages.
Ummm.... I reread all of my books. Even the textbooks I aquire for fun entertainment purposes. I've read my favorite series so many times, I consider purchasing new ones to replace the poor copies that are almost to the point of falling apart. And I've only had those books for maybe four years! Books were meant to be read, then reread, and read some more.
I often re read Tess of the d'Urbervilles (Thomas Hardy) and always take it with me when I'm travelling. It's like an old friend I can rely on.
I have reread 'The Monk who sold his Ferrari' by 'Robin S. Sharma'. I've read it twice. Wonderful book!
And I would love to reread 'Tuesdays with Morrie' again & again... Just love that book..
I read and re-read the same books fairly often, though the one I enjoy revisiting is Stephen King's It. It's such a dense book, but there's so much about it to enjoy. It seems to cover a couple different literary genres, as well, so I feel satisfied on multiple levels. I suspect when the new movie of It is released (whenever that happens) I'll be going back to the book again.
I have re-read many books, but Little Women probably takes the cake for most read on my list. And it still makes me cry every time!
As a kid, I used to reread my favorite books over and over. The Little House on the Prairie series, Little Women, and A Little Princess are a few I can think of off the top of my head. As an adult, I have reread many of those old favorites. Also, I know I've reread Pride and Prejudice a few times. I recently reread Sidney Sheldon's Rage of Angels, which I first read when I was younger, before I ever went to law school. I remember loving the story and the courtroom scenes then but when I reread it years later, it fell kind of flat.
Jane Eyre, which I reread as I loved it the first time and thought it was so well crafted and ahead of its time.
Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson M.D. (sold more than 26 million copies worldwide in 37 languages - written at the 7th grade reading level)
Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy (more than 450, 000 copies sold and translated into 23 languages - about the 7th - 10th grade reading levels)
My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss published posthumously in 1996 by Alfred A. Knopf. A children's book for all ages. The National Education Association named it as one of its "Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children." Translations - countless. Copies sold - they're still counting
Besides the Bible and various cookbooks, there are a couple of books that I have reread multiple times.
I Dared to Call Him Father by Bilquis Sheikh
Summer of My German Soldier by Bette Greene
Children's books like the original Curious George books, Pickle Chiffon Pie, The Flying Hockey Stick, most of Dr. Seuss, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Series, Homer Price, etc. the list would be far too long.
Mainly because I loved the books or if the book was in a series and I never finished the series:
Tale of Two Cities
Harry Potter
Left Behind Series
Lots of kid books when I read them to my daughters
Ohhh! Try "The Soul Talkers" by Funom Makama. This book will keep you on the edge of your seat from front cover to back cover. The way the story is perfectly crafted into a blend of contemporary campus life, emotional saga, peer antagonism, romance, sports and poetry is simply overwhelming. A second edition just came out and after purchasing it, I found out that the new poems are even better with soul piercing rhymes. Try and grab a copy and post your view here after reading it.
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