The Apostle Paul in the Book of Acts 17 chapter, stood on Mar's Hill and preached a sermon there in Athens to a people that had built alters to man made gods. Then he passed an area and saw an alter with the inscription, "TO THE UNKNOWN GOD." He remarks were to the Greek that build this alter vs. 23b "...Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you." My question to YOU at this point, "if satisfaction had been fulfilled by worshiping the stones made into some sort of images were satisfying, why then was there a need to erect another alter with this inscription TO THE UNKNOWN GOD?" These people were not receiving the fulfillment the Christians receive from our belief and worship of Jesus Christ. True worshipers of Jesus Christ ARE SATISFIED.
This is why unbelievers in Jesus Christ continues to find ways to reaffirm themselves that they are right but have no peace in their hearts that confirm their evolution theories.
In vss.2 29-30 Paul writes "Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of GOD, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. And the times of the IGNORANCE God WINKED AT; BUT NOW COMMANDETH ALL MEN EVERY WHERE TO REPENT:. GOD is no longer winking at the ignorance people are showing through their unbelief in Jesus Christ.
And yet anyone who repent, and accept Jesus Christ as Savior, will be saved from an eternity of continuous death. It is a death that will not die. This earth is not the end. One day there will be a judgment before the throne of the ALMIGHTY GOD. Everyone will stand before HIM and answer to the life we have lived upon this earth.
When you say christians are SATISFIED - you mean self-satisfied.
Ministering to people is about offering them the teaching that is contained in one book, whether I believe in it or your god are irrelevant, but you are plainly booming out your own interpretation of the book - you are SHOUTING OUT YOUR OWN EGO from the ignorance of your self obsession.
66 books, actually!
Why not study it for yourself, so you won't need all of us to interpret it for you?
Maybe you'll understand where we're all coming from.
Actually 80 Books in the 1611 KJV bible until 14 books were removed by the reformed protestant movement in 1885..
Hey DoubleScorpion: Yes you are correct. I had an opportunity to read through the Oxford Bible and that particular copy contained the majority if not all of the original Books.
You mean a whole bundle of manuscript bits.
I have studied it in depth, like many people on here who are not christian, and I see little of real worth in it. As for anyone on here explaining it to me so few seem to have enough education to read it let alone analyse it. The best that most seem to come up with is flat earth theory and the answer to any question is goddunit.
Contrary to the various misinformed and ignorant comments I get - I do not reject the theoretical idea of a god, in the same way that I do not reject many unproven things.
Although I guess the possibilities of a super being who can bang out a universe wanting a bunch of morons to kneel down and worship it is pretty remote.
I often wonder why people who don't believe in God are so angry. The WORD OF GOD can't be analyzed as any other book. Neither is it revealed the those who are unsaved. Therefore it remains a mystery to them.
Just as common sense and science baffles you!
Hey aka-dj: The question wasn't presented because I haven't studied "the Bible," the question was presented to get people to think more seriously about their life with God. Someday this life will end and there will be a judgment.
Hey China Man: Not sure what you believe however judging from your comments you do not believe in the "BIBLE." After Apostle Paul had an experience with Jesus on his way to kill Christians, he became "born again." Although he had been a devout student of the Old Testament and was considered a highly intelligent man, he lacked knowledge in the Dispensation of Grace which Jesus ushered in with His death, burial and resurrection. This forum isn't about one book, it is about all the others things that people have made gods of that are merely images which have no power or authority. This is about people who haven't been fulfilled from replacing Jehovah God with some of image.
And also, many DO "know what they do" these days. There seem to be very few who haven't heard the Word. REPENT is the key word.
Hey Brenda Durham: Yes, you are correct. REPENT, is the key word. Believing God's Word is a choice. Thank God, we have chosen to believe HIM! Be Blessed.
The teachings of Paul....Interesting....Where is the teachings of Jesus? Jesus taught the path to the kindom of god...nothing about churches...Paul taught how to be a proper church...And about the gold and silver....well Paul sure asked for alot of "support" from the churches...and pitted them agaisnt each other as to who gave the most willingly
Hey DoubleScorpion: The teaching of Jesus as recorded in the 4 Gospels are concerned with "repenting for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Jesus is the Door to the Kingdom of Heaven. He was the final and perfect sacrifice for the sin of mankind. Paul was called by Jesus to setup the meeting places for Christians. This was to get the Church organized so that the work of the Ministry to go forth. When Jesus returns to earth, it will be to setup His Kingdom here for 1000 years. A lot must take place before that happens. Local Churches are places where God can be worshiped, Christians can receive teaching and learn the ways of God. This is where we fellowship and encourage as well as comfort each other. The strength of believers is obtainable from brotherly love and fellowship.
And for picketing at the funerals of people they disagree with. Don't forget that!
The stone to the unknown god was probably an insurance plan. The people of Athens, like humanity today, had lots of gods. Back then they were called Zeus, Apollo, Athena, etc., today the names are different, God, Jesus, Allah, Ganesh, etc., but the effect is the same. We humans still have a sky full of gods and spirits, so many, with so many different stories and histories, that it is impossible for a thinking, reasonable human to use his or her brain to know for sure which is which. They all "feel right in your heart" if you commit to one of them, so we can't go on the "evidence of our hearts" because every single religion offers the same thing there too. So what is left to do?
A cautious person will try not to disrespect any of these gods, since we can't know which one is real, if any are, and, a stone altar that pays tribute to an unknown god is simply an act of spiritual prudence. It basically says:
"Dear god or gods that we might have missed,
We don't disrespect you. We are dumb, humble people and admit we have no clue what is really going on in the universe, so, please don't smite us because we didn't get it right with all the gods we currently worship. We change gods every so often, so, until we figure out who you are, here's a stone altar to show we respect you, whoever you are."
Hey Shadesbreath: I love the fact that you are calm and yes I most definitely see your point. I believe that what I love so about the God I worship is how He introduces Himself in Genesis 1:1. He said, "In the beginning God..." I am writing a Book in those very Words. What amazes me so about Him is that He is so thorough, He explained detailed by detailed what He did and how. I am so very sold out in my belief in Him.
Thank you for your comments.
interesting... the OP said that previously god winked at ignorance and jesus said the laws are written in the hearts of all men. If you choose to disbelieve that jesus is a good representative of a god that is so strongly linked to the OT history of the hebrew people; then this is the ignorance that God winked at but no longer is winking.
For anyone to say "oh there are so many paths and religions i do not know which one to take" is being ignorant and its a wilfull ignorance. Everyone knows to do good, this is written on all hearts. Everyone realises that God, if he exists will honor a sincerity to find him. Since God exists this means that people can find him but they need to search him out and even open a dialogue with him.
This is not being wilfully ignorant.
Its nice to believe that we all have a life to live and free will and we all want to do what we want but often our own paths lead to demise and death, destruction. This is ignorance too... to believe that we do not need instruction about the afterlife, since no one can find it by themselves they need a mentor.
If one is seeking God.. or the afterlife.. seek the one who knows about both... jesus.
The facts are obvious to those who have already done this seeking thing.
God is saving me from a continuous death in Hell that HE CREATED and operates, in order to avoid this hell I must obey his every word and believe in Jesus. Kinda like a guy holding a gun to your head telling you you must obey every word he says and believe in goblins.
If you consider that as you walk toward an open bottomless pit your Friends are just waving at you, with smiles and saying "have a nice trip" then you are correct BUT if God is preventing your arrival in hell by instructing you how to avoid the pit you walk toward, then He is truly your friend and a nice dude.
Atheists have such negative and horrible viewpoints that they try to manage their lives by.
Tell that to the babies, both born and unborn, that god murdered during the flood. Not to mention all of the animals (including the dinosaurs if you are a creationist) which were cruelly drowned in the same event. I suppose god was surprised at how his first creation turned out, huh?
Strange, I thought he knew everything. Unborn innocent babies, murdered before they had a chance to be born. Wait a minute, that sounds like abortion and that is a sin christians are against, isn't it? What a load! LOL!
Um, didn't God create hell?
Hi there. I planted a landmine but if you beg me and love me and tell me that you are unworthy, I will steer you away from it. If not, well, you are on your own.
Nice? Friend? Sorry, but I don't see that.
Betty, the drivel you post about your imaginary invisible friend as well as highlighting your ignorance about evolution, (as well as the terminal lack of the ability to think-at least on this subject) does not show Xians in a good light.
Please educate yourself and realize your particular stone and bronze age superstition is no different than the other older ones you ignore.
I find it highly amusing (as well as sad) many Xians give conflicting assertions of what the 'God Sock puppet' wants or expect.
Based on your stolen 'Holy Writ', as well as the ramifications and repercussions of claimed position and attributes-everything is proceeding according to the 'Divine Plan'. No other path is possible.
If 'God' no longer 'winks at ignorance' then every Xian is screwed. That's your problem.
If I understand your post correctly. Perhaps those who were worshipping stones were not satisfied because they had the realization that the stones they were worshipping were not the God they knew.
You cannot know God through stones or idols etc etc. You can know God through you. So perhaps they were making a point. The unknown God was perhaps then representing that which is in you and not that which is in a stone.
Yet in a sense it is in a stone but knowledge or awareness of God cannot be sensed through a stone easily.
When we know God in us we are no longer experiencing continuous death or ignorance to the extremes.
Hey pennyofheaven: I enjoyed your interpretation. Dissatisfaction will cause one to continue to look or (seek) for something else. Although the Greek had other forms of gods that they worshiped, yet the fulfillment was yet missing. Why would anyone worship a stone with the name "to the unknown god?" True worship results are spiritual satisfaction and there is such a peace that also accompanies this experience until it can't really be described. I suppose just in case the all the other gods failed, they would they pray or worship the "unknown god." Thanks for your comments.
Yes, sadly that seeking has resulted in searching for something outside ourselves. Whilst the structures they erect are meant to be symbols of remembering unfortunately some have taken it to an extreme.
God has never winked at ignorance. Nor has there been any tolerance of flagrant idol worship. The bottom line is He has allowed us to make our mistakes in order for us to see where they led. We as a people learn little when simply told something is wrong or erroneous. By allowing us to follow through our siful activity, we summarily learn and see for ourselves that it ultimately leads us to the pit. Once there, the onus is on us to either stay there or to go before God recognizing fully our indiscretion(s) and plead for mercy and guidance should we really want deliverance from where we put ourselves. Faith, prayer, obedience to God's Word and praise. The building blocks of deliverance. Can America return to God? Can you? Can anyone? The answer is a pronounced 'yes' though once again it is on us to make the moves.
Hey Unchained Grace: You stated that God has never winked at ignorance. According to Acts 17:29-30, Apostle Paul was informing the Greek that God no longer WINKS at ignorance. I believe Apostle Paul was referring to the fact that God has made available His existence and where He once know it was due to a lack of knowledge, this excuse can no longer be used. If you have a Bible go and read it.
God is known to many. The real question is are we known to Him and if so, what do you suppose He thinks?
He probably thinks we're as silly as two dogs arguing over the importance of rice in thier diets. He's way too far above us to understand.
Very true which is exactly why the question was asked in the first place. We do tend to get wrapped up in trivialities and spiritually inconsequential doctrine and dogma which ultimately leads to confusion and since God is NOT the author of confusion we know where the other mess leads.
Why is that a question. If you talk to God surely God knows who you are. Even if you don't
Not necessarily. He knows your identity for sure. But what have you done or been to make Him know you to trust you? Many claim they trust God, but that's only until a trial hits or your change is strange and your money gets funny. Does He trust you? What have you really shown him? Praise? Worship? Prayer? Obedience?
You are correct in that if you speak to Him He knows who you are. Ever been in a large crowd and have someone call your name? Now, will you respond if that person is intimately known to you as opposed to a voice belonging to one who isn't? Ya gotta take the whole thing to a spiritual level not a natural one.
I agree we need to take the whole thing to a spiritual level.
What has God trusting you have to do with anything? Not sure I am understanding what you are saying? If God sees all.... what is there God doesn't know? Trusting God on the other hand would depend on your understanding of God and Gods function. If in your understanding you make God this or that, that is a limited version. You are trusting something other than what is pure God.
The questions one might ask oneself is, what are you praising. what are you worshiping, what are you obeying, if your'e understanding of God is a limited version?
It's very simple. Think back to the transition of the vision Moses handed down to Joshua. A vision that was first given to Moses by God concerning the Hebrew slaves in Egypt. It was about deliverance and the exodus to the Promised Land. As you know, Moses disobeyed God in a few areas and so was not allowed to continue through to the Promised Land. Let us review:
God expected obedience. In the end, He found Moses disobedient and therefore untrustworthy. Hence, the punishment. It was why, ultimately Joshua made the journey and was entrusted with getting the Ark of the Covenant up to and across the River Jordan. He showed God the obedience and therefore manifested the trust God put in him to get it done.
I can tell you, from direct experience, that not everyone receives a similar vision. It is in accordance to the trust factor. Would he make you steward of church funds or resources necessary to complete a vision if you were not trustworthy? Joshua embodied the warrior spirit. The willingness and ability to make the right decision. Read Joshua 24:15. Which God will you choose? What false idol will you ultimately praise and worship?
One does not limit God in any way. Moses, Abraham, Elijah, Joshua and many more knew the God they praised and obeyed. They had the faith to step out on faith. How far will you really go for God? If a vision requires resourcefullness with strong leadership skills, not everyone qualifies nor can they be deemed trustworthy to obey God as to HIS idea of a successful completion.
Don't make it your Ishmael. Going outside and beyond what God has planned will render unsuccessful and unsatisfactory results. I need to be careful here not to go offtopic, so know this: you asked what God trusting you has to do with anything?
Read your Bible. It was no mistake nor coincidence that certain prophets were given certain visions with the expectations that they would be carried out in accordance with God's Will. It is why John was given the revelations while in Exile on Patmos. It was why Ezekiel was transported in the spirit to the Valley of Dry Bones. It is why Elijah stood seemingly alone on Mount Carmel. That is what trust has to do with it. Do the research.
This disobedience of Moses demonstrates well the point I was making. When one is limited in their understanding of God, one might take the God inspired message too literally, which is common. The deliverance into the promised land is an internal journey, not an external journey as it was perceived by Moses. The deliverance is pointing to the deliverance from darkness or unawareness of that which exists within you. That which lights the way and is aware of our true existence (the promised land)
I understand what you say when you say everyone does not receive similar vision. Many who perceive God do not receive the same vision as it is subject to ones perception. Our perceptions are more often that not tainted by our cultural upbringing and experiences. The trusting that you are pointing to then would be dependent on our ability to look past our perceptions.
Many wars have started because of misinterpretations due to ones perception. A vision requires purity of mind and heart. If our perceptions play a part of that vision it is highly likely it is not pure. Those who honestly have purity of mind and heart will not receive visions that are dual in nature. Amongst other things, killing would not be an option. judgement would not be either.
When one knows or more to the point experiences God, faith is not required. Faith is only required for an intellectually understanding not an experiential understanding. Kinda like when you breathe. You don’t need faith to breathe, you experience breath. Therefore faith that breath exists is not required.
Hey Pennyofheaven: That was well explained. Can't are able to explain through science how a breathe is taken but what we can't explain the power that is in the Breathe of God. And you know what, I am so glad much about Him can't be explained, but rather it just have to be believed. "But without faith it is impossible to please Him; for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Hebrews 11:6.
Beautiful comment Penny!
In 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, Paul wrote: “As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church”
But that doesn't mean the ladies on these threads. They don't recognize this scripture as being "inspired by God," apparently.
Funny how people like to zero in on one or two passages without taking the rest of Scripture in context.
Previous passages (and also other Books in the Bible, such as Timothy) illustrate the points Paul was trying to make. And it wasn't that women shouldn't have input and even prophesy in church; the point was that God is not the author of confusion, and that there was an appropriate time for all of them to discuss things, and there was an appropriate procedure for even speaking in church and even speaking in tongues (men and women).
And in verses 36-40, Paul sarcastically scolds them for NOT understanding this.
It's even possible that verse 34 (so often used as a tool to deny women free speech in church) is spoken sarcastically by Paul! And/or is an admonishment to the men to know and be able to explain Scriptures better so that the women don't have to ask questions.
What? came the word of God out from you, or came it unto you only?
I'd give the benefit of the doubt, but since the rest of the scripture seems to think of women as property of their husbands and of no real value, the context seems pretty correct.
Yes, why zero in on one or two when there are so many?
"For if a woman will not veil herself, she should cut off her hair; but if it disgraceful for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her wear a veil" 1 Corinthians 11:6
"Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men; she is to keep silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor." Timothy 2:11
"For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman but woman for man." 1 Corinthians, 11:8
"In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array" 1 Timothy 2:9
1 Timothy 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
but wait, it gets better
"Slaves, be obedient to those who are your earthly masters, with fear and trembling, in singleness of heart, as to Christ...." Ephesians 6:5
"Let all who are under the yoke slavery regard their masters as worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be defamed. Those who have believing masters must not be disrespectful on the ground that they are brethren; rather they must serve all the better since those that benefit by their service are believers and beloved." 1 Timothy 6:1
"Bid slaves to be submissive to their masters and to give satisfaction in every respect..." Titus 2:9
"When you go out to war against your enemies and the LORD, your God, delivers them into your hand, so that you take captives, if you see a comely woman among the captives and become so enamored of her that you wish to have her as wife, you may take her home to your house. But before she may live there, she must shave her head and pare her nails and lay aside her captive's garb. After she has mourned her father and mother for a full month, you may have relations with her, and you shall be her husband and she shall be your wife. However, if later on you lose your liking for her, you shall give her her freedom, if she wishes it; but you shall not sell her or enslave her, since she was married to you under compulsion." Deuteronomy 21:10-14
If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her. Deuteronomy 22:28-29
If within the city a man comes upon a maiden who is betrothed, and has relations with her, you shall bring them both out of the gate of the city and there stone them to death: the girl because she did not cry out for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbors wife. Deuteronomy 22:23-24
1 Timothy 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
Well I could keep going but am getting bored of all the evil and hate
Two trails to follow through the bible. One Light, one Dark. Why do you focus on the negative aspect? Those who were deceived so that they might deceive, in order to separate wheat from chaff? Your reality is a duo-reality, and the continuity of the bible is what evidences that in the philosophies which one embraces. If you look for darkness, then what you find is what you were seeking to find. Look for a bummer, you'll find a bummer. What a concept!
I say what I see, that is all. I see the bible as hypocritical tripe at best, at worst the tool of evil. I do not believe in the bible, or the torah, or the koran, or any other religious book proclaiming itself to be the word of god. I do not find God in religious books, I find God in the deeds of people. So sure, I look at the book and see a sick twisted tool of evil, I look at the deeds of people and see the glory of the Divine. I look at people void of good deeds who proclaim the bible as holy and themselves as worthy to represent God and I see what Devil might exist in this world.
You do not find God in the deeds of the people lol. You choose to say that because you want to back up some silly assertion that your claim is right. There is good in some people, probably because they know of God or perhaps just like to do good which is fair enough but to think that acts of good declare God is off base indeed.
As far as a tool of evil.... okay... since the book is inert and will sit on a shelf gathering dust YOU must be referring to the people who USE The book as a tool. The book is guiltless of offense because people use it incorrectly and for that and on all christians parts and on Gods behalf WE are truly sorry that dispicable people want to warp the goodness of Gods great truth and do damage. It is a shame but this doesnt mean we should wipe out the bible because whatever is next good or some other good or whatever philosophy replaces the bible will become warped also, this is corrupt mans human nature and it seemeth good in their eyes.
The people you see void of good deeds... hmmm i wonder are they altogether not good, in prison? or leading armies as generals? pimps? and yet you say they proclaim the word of God.. interesting.. i can only say that this brief statement leaves many unanswered questions and is far to brief to be solidified in stone so to speak. I do not know how you are judging these people or what examples you have.
Your post is an interesting read but i give it a 1 out of ten for lack of supporting statements and clarity.
Not to mention she is an inferior female and HER opinion could not possibly be worth as much as your 1.1. I hope you aren't serious. Are you?
Then there is that little known trail that doesn't judge the bible as either this or that (good or bad) but is able to realize to a greater or lesser degree (depends) of "what is". A beyond duality mind you might call it.
The spiritual essence (or what is eternal if you like) having a human experience that struggles with what "appears" to be separate. Duality is born from this belief that we are separate.
The parameters of our perception will always determine which trail we are on for the moment.
Look for BS and the bible is full of it. LOL!
I have heard this many times about bs in the bible and i have yet to find any. If you can come up something that you think will stump me please email me with your find and i will correct your misguided bs.
I agree that this faction or that faction has used something which was obviously a very powerful tool in the wrong hands, and that charlatans and false teachers have continued to use it to fill their own pockets. Why is it a powerful tool? You all seem to think it has no power, yet everything you say proves that it was, is, and in all liklihood, will continue to be a powerful tool, not just in the wrong hands, but also in the right hands. It is a material thing, and we've been told that ALL material things will pass away, but the way you act, you are no better than any other book burning fascist.
I care not that people read any of the many bibles. No more than Lord of the Rings. It's when they start telling me it's real is when I speak up with my own opinion. Are you saying I do not have a right to mine?
You want to tear down something which evidently isn't to your liking. What do you care if someone insists that the easter bunny exists, does thinking about it cause you night terrors? What do you care if someone insists aliens abduct human beings? I don't see many gun totin christians forcing your family into church. They are like mosquitoes. Bothersome, enough will make you sick, but totally avoidable. I see no mighty christian armies assailing the bastions of your neighborhoods, drunk on the blood of pagan babies. Get over it, ignore them. Eventually, they might go away, but if you persecute them it only increases their ranks...historically speaking, of course.
So you approved when Jim Jones talked his group of religious fanatics into committing suicide and giving their kids poison Kool-aid to drink because they followed the bible?
Do you wonder if the families and relatives of those dead children wished they had talked more against such moronic bible teaching? I bet they do. But you think these type bible followers are harmless I suppose. Just let them do whatever in the name of their god, eh?
Not me! Children should be protected from such delusion, I feel. But you apparently do not think so! What do you think about old men marrying 12 and 13 year old girls? Or people being stoned to death for minor biblical transgressions? Okay with you? If so, I can see why you feel the way you do about the novel.
Thank you for taking the time to post those. Yep, those are some that stood out to me when I read the bible (yes, I read it -old and new testament - twice over several years). I couln't believe all that was in there after only getting the whitewashed, sugar-coated versions from churches. I really feel bad for the young ladies who were raped by, and then forced to marry their rapists.
Obviously, everyone can believe whatever they want, but posting here with the intention of preaching is very likely to elicit some dissenting opinions and interpretation of "context".
How about them Thar slave maidens of the very rotten founding fathers. Why Tommy Jeff himself with all them chillun. And how about old Honest abe, freein' all them thar slaves... and subjugating the native tribes, killing old men, babies, killing women, oh yes, and raping them just for good measure. You think that bible is full o' blood and sex? Maybe we should burn down thw U.S.A. and build something better. Same logic. What American History exempt from your indignation? You still posess stolen property. You don't care about anything but your myopic view and historical revisionism. America makes the "final solution " look like an amateur's game. GAGGGGGG. What Delusions you all have. Oh, we're so perfect, so we get to throw stones! Glass houses
If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her. Deuteronomy 22:28-29
This occured because to these people the hymen was valued as was virginity. Once that was broken the woman was unmarriable, so the man was forced to marry the woman whose virginity he had taken. If you think this unfair punishment perhaps you should talk to the family of the young woman, whom i am sure made the man tow the line and do the right thing.
if you want to compare this scripture to our laxidaisical ways in North America, please do not bother, this is like A to Z in difference.
Before we go talking about hate, let us remember, different people, thousands of years ago a different time, different laws and rules and governance, attitudes and perceptions - abound.
Ah, so the bible scripture doesn't apply now? Did Jr. change these laws? I would love to read his take on it, so please give me chapter and verse where this happens. Unless you want to admit this is just your "interpretation."
Brenda, I must concur with you. When one reads Revelation and in many other areas, God Himself commanded the gospel be spread by all. He never created the man/women division thing. That was man's doing or rather undoing, if you will.
Manmade doctrine has historically used the scripture mentioned above to disallow women from prophesys, teaching or ministering much less preaching. The scripture was pulled way out of context and used as supporting scripture to support man's agenda which of course was erroneous from the beginning. It is also why Paul himself spoke vehemently against division in the church. Would not the seperation of men and women equate to division in the Body of Christ?
I can tell you from direct experience that women in the ministry are absolutely essential. Women are just as much part of the Body of Christ and any one who trells you otherwise is hung up on the preconceived agenda and not scriptural facts.
Although this is a wonderful notion. A notion it is. I have noticed that God did not change the relationship between woman and man. There is no scripture that says... treat a woman exactly as you would a man, give her all the rights etc... from genesis we have the woman being subservient unto the man and God never changes.
Perhaps the nation at that time or in present time have gone to far as indeed seems to be their habit... the 600 laws of the pharisees = the ten commandments.. for example.
But God never changed their attitude and so it must stand as unchanged.
You are right that women must not prophesy or usurp a mans position. As help mates go they are unreplaceable for help mates as they were created to be and help mates they must remain.
Yes we have a new dispensation with Christ but if womens roles were changed and their to be a new doctrine about such matters it would be clearly printed in the word, without doubt being that it would have to be of tantamount importance.
but things have stayed the same.
There are no women prophets in the bible... the original word is referred to as worship leader. God uses man, as he did adam in the beginning and God uses males today.
Sorry helpmates but there is no clear cut doctrine about your full operation in the operations of God. Husbands love your wives and wives obey your husbands does not sound like the wife will be preaching while the husband sits in the pew.
Be not angry about this because he who teaches and is wrong is deeply in trouble and behind every great man there is indeed a woman. I respect you all dearly and wish you all spiritual knowledge in christ jesus but do not put womans equal rights into the bible where it is not previously written. Teach me some things and edify me and enjoy a hubpages ministry but in the church... nopers.
So if it doesn't exist in the bible for you. It is not what God wants? What does it mean now woman are no longer subservient?
Cool! A chauvinistic, charismatic, christian, character! LOLOL!
Goat herders, they knew everything!
Prophesy has ended in the NT church. There is none. the word of exhortation is paramount and prevalent but to prophesy... no. Prophesy ended with the OT and revelations has nailed the coffin lid shut on that.
We need to not think that when God says in pentecostal church for instance that he is working in his people and that ye are all in me and i will cleanse you (whatever words you want to use) that this is prophesy. It is not. If you want to know what prophesy is look to the OT prophets. That is prophesy.
What we have are: the words of exhortation, wisdom and knowledge. They are listed in the gifts but apostleship and prophesy are the foundation that is laid - past tense.
If you are talking to me - then I vehemently oppose the spreading of any religious desease. Especially to China as the people are generally level headed, moderate and spiritual with well balanced moral values - unlike the looney, violent, religious fools with two faced morals that are trying to spread their desease.
hey i was talking to op...since the title was is god still unknown to you?...i thought may be now this person would introduce what he thinks is god ...coming to religion ...well i too am against religion...i am fine as long as person keeps his/her believe to himself/herself...
If the chinese people are moderate and level headed why do they wear animal head gear and worship everything as a living spirit? or why do they ban religion at all? Since the level headed would opt out from religion where is the problem? It seems to me the only ones (once again) causing the troubles are the ones banning the religions since obviously by your statement china man, no one would attend.
Because religion spreads hatred and discord. Yours threatens people with eternal suffering unless they think like you. I don't know which would be worse.
Sorry, that's not true. I do know!
Religion is designed to share love, compassion, hope, healing, peace, joy, and salvation. It is not bitter or ungrateful to God for giving us life.
Hey Randy:
Sorry I am late answering your response. I shared my belief because I love people. Suppose I am right. At least I tried. No one is every forced to believe because it is a personal decision. Just suppose it is an eternity. If one person is helped. This forum would have been worth it.
Be Blessed...
No need to attack each other. There are extremists on both sides that will swear and risk their lives for their beliefs. Why not allow each other to believe in what you want to believe in so everyone can live a happy life. Instead of trying to convince others about how your way or their way is right.
Just one man's opinion though. Which will be torn apart by the extremists on this page. No biggie I will live my life with open arms to anyone and everyone with the love of my heart not of a written gods.
Religion is a choice that many make so they have something they can believe in to ease their minds about afterlife. As a non-believer I do not attack or try to undermine any kind or sort of religion. What you want to believe in is your own personal choice. Although, when Christians try converting people in order to raise money than the pastors and owners of the church take the money and abandon the building makes you wonder. (Happened in a community near mine). The fact is that the Bible was written a long time ago about a god that many believed was THE GOD. But that gives no one the right to discredit the hundreds of other religions that were created after or before Christianity for that is their own human beings right to believe in what they want to believe. The bible is just another writing that no one knows who could have written it. It could have been an early Shakespeare who was an early story teller. Than the stories eventually got passed down to become a religion. There are morals in the bible that I believe or honest and truthful to the human kind but you can not take the book so seriously.
You are so right. We all have freedom of religion. I am expressing mind. I have that right. Not only do I take the Bible serious and even though I mess up every day of my life, I am thankful that I have a heavenly Father who forgive me and allow me to be restored by to Him through the Blood of Jesus Christ.
I appreciate your comments. You have a compassionate heart.
Be Blessed....
God no longer winks at ignorance - is god still unknown to you?
The Creator-God is All-Knowing; so ignorance is from the devil; hence the believers pray:
[20:115] Exalted then is Allah, the True King! And be not impatient for the Qur’an ere its revelation is completed unto thee, but only say, ‘O my Lord, increase me in knowledge.’
[20:116] And verily, We had made a covenant with Adam beforehand, but he forgot, and We found in him no determination to disobey. … ;verse=114
Hey paarsurrey: Thank you for your response. God is love and the bottom line is that He wants all mankind to know that we are loved by Him.
Be Blessed....
May the Creator-God Allah YHWH bless you too!
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