I posted a number of hubs the other day, which all started out at a relatively low score as they usually do--somewhere in the 40s and 50s. I saw my score drop a point or two, which I would normally see. Since then, the hubs have been steadily rising into the 60s, 70s, and 80s, which is also normal for me. At the same time, I have been watching long standing hubs, with higher scores of the upper 80s and lower 90s steadily drop into the low 80s. I usually see a little fluctuation with these hubs, but not that much. I have also watched as my overall Hubber score seems to spiral ever-downward.
I've regularly had a score in the low and mid-90s. Even after not logging on or doing anything for weeks--even months--at a time. Each day, I've lost one or more points from the Hubber score.
What would cause my hubs, which have regularly been doing well to suddenly start falling lower than ever before?
What would cause my hubber score to continually drop? I think it's related to the first question, but I can't be totally sure, especially since there's rumor of it being based on the overall average of hub scores and these other ones that started out low are rising in score.
Hello Cameron and welcome back to Hubpages. I read your profile and it's interesting.
I don't have much in the way of an answer to your question except that I've seen it written on here that no one quite understands the algorithym Hubpages uses regarding author score. (I don't even know how to spell the word.) One point, I think, however is that a tiny part of it is moderation. I find only about an hour a day -- sometimes a half hour here and a half hour later -- to drop in to this lovely meeting place and read some hubs and comment if I feel attuned to whatever I have just read -- and not comment if I don't. I could be wrong -- but I think that's a tiny fraction of the puzzle.
That makes sense, and I have to agree with you. The hubs I posted recently were en masse, and it was really a test. Mind you, I let it sit for a few days, and I'm seeing the activity continue after the fact, so it's curious. Today, I am sick, so I'm sitting here half brain dead, going through and looking at HubPages since I put all other work on hold while I recover.
Hope you feeling better soon I can relate with your consternation. My traffic goes up but scores go down maybe its the $$ end not doin great? idk, just guessing
This could be true, but I used to have absolutely nothing coming in. Then, maybe a penny or two, and the stats were higher then. There's something strange going on, I know. Maybe I'm in some sort of HubPage sandbox.
Falling traffic to hubs is the first thing that comes to mind. Absent good traffic, you may need a high activity level on the site to maintain a high author score. The hub scores you describe are decent, but may also reflect rather little traffic.
I find that the more Google traffic I get the lower my scores get but they usually go back up. My best hub fluctuates between 78 and 85. It does not get any HP traffic so it doesn't have a high score.
The more HP or in-house traffic your hubs get the higher the scores are. Some high scoring hubs do not get much traffic at all. So the thing to watch is the traffic and decide which one is more important, HP traffic or search engine traffic.
As far as your author score is concerned I wouldn't worry about that so much so long as it stays above 75. Just participate in the community by hopping, answering questions and contributing to the forums and it should go back up.
I hope that helps.
Now the traffic sources does seem to make a bit of sense.
as said before, the more hubs posted at once,the worse the traffic and scores...I don't know why but it seems to be true.
Be patient as many of us are experiencing low traffic lately.
Well, in this case, it may be a little bit of sandbox effect. I'm seeing a number of articles I had indexed on Google before now do not appear to be indexed. Seeing what's up with that is going to give me a bit of a headache and by the time I do, it'll probably straighten itself out, but I do love a good mystery.
Since one of the factors that determines your Hubber Score is the scores of your individual Hubs, of course it will go down if you publish a heap of Hubs all at once - because you suddenly have a bunch of low-scoring Hubs to add to the sum.
Where does one find the amount of HP traffic we get has an effect on the scores, Cardisa? I see nothing to indicate this has a noticeable bearing on hub scores, but feel free to point me to your source for this claim as I would be interested to see this for my own curiosity.
Randy if you noticed I made my point in reference to my own scores. I even pointed out one of my hubs as reference.
I have 169 hubs and the ones in the upper 80s get more HP traffic. The ones that do better with outside traffic are below 85. I have also noticed that when my hubs go over 90 they traffic is usually low and as soon as the traffic picks up the score falls.
In other words, the hub and hubber scores are inversely proportional to the hub traffic. I agree with you, Cardisa.
Dare call that an oversimplification. Or should we just say: Plain wrong?
Maybe that's the exact reason why we have not been able to figure out this thing because every hubber's scores are different. I am just stating my observations about my hubs scores, how can that be wrong? You are not privy to my traffic and scores.
If you don't believe me let me give you an example:
The hub that gets me 2500+ views per month is now at 79. Only 19 of those views for the last 30 days are from HP.
My hub with the highest score 91, has brought me 189 views in the last 30 days, 84 of which are HP traffic.
My second highest hub 90, has 302 views for the last 30 days of which only 11 views are from outside traffic.
There I have revealed my source for my assumptions. What I have stated is based on my own observations about my own scores and traffic.
I was not addressing you, nor was I speaking about you. I never said that you were wrong, nor did I think you were wrong. I found your observations noteworthy.
However, what Lorenmurcia is concluding as a general observation just isn't true. Hubbers with high scores frequently have sustained external traffic, and little else.
HI WE, look guys I started on HP with an author score of 30 it took me nearly a year just to make 70, since then I have made it into the late 80s and early 90s I have never had 100, but I dont let it bother me,
As far as the hubs are concerned my highest hub is 89 and that has taken ages, but remember traffic has suffered over the past, with all that Panda business and hub thieves suff. And its February guys so your still in the dead months. Give it time and things will work out but patience is needed. Remember it took me a year to make 70 and that was before all this panda business.....
Just be patient and it will work out
Sorry WE, I saw the "wrong" beneath my comment and thought I needed to clarify, especially since Randy asked for a reference. I am in no way saying that is the general rule.
Again I misunderstand you. Maybe I like you too much!
You see, this is why it's not a good idea to assume things from one's own experience here. 2 out of the top 3 hubs in my stats right now are among my most trafficked with 59,000+ and 46,000+ views each.
My other, almost as high trafficked hubs, are all near the top of my hub scores. Just the opposite of what yours apparently are. This is why there's so much confusion as to what makes scores what they are here.
Rightly agreed. As I also said earlier every hubber's scores vary.
Hi Cardisa Lord de cross wrote a brilliant hub about the hub score and I recommend it as it gives a great insight
http://lorddecross.hubpages.com/hub/Dec … ages-Score
Calpol I read it too but I think the data is a bit obsolete because I do believe that HP has changed something (just assuming this) since I have been here and we are not privy to those numbers or calculations. Two people can be doing the exact same things here on HP and have totally different author scores.
I reached 100 author score with less than 20 hubs in 4 months. I've never received sustained traffic, other than what I generated myself through social networks (I've since stopped that practice).
I believe my best hub score ever was about 85. It's my belief (for my account, anyway) that if I received sustained organic traffic that my hubscores would go higher.
I can get my hub scores to rise a little by publishing another hub. That's it, though, since I don't get much organic traffic, and driving traffic to my hubs doesn't make their score rise.
So here it’s clear you are talking about your own stats.
This is a completely different matter. It’s stated as though it’s a fact, and IMO plenty of novices will take this as truth, especially since you “wear the elite badge”. I saw it as conjecture, not an accurate generalization, and I’m guessing that at least some veteran hubbers saw the same.
I’ve observed you for a long time now, and I noticed in your earliest days that you liked to jump in and offer advice, when perhaps you didn’t really know enough about the topic. Believe me, I have some understanding of where you’re coming from. I’m sure I’m been called something on the order of a wannabe “know it all” more than once or twice. I think you genuinely enjoy helping people, but I advise restraint. And I particularly caution you about inferred expert status. When I was on the HubMob team, and carried this designation, I felt an added responsibility to be extremely mindful of what I said. For me I was representing HP, at least to an extent, so I often exercised restraint.
RM, I would never attack you and I think you are right. I did state that I was talking about my own hubs. I think I point I was trying to make is that every one seems to have different result and I also stated that I am not suggesting my result as a general rule.
Maybe you are right, maybe I am trying too hard. So I think staying away from the forums is better for me.
Thanks to all of you for your patience and support.
Not at all, Cardisa. You're a great encourager and you are developing a solid knowledge base. The difficulty is making a distinction between what you know for sure, and what you're still learning - and then making sure you're clear about the difference when you post a reply. I still have the same difficulty sometimes!
Thanks Marisa. I was going to stay away but a couple of great friends here encouraged me. RM is right, I need to restrain myself or as Randy says, I might give the wrong information. I also need to be careful of posting my own personal experiences lest newbies think it goes for everyone.
I missed you Marisa!
I read this post, in its entirety, as Cardisa's attempt to advise the OP on what his problem might be - based upon her own experiences. I took it that she was trying to help the OP, not attempting to educate all of us about how things are in general. That was why I did not object to it, since the OP is at a loss to explain what has happened to him.
Interestingly, I don't get much external traffic either, and my highest ranking hubs get internal traffic almost exclusively. So my own experiences do not really deviate from what Cardisa is saying. I am well aware that no generalization should be made out of this.
WE, not to sidetrack you or anything but have you noticed that new posts are showing up while you are still in the forum. I used to have to leave and come back to see new posts or thread. Wow that's great.
Thanks, WE. That's exactly what I was doing.
I have said it before and I'll say it again....
My highest traffic, highest paying Hubs are 70s and 80s.
My 90s hardly get any traffic.
Design and write for the readers, not HP.
Regarding Cardisa's aboitit getting a lower score when her Google traffic increases - I am assuming part of the profile score is based on the ratio of Up votes your hubs get per the number of visits. However, if you're drawing in Google traffic (which I assume HP wants), many of these readers may not be familiar with the voting buttons. So they might read and move on. This doesn't mean the writing isn't good, or the hub isn't well-written. But if the algorhythym factors in the votes, and if we get outside traffic from readers not familiar with the site (and the voting), then writers' scores can be artificially degraded.
This is all a big IF - since none of us know how the mystery number is calculated.
Oh, sheesh - pleas tell me to stop posting comments on a mobile device. That's supposed to say, 'Cardisa's comment about.'
Sorry, guys.
It seems counter-intuitive that HubPages would set the system up to penalize exactly the kind of behavior that it wants. HubPages has all the statistics at its disposal, and presumably will set the algorithm to generally support the behavior it likes to see.
Cardisa, you have made valuable contributions to this forum. Hopefully, you'll not be deterred. I, for one, should like to see you continue.
I agree, dont go I will miss you too
As writers we get a lot of people who try to knock us down, but we get back up again and we do not let them stop us, please dont let them stop you
Come on you can do this xx
@ WE and Calpol25. Happy Sunday Morning guys!
As far as I know, no one is trying to knock anyone down, Cal. Both RM and I are simply attempting to keep misinformation from being spread by those who sport a title which tends to mislead newbies and veterans alike into believing the person giving the advice is somehow in-the-know as to how things really work here.
This is why the forum thread concerning the "Elite" designation given to the greeters was so heated, with "some" being banned in the process, while others survived unscathed. I'll give you one guess as to who fell into which category.
Cardisa's intentions to be helpful on this thread is merely one such example of how the title seems to embolden some of those so designated to assume their own methods and experiences here are somehow worthy of being touted as facts. It makes no difference whether the information they give is factual, or merely misguided speculation, as those with knowledge of what the word really stands for may mistakenly assume a mere greeter is recommending sound practices or giving correct interpretations of HP policy.
I applaud these greeters for their freely given time in welcoming new members to HP--I know most of them are good folks--but because they DO wear the title they should be aware of how what they say may tend to carry a greater weight than that of a much more experienced and successful writer who deigns not to become a greeter.
Of course, you may disagree with this as is your right to do so. Please feel free to correct me on my opinion if you believe it to be misguided.
I see Randy, I am sorry I did not see it your way but reading back through it all I know what you mean, so I am Sorry again
Hands up I am wrong x
Randy while I agree that maybe some persons might take what I say as "gospel" being that I am an Elite, that does not in any way mean that you need to insult me by stating that the badge emboldens me. I don't need an "e" on a profile on a website to embolden me Randy. I was posting in the forums long before wearing that "e" which you seem to have an issue with. How come you never paid me any mind before? I have been here 13 months and have been one of the most active in these forums yet you are assuming that "e" which I have only acquired less than 2 of those months, has embolden me.
Well, the way I see it, it was all originally explained with the qualifier of what different people have experience, yourself included. Furthermore, for newbies here, I doubt the "e" means anything. Most people are coming to the forums to read the comments. I didn't even notice the "e" until attention was drawn to it. Then, I have to take the time to scroll over it and see what it means. Would I normally do this? No, and I don't really know anyone who would, so it's a bunch of mountain out of mole hill to me. Now, if you would have come in and said "HubPages works in the following manner.." that'd be a different story.
In other news, I have found that the inverse was actually true--my better scoring hubs were seeing more outside traffic than inside. Took awhile to look into that. Scores seem to be on the rise again, so I'm guessing it all gets chalked up to adding too much in too short a span. It's be an interesting lesson, as it was an experiment to begin with.
In any event. Thank you Cardisa and the others who have stepped in and tried to help put a magnifying glass over the mystery.
My apologies, Cardisa. I have no idea what emboldens those who wish to give unsubstantiated advice to those confused on these forums. And you are indeed correct, it doesn't require a badge to do so.
And if you think I only "seem" to have an issue with the elite title then you aren't as observant as you "seem" to claim. It's difficult to believe you missed the entire forum thread concerning my views on the subject, but I suppose it is indeed possible. I also have no problem with your giving sound advice and applaud you for it when it occurs. And you probably know I used to follow you and other Elite before you guys asked for the title. I'm sorry we disagree on the misleading moniker, but there it is.
Ahem, to get back to the topic.
According to HubPages, HubberScore is "a composite of your HubScores as well as measurements of your general behavior on HubPages."
So (as I said), if you publish a lot of new Hubs, your HubberScore is bound to drop until the new Hubs reach a decent HubScore.
For each Hub, the HubScore is made up of:
1. Amount of traffic - including percentage from reputable sources other than HubPages
2. The reputation of the Hubber - your Hubber Score and contribution to the community
3. The response of readers to your Hub - including comments, thumbs up, etc.
4.The uniqueness of content
I'm surprised to see the second factor in there - it seems to create a kind of circular reference! That is, if you have good Hubs your Hubberscore benefits, but if you have a high Hubberscore, all your Hubs benefit. No wonder we have trouble figuring it out.
Marissa, I was about to say the same thing. As if diminishing returns wasn't enough, now reciprocal benefit and detriment.
by Kate Swanson 11 years ago
I'd like to suggest we get rid of Hubber Score - and perhaps even Hub Scores. They:- are constantly misunderstood;- cause a lot of upset and grief in the forums; and- encourage newbie Hubbers to direct their efforts in entirely wrong directionsFor instance, I've known newbie Hubbers stop...
by quiterandom 11 years ago
Really?What is the deal here?So confusing...
by Sondra Rochelle 9 years ago
For a good number of weeks my hubber score has hovered around the 100 mark. Two days ago it started falling, and as I write this, it is down to 89! If this keeps up, it will be 0 in a week! No rhyme or reason to it, but it leaves me wondering why this is happening. I know...
by Katherine Tyrrell 9 years ago
I've been making a screendump of my overall hub stats each day to try and keep track of what's going on so I can work out "what works on HubPages" and what doesn't. The aim is to determine some sort of priority about what to do next.Up until now I've been focused on the traffic data and...
by Audrey Hunt 10 years ago
Just had a big drop on my profile score. And all my hubs were featured along with a steady 10 Editors Choice. I say 'were' because 3 were just unfeatured and I don't know what to do about that. My views are over 945,000. Boo-hoo. Hubpages doesn't love me anymore!
by LindaSmith1 10 years ago
I took a hiatus for awhile from Hub Pages! However, in the past week or so, I have added new hubs participated in forums, asked a question or two, participated with the Hub Hopper, have read some Hubs, yet my Hubber Score is lower than it was when I was doing nothing. I don't get it!
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