Hi there, hopefully someone can help me, I finally just published my first hub, when I went through the tutorials I was not told that beside the blog in Hubpages i also need to have a main website. I do have one but I cannot use it to place AdSenses on it, first is not even published in Google yet and not finished, then I want to keep it free from ads and looking professional, what can I do?
Do i have to create another blog somewhere else in order to enroll in the AdSense program with my Hubpages blog?
If I do, can I publish same content as in my HubPages or will I be banned that way?
So is there any alternative?
Thank you so much all of you in advance
1. HubPages is not a blogging platform.
2. You do not have to have another website to use Hubpages.
3. You absolutely cannot use anything that is written somewhere else online here.
4. Write some hubs and apply for adsense after you have at least 5 or 6 high-quality hubs up and running.
5. Please visit the learning center and familiarize yourself with HP terms of service. http://hubpages.com/learningcenter/contents
Welcome and good luck
Hi Melissa, thank you so much for your reply
I will do that, but after I have 5 hubs I will still run into the same problem when enrolling in the AdSense program
Google Adsense does not accept any URL that is not www.name.com, so what will I give as "main website url" when asked in the Adsense profile form?
If I put my hub pages main url it will not be accepted
Any suggestion?
thank you so much
This should help...
You will use your profile url for hubpages.
Thanks again Melissa
What exactly is a hub? Is it a paragraph in a topic?
Or it is the whole topic? And how many words does it have to have?
Maybe I already have written few hubs!!!
Secondly, i did go through the link you sent me, thank you!!! but I still do not have the answer:
What URL name do I give when asked by Google: which is the url of your website"?
It only accepts www.name.com urls
I tried to put my ahappierlife.hubpages.com, but it did not accept it
So what shall I put in there to be accepted, if i do not have a website? www.hubpages.com?
Thank you so much
melissa gave you the link you need above; I suggest that you read the whole of the learning center as you obviously need some basic help.
Yes I agree, I will go through that again, however I have a very specific question to which I have gotten contradictory replies, some say I NEED A MAIN, website, beside HubPage profile site, in order to enroll in Google AdSense program, some others say it is not necessary
I have gone through the process few times, but Google requires of me to have a main webiste with www.com, to be be able to be accepted
I have not found the answer anywhere yet,
Thank you
I have no website. I used my hubpages profile address to get my adsense.
Thank you Melissa, sorry for the multiple questions, I apologize
I am so glad to hear that, so I must have missed something or so, so i will try again and when asked for a www.name.com I will try to put my profile site url in there and I am hoping that this time it will let me finish
Thanks a lot
If you do complete and submit the application right now you will likely be declined anyway. Your account doesn't have enough hubs.
Thank you to all,
I went through again the Learning Center tutorials, Ok I will do as you and Ankitharrytom suggest, thank you, before trying to apply to Google AdSense again, I will write 4 more Hubs, it makes sense!
Question: Does the subject of each Hub has to be completely different from each other, not the content, just the subject, can I still write about the one thing i like most, but in a different contest? Like the power of mind, but different aspects of it, in each Hub?
Or does it have to be a totally different topic, like food or cooking or?
Thank you
You need to use the link in your HubPages account to sign up for Adsense through HubPages.
If you have a TLD, only then you can directly use the sign up form from Adsense page.
Also, as Melissa said, if you submit your application now, you would be rejected outright. Write 5-10 quality Hubs (articles on HubPages are called Hubs) and then apply for Adsense.
Are you trying to sign up from the Google Adsense site or through Hubpages (>My Account, as described in the linked article)?
I did not have to use "www" in signing up, and I don't understand where you have been told that it is necessary.
I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to reply to my post, thank you all
Where I was told that I need a main web site with a dot com url was while I was filling in the Google Adsense form, after I registered, Google opened up a pop window insisting that I need another website first in order to continue, as i did not have it, the red error warning would come up over and over repeating I need a first main website url ending in .com
But I will try again after I write more hubs and see it it goes through for me
Another important point that is easy to overlook in the beginning - since there is so much here to read and absorb - is that you should sign up for Adsense through HubPages, since you don't already have an Adsense account.
That is, instead of going to the Google Adsense page and trying to sign up there, you will sign in here to HubPages, go to >My Account>Earnings>Settings and then go from there, following the directions.
But, as you have already indicated, you will need to publish several other Hubs first.
Reading through this thread are almost unbelievable.
I find it interesting that people continue to say that Google Adsense looks as what you've published already online before allowing you to become a Publisher.
It's wrong. When I originally signed up for HubPages, I had no problem getting Google Adsense to give me a Publisher's ID without having anything published. Google Adsense does or might have a waiting period for some people, but that's completely dependent on where you live.
To write a hub? You can choose the topic and write whatever content which you think applies to the topic. This is done by clicking on Start a New Hub at the top of every page. HubPages has some topics which are saturated to the extent that unless your page is professional in appearance and it's content is solidly written. Otherwise, HubPages will prevent you from publishing hubs in specific topics.
I think you may be out of date Cragsil. The do now definitely look at the site and deny users with little or no content on their site.
To answer some of your other questions: A Hub is one article (not a blog post) and it usually does best with 800-1500 words, although there are some instances when a different number of words might work or might be advisable.
Your Hubs do not all have to be on the same topic, but some of the discussions here (in the forums) recently have advised focusing on one topic per account, and using different accounts for different topics. That practice is allowed here, but it is certainly not a requirement to have different accounts for different topics.
You do (absolutely!) need search-engine-friendly Hub titles. Giving your existing Hub the same name as your account will honestly not help in any way. Think of what a reader might type into a search engine in order to find your Hub, and that will give you a better idea of what title to use.
The title of a Hub can be changed, but the URL cannot be. I did not check the URL of your Hub, but if it is the same (that is, essentially the same as your account name), I would advise you to copy all of the information in it (which I haven't looked at yet - so, I don't know whether it's a good Hub or not), delete the current Hub and start over again with a more appropriate URL and Hub title.
I looked at your profile and saw that your training is in Neurolinguistics, and I am very eager (putting it mildly) to read any Hubs you will write on that topic!
Thank you, that is very encouraging of you! Hope what i write will be able to put a smile on your face and gives you uplifting vibes, thats the purpose!
Here is my url aHappierLife.hubpages.com
Do you think that is a weird one and that is why Google Adsense did not accept it? LOL It is my first time doing something like this so I do not know
my title is Learn to Eliminate Self Sabotage, which is different from my url, so hope is fine
What is your url?
Thank you!!!!!
Well, you are welcome, if I have actually helped any.
I think that there is some confusion about terminology, so I will break it down a bit more for you.
Your account name is aHappierLife and the account or profile URL is
http://ahappierlife.hubpages.com/ . And no, the "weirdness" factor (it's not really weird, by the way) has absolutely nothing to do with why Google did not accept it. The reason for that is what several of us have explained previously in this thread.
Your currently published Hub currently has the title aHappierLife, with the URL of http://ahappierlife.hubpages.com/hub/aHappierLife .
The first heading within your (currently only) Hub is: Learn to Eliminate Self-Sabotage.
Your Hubs will need to have different titles. (This is another topic that has been discussed in the forums recently.) That is, you will be "self-sabotaging" (lol) if you give all of your Hubs the title "aHappierLife"; the URLS of course could not be identical; but even if you made them different by adding a 1, 2, 3, etc., it would still upset Google.
Your best bet, I believe, would be to copy all of the text in the Hub (unless you already have it stored elsewhere, such as in a Word doc), delete the Hub, and start over again. This time, on the first page - where you first start creating a new Hub - give your Hub the title "Learn to Eliminate Self-Sabotage." That would automatically create the URL http://ahappierlife.hubpages.com/hub/ learn-to-eliminate-self-sabotage (at least, I think that's the way the hyphens show up); you could keep that URL, or you could delete the "learn-to-" portion, so that it would be http://ahappierlife.hubpages.com/hub/ eliminate-self-sabotage . (I added a space in both of those URLs in order to make them show up in full. Of course, in a real URL, the space would not be there!)
Does this make sense? I know that there was an enormous amount about online publishing and about HubPages that I did not understand when I was just three days in, here at HP. Don't be afraid to ask more questions, but also understand that a lot of the information you need is available in the Learning Center too. It can just be overwhelming to try to take it all in at one time.
You are wonderful, thank you so much
Yes you are right, it makes all sense now, wow, it could be seen as a spam!
Yes I guess that is the only way how to resolve this little inconvenient how come I did not see this before? LOL
Thank you for the encouraging words, yes it is overwhelming, lots and lots of info, oh believe me, i am constantly reading in the Learning center, and checking new tutorials in there, but it seems it never ends LOL
I ll let you know how it goes, thanks for taking the time to explain it so clearly
Also, one more thing, are you also experiencing the same problem today?
I just went to Earning>Settings and then clicked on the first 3 links(Google Ad programs, Google Ad Sense and so) just to see if it was still working, but it takes me to an error page, today, that says that PAGE DOES NOT EXISTS 410, ,
Are you also having the same problem?
Do you have any idea of why this is happening, is it part of Hubpages troubleshooting that happens here and then? Or is it just me?
Thanks again
I'll have to check to see about that, and I'll report back. I'm not sure whether that specific page would only be available if you already have an Adsense account (and that would explain the problem); but I'll check and let you know what I find.
PS - I forgot to add - you can access my account, or anyone else's, by clicking on the username next to my picture ("Aficionada"). You can hover the browser over that name and look at the bottom left of your computer screen to see the URL for my account (or do the same for anyone else's). You can do the same thing with any hyperlink.
If I understand correctly what you have said then, yes, I was right. Those links would take you to the information about an existing Adsense or Hubpages Ad Program account. Since you don't have those yet, the pages do not exist.
When you have published your 5 or so Hubs and are ready to apply again, you will go to >My Account>Earnings>Settings - but then, you would need to look for the button that says "Get Started" (I believe! - sometimes terminology changes), click it and then follow the instructions.
In reviewing information in the Learning Center, I was reminded that they say "quality" is more important than "quantity" of Hubs in applying. But it will be easier for Google to judge the quality, if you have more than just 1-2 Hubs to start with, so I would still recommend having at least 5 good Hubs on your account before you apply again.
I wish I knew how to help some more, but I'm honestly getting into territory where my understanding is much more fuzzy. I hope someone else will come along and add some insight.
In the meantime, though, I'm pretty sure it's not a good idea to include your actual Publisher number here. You can edit your post (look at the bottom right of the post and click on Edit) - but this option will go away after some time, so do it soon. Sometimes people give the first few digits of their number and then add "XXX" or "***" or something similar, if they are referring to that number.
I won't be in the forums for much longer today. I'll check back later this evening or tomorrow to see if you've gotten things worked out. Good luck!
Thank you
I deleted the whole post, I do not think anybody would know the answer anyhow,
I went to read your hub, very nice, I like it, i also went to read your profile, very impressive How come you were able to be and study in Germany? Do you come from Germany? Are you also European?
I like what you do, must be fun!!!
you have been on hubpages for 2 years!! wow, 72 hubs, need to check them out
About me I guess I am stuck, with Google Ad Sense because of this incomplete application pending somewhere, so I guess have to wait and see,
I might actually maybe just restart again my Hubs under a different email address, huuuu! so much work
Have a good day
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