Looking at Hub Traffic Graphs

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  1. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 8 years ago




    I was looking at several Hubs this morning that are doing very well and seeing if I could spot patterns.

    - They are mostly deep guides like 87 ways to .....
    - The intent is to inform
    - People stay on these pages for several minutes.
    - About 80% of the top 1000 Hubs have been through HubPro.  That appears to help a lot.

    1. Robie Benve profile image95
      Robie Benveposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I find interesting to see how google searches create the minority of the views. Pinterest is a major source, and the reddish "others" seem to be really making the difference.

      1. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
        Paul Edmondsonposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        The vast majority of traffic is from google to these hubs, but Pinterest can be a good source as well.

  2. God shet profile image61
    God shetposted 8 years ago

    Hi there, again!

    ".. starting with Hubs that receive the highest traffic is a logical first step in achieving this goal. In the beta, our editors will only be editing a small percentage of Hubs, but this is just the beginning. We have big plans for editing in the future— stay tuned!"

    looking forward to the 'big plans', as well :-)

    http://blog.hubpages.com/2014/07/31/int … bpro-beta/

  3. janderson99 profile image54
    janderson99posted 8 years ago

    The overall traffic results are not very encouraging. Apart from a spike, no sign of a Panda reprieve yet. Time will tell I guess, but I was hoping for an early sign. 3 month Quantcast graph below


    1. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
      Paul Edmondsonposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The topline has been flat since May, but there is a ton happening under the covers.  It's kind of incredible the swing in traffic many of the top Hubs see from week to week.  6 of the top 10 saw increases week over week with the average change up about 20%.  Of the 4 that were down, they avg down about 4 - 5%.

      We should measure the volatility week over week so people can see how much things are changing.

      1. janderson99 profile image54
        janderson99posted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry, I am not sure why you are focusing on 10 hubs out of 838,137 published, Surely the big picture is more important.

        Do you envisage the overall traffic increasing over the next 6 months due to the overall increase in quality. Also, does HP have plans to hive off Hubpro and better performing hubs into a separate site in the near future?

        1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image89
          Patty Inglish, MSposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          An new site? What new site?

          1. janderson99 profile image54
            janderson99posted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Hubpro was implemented at great cost, to make HP Panda Free and thereby lift overall traffic. It focuses on high traffic hubs.

            What happens if this strategy is shown not to work and the traffic increase, hoped for as an outcome, does not occur? Recent focus has been on high traffic hubs. But traffic remains static.

            1. janderson99 profile image54
              janderson99posted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Hubpro has been going for 12 months now.

  4. Chriswillman90 profile image92
    Chriswillman90posted 8 years ago

    The chart above looks fairly steady, so I'll take that over a strong decline. Perhaps we'll start to see a spike as we move out of summer soon.

  5. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 8 years ago

    HubPro is a long term quality improvement service.  It's not a quick fix.  Since we have implemented it, our view weighted ratings have steadily increased.  30% of traffic has been edited.  So, my early estimates were around the 60% of total traffic edited we could start to see site wide gains.  We will see how it plays out.  At a minimum we know the average reader coming to HubPages is becoming more satisfied as we HubPro Hub by Hub.

    HubPro is just one side of it.  The QAP keeps lower quality content out, traffic thresholds un-feature content every day and we are continually modding the site.  All of these services need to be tuned, but it's clear that overall quality is improving.  The overall corpus of content in Google's index is much smaller than it once was and the content that remains is higher quality.

    There are other efforts to be announced soon!

    1. God shet profile image61
      God shetposted 8 years agoin reply to this


  6. makingamark profile image71
    makingamarkposted 8 years ago

    A number of comments

    1) I'm having difficulty relating the the dates on the x axis of the charts to the dates that those hubs were edited since the data is not supplied and at least one shows an increase which seems to predate the introduction of HubPro.

    2) How about some numbers e.g. how many hubs have been edited as a percentage of the total hubs and what's the average percentage increase in traffic. I'd expect a normal distribution curve i.e. some do very well, some don't move a lot and an awful lot improve somewhere between these two extremes

    3) I took content off HubPages and put it on a new website I created dedicated to one topic (related to the hubs which HubPages decided it didn't want to publish - but which historically have done well) and then quadrupled traffic in the space of three months compared to old Squidoo traffic and HubPages traffic. The traffic is also still going up as the website becomes better known. 

    In other words paying attention to how best to present content almost always results in better traffic and some options are better than others for how to do this.

    So if we are saying working on content and licking it into better shape tends to improve traffic - then I'd agree with that. However I'm not sure HubPages has got a proper 'control' for comparative data purposes and assessing the overall effectiveness of HubPro.


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