How to overcome resistance to change

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  1. Sally's Trove profile image77
    Sally's Troveposted 15 years ago

    How to overcome resistance to change

  2. IslandVoice profile image68
    IslandVoiceposted 15 years ago

    All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.  ~Anatole France
    I still remember the time when my husband had asked me to help... read more

  3. socio-literature profile image62
    socio-literatureposted 14 years ago

    According to me four basic requirements for overcome resistance to change are...
    1.Problem – There must be a recognized reason to change.  If the you feels no pain in maintaining the status quo, there is no fundamental reason to consider change.

    2.Vision – There must be a vision of what the improved state should look like.  Without such a view into the future state, people will be stuck feeling both the pain of the issue and the frustration of feeling that it cannot be improved.

    3.Action – It is usually the case that the vision of the future is too difficult to achieve in a single step.  Unless it is possible to define that next step to move closer to the vision, people are usually unable to break the inertial pull of inaction.  Breaking down the path to the vision overcomes this problem.  Interestingly enough, it is often the case that the full path doesn’t need to be defined.  Knowing the next step provides enough confidence in the future to make it seem possible.

    Cost – The pain of change must be perceived as lower than the pain that is being removed through change.

  4. emohealer profile image67
    emohealerposted 14 years ago

    There are already some great answers to this question.  I would just like to add my recent article, "How to change an attiude or perspective"  to add to the options list.  Thanks for asking the question, I hope all of these answers can make the adapatability of inevitable change a more comfortable experience.

  5. profile image57
    foreignpressposted 13 years ago

    As mentioned earlier, "change" must be identified to those resisting. Then -- and this is where things fail -- the change must be implemented SLOWLY and in small increments.
    A classic example is the Obama administration. They (Pelosi, Reid, Frank) are trying to implement change almost overnight (like in 19 months) and it simply won't happen. And the Nov. 2 elections indicated just that. Nationalized healthcare, for example, happened so fast that lawmakers didn't even read the bill! They just signed it! That only created more resistance to change. It also pointed to ulterior motives by those creating the change.
    So take it slow and make certain all the negatives are addressed before moving forward.

  6. drbj profile image79
    drbjposted 12 years ago

    One of the best ways to overcome resistance is to switch to a 'what if?' frame of mind instead of 'either or.' You can learn more about how to do that in my hub:  "How to Overcome the Negative Trait of RESISTANCE."


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